Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide

What's New in This Release

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Administration Tool Basics

Administration Tool User Interface Components

Online and Offline Repository Modes

Checking the Consistency of a Repository or a Business Model

Checking In Changes

Setting Preferences

Using the Options Dialog Box—General Tab

Using the Options Dialog Box—Repository Tab

Using the Options Dialog Box—Sort Objects Tab

Using the Options Dialog Box—Cache Manager Tab

Using the Options Dialog Box—More Tab

Setting Permissions for Repository Objects

Editing, Deleting, and Reordering Objects in the Repository

Displaying and Updating Row Counts for Tables and Columns

Using the Browse Dialog Box

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Planning and Creating a Siebel Business Analytics Repository

Roadmap for Planning and Setting Up an Analytics Repository

Process of Analytics Repository Planning and Design

About Repository Planning and Design

Planning Your Business Model

Identifying the Database Content For The Business Model

Guidelines For Designing a Repository

Creating a New Analytics Repository File

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Creating and Administering the Physical Layer in a Repository

Process of Creating the Physical Layer from Relational Data Sources

Importing a Physical Schema from Relational Data Sources

Process of Creating the Physical Layer from Multidimensional Data Sources

Importing a Physical Schema from Multidimensional Data Sources

Setting Up Database Objects

About Database Types in the Physical Layer

Creating a Database Object Manually in the Physical Layer

Specifying SQL Features Supported by a Database

Setting Up Connection Pools

Creating or Changing Connection Pools

Setting Up Connection Pool Properties for Multidimensional Data Sources

Setting Up Additional Connection Pool Properties for an XML Data Source

Setting Up the Persist Connection Pool Property

About Physical Tables

Creating and Setting Up Physical Tables

Creating and Administering General Properties for a Physical Table

Viewing Data in Physical Tables or Columns

Creating and Administering Columns and Keys in a Physical Table

Setting Up Hierarchies in the Physical Layer for a Multidimensional Data Source

Setting Physical Table Properties for an XML Data Source

Creating Physical Layer Folders

Creating Catalog Folders

Creating Schema Folders

Using a Variable to Specify the Name of a Catalog or Schema

Setting Up Display Folders in the Physical Layer

About Physical Joins

Defining Physical Foreign Keys and Joins

Defining Physical Foreign Keys or Complex Joins with the Joins Manager

Defining Physical Joins in the Physical Diagram

Using Database Hints

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Creating and Administering the Business Model and Mapping Layer in a Repository

About Creating the Business Model and Mapping Layer

Creating Business Model Objects

Duplicate Business Model and Presentation Catalog

Creating and Administering Logical Tables

Creating Logical Tables

Specifying a Primary Key in a Logical Table

Reviewing Foreign Keys for a Logical Table

Creating and Administering Logical Columns

Creating and Moving a Logical Column

Setting Default Levels of Aggregation for Measure Columns

Associating an Attribute with a Logical Level in Dimension Tables

Creating and Administering Logical Table Sources (Mappings)

Creating or Removing a Logical Table Source

Defining Physical to Logical Table Source Mappings

Defining Content of Logical Table Sources

About Dimensions and Hierarchical Levels

Process of Creating and Administering Dimensions

Creating Dimensions

Creating Dimension Levels and Keys

Creating Dimensions Automatically

Setting Up Dimension-Specific Aggregate Rules for Logical Columns

Setting Up Display Folders in the Business Model and Mapping Layer

Defining Logical Joins

Defining Logical Joins with the Joins Manager

Defining Logical Joins with the Business Model Diagram

Specifying a Driving Table

Identifying Physical Tables That Map to Logical Objects

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Creating and Maintaining the Presentation Layer in a Repository

Creating the Presentation Layer in the Repository

Presentation Layer Objects

Working with Presentation Catalogs

Working with Presentation Tables

Working with Presentation Columns

Using the Alias Tab of Presentation Layer Dialog Boxes

Generating an XML File from a Presentation Table

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Completing Setup and Managing Repository Files

Process of Completing the Setup for a Repository File

Saving the Repository and Checking Consistency

Add an Entry in the NQSConfig.INI File

Create the Data Source

Start the Analytics Server

Test and Refine the Repository

Publish to User Community

Importing from Another Repository

Querying and Managing Repository Metadata

Constructing a Filter for Query Results

Comparing Repositories

Merging Analytics Repositories

Exporting Analytics Metadata to IBM DB2 Cube Views

Creating an Analytics Multiuser Development Environment

Setting Up an Analytics Multiuser Development Environment

Making Changes in an Analytics Multiuser Development Environment

Setting Up the Repository to Work with Delivers

About the SA System Subject Area

Setting Up the SA System Subject Area

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Setting Up Mobile Analytics

About Mobile Analytics

Mobile Analytics Architecture (Server and Laptop)

Installing Mobile Analytics

Process of Deploying Mobile Analytics Applications

About the Mobile Directory Structure

Creating and Testing Tables and Indexes in the SQL Anywhere Database

Creating and Storing the Mobile Analytics Repository

Assign the Mobile Database Type and Connection Pool

Testing and Storing the Mobile Repository

Creating the Mobile Web Catalog

Defining Sourcing Queries for Mobile Analytics

Creating the Mobile Application Configuration File

Create the Application Configuration File for Mobile Analytics

Data Set Definitions

Preparing Mobile Analytics Applications for Deployment

Testing and Deploying Mobile Analytics

Testing Mobile Analytics Applications

Testing the Installation Processes

Installing an Application Using Disconnected Analytics Application Manager

Installing a Mobile Analytics Application Silently

Deleting Mobile Analytics Applications

Setting Up Mobile Machines to Operate in Silent Mode

Synchronizing Mobile Analytics Applications

About Preprocessed Synchronization

About Incremental Synchronization

Synchronizing Mobile Analytics in the Background (Silent Mode)

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Administration Tool Utilities and Expression Builder

Utilities and Wizards

Time Series Wizard

Synchronize Aliases

Replace Columns or Tables Wizard

Siebel Business Analytics Event Tables

Externalize Strings

Rename Wizard

Update Physical Layer Wizard

Generating Documentation of Repository Mappings

Removing Unused Physical Objects

Extracting Analytics Metadata Using Dependency Tracking

Expression Builder

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Setting Up Fragmentation Content for Aggregate Navigation

About Aggregate Navigation

Specify Fragmentation Content

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Administering the Query Environment

Starting the Analytics Server (Siebel Analytics Server Service)

Starting the Server from Windows Services

Configuring the Server for Automatic Startup in Windows

Running the Analytics Server Startup Script in UNIX

Changing the User ID in Which the Analytics Server Runs

If the Server Fails to Start

Shutting Down the Analytics Server

Shutting Down the Server in Windows Services

Shutting Down the Server from a Command Prompt in Windows

Running the Analytics Server Shutdown Script in UNIX

Shutting Down the Analytics Server Using the Administration Tool

Getting Users to Connect to the Server

Administering the Query Log

Administering Usage Tracking

Setting Up Direct Insertion to Collect Information for Usage Tracking

Setting Up a Log File to Collect Information for Usage Tracking

Server Session Management

Server Configuration and Tuning

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Query Caching in the Analytics Server

About the Analytics Server Query Cache

Query Cache Architecture

Configuring Query Caching

Monitoring and Managing the Cache

Purging Cache Programmatically

Strategies for Using the Cache

Cache Event Processing with an Event Polling Table

Setting Up Event Polling Tables on the Physical Databases

Making the Event Polling Table Active

Populating the Analytics Server Event Polling Table

Troubleshooting Problems with an Event Polling Table

Making Changes to a Repository

Using the Cache Manager

Displaying Global Cache Information

Purging Cache

About the Refresh Interval for XML Data Sources

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Connectivity and Third-Party Tools

Configuring Analytics ODBC Data Source Names (DSNs)

Third-Party Tools and Relational Data Source Adapters

Importing Metadata

Using IBM DB2 Cube Views with Siebel Business Analytics

About Using IBM DB2 Cube Views with Siebel Business Analytics

Generating the Import Files

Process of Deploying Cube Metadata

ODBC Conformance Level

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Using Variables in the Analytics Repository

Using the Variable Manager

Using Repository Variables

About Session Variables

Creating New Variables

Using Initialization Blocks

Creating and Editing Initialization Blocks

Tasks Using the Initialization Block Dialog Box—Variable Tab

Execution Precedence

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Clustering Analytics Servers

About the Cluster Server Feature

Components of the Cluster Server Feature

Implementing the Cluster Server Feature

Chronology of a Cluster Operation

Using the Cluster Manager

Viewing Cluster Information

Managing Clustered Servers

Performance Considerations

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Security in Siebel Business Analytics

Analytics Security Manager

Working with Users

Working with Groups

Importing Users and Groups from LDAP

Authentication Options

Setting Up LDAP Authentication

Setting Up External Table Authentication

Setting Up Database Authentication

About Delivers and Database Authentication

Maintaining Analytics Server Internal Authentication

Order of Authentication

Bypassing Analytics Server Security

Managing Query Execution Privileges

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Using XML as a Data Source for Siebel Business Analytics

Locating the XML URL

Using the Analytics Server XML Gateway

Analytics Server XML Gateway Example

Accessing HTML Tables

Using the Data Mining Adapter


XML ODBC Example

XML Examples





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SQL Reference

SQL Syntax and Semantics

SELECT Query Specification Syntax

SELECT Usage Notes

SELECT List Syntax

Rules for Queries with Aggregate Functions

SQL Logical Operators

Conditional Expressions

SQL Reference

Aggregate Functions

Running Aggregate Functions

String Functions

Math Functions

Calendar Date/Time Functions

Conversion Functions

System Functions

Expressing Literals

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Usage Tracking Data Descriptions and Using the Log File Method

Create Table Scripts for Usage Tracking Data

Loading Usage Tracking Tables with Log Files

Description of the Usage Tracking Data

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Pharma Mobile Analytics Administration Reference

Sourcing Reports for Pharma Mobile Analytics

Data Sets for Pharma Mobile Analytics

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Mobile Analytics Configuration File Reference

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Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide, Version 7.8.2, Rev A