Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide > Setting Up Mobile Analytics > Creating the Mobile Application Configuration File >

Create the Application Configuration File for Mobile Analytics

You create a unique application configuration file for each Mobile Analytics application. For information about where the application configuration file is stored, see About the Mobile Directory Structure.

NOTE:  If you purchased Mobile Analytics to use with your Pharma application, the application configuration file is preconfigured.

This section contains the following topics to help you create an application configuration file for your mobile applications:

Example of the Application Configuration File Structure (Retail.xml)

This section contains an example for you to use when creating your application configuration files in XML format. This example uses the retail.xml file to illustrate frequently used tags and attributes. Following the example of the retail.xml file is a table containing an explanations of each tag and attribute in the order in which they appear in the file. Table 29 contains descriptions of the tags and attributes in this example.



<application name="Retail"








displayname="Retail Database Application"






<repository name="Retail.rpd"/>


<webcatalog name="Retail.webcat"/>


<displayname lang="en" value="Retail Database Application"/>


<displayname lang="es" value="La Aplicación de la Base de datos al Por Menor"/>













<data dir="data" catalogfolder="/shared/Mobile/Retail">

























































<displayname lang="en" value="Retail Data Set"/>



<displayname lang="es" value="La Colección de Datos al Por Menor"/>



<table name="Product">



<sourcingreport name="Product" file="Product.csv"/>



<tablesql name="Product.sql"/>



<indexsql name="ProductIdx.sql"/>















<table name="Store">




<sourcingreport name="Store" file="Store.csv"/>




<tablesql name="Store.sql"/>








<table name="SalesFact">



<sourcingreport name="SalesFact" file="SalesFact.csv"/>



<tablesql name="SalesFact.sql"/>





































Descriptions of Tags and Attributes in the Retail.xml Configuration File

Table 29 contains an explanation of each tag and attribute in the retail.xml file. The tags and attributes are listed in the order in which they appear in the example file. All tags and properties must be in lowercase. For a more complete list of XML tags that you might want to use in your configuration file, see Mobile Analytics Configuration File Reference.

Table 29. Description of Tags and Attributes in the Retail.xml Configuration File
<Tag> or Attribute


This tag brackets the entire file and identifies it as a mobile application configuration file.


This tag identifies the mobile application. The <application> tag can have child tags such as <repository> and <webcatalog>. Additionally, the <application> tag can have multiple <displayname> child tags. For more information, see the description of the <displayname> child tag in this table. For more information, see Mobile Application Metadata Directory.


This attribute for the <application> tag identifies the application's internal name. This internal name is the same name as the mobile application directory (Retail in this example). The mobile application configuration file (Retail.xml in this example) resides in this directory.


This attribute for the <application> tag identifies the application's default descriptive name that appears in the Disconnected Analytics Application Manager and on Siebel Business Analytics Web's Mobile page of the enterprise server.


This attribute for the <application> tag identifies the mobile application metadata directory.

<repository> (child of <application tag>)

A child tag of the <application> tag. This child tag identifies the mobile application repository that is downloaded to the mobile machine during synchronization.

<webcatalog> (child of <application tag>)

A child tag of the <application> tag. This child tag identifies the mobile application Web Catalog that is downloaded to the mobile machine during synchronization.

<displayname> (child of <application tag>)

The <application> tag can also have multiple <displayname> child tags, each of which identifies the application's descriptive name in a specified language. The descriptive name appears in the Disconnected Analytics Application Manager and on the Siebel Business Analytics Web Mobile page of the enterprise server.




For the <displayname> child tag, the lang attribute identifies the language, and the value attribute identifies the descriptive name. When users log in to Siebel Business Analytics Web, they specify their choice of language.

For example, in the retail application, a user that chooses English sees a display name of Retail Database Application. A user that chooses Spanish sees La Aplicación de la Base de datos al Por Menor. A user that chooses any other language would see the default display name specified by the displayname attribute for the <application> tag.


This tag identifies all data downloaded to the mobile machine as part of synchronization. For more information, see Mobile Application Data Directory.


This attribute for the <data> tag identifies the mobile application data directory.


This attribute for the <data> tag identifies the full path of the folder in the enterprise Web Catalog that contains the sourcing queries for the application. In this example, all sourcing queries for the retail application reside in the following web catalog folder:



This tag identifies a unit of synchronization. All tables specified in a data set are sent to the mobile machine as an inseparable package during synchronization.


This attribute for the <dataset> tag identifies the internal name of the data set.


This attribute for the <dataset> tag indicates the order in which data sets will appear in the advanced area of the Disconnected Analytics Application Manager and the order in which the Disconnected Analytics Application Manager will process those data sets. The rank attribute must be a non-negative integer. The retail.xml example contains a single data set with a rank of 1.


This attribute for the <dataset> tag identifies the type of validation performed on the data set. In this case, the Disconnected Analytics Application Manager will perform date-based validation (verifying that the current date precedes a specified expiration date). For more information, see the expiry attribute description in this table.


This attribute for the <dataset> tag indicates if the data set should be downloaded by default during the first synchronization of the data set family on a given mobile machine. For related information, see the syncdefaultsubsequenttimes attribute description in this table.


The syncdefaultsubsequenttimes attribute for the <dataset> tag indicates if the data set should be downloaded by default during subsequent sync operations of the data set family on that same mobile machine. For related information, see the syncdefaultfirsttime attribute description in this table.


This attribute for the <dataset> tag identifies the name of the subject area in the repository of the enterprise server associated with the mobile application. Siebel Business Analytics Web on the enterprise server uses this name when storing filters for the application in the Web Catalog of the enterprise server.

<displayname> (child of <dataset tag>)

This child tag identifies the descriptive name of the data set in a specified language. The <dataset> tag can have multiple <displayname> child tags, each identifying the descriptive name of the data set in a different language. This descriptive name appears in the advanced area of the Disconnected Analytics Application Manager and on the Mobile Filter page of Siebel Business Analytics Web on the enterprise server. Users that choose a language not specified in one of the <displayname> tags will see the data set internal name (Retail in this example).


This tag identifies a SQL table created on the mobile machine as part of a data set. In the retail application example, two dimension tables and a fact table were created. Each table has a separate <table> tag, and each <table> tag can have several child tags, including <sourcingreport>, <tablesql>, and <indexsql>.

NOTE:  In the <table> tag for the Product table, there is a sourcing query (report) also called Product. The output from that query goes to a file called Product.csv. During synchronization, the Disconnected Analytics Application Manager creates the Product table on the mobile machine using the script file Product.sql, and creates any associated indexes using the script file ProductIdx.sql. After creating the table and its indexes, the Disconnected Analytics Application Manager populates the table from the Product.csv file.

<sourcingreport> (child of <table> tag)

This child tag identifies the sourcing query (report) used to generate the table's data.

<tablesql> (child of <table> tag)

This child tag identifies the script file used to create the SQL table on the mobile machine.

<indexsql> (child of <table> tag)

This child tag identifies the script file used to create one or more indexes for the table.

Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide