Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide > Completing Setup and Managing Repository Files > Creating an Analytics Multiuser Development Environment >

Setting Up an Analytics Multiuser Development Environment

When developers check out projects, the Administration Tool automatically copies and overwrites files in the background. Therefore, it is important for you to perform setup tasks and for the developers to perform check-out procedures carefully, paying close attention to the messages that appear.

To prepare for multiuser development, you need to perform the following tasks:

Creating Projects for a Multiuser Development Environment

A project consists of a discretely-defined subset of the metadata. Projects can consist of Presentation layer catalogs and their associated business model logical facts, dimensions, groups, users, variables, and initialization blocks.

The Administrator creates projects in a repository and copies this repository to a shared network directory. A best practice is to create projects of manageable size based on individual logical stars in the business model. For Siebel Business Analytics projects that are just beginning, the best practice is to begin with a repository with all the necessary physical table and join definitions. In this repository, you create a logical fact table as a placeholder in the Business Model and Mapping layer and a place-holder presentation catalog as a placeholder in the Presentation layer. As you add business model and presentation catalog metadata, new projects based on individual presentation catalogs and logical facts can be created.

When creating a project, the administrator selects a presentation catalog or a subset of logical fact tables related to the selected presentation catalog, and the Administration Tool automatically adds any business model and physical layer objects that are related. An object can be part of multiple projects.

After you create projects, they become part of the metadata and are available to multiple developers who need to perform development tasks on the same master repository. When defined this way, projects typically become a consistent repository after a developer checks out the projects and saves them as a new repository file.

NOTE:  Only one person at a time can create projects in a master repository.

To create a project for a multiuser development environment

  1. In the Administration Tool menu, choose File > Open > Offline.
  2. In the Open dialog box, select the repository that you want to make available for multiuser development, and then click OK.
  3. In the Administration Tool menu, choose Manage > Projects.
  4. In the Project Manager dialog box, in the right panel, right-click and then select New Project.

    The left pane contains the objects that are available to be placed in a project. The right pane contains the objects that you select to be part of the project.

  5. In the Project dialog box, type a name for the project.
  6. Perform one of the following steps to finish creating the project:
    • In the Project dialog box, select one or more logical fact tables within the business model that are related to the presentation catalog and then click Add.

      The project is defined as explicitly containing the logical fact tables and implicitly containing all logical dimension tables that are joined to the selected logical fact tables (even though they do not appear in the right pane).

    • In the Project dialog box, select a presentation catalog and then click Add.

      The Administration Tool automatically adds all the logical fact tables.

  7. To remove any fact table from the project, in the right pane, select the fact table and click Remove.
  8. Add any Target Levels, List Catalogs, Catalogs, Groups, Users, Variables, or Initialization Blocks needed for the project.
  9. Click OK.

After you define all projects and set up the shared network directory, you can upload the new master repository to a shared network drive that all developers can access.

Set Up the Shared Network Directory

The administrator needs to identify or create a shared network directory that all developers can access and copy the appropriate repository files to that location as described in the following list:

Create a shared network directory that will be used only for multiuser development for the master repository. This directory typically contains copies of repositories that need to be maintained by multiple developers. Developers create a pointer to this directory when they set up the Administration Tool on their machines.

CAUTION:  The administrator must set up a separate, shared network directory that is dedicated to multiuser development. If not set up and used as specified, critical repository files can be unintentionally overwritten and repository data can be lost.

Copy the Master Repository to the Shared Network Directory

Make a copy of the master repository file and paste it in the directory that you have dedicated to multiuser development. Projects from this master repository will be extracted and downloaded by the developers who will make changes and then merge these changes back into the master repository.

After you copy the repository to the shared network directory, you can notify developers that the multiuser development environment is ready to use.

Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide