Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide > Creating and Administering the Physical Layer in a Repository > Creating and Setting Up Physical Tables >

Creating and Administering General Properties for a Physical Table

Use the General tab of the Physical Table dialog box to create or edit a physical table in the Physical layer of the Administration Tool.

To create a physical table or edit general properties for the table

  1. In the Physical layer of the Administration Tool, perform one of the following steps:
    • To create a physical table, right-click the physical database and choose New Object > Physical Table.
    • To create a physical cube table for a multidimensional data source, right-click the physical database and choose New Object > Physical Cube Table.
    • To edit an existing physical table, double-click the physical table icon.
  2. In the selected Physical Table dialog box, complete the fields using Table 16 as a guide.
Table 16. Physical Table General Properties


The administrator assigns a name to the new table.

Repository Object Name

The name of the table and its associated path.

  • When referencing an XML data source, this field displays the fully qualified name of a table used in an XML document.
  • When referencing a multidimensional data source, this field displays the name of the source cube name from the multidimensional data source.

Make table cacheable

To include the table in the Analytics Server query cache, select the check box. When you select this check box, the Cache persistence time settings become active. This is useful for OLTP data sources and other data sources that are updated frequently. Typically, you should check this option for most tables.

Cache persistence time

How long table entries should persist in the query cache. The default value is Infinite, meaning that cache entries do not automatically expire. However, this does not mean that an entry will always remain in the cache. Other invalidation techniques, such as manual purging, LRU (Least Recently Used) replacement, metadata changes, and use of the cache polling table, result in entries being removed from the cache.

If a query references multiple physical tables with different persistence times, the cache entry for the query will exist for the shortest persistence time set for any of the tables referenced in the query. This makes sure that no subsequent query gets a cache hit from an expired cache entry.

If you change the default to minutes or seconds, type a whole number into the field on the left.

For more information, see Troubleshooting Problems with an Event Polling Table.

Object Type

See Table 15 for a description of the available object types. Depending on your selection, you may be presented with an additional drop-down list or a description field.

Deleting a Physical Table

When you delete a physical table, all dependent objects are deleted. For example columns, keys, and foreign keys. When you delete a physical cube table, this also includes hierarchies.

To delete a physical table from the Physical layer

  1. In the Physical layer of the Administration Tool, locate the table that you want to delete.
  2. Right-click the table and choose Delete.
Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide