Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide > Completing Setup and Managing Repository Files > Setting Up the Repository to Work with Delivers >

Setting Up the SA System Subject Area

The Siebel Business Analytics Web Server is preconfigured to look for the SA System subject area on startup and will use it if it exists. You can import any external schema that holds group membership, users' primary email addresses, and users' SMTP devices (cell phones, handhelds, and so on), and then map it to the SA System subject area.

You can add columns to the SA System table (for example, adding a provider name) by extending the Siebel S_User table. For instructions, see the chapter about configuring tables and columns in Configuring Siebel Business Applications. You also need to import and map the extended table.

This section contains the following topics:

Guidelines for Implementing the SA System Subject Area

The name for the subject area must always be SA System. User table and column names for this subject area must exactly match the column names shown in Table 26 for mapping to be successful.

The following is a list of some general guidelines to use when implementing the SA System subject area.

  • If the SA System subject area is used, every user and group must be present in the data. Siebel Business Analytics does not support group membership through a mix of internal analytics repository users and external users in the SA System subject area.
  • When the SA System subject area is used, it is not recommended for the user to set up a delivery profile because there is no way for administrators to control this profile. For example, the administrator looses the ability to perform a mass update of email addresses. If a user does set up a delivery profile, the delivery profile will take precedence over what is shown in the SA System subject area.
  • This feature affects what users are allowed to do in the system (authorization), not who users are (authentication). For related information about database authentication, see About Delivers and Database Authentication.
  • The SA System subject area only needs to have read-access to the Administrator account and as a result, security settings are not compromised. If group membership is seen as privileged data, you can allow only the administrator to have access to this subject area.

Setting Up the SA System Subject Area for a Stand-Alone Implementation

Siebel Business Analytics standalone customers need to create and populate the SA System subject area in the analytics repository (RPD).

Customers who install the Analytics Server in a standalone environment (without Siebel Business Analytics applications) must perform the following tasks in the order shown using the data described in Table 26:

Setting Up the SA System Subject Area for an Analytics Application

For Siebel Business Analytics application customers, the SA System subject area is preconfigured in the analytics repository. Figure 15 shows the table and columns in the presentation layer of the repository.

Figure 15. SA System Subject Area in the Presentation Layer
Columns in the SA System User Table

For Siebel Business Analytics application customers, the SA System subject area in the Presentation layer of the analytics repository is preconfigured for your use. Table 26 describes the columns in the User table of the SA System subject area folder. Any external schema that has the information in this table can be mapped to the SA System subject area.

Table 26. Preconfigured Columns in the SA System Area Table
Data Type



The unique user ID of the user that will log on to the system.

This cannot be null.

Display Name


The full name of the user.

This can be null.

Group Name


The name of the group that this user belongs to. If a user belongs to multiple groups, there should be one row per group in the SA System table.

This should not be null if any role-based security is based on group membership.

Time Zone


(This column is currently not used and exists for future use.)

This should be null.



(This column is currently not used and exists for future use.)

This should be null.



(This column is currently not used and exists for future use.)

This should be null.



The primary email address for the user. This is a complete SMTP address like

This can be null.

Email Priority


This determines when an alert will be delivered to this device. The value can be any combination of the three priorities of an iBot. H for high priority, N for normal priority, or L for low priority. For example, if high, normal, and low priority alerts are to be delivered to this device, the field should be HNL. If only high and normal priority alerts are to be delivered, the field should be NL.

This field should not be null if the Email column is specified. This can be null if Email is null.

Email Type


This field can be one of two text strings, HTML or text. Most primary email clients can read rich MIME content (HTML with embedded images). Therefore, we recommend using HTM. However, some email clients only can read plain text email, in which case text must be used. This field should not be null if the Email column is specified.

This can be null if Email is null.

Cell Phone


This field is the complete SMTP address for the cell phone device that will receive text message alerts. For example, Only text messages are sent to this device.

This can be null.

Cell Phone Priority


This determines when an alert will be delivered to this device. The value can be any combination of the three priorities of an iBot. H for high priority, N for normal priority, and/or L for low priority. This field should not be null if the Cell Phone column is specified.

This can be null if Cell Phone is null.



This field is the complete SMTP address for the pager device that will receive text message alerts. For example, Only text messages are sent to this device.

This can be null.

Pager Priority


This determines when an alert will be delivered to this device. The value can be any combination of the three priorities of an iBot. H for high priority, N for normal priority, and/or L for low priority.

This field should not be null if the Pager column is specified. This can be null if Pager is null.



This field is the complete SMTP address for the handheld device that will receive text message alerts. For example, Only text messages are sent to this device.

This can be null.

Handheld Priority


This determines when an alert will be delivered to this device. The value can be any combination of the three priorities of an iBot. H for high priority, N for normal priority, and/or L for low priority.

This field should not be null if the Handheld column is specified. This can be null if Handheld is null.

Preconfigured Mapping for the SA System Subject Area

For Siebel Business Analytics application customers, Table 27 describes the preconfigured mappings for the SA system subject area. Fields that are not available in Oracle's Siebel transactional database will default to values shown in the table.

  • Overriding Defaults. You can add user-specific values for these fields, by creating an extension table to the S_USER table. to store the user-specific defaults for these fields. Additionally, you can change any of the default values. The metadata for the following logical table can be modified to include any physical extension table.

    SA User.(User)

    For instructions, see the chapter about configuring tables and columns in Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

  • Setting Provider Info. Typically, the cell phone and the fax numbers in Siebel Data Warehouse do not contain a provider name. Therefore, the Pager will typically be a numeric value such as 555-483-3843. To append a provider to this address, use the following guidelines:
    • If the entire company has the same provider, then you can append the provider in the column mappings.
    • If users can have different providers, you need to create an extension table. For instructions, see the chapter about configuring tables and columns in Configuring Siebel Business Applications.
Table 27. Preconfigured Mappings for the User Table in the SA System Subject Area
Logical Column
Physical Table

Cell Phone



It might be mapped to S_CONTACT.CELL_PH_NUM if this field contains SMTP address.

Cell Phone Priority



Defaults to N

Display Name



First Name concatenated with Last Name





Email Priority



Defaults to N

Email Type



Defaults to

Group Name







Defaults to an empty string

Handheld Priority



Defaults to an empty string




Defaults to 'en'




Defaults to 'en'








It could be mapped to S_CONTACT.PAGER_PH_NUM if this field contains SMTP address

Pager Priority



Defaults to N

Time Zone




Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide