Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide > Creating and Administering the Physical Layer in a Repository > Setting Up Database Objects >

Creating a Database Object Manually in the Physical Layer

If you create a database object manually, you need to manually set up all database elements such as connection pool, tables, and columns.

NOTE:  For multidimensional data sources, if you create the physical schema in the physical layer of the repository, you need to create one database in the physical layer for each cube, or set of cubes, that belong to the same catalog (database) in the data source. A physical database can have more than one cube. However, all of these cubes must be in the same catalog in the data source. You specify a catalog in the Connection Pool dialog box.

CAUTION:  It is strongly recommended that you import your physical schema.

To create a database object

  1. In the Physical layer of the Administration Tool, right-click and choose New Database.

    Make sure that no object is selected when you right-click.

  2. In the Database dialog box, in the General tab, complete the fields using Table 8 as a guide.
Table 8. Fields General Tab of the Database Dialog Box


The database type for your database.

For more information about using the Features tab to examine the SQL features supported by the specified database type, see Specifying SQL Features Supported by a Database.

Persist Connection Pool

To use a persistent connection pool, you must set up a temporary table first. For more information, see Setting Up the Persist Connection Pool Property.

Allow populate queries by default (check box)

When checked, allows everyone to execute POPULATE SQL. If you want most but not all users to be able to execute POPULATE SQL, check this option and then limit queries for specific users or groups. For more information about limiting queries, see Managing Query Execution Privileges.

Allow direct database requests by default (check box)

When checked, allows everyone to execute physical queries. Analytics Server will send unprocessed, user-entered, physical SQL directly to an underlying database. The returned results set can be rendered in the Siebel Business Analytics Web user interface, and then charted, rendered in a dashboard, and treated as an analytics request.

If you want most but not all users to be able to execute physical queries, check this option and then limit queries for specific users or groups. For more information about limiting queries, see Managing Query Execution Privileges.

CAUTION:  If configured incorrectly, this can expose sensitive data to an unintended audience. For more information, see Recommendations for Allowing Direct Database Requests by Default.

For more information about executing physical SQL, see Siebel Business Analytics User Guide.

Recommendations for Allowing Direct Database Requests by Default

This property allows all users to execute physical queries. If configured incorrectly, it can expose sensitive data to an unintended audience. Use the following recommended guidelines when setting this database property:

  • The Analytics Server should be configured to accept connection requests only from a machine on which the Analytics Server, Siebel Business Analytics Web Server, or Oracle's Siebel Scheduler Server are running. This restriction should be established at the TCP/IP level using the Siebel Business Analytics Web Server IP address. This will allow only a TCP/IP connection from the IP Address of the Siebel Business Analytics Web Server.
  • To prevent users from running NQCMD by logging in remotely to this machine, you should disallow access by the following to the machine where you installed Siebel Business Analytics Web:
    • TELNET
    • Remote shells
    • Remote desktops
    • Teleconferencing software (such as Windows NetMeeting)

      If necessary, you might want to make an exception for users with Administrator permissions.

  • Only users with Administrator permissions should be allowed to perform the following tasks:
    • TELNET into the Analytics Server and Siebel Business Analytics Web Server machines to perform tasks such as running NQCMD for cache seeding.
  • Access to the advanced SQL page of Answers to create reports. For more information, see Siebel Business Analytics Web Administration Guide.
  • Setup group/user-based permissions on the Siebel Business Analytics Web Server to control access to editing (preconfigured to allow access by Web Administrators) and executing (preconfigured to not allow access by anyone) direct database requests. For more information, see Siebel Business Analytics Web Administration Guide.
Siebel Business Analytics Server Administration Guide