Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide > Integrated Security for Oracle BI Applications >

Data-Level Security in CRM Analytics Applications

Data-level security defines what a user in one of Siebel (CRM) and Oracle E-Business Suite applications sees inside a report. The same report, when run by two different users, can bring up different data. This is similar to how the My Opportunities view in an operational application displays different data for different users. However, the structure of the report is the same for all users, (unless a user does not have access to a column in a report, in which case the column is not displayed for that user).

Where is Data-Level Security Configured?

Data-level security in Oracle Business Intelligence applications is based on the position and organization-based security model of the Siebel or Oracle E-Business Suite operational applications. Data-level security is configured exclusively through the Analytics repository using Repository groups. It is configured at the logical layer for sensitive Dimensions (for example, Account, Opportunity), and Facts (for example, Revenue, Order Item). Table 104 shows the list of tables supported out-of-the-box. If required, the Administrator can implement further security restrictions on any table or column.

The security definition for the dimension decides the general area within which the user operates. The reports can further restrict access to the data within the report. For example, a report returns only rows that are owned by the user in the following scenarios:

  • A report contains a filtered column (for example, "Dim - Opportunity."Closed Opportunity Revenue"), which is secured by a filter (for example, Core."Dim - Opportunity."Base Level Current Login" = VALUEOF(USER)).
  • A report contains a metric or attribute from a fact or dimension that is secured by a filter (for example, Core."Dim - Security Dimension"."Current Base Level Login" = VALUEOF(USER)).

Other data security models such as custom models can be configured in the metadata using similar techniques. This security configuration requires an understanding of the business model setup and filtering mechanisms. See Oracle Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide on using variables in the repository.

The process of configuring data-level security is described in the topic Implementing Data-Level Security in the Oracle BI Repository.

Table 104. List of Security Supported Tables
Table Names

Dim - Asset

Dim - Case

Dim - Contact

Dim - Customer

Dim - Incident

Dim - Lead

Dim - Opportunity

Dim - Order

Dim - Quote

Fact - Account Action Plan

Fact - Account Summary

Fact - Account Usage

Fact - Activity Usage

Fact - Asset Action Plan

Fact - Asset Summary

Fact - Asset Usage

Fact - Contact Action Plan

Fact - Contact Summary

Fact - Contact Usage

Fact - CRM - Asset

Fact - CRM - Order Item

Fact - CRM - Order Item Quarter Ago

Fact - CRM - Order Item Year Ago

Fact - CRM - Revenue

Fact - Opportunity Action Plan

Fact - Opportunity Summary

Fact - Opportunity Usage

Fact - Quote Usage

Fact - User Adoption

Facts - Call Account

Facts - Call Account [MAT]

Facts - Call Account [MAT] LY

Facts - Call Account [Top Total]

Facts - Call Attendee

Facts - Call Attendee [MAT]

Facts - Call Attendee [MAT] LY

Facts - Call Attendee [Top Total]

Facts - Call Contact

Facts - Call Contact [MAT]

Facts - Call Contact [MAT] LY

Facts - Call Contact [Top Total]

Facts - MedEd Event [Pre-post Ed Event Total Pop]

Facts - MedEd Event and IDS [Pre-post Ed Event]

Facts - MedEd Event and Rx [Pre-post Ed Event]

Facts - Medical Education

Facts - Objective

Facts - Profile Rank

Facts - Syndicated Data Direct Sales

Facts - Syndicated Data Direct Sales [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data Direct Sales Market

Facts - Syndicated Data Direct Sales Market [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data Indirect Sales

Facts - Syndicated Data Indirect Sales [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data Indirect Sales Market

Facts - Syndicated Data Indirect Sales Market [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data NRx/TRx

Facts - Syndicated Data NRx/TRx [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data NRx/TRx Market

Facts - Syndicated Data NRx/TRx Market [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data Plantrak

Facts - Syndicated Data Plantrak [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data Plantrak Market

Facts - Syndicated Data Plantrak Market [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data Weekly

Facts - Syndicated Data Weekly [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data Weekly Market

Facts - Syndicated Data Weekly Market [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data XPlantrak

Facts - Syndicated Data XPlantrak [Top Total]

Facts - Syndicated Data XPlantrak Market

Facts - Syndicated Data XPlantrak Market [Top Total]

Facts Compound - Call Account

Facts Compound - Call Account [MAT] Time Series

Facts Compound - Call Activity Medical Education

Facts Compound - Call Activity Profile Rank

Facts Compound - Call Activity Syndicated data

Facts Compound - Call Attendee

Facts Compound - Call Attendee [MAT] Time Series

Facts Compound - Call Contact

Facts Compound - Call Contact [MAT] Time Series

Facts Compound - MedEd/Pre-post Ed Event/Pre-post Total Pop

Facts Compound - Syndicated Data Indirect Sales

Facts Compound - Syndicated Data Indirect Sales Time Series

Facts Compound - Syndicated Data NRx/TRx

Facts Compound - Syndicated Data NRx/TRx Time Series

Facts Compound - Syndicated Data Plantrak

Facts Compound - Syndicated Data Plantrak Time Series

Facts Compound - Syndicated Data Weekly

Facts Compound - Syndicated Data XPlantrak

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