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Oracle® Retail Active Retail Intelligence User Guide
Release 15.0
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15 Language Translation

Language Translation Window [aritrans]

The Language Translation window allows you to translate one or more values of the same type from a primary language into a target language.

The Internationalization function provides support for organizations with a requirement for two or more languages. A user can translate and view most descriptive text into another valid language using the tl_lang form. Alternately, the product is shipped with the ability to run multilingually any of the eight supported release 12 languages: French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, and Brazilian Portuguese.

All descriptive text fields should be entered first in the primary language. If a value has been translated to a language that matches the preferred language of the current user, it is displayed in the user's preferred language. If it has not been translated, the user sees the information in the primary language. These translations are supported in the end user interfaces (Event Viewer, Alert Viewer), but not in the administrative forms which are single language (very few users will have admin access).

If an organization supports a multiple-language environment any of the eight supported languages can be made to correspond with each the users' ids. (One primary language per user id. This language setting is set on the ari_user_attrib table).

Field Descriptions - Search Window


Select the task that you want to perform:

  • To translate elements of the same type, select New.

  • To view all translatable elements of the same type, select View.

  • To edit elements of the same type that have already been translated, select Edit.

  • To edit all translatable items of the same type, select Edit All.

Language to Translate Into

Enter the ID of the destination language, or click the LOV button and select a language. This is a required field.

Description Type to Translate

Click the LOV button and select a data element. This is a required field.

Selection Criteria From

Enter the primary language string to limit the query. This field is used to limit the lower range of values displayed. This field is optional.

Selection Criteria To

Enter the primary language string to limit the query. This field is used to limit the upper range of values displayed. This field is optional.

Field Descriptions - Edit/View Window

Selected Element

Displays the string to be translated in case it is too long to be easily read in the multi-record block. This field is read-only in all modes.

Destination Language

Enter the corresponding translation, the translated value, for each string displayed in the primary language column.

Translate Values into a Target Language

  1. Access the Language Translation window. The default location in the RMS main menu is Control - System - Language Translation. Contact your system administrator for details on accessing this form in your own application. To access it from the ARI application, in the main menu click ARI, select Administration and select Translations from the menu options. The Language Translation window is displayed.

    Figure 15-1 Language Translation Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 15-1 .
  2. In the Action field, select New.

  3. In the Language to Translate Into field, enter the ID of the destination language, or click the LOV button and select a language.

  4. In the Description Type to Translate field, enter the ID of the type of description to be translated, or click the LOV button and select a description type.

  5. To restrict the search, enter the range of elements that you want to include in the translation in the From and To fields. These entries are in the primary language. These fields are optional.

  6. Click the Search button. The elements for the selected description type are displayed in the left field of the table in their primary language.

  7. In the right field of the table, enter the translation for each item in the left field.

  8. Click OK to exit.

Edit Translations in a Target Language

  1. Access the Language Translation window. The default location in the RMS main menu is Control - System - Language Translation. Contact your system administrator for details on accessing this form in your own application. To access it from the ARI application, in the main menu click ARI, select Administration and select Translations from the menu options. The Language Translation window is displayed.

    Figure 15-2 Language Transition Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 15-2 .
  2. In the Action field, select:

    • Edit to edit existing translations, or

    • Edit All to create new and edit existing translations for the selected description type.

  3. In the Language to Translate Into field, enter the ID of the destination language, or click the LOV button and select a language.

  4. In the Description Type to Translate field, enter the ID of the type of description to be translated, or click the LOV button and select a description type.

  5. To restrict the search, enter the range of elements that you want to include in the translation in the From and To fields. These entries are in the primary language. These fields are optional.

  6. Click the Search button. The elements for the selected description type are displayed in the left field of the table in their primary language.

  7. In the right field of the table, enter or edit the translation for each item in the left field.

  8. Click OK to exit.

Scheduled Batch Monitored Processes

Some processes are not driven by transactions so they cannot be monitored online. These processes are monitored nightly after all of the POS uploads and other batch processes have been run, but before the date is advanced to the next working day. Essentially, they run once a day at the very end of the day, which is a factor to consider when setting the exception conditions in terms of how many days old something is. Note that, as with online monitoring, batch monitoring is available for internal data systems such as RMS and Active Retail Intelligence.

Time is a special consideration since exceptions that cannot be monitored based on a transaction occurring usually involve such things as data sitting on a table with nothing happening to it, which is of interest only because of the passage of time. An example of a date function computing the number of days between two date parameters is in the topic on defining functions. That function is one of the primary factors in defining at least one condition of many batch processed exceptions.

Aside from no parameter being set to monitor a change, and the frequent use of a date difference function, batch processes are defined similarly to online processes (see that section). In some cases it is unclear, for performance reasons (as discussed in the Overview), whether an internal system exception should be defined as online or batch.

It is unclear because either solution could have performance issues, so testing should be done when the key table to monitor is an extraordinarily large one. However, as a rule, if performance is acceptable with online monitoring and the exception can be defined appropriately, try that definition first.


An example of when trying online first is not even an option is the case of monitoring purchase orders that have been in Submitted status for a certain period of time. From a timing perspective, if a purchase order is submitted on a given day, such as the first of a month, and you want to know when it is over seven days old, the purchase order will not show up as over seven days old until the late-night batch process of the eighth. This means you will not likely find out until you come into work on the morning of the ninth, at which time it may seem to be eight days old, not seven, which some can be confusing but is easily adjusted for in the exception definition.

Similarly, if you want a batch exception to start monitoring on the third, it will do so, but the actual process will not run until late on the third and you will not see any results from it until the fourth.

View Translations in a Target Language

  1. Access the Language Translation window. The default location in the RMS main menu is Control - System - Language Translation. Contact your system administrator for details on accessing this form in your own application. To access it from the ARI application, in the main menu click ARI, select Administration and select Translations from the menu options. The Language Translation window is displayed.

    Figure 15-3 Language Transition Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 15-3 .
  2. In the Action field, select View.

  3. In the Language to Translate Into field, enter the ID of the language that you want to view, or click the LOV button and select a destination language.

  4. In the Description Type to Translate field, enter the ID of the type of description that you want to view, or click the LOV button and select a description type.

  5. To restrict the search, enter the range of elements that you want to view in the From and To fields. These entries are in the primary language. These fields are optional.

  6. Click the Search button. The elements for the selected description type are displayed in the left field of the table in their primary language.

  7. Translations for the elements appear in the right field of the table.

  8. Click OK to exit.