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Oracle® Retail Fiscal Management User Guide
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4 Return to Vendor

The Return to Vendor (RTV) operation is considered as the cancellation of the original purchase from a fiscal stand point. In order to revert a purchase operation it is necessary to associate the RTV NF to the original PO NF that is being returned. Costs and taxes from the referenced PONF are taken and proportionally used in the RTV NF in order to revert the transaction in all necessary aspects.

It is part of Brazilian legislation, the control of the quantities returned regarding the original purchase NFs associated. A balance control is necessary to avoid scenarios where same PONF is referenced to multiple RTV NFs exceeding the quantity returned in comparison with the quantity purchase.

To initiate the RTV flow in ORFM, the inventory that has to be returned is picked and shipped in warehouse management system and store inventory management system. After the RTV shipment details are available in the ORFM application, it generates an outbound schedule and NF.

This chapter contains the following:

Business Flow

The process is similar for both the RTV from a store or RTV from a warehouse. The business process can include the following:

  • Create an outbound NF from the shipment details. This is automatic step.

  • Enable the auto-approve parameter of the utilization code to validate and approve the NF immediately.

  • For manual validation, and approval process, disable the auto-approve parameter of the utilization code. Manually edit the NF to resolve the errors that occur during the validation process. Here, the validation process includes sending the NF to Tax Engine for CFOP determination. For each item being returned, the system selects the last received PO related NF for that item from the same supplier as the reference NF for the RTV NF. If the last reference NF is found, the taxes on RTV NF are copied from that NF. If the last reference NF is not found, the Tax Engine call returns the taxes applicable on the RTV transaction.

  • In utilization code, the parameter 'choose NF' enables users to manually select the referenced NF for each line.

  • The new system option, BALANCE_CONTROL_RTV can be used to enable/disable the quantity balance control in ORFM. Once enabled, the process of automatic or manual reference NF selection will take into consideration the quantities received and returned in order to determine which PONF will be taken as reference for the RTV.

  • During NF approval, it is interfaced to NFe integration that will have the NFe approved in governments system. NF will be turned to status Approved and the inventory is updated in RMS.

NF Processing for RTV with Balance Control Disabled

To create a NF for RTV, do the following:

Navigate: From the RMS Start Menu, select Fiscal Management, then Login of Location. The Location Login window appears.

  1. In the Location Login window, select the store or warehouse for receiving/issuing of the fiscal document. Click the Location LOV to obtain the list of stores or warehouses. Select the location, and click OK.

  2. In Contents Of Fiscal Management, click Receiving/Issue. In Contents Of Receiving/Issue, click Edit. The Receiving/Issue Schedule window appears.

    Figure 4-1 Schedule Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-1 .
  3. In the Receiving/Issue Schedule window, set the Mode as Exit. A list of schedules will be displayed accordingly to the pre-defined filters. If the schedule you are looking for is not displayed, use different filters.

  4. Click Fiscal in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window. The Fiscal Docs Find window appears.

    Figure 4-2 Fiscal Docs Find Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-2 .
  5. Click Detail. The Fiscal Documents window appears.

    Figure 4-3 Fiscal Documents Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-3 .

    In the Fiscal Documents window, the details of the shipment that is created in warehouse management system, and that flows to ORFM are displayed.

    In the Fiscal Documents window, the fields that are specific to RTV are covered below.

    Table 4-1 Differences in values for RTV on the Fiscal Documents window

    Field Value

    Fiscal Document section

    Requisition Type

    This field displays Return to Vendor.


    This field displays the utilization code configured for RTV.

    Document Type

    This field displays the document type configured for RTV.

    Mode Type


    Header Details section

    Transportation Details Tab

    The Type list displays External Finisher.

    Line Item Details section

    Detail Info Tab

    RTV details are displayed in the RTV secondary tab.

  6. If the reference NF for RTV NF issues is set to 'Yes', it is mandatory to inform the reference NF for RTV. The Fiscal Doc Ref field will bring a reference NF number automatically associated to the RTV being generated. If no reference is there, it was not possible to find any PONF to associate and being the reference NF mandatory, you will not be able to approve this NF.

  7. If the Auto Approve parameter for the utilization code is set to 'Yes', the NF will likely be issued in NFe Pending status or directly in Approved status if the integration with NFe is already completed.

  8. If the Auto Approve parameter for the utilization code is set to 'NO', the NF will be in Worksheet status and user has to validate and approve it. From the Options menu in the Fiscal Documents window, select Validate. If there are no errors, the status of NF changes to Validated.

    The NF will be in Error status, if errors occur during the validation process. You have to manually edit the NF to resolve validation errors.

  9. From the Options menu in the Fiscal Documents window, select Approve. RTV NF will be changed to status NFe Pending until NFe integration is processed. Once that happens, NF will be changed to status Approved. The schedule will be changed to status Approved as well. Once NF is approved, inventory is updated in RMS.

  10. Note:

    Based on the NF-e line limit set and the item having the grouping attribute flagged or not (ST break out), the shipment is broken into multiple NFs in ORFM.

NF Processing for RTV with Balance Control Enabled

To create a NF for RTV, do the following:

Navigate: From the RMS Start Menu, select Fiscal Management, then Login of Location. The Location Login window appears.

  1. In the Location Login window, select the store or warehouse for receiving/issuing of the fiscal document. Click the Location LOV to obtain the list of stores or warehouses. Select the location, and click OK.

  2. In Contents Of Fiscal Management, click Receiving/Issue. In Contents Of Receiving/Issue, click Edit. The Receiving/Issue Schedule window appears. In the Receiving/Issue Schedule window, set the Mode as Exit. A list of schedules will be displayed accordingly to the pre-defined filters. If the schedule you are looking for is not displayed, use different filters.

  3. Click Fiscal in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window. The Fiscal Docs Find window appears.

  4. Click Detail. The Fiscal Documents window appears. In the Fiscal Documents window, the details of the shipment that is created in warehouse management system, and that flows to ORFM are displayed.

  5. If the reference NF for RTV NF issues is set to 'Yes', it is mandatory to inform the reference NF for RTV. The Fiscal Doc Ref field will bring a reference NF number automatically associated to the RTV being generated. If no reference is there, it was not possible to find any PONF to associate and being the reference NF mandatory, user will not be able to approve this NF.

  6. If the Auto Approve parameter for the utilization code is set to 'YES' the NF will likely be issued in NFe Pending status or directly in Approved status if the integration with NFe is already completed. In this case, and considering the Balance Control enabled, there will be at least one reference NF number associated to each item of the NF. It is also possible that more than one reference NF got associated to the same line item, depending on the balance of quantities available in each reference NF versus the quantity being returned.

  7. If the Auto Approve parameter for the utilization code is set to 'NO', the NF will be in Worksheet status and you have to validate and approve it. You can also manually select the reference NF for each item. This is possible through a new popup window created for balance control.

    Figure 4-4 Fiscal Documents Window - Fiscal Doc Ref button

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-4 .
  8. By clicking the Fiscal Doc Ref button, you will see a working popup window where you can manage the Reference NF selection process. This window will list all PONFs available to be selected as reference. You can also break the selection having multiple NFs being selected based on the quantity returned and the balance available in each NF.

    Figure 4-5 Fiscal Documents Window - Balance Control Popup Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-5 .

  9. Note:

    The PO NFs available in this popup window are the ones that were received and approved for the item in the location that is creating the RTV. Only purchase order related NFs will be displayed in this list. It is also possible that Triangulation related NFs appear. Users will be able to select triangulation PO NFs, but in this case 100% of the item quantity must be linked to a triangulation NF and all other items in the RTV must belong to same triangulation NF as well. No mix and match will be allowed between Triangulation and Regular PO NFs for the reference field.

  10. Once the reference NF selection is complete, you can view the reference NFs for each item in the new tab in Fiscal Documents window.

    Figure 4-6 Fiscal Documents Window - Detail Reference Tab

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-6 .
  11. With all items associated to a reference NF, you can validate the RTV NF. From the Options menu in the Fiscal Documents window, select Validate. If there are no errors, the status of NF changes to Validated.

    The NF will be in Error status, if errors occur during the validation process. You have to manually edit the NF to resolve validation errors.

  12. From the Options menu in the Fiscal Documents window, select Approve. RTV NF will be changed to status NFe Pending until NFe integration is processed. Once that happens, NF will be changed to status Approved. The schedule will be changed to status Approved as well. Once NF is approved, inventory is updated in RMS.