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Oracle® Retail Fiscal Management User Guide
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3 Purchase Order

Purchase Order (PO) is the regular buying process of a retailer. The retailer issues a PO when buying the merchandise from a supplier. When the merchandise is received, this merchandise is matched against the related PO in order to verify that the receiving merchandise has the items that the retailer has bought to the supplier.

This chapter covers the following sections:

Business Flow

The business flow for PO receiving is as follows:

  1. Retail Fiscal Management (ORFM) system can receive Nota Fiscal (NF) by:

    • Manual

    • EDI

    • Invoice Receiving Layer

  2. When the shipment arrives at the warehouse or the store, create a schedule and enter the NFs received.


    • You can link more than one NF to a schedule.
    • The schedule can be created before or after creating an NF.

    • An NF can be created without a schedule, but they have to be linked before submitting for receiving.

  3. After NF entry, validate the NFs. In the validation process, the ORFM application checks for data integrity. Match the NF with the requisition documents in the Retail Merchandising System (RMS). This process is called as the Fiscal Receiving.

    If the NF and the PO does not match, the NF is in discrepancy. You can identify the following discrepancies with the ORFM application:

    • Unit Cost Discrepancy for each item in the NF

    • Quantity Discrepancy for each item in the NF

    • Tax Discrepancy happens between system (tax details from Tax Engine) and NF.

  4. After validation, send the schedule to the warehouse management system and store inventory management system. After physical receiving, both the systems publish the receipt updates to ORFM. This completes the NF processing.

  5. Send the transaction data in RMS and ORFM to a financial application. For fiscal reporting purposes, send the NF data in ORFM to the fiscal reporting system like SPED.

NF Processing - PO Receiving

The Receiving/Issuing module of ORFM enables you to create the required NF. This module enables you to validate the NF, match the NF with the PO, resolve discrepancy, and approve the NF with correction documents.

To create the Nota Fiscal for PO Receiving, perform the following steps:

Navigate: From the RMS Start Menu, select Fiscal Management, then Login of Location. The Location Login window is displayed.

  1. In the Location Login window, select the store or warehouse for receiving/issuing the fiscal document. Click the Location LOV to obtain the list of stores or warehouses. Select the location, and click OK.

    Figure 3-1 Location Login Window

  2. You are returned to the RMS main screen. In Contents Of Fiscal Management, select Receiving/Issue.

    In Contents Of Receiving/Issue, click Edit. The Receiving/Issue Schedule window is displayed.

    Figure 3-2 Receiving/Issue Schedule Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-2 .
  3. Select the Mode from the list. For PO receiving, select Entry.

    The other option available is Exit. This mode is for outbound flow.

  4. The Filter section in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window displays the following:

    • Location Type – This field displays the information that flows from the Location Login window. The list contains Store or Warehouse.

    • Location – The sender/receiver location.

    • Schedule – Select the schedule number from the Schedule LOV or click Add to create a new schedule number.

    • Select the appropriate status from the list in the Status field. For PO Receiving, the status has to be Worksheet.

      Schedules with physical receiving

      For Entry type of Schedules where physical receiving is required such as PO receiving or TSF receiving:

      Table 3-1 Status Of Schedule - Schedules with Physical Receiving

      Code Schedule Status Description Status Type NF Status in Receiving ProcessDescription





      In Discrepancy



      Pending for Receiving





      Subm. for Recv.


      Verifiying NFe Status






      Manifest Pending

      Post Sefaz Approve Error










      Financials Posted


      Financials Posted





      Entry schedule status

      Inactive can be: 'Reject Entire Receiving from WMS/SIM' or 'entry NF was rejected'.

      Schedules with shipments

      For Exit type of Schedules where shipment is done in order to generate NFs:

      Table 3-2 Status Of Schedule - Schedules with Shipments

      Code Schedule Status Code_Desc Status Type Code NF Status in Shipment ProcessCode_Desc












      NFe Pending

      Request Approved


      Post Sefaz Approve Error













      Financials Posted



      Financials Posted

      Status Type


      It is considered status type Inclusive the status that does NOT depend on equivalence of status for all fiscal documents associated to the schedule.

      Example, schedule status W: This status will accept NFs in different statuses, including status that associated to the next step in the process.

      Schedule Schedule Status NF NF Status
      90011 W 45001




      In the above example, one NF is in status W that belongs to the range of status accounted for schedule status W, but one NF was already validated and V status belongs to range of schedule status P.


      It is considered status type exclusive the status that depends on ALL fiscal documents to be in the same status of the range in order to be changed.

      Example, schedule status P (Pending for Receiving): This status will changed only if ALL NFs have status V (Validated) or CL (Calculated).

      Schedule Schedule Status NF NF Status
      90011 P 45001




      In the above example, all NFs are in status V that belongs to the range of status accounted for schedule status P, hence schedule status will exclusively be P in this scenario.

    • Enter the Start Date and the End Date in their respective fields.

    • The Action Required field reflects either at schedule or fiscal document level. At least one of the fiscal documents in the schedules to be with the referenced status is required to select yes.

    Example of a Schedule with two NFs in different status:

    Schedule Schedule Status Action Required NF NF Status
    90011 R Y 45001



    Received Verified

    *RV status (Received Verified) would have no action required. However, R status (Received) needs action so Schedule Action Required Field will be Y.

    Action required info mapping versus NF status and Schedule type:

    Action Required Schedule Description Schedule Receiving/Ship
    Y Worksheet Receiving/Ship
    Y In Discrepancy Receiving
    Y Validated Receiving/Ship
    Y Calculated Receiving
    N NFe Pending Shipment
    N Request Approved Shipment
    Y Error Receiving/Ship
    N Verifying NF Status Receiving
    N Submitted for Receiving Receiving
    Y Received Receiving
    N Receipt Verified Receiving
    N Manifest Pending Receiving
    Y Post Sefaz Error Receiving/Ship
    N Approved Receiving/Ship
    N Completed Receiving/Ship
    N Financial Posted Receiving/Ship
    N Inactive Receiving/Ship
    N Canceled Shipment
    N Nullified Shipment
    N Denied Shipment

  5. Click Fiscal in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window. The Fiscal Docs Find window is displayed. This screen displays all the NFs linked to that schedule.

    Figure 3-3 Fiscal Docs Find Window

  6. In the Fiscal Docs Find screen, click Add. The Fiscal Documents window is displayed.

    The Fiscal Documents window is divided into three sections – Fiscal Document Header, Header Detail, and Line Item Level Detail.

    Figure 3-4 Fiscal Documents Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-4 .

    In the Fiscal Document Header section, enter the details as given in table Table 3-3

    Table 3-3 Fields in the Fiscal Document Header Section

    Field Description

    Requisition Type

    Select Purchase Order Requisition Type for the PO receiving transaction from the drop-down list.


    This field is enabled only when the Requisition Type is entered.

    Select the Utilization from the list that is specific to the PO operation.

    Entry CFOP

    This field is populated by the tax integration.

    The Entry CFOP is used for the fiscal bookkeeping and Public System of Digital Bookkeeping or SPED. This field is non-editable.

    Note: SPED (Sistema Público de Escrituração Digital) is a digital file composed of a group of bookkeeping registers of fiscal documents and other information that the fiscal authorities of Brazilian government are interested in.


    Enter the value for NF CFOP.

    CFOP is the Operations and Service-Providing Fiscal Code.

    Fiscal No

    Enter the fiscal number. If the system option DI_NF_SERIAL_GENERATION_IND is Y for a DI NF, then this field and series number are not enabled. It is generated using the location sequencing functionality of ORFM.


    Contains the possible status of the NF. When you are entering the details in the system, the status of NF is Worksheet.

    The NF has to be in Worksheet status to edit or cancel it.

    The other statuses are as follows:

    • In Discrepancy – The application displays this status, when the NF is in the discrepant status. Discrepancies can be in quantity, cost, and tax.

    • Validated – The NF status changes to Validated, if there are no data integrity errors.

    • Error – The application displays this status for validation related errors, errors in NF generation using the EDI file, errors in NFe transmission or Tax Engine call for taxes.

    • Approved – Post approval.

    • Received – When the merchandise in the NF is received, the status of NF changes to Received.

    • Receipt Verified – This status is displayed when the merchandise has been verified against the NF.

    • Completed – This status is displayed when processing of the NF is completed.

    • NFe Pending – This is applicable for NFe processing only. During the NFe issuing process, when the NFe has to be approved, the status of the NF is NFe Pending.

      PO NF of DI Import Type will also be submitted for SEFAZ approval from RFM if the indicator DI_NF_SERIAL_GENERATION_IND is Y.

      With the fiscal document in that status, the related information is sent to the fiscal partner solution which captures the data, generates the NFe file and submits it for approval in the Brazilian Governments systems.

    • Manifest Pending – During the NFe including process, when the NFe has to be approved, the status of the NF is Manifest Pending.

    • Financials Posted – This is applicable when the transaction details are entered in the transaction data table after NF approval.

    • Post Sefaz Approve Error – This option is displayed when the NF is transmitted through the internet to the SEFAZ (Secretaria da Fazenda–Brazilian Tax Authority) of the origin state of the issuer.

    • Inactive - Entry NF means Reject Entire Receiving from WMS/SIM' or 'entry NF was rejected'; Issue NF when NF was cancelled before get NF number.

    • Verifying NFe Status - Waiting for validated by Sefaz.

    • Calculated - Status used exclusively for Direct import scenario. Equivalent to Validated status, but without discrepancy verifications.

    • Cancel - When the NF is approved at SEFAZ and a cancelation is required post-approval.

    • Nullified - When the NF is in progress and it was not submitted for approval at SEFAZ and cancelation is required, Sefaz returns this status.

    • Denied - When the NF is submitted for approval at SEFAZ but it gets rejected or Denied.


    Enter the serial number for the NF.

    Document Type

    Select the document type for the PO from the Document Type LOV.

    Mode Type

    This field is populated from the Receiving/Issue Schedule screen.

    This field displays Entry for PO Receiving, and Exit for outbound operations.

    Sub Serial

    Enter the sub-serial number of the NF.


    This is an external entity type from which NF is received.

    You can select any one of the Type from the Type LOV.

    The Type LOV includes Supplier Site, Store, Warehouse, Company, Customer, Bank, Agent, Freight forwarder, Importer, Broker, Factory, Consolidator, Applicant, Consignee, Manufacturer, Distributor, Wholesaler. Expense Vendor, Import Authority, Escheat –State, Escheat-Country, External Finisher, Discharge Port, Lading Port, Entry Port, Return Center, Bill to Location, LC to Location, Routing Location, Clearing Zone.

    Schedule No

    This field is populated from the Receiving/Issue Schedule screen. It could be the number of the schedule receiving or the number of the schedule issuing.


    CNPJ/CPF – Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) is the company code. Cadastro de Pes (CPF) is the personal code of the sender/receiver.

    This field is dimmed on the NF form. It takes the CNPJ/CPF number of the value in Type and Name fields in the form.

    For example, if Type = SUPP, Name/Supplier Site = 1000001010, the CNPJ number of the supplier site is displayed in the CNPJ/CPF field.

    Note:WAC will be updated for all the receiving location which have the same CNPJ, during PO/Transfer.


    Based on the Type, the user enters the values in this field. For example, if the Type is supplier, this field will have the supplier site value.

    NFe Access Key

    This field is not applicable for PO Receiving.

    Used to search NF-e.

  7. In the Header Details section, enter the following details – Header Info, Header Taxes, Additional Info, Transportation Details, Source Details, Destination Details, Importation Details, and Customer Details.

    • Figure 3-5 shows the Header Info Tab and the fields and description are provided in Table 3-4.

      Figure 3-5 Header Info Tab

      Surrounding text describes Figure 3-5 .

      Table 3-4 Fields in the Header Info Tab

      Fields Description


      Informed and Calculated Service, Informed and Calculated Merchandise, and Informed and Calculated Total.

      Enter the details in each field.

      The Calculated Costs is obtained from the system.

      Additional Costs

      Freight, Insurance, Other Expenses, and Non Taxable Exp.

      When processing complementary NF for Freight, only these fields are enabled.


      Select Percentage or Value from the Type list.

      Enter the value in the Value field.


      Three check boxes, one each for Cost, Quantity and Tax are present.

      If the NF is in cost discrepancy, then the check box for Cost is selected. Likewise for Quantity and Tax.


      Enter the Issue date, Entry/Exit date, Exit Hour of the NF, and Exchange Rate Date.

      Entry/Exit: The Entry/Exit date is updated to the date and time when the schedule is submitted to warehouse management system/store inventory management system for the physical receipt of merchandise.

      Exchange Rate Date: The Exchange Rate Date is introduced to support the multi currency functionality. For example, when you inform a PO NF for receiving, if the PO currency is different from NF currency, the exchange rate date keyed in will be considered for conversion into BRL on the NF. If left blank, the order approval will be considered.


      Click Complement in the Header tab to link another NF (one that complements the main NF).

      In the ORFM application, the complement button is used for the following purposes:

      • For triangulation, secondary NF coming from the Delivery Supplier

      • Freight or non-merchandise NF

      • Complementary NF for Cost/Tax Correction

      Req. Doc.

      Click Req. Doc. to view all the all the POs for the given supplier. For more details, refer to Step 8.

    • Note:

      The Exchange Rate Date is a nullable field. For example, when informing PO NF values, if this field is null then the PO approval date is considered for all exchange rate calculations.

      Figure 3-6 shows the Header Taxes Tab and the fields and description are provided in Table 3-5.

      Figure 3-6 Header Taxes Tab

      Surrounding text describes Figure 3-6 .

      Table 3-5 Fields in the Header Taxes Tab

      Fields Description

      Tax Code

      The tax code that are part of the Brazilian tax system are present in the list.

      Select the tax code from the list.

      Taxable Basis

      Enter the taxable basis.

      Modified Taxable Basis

      This column displays the changed/modified taxable basis. This value flows from the external tax engine.

      In Brazil, some items are eligible to a tax rule that modifies the taxable basis. The tax rate for such items is applied on the modified taxable basis.

      Total Tax Value

      Enter the value.

      After entering the value for one tax code, click Add to enter additional details.

      In case, you want to delete any record, select the entry, and click Delete.

    • Figure 3-7 shows the Additional Info Tab and the fields and description are provided in Table 3-6.

      Figure 3-7 Additional Info Tab

      Surrounding text describes Figure 3-7 .

      Table 3-6 Fields and Description of Additional Info Tab

      Field Description


      In this block, the following fields of the sender/receiver are auto populated:

      • Address

      • City

      • Neighborhood

      • ZIP

      • State

      These fields are taken from the Supplier/Supplier Site Address, City, and so on for a PO.

      Supplier Payments

      In this block, enter the following details for the supplier payments:

      • Date – Date of payment

      • Value – Amount to be paid

      Click Add to add additional details.

      Click Delete in case you want to delete a record.


      In this block, select the Origin from the list.

      The Process list includes the following values:

      • Sefaz (State Tax Authority)

      • Federal Justice

      • State Justice

      • Secex/SRF – Importation Tax Authority

      • Others

      In the Value field, enter the value.

      These fields meet SPED requirements.


      You can capture comments or general information regarding the purpose behind the creation of the NF document.

      Reference Type

      This field serves as a descriptor for data (that is the number/code) captured in the Reference Number field.

      The Reference Type list includes PO, Transfer, Bill of Lading (BOL), Shipment, Allocation, Advance Shipping Notice (ASN), Sale, Return, RTV, Invoice Receiving Layer.

      Reference No.

      This field supports entry of text or alphanumeric/numeric codes of transactions that the NF document might wish to associate/reference.

    • Figure 3-8 shows the Transportation Details Tab and the fields and description are provided in Table 3-7.

      Figure 3-8 Transportation Details Tab

      Surrounding text describes Figure 3-8 .

      Table 3-7 Fields and Description of Transportation Details Tab

      Field Description


      You can select any one of the Type from the list.

      The Type list includes Bank, Agent, Freight Forwarder, Importer, Broker, Factory, Consolidator, Applicant, Consignee, Manufacturer, Expense Vendor, Import Authority, Escheat-State, Escheat-Country, Other, and External Finisher. Other Type is populated if the NF is a Free Form NF.


      This field is auto populated with the description of the Type selected.

      State Inscription

      This field is auto populated based on the name or CNPJ/CPF selected if Entity in RMS is selected. Else, the field is a free form entry.

      Tributary State

      This field is auto populated based on the name or CNPJ/CPF selected if Entity in RMS is selected. Else, the field is a free form entry.

      Tributary Subscription No

      This field is auto populated based on the name or CNPJ/CPF selected if Entity in RMS is selected. Else, the field is a free form entry.

      Vehicle Plate

      This field is for SPED requirement.


      This field is auto populated based on the name or CNPJ/CPF selected if Entity in RMS is selected. Else, the field is a free form entry.


      This field is auto populated based on the name or CNPJ/CPF selected if Entity in RMS is selected. Else, the field is a free form entry.


      This field is auto populated based on the name or CNPJ/CPF selected if Entity in RMS is selected. Else, the field is a free form entry.


      This field is auto populated based on the name or CNPJ/CPF selected if Entity in RMS is selected. Else, the field is a free form entry.


      This field is auto populated based on the name or CNPJ/CPF selected if Entity in RMS is selected. Else, the field is a free form entry.

      Plate State

      You can specify the field if the Entity in RMS check box is not selected. Else the field is dimmed.


      Enter the CNPJ/CPF number. This field is free form entry if Entity in RMS is not selected.

      Freight Type

      You can either choose Cost Inclusive of Freight (CIF) and Free on Board (FOB) from the freight type list.


      Enter the quantity of items.


      Enter the unit of measure.

      Net Weight

      Enter the net weight.

      Total Weight

      Enter the total weight.

      Entity in RMS

      You have an option to deselect the Entity in RMS check box, for an NF having requisition type Free Form NF. For a Direct NF, the Entity in RMS check box is selected and dimmed.

      The following fields are enabled only for StandAlone NFs:

      • Description

      • State Inscription

      • Tributary State

      • Tributary Subscription No

      • Neighborhood

      • Country

      • Entity in RMS

    • Figure 3-9 shows the Importation Details Tab.

      Figure 3-9 Importation Details Tab

      Surrounding text describes Figure 3-9 .

      The Importation Details tab is divided into three blocks – Customs, DI Details, and Parent NF.

      Table 3-8 Fields and Description of Importation Details Tab

      Field Description


      In this block, enter the following fields:

      • Customs Location

      • Customs State - Select the Customs State from the list of states.

      • Customs Date

      • Incoterm - This is the type of transport with the following valid list of values to identify the transportation method used:

        • 1 Maritime

        • 2 River

        • 3 Lake

        • 4 Airlift

        • 5 Post

        • 6 Railroad

        • 7 Road

        • 8 Transmission network/Conduit

        • 9 Own Means

        • 10 Entry/Exit fictitious

      • AFRMM Value - This is the value paid to the Navy. This field is mandatory, if you choose Incoterm as the Maritime value.

      DI Details

      In this block, enter the DI Number, DI Issue Date, DI Type, Fiscal Authority ID, and Drawback Process. You can either choose Import Declaration or Simplified Import Declaration from the DI Type list.

      Parent NF

      In this block, the following fields are enabled if you select Is Child Ind? check box:

      • Fiscal Serial: Enter fiscal serial.

      • Fiscal Issue Date: Enter the fiscal issue date.

      • Parent Fiscal No: Enter the parent fiscal number.

  8. In the Line Item Level Details section, the detailed information of the purchase order (PO) and the items are displayed.

    You can populate the Detail Info section of PO in the following three ways:

    • Default

    • Custom

    • UOM


    UOM view is available and editable only when NF is in Worksheet status.

    • Click PO in the Detail Info tab of the Item Level Details section. Select the PO details from the list, or enter the PO details.

      Figure 3-10 shows the Detail Info Tab and the fields and description are provided in Table 3-9.

      Figure 3-10 Detail Info Tab

      Surrounding text describes Figure 3-10 .

      Table 3-9 Fields and Description of the Detail Info Tab

      Field Description


      It is a requisition number.

      Unexpected Item

      Check this field if the item does not belong to any PO.


      Enter the item or items that are part of the purchase order.

      Pack Ind

      This indicator is highlighted if the item is a pack.


      The number of units of the item.


      Enter the quantity of the item.

      Unit Cost

      The unit cost of the item.

      Discount Type

      Enter the discount type applicable.


      Enter the discount applicable.

      Total Cost

      Enter the total cost applicable.


      You can also view the Unit of Measurement (UOM) type by selecting UOM from the View menu.

      Figure 3-11 shows the Detail Info UOM View and the fields and description are provided in Table 3-10.

      Figure 3-11 Detail Info UOM View

      Surrounding text describes Figure 3-11 .

      Table 3-10 Fields and Description of the Detail Info Tab UOM View

      Field Description


      Enter the Purchase Order (PO) number.

      Unexpected Item

      Check this field if the item does not belong to any PO.


      Enter the item or items that are part of the purchase order.

      Pack Ind

      Enter the packet item indicator that are part of the purchase order.


      Enter the description of the item.

      NF Cfop

      This field displays the CFOP code from Tax Engine.

      UOM Type

      UOM type provides an option to associate an appropriate NF based UOM to an item.

      Select the UOM type from the following list:

      • SUOM (refers to Standard Unit Of Measurement of the item)

      • Case

      • Pallet


      The unit cost of the item.

      Unit displays the corresponding SUOM if user selects UOM type as SUOM, Case, or Pallet.

      Pack Size

      Enter the pack size applicable.

      You are not allowed to update the pack size during NF entry.

      UOM Quantity

      Enter the UOM quantity applicable.

      UOM Unit Cost

      Enter the UOM unit cost applicable.

      Total Cost

      Enter the total cost applicable.


      You cannot modify the Item or PO details in the default view that are modified in the UOM view.


      You can search for an Item using the Vendor Product Number (VPN). See Searching using Vendor Product Number in the Fiscal Documents window for more information on searching for an Item using the VPN.

    • Click the Req. Doc. button in the Header Details section. The Match Document window appears.

      An example of the Match Document window is given below.

      Figure 3-12 Match Document Window


      In the Match Document window, all the open POs of that particular supplier are displayed.

      To include the PO details in the NF, do the following:

      • In the Additional Filter section of the Match Documents window, you can select POs from different supplier sites of the same supplier.

        Click Add in the Additional Filter section of the Match Documents window to view the POs from different supplier sites of that particular supplier in the multi-record block.

      • Select one or more requisition documents from the list.

      • Click Add to NF. The item level information from those POs is defaulted on the NF. This saves significant data entry efforts.

  9. Select the check box for the Unexpected Item to indicate any unexpected item in the NF. When this check box is selected, the PO column is disabled and the value for the PO number is set to null.

    Enter the item quantity and cost. The cost and the quantity of the unexpected item is not matched with the PO.

  10. Click Item. Enter the items associated with the PO. If the PO contains pack items the Pack Ind check box is selected.


    The Show Components, Explode, and Explode All button is enabled for pack items.

  11. In the Detail Taxes tab, enter the tax details for the item.

    Table 3-11 Fields and Description of the Detail Taxes Tab

    Fields Description


    Indicates the type of tax such as ICMS, COFINS, and so on.

    Tax Base

    Indicates whether the tax is value-based or percentage-based.

    Tax Basis

    The basis for calculating the taxes.

    Modified Tax Basis

    Displays the modified or changed taxable basis. The external tax engine provides this basis, and this value is used for tax calculation.

    In Brazil, some items are eligible for a tax rule that modifies the taxable basis, mostly lower taxable basis. For such items, the tax rate is applied on the modified taxable basis. Tax Engine calculates the modified base and then calculates the tax values accordingly.

    Tax Rate

    The tax rate applied.

    Total Value

    The informed total value for the tax.

    Legal Message

    The legal message associated with the tax code at the line level.


    If you enter detail level taxes, you have to enter the detail level taxes for each item which are on the Item Detail grid.

    The Totals on the Detail Taxes tab has to match the Header tax information within the tolerance level.

    See Figure 3-13 for an example of the Detail Taxes tab.

    Figure 3-13 Detail Taxes Tab

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-13 .
  12. In the Additions tab, enter the additional details for the item.

    Table 3-12 Fields and Description of the Additions Tab

    Fields Description

    Po Number

    Enter the purchase order number.


    Enter the item or items that are part of the purchase order.

    Pack Ind

    This indicator is highlighted if the item is a pack.

    Item Description

    Enter the description of the item.

    Additions Number

    This field indicates the additions number.

    Sequence Number

    This field indicates the sequence number.

    Foreign Manufacturer

    This field indicates the foreign manufacturer code.

    Additions Discount

    This field indicates the additions discounts.


    Additions tab is enabled for Direct Import NF.

    Figure 3-14 shows the Additions Tab and the fields and description are provided in Table 3-12.

    Figure 3-14 Additions Tab

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-14 .
  13. After you have entered the relevant details, from the Options menu, select Validate. If there is no discrepancy, the status of NF changes to Validated.

    The different menu items of the Options menu in the Fiscal Documents window are given below.

    Table 3-13 Options Menu Items and Description

    Menu Item Description


    To edit the Nota Fiscal, change the status of NF to worksheet.


    Use this option to validate the NF after entry.

    Validation process has the following steps involved:

    • Data Integrity Validation

    • Tax Engine Call for Tax Breakup

    • Discrepancy Identification

    For more information, see Discrepancy Identification and Resolution Process.

    Verify Received Qty

    Use this option to review any discrepancy between the expected quantity as per the NF and the actual received quantity. This option is enabled for Inbound NFs only.


    Use this option to cancel the NFs. ORFM allows cancellation for few types of NFs only, such as the NF for RMA.


    Use this option to manually approve the NF. This is not applicable for inbound NFs.

    Print Correction Docs.

    This option is enabled only if the NF had undergone discrepancy or there is a damaged or excess/less receiving.

    This is enabled only after physical receiving.

    Use this option to list the correction documents for that NF and print them for sending it to the supplier or for internal reference.

    From the Options menu, select Print Correction Docs. The Print Fiscal Document window appears. This window displays the documents that are already printed and yet to be printed.

    Error Log

    Use this option to view the error log in order to take corrective actions, if needed.

    The error log can contain the following information:

    • Validation related errors.

    • Any error during the NF generation using the EDI file.

    • Errors during NFe transmission or Tax Engine call for taxes.

    Discrepancy Resolution

    Use this option to view all the discrepancies (resolved or unresolved) and resolve the unresolved discrepancies. From the Options menu, select Discrepancy Resolution to access the Discrepancy Resolution window.


    The NFs in Submitted for Receiving status, and greater cannot be changed to Worksheet status for editing.

  14. Click OK. You are returned to the Fiscal Docs Find window.

  15. Click OK in the Fiscal Docs Find window. You are returned to the Receiving/Issue Schedule window.

  16. In the Receiving/Issue Schedule window, from the Options menu, select Sub. for Recv. The schedule is submitted for receiving.

    The different menu items on the Options menu in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window are as given below.

    Table 3-14 Options Menu Items and Description

    Menu Items Description


    Select this option to bring the schedule to worksheet status. A schedule can be edited only in this status.


    Select this option to validate all the NFs on the schedule.

    Sub. for Recv.

    This option is enabled only when the schedule is in Validated status.

    Select this option to change the schedule status to Submitted for Receiving.

    Print Rec. Report

    This option is enabled only after submission.

    Select this option to print a new report that shows the details of the schedule and the NF details.

    Print Document

    Select this option to print the documents.


    This option is enabled only for outbound NFs. Use this option to manually approve NF.

    Error Log

    Select this option to see the Error Log associated with the schedule. For more information on Error log, see Viewing the Error Log.

  17. After the merchandise is received, ORFM uses the receipt updates, and the NF status is updated to Receipt Verified, if the received quantity is the same as the NF quantity. If there is a difference, the status changes to Received.

  18. If the status is Received, from the Options menu in the Fiscal Documents windows, select Verify Received Qty. The Received Quantities window opens. Click Verify. The status changes to Receipt Verified, after reviewing the received quantity in this window.

  19. After the receipt is verified, the NF status and schedule status changes to Approved. Upon approval, ORFM calculates the landed cost. The landed cost is determined by subtracting the recoverable taxes from the non-recoverable taxes and non-merchandise costs. The recoverable taxes includes ICMS, Programa de Integração Social (PIS), and Contribuição para Financiamento da Seguridade Social (COFINS). These three taxes are part of the unit cost. After removing the recoverable tax, add the nonrecoverable taxes like Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI), and the non-merchandise cost (such as freight insurance). ORFM then publishes the receipts with the updated landed cost to RMS.

Viewing the Error Log

To view the error log, do the following:

Navigate: In the Receiving/Issue Schedule window, from the Options menu, select Error Log. The Error Log window appears.


To view the error log at the NF level, in the Fiscal Documents window, from the Options menu, select Error Log.

Figure 3-15 Error Log Window

error log
  1. In the filter section of the Error Log, you can enter any or all of the details as given in the following table:

    Table 3-15 Error Log Window Fields and Description

    Field Description

    Filter section

    Schedule No

    Enter the schedule number here.

    Document No

    Enter the number of the fiscal document.

    Document Type

    The document type list includes Purchase Order, Sell, Return Merchandise Authorization, Transfer, Return to Vendor, Stock Out, EDI Doc.

    Select the document type.

    Error Type

    This list contains two values: Warning and Error.

    Error Date

    Enter the date.

    Error Status

    The error status can be Open or Closed.

  2. Click the filter button after entering the values. The multi-record block displays the records that meet the filter criteria along with the Error Message.

  3. Select the error and click Fiscal Doc to see the Fiscal Documents window.

  4. Click Close to exit the window.

NF Processing - Link and Delink

The Receiving/Issuing module of ORFM enables you to link/delink an existing NF to a schedule.


You can Link and Delink the NF on schedules of "Submitted for Receiving" status.

Linking an NF to a Schedule

To link the Nota Fiscal to a schedule, perform the following steps:

Navigate: From the RMS Start Menu, select Fiscal Management. In the Contents Of Fiscal Management, select Receiving/Issue. In the Contents Of Receiving/Issue, click Edit. The Receiving/Issue Schedule window appears.

  1. Click Fiscal in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window. The Fiscal Docs Find window appears. This screen displays all the NFs linked to that schedule.

  2. Click Link to link another NF to the schedule. The Fiscal Docs Find window appears.

  3. Enter the query criteria in the Fiscal Docs Find window and execute the query. All NFs meeting the query criteria are displayed in the Fiscal Docs Find window.


    You can search for an item using fiscal number, or the VPN. See Searching using Vendor Product Number in the Fiscal Docs Find window for more information on searching for an Item using the VPN.

  4. In the Fiscal Docs Find window, check the NF to be linked to the schedule, and click OK. The Fiscal Docs Find window displays the list of NFs linked to the schedule.


    Click OK + Repeat to add another NF to the schedule.

    Figure 3-16 Fiscal Docs Find window - Linking an NF

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-16 .
  5. Click Close to exit the window.

Delinking an NF and a Schedule

To delink the Nota Fiscal and the schedule, perform the following steps:

Navigate: From the RMS Start Menu, select Fiscal Management. In the Contents Of Fiscal Management, select Receiving/Issue. In the Contents Of Receiving/Issue, click Edit. The Receiving/Issue Schedule window appears.

  1. Click Fiscal in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window. The Fiscal Docs Find window appears. This screen displays all the NFs linked to that schedule.

  2. Select the NF, and click Delink to delink the NF from the schedule. The following message is displayed:

    Figure 3-17 Delinking an NF

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-17 .
  3. Click Yes to delink the NF.

  4. Click Close to exit the window. You are returned to the Receiving/Issue Schedule window.

Discrepancy Resolution

The NF processing for PO Receiving described in the section — NF Processing - PO Receiving works when there is no discrepancy. When there is a difference between the NF cost and PO Cost or NF quantity and PO Quantity, or NF tax and tax details from Tax Engine, the NF is said to be discrepant or in the In Discrepancy status.


The discrepancy resolution and matching process does not address the identification of discount discrepancy and landed cost component discrepancy. The Nota Fiscal values for the landed cost component has to be apportioned to individual items.

The two approaches that are supported in ORFM for the resolution of discrepancies are as follows:

  • Centralized Discrepancy Resolution – In the centralized discrepancy resolution process, the quantity discrepancies identified during the discrepancy identification has to be resolved before submitting the NF for receiving. The quantity discrepancy can be resolved at the receiving location or at the centralized location. However, the cost and tax discrepancy can be resolved at the central location after the physical receipt of the merchandise. The centralized location may refer to company headquarter or the regional office.

    The status of NF or schedule in centralized receiving flow is as follows:

    Table 3-16 Status of the NF for Centralized Discrepancy Resolution

    Quantity Discrepancy Cost Discrepancy Tax Discrepancy Status




    In Discrepancy




    In Discrepancy




    In Discrepancy












    In Discrepancy

    The NF status will not change to Approved unless all the discrepancies are resolved.

    In addition, the Discrepancy Resolution item on the Options menu in the Fiscal Documents window is enabled till all the discrepancies are resolved. The check box in the Discrepancy section of the Header Details section is selected for the unresolved discrepancy.

  • De-centralized Discrepancy Resolution – In the de-centralized discrepancy resolution approach, all the discrepancies are resolved at the location where the merchandise is to be received. The receiving location may be a warehouse or store.

    In this approach, the NF status is set to In Discrepancy if any discrepancy exists after validation.

    You cannot submit the NF for receiving until all the discrepancies are resolved, and hence physical receiving before discrepancy resolution is not possible. Only after all the discrepancies are resolved, will the NF status change to Validated, and you can submit the NF for receiving.

User Interface Indicators for Discrepancy

The Fiscal Docs Find displays the status of NF as In Discrepancy as shown below:

Figure 3-18 Fiscal Docs Find Window

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-18 .

If there is quantity, cost or tax discrepancy, the Fiscal Documents window displays the status of NF as In Discrepancy.

Figure 3-19 Fiscal Documents Window with NF In Discrepancy status

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-19 .

In the Header area of the Fiscal Documents window, the check box is selected for the discrepancy that is present on the NF as shown in Figure 3-20.

Figure 3-20 Header Info Tab of the Fiscal Documents Window

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-20 .

Centralized Resolution Discrepancy Process

In the centralized discrepancy resolution process, the quantity discrepancy is resolved at the receiving location or at the centralized location. The cost and tax discrepancies may not be resolved, but the nota fiscal will be in Validated status. The process to resolve quantity discrepancy is given below.

Quantity Discrepancy

In order to resolve quantity discrepancy, do the following:

  1. From the Options menu in the Fiscal Documents window, select Discrepancy Resolution. The Discrepancy Resolution window appears.

    Figure 3-21 Discrepancy Resolution Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-21 .

    As highlighted in Figure 3-21, the check box for Qty is selected to indicate quantity discrepancy.


    It is not necessary for the all the discrepancies to exist together.

  2. Click Resolve Qty in the Discrepancy Resolution window to resolve only quantity discrepancy. The Discrepancy Resolution window displays the quantity details.

    Figure 3-22 Discrepancy Resolution (Quantity)

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-22 .
  3. In the Discrepancy Resolution window, the list in the Resolution Action field has two options – System or Nota Fiscal. Select one of the options. Click Resolve Disc.


    Depending on the system options set, ORFM decides the action to be taken for discrepancy resolution.

    For example, in case the system option is set to System, the Nota Fiscal option is disabled. You have to select System to resolve the discrepancy.

  4. The message – "Selected Resolution Action will be applied to all the discrepant records. Are you sure you want to continue?" is displayed. Click Yes. You are returned to the Discrepancy Resolution window. Notice that the check box for quantity is not selected, and the Resolve Qty button is disabled as highlighted in Figure 3-23.

    Figure 3-23 Discrepancy Resolution with Resolved Quantity

    resolved qty
  5. Click OK. You are returned to the Fiscal Documents window. The status of the Nota Fiscal is changed to Validated, if no other discrepancies exist.

  6. In the Receiving/Issue Schedule window, from the Options menu, select Sub. for Recv.

  7. The status of schedule changes from Validated to Subm. for Recv.

  8. After the items are received, the status of the nota fiscal changes to Received.

  9. Since there is a quantity discrepancy, you have to review the received quantities, before the nota fiscal can be approved. From the Options menu, select Verify Received Qty. The Received Quantities window appears.

    Figure 3-24 Received Quantities Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-24 .
  10. In the Received Quantities window, click Verify.

    In this window, review the quantity of merchandise received. After reviewing the quantity of merchandise received, the status of the NF changes to Approved if there are no pending discrepancies to be resolved.

  11. A correction document is generated, depending on what you have selected while resolving the quantity.

Return NF and Merchandise without NF Report Generation

Return NF and Merchandise without NF report can be generated at every NF level in the schedule. These reports are generated only if there is any return NF quantity or merchandise without NF quantity for any item on the NF.

The Return NF is sent to the supplier for the extra or damaged quantities. The cost and the tax details for the quantity of merchandise to be returned to the supplier are calculated.

To generate merchandise without NF, do the following:

  1. In the Fiscal Documents window, from the Options menu, select Print Correction Docs. The Correction Documents List window opens.

    Figure 3-25 Correction Documents List Window

    correction documents list

    The Correction Documents grid section lists all the correction document types that can be generated for the NF. The list may include the following, and depends on the corrective action taken:

    • Return NF – To return the stock to the supplier that was either received in excess or was damaged and hence rejected by warehouse management system or store inventory management system, a Return Nf is generated.

      After excess or damaged receiving, if system generates Return NF report, system also auto generates Return NF in Exit mode with the reference number of main NF.

    • Merchandise without NF – If any item is received without mention on the NF, it is listed in the merchandise without NF report. This is an internal report that need not be sent to the supplier. Any such inventory is handled outside the system. The inventory featuring in this report is not accounted as on-hand inventory.

    • Discrepancy Report – This document is generated when there are discrepancies. You can send the discrepancy report to correct the cost, quantity and tax discrepancies.

    • Complementary NF Request – This document is generated when the supplier has incorrectly charged lower taxes than system calculated taxes. Print this document and send it to the supplier requesting the complementary NF with corrected taxes.

  2. To print the document, select the check box for merchandise without NF.

  3. Click Print. The merchandise without NF is printed.

De-centralized Discrepancy Resolution Process

In the de-centralized discrepancy resolution approach, all the discrepancies are resolved at the location where the merchandise is to be received. The receiving location may be a warehouse or store.

The cost and tax discrepancy resolution processes are described below.


To know more about resolving quantity discrepancy, refer to Quantity Discrepancy.

Cost Discrepancy

In order to resolve cost discrepancy, do the following:

  1. From the Options menu in the Fiscal Documents window, select Discrepancy Resolution. The Discrepancy Resolution window is displayed.

    Figure 3-26 Discrepancy Resolution Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-26 .

    As shown in Figure 3-26, if there is cost, and tax discrepancy, the check boxes for Cost, and Tax are selected.

  2. Click Resolve Cost in the Discrepancy Resolution window to resolve the discrepancy in cost.

  3. The Discrepancy Resolution window displays the cost details. In this window, the list in the Resolution Action field has two options – System or Nota Fiscal. Select one of the options. Click Resolve Disc.

    Figure 3-27 Discrepancy Resolution Window



    Depending on the system options set, ORFM decides the action to be taken for discrepancy resolution.

    For example, in case the system option is set to System, the Nota Fiscal option is disabled. The list for resolution is disabled and the default method of resolution then becomes 'System'.

  4. The message – "Selected Resolution Action will be applied to all the discrepant records. Are you sure you want to continue?" is displayed. Click Yes. You are returned to the Discrepancy Resolution window. Notice that the check box for Cost is not selected, and the Resolve Cost button is disabled as highlighted in Figure 3-28.

    Figure 3-28 Discrepancy Resolution with Resolved Cost

    resolved qty
  5. Click OK. You are returned to the Fiscal Documents window. The status of the NF changes to Validated.

  6. Click Close. You are returned to the Receiving/Issue Schedule window. From the Options menu, select Sub. for Recv.

  7. After the items are received, the status of the nota fiscal changes to Received, if there are any overages/damages and under-receiving. Else, the status of NF changes to Approved.

Printing Correction Documents

If the System Option is set to System, then a correction document is generated whenever a discrepancy occurs. The NF has to be in Approved status.

  1. From the Options menu in the Fiscal Documents window, select Print Correction Docs. The Corrections Document List is displayed.


    The Print Correction Docs option is enabled only for approved NFs.

    Figure 3-29 Corrections Document List Window

  2. Select the check box for Discrepancy Report.

  3. Click Print. The correction document for the cost discrepancy is printed.

Tax Discrepancy

In order to resolve tax discrepancy, do the following:

  1. From the Options menu, select Discrepancy Resolution. The Discrepancy Resolution window is displayed.

    Figure 3-30 Discrepancy Resolution window with Tax Discrepancy

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-30 .
  2. Click Resolve Tax in the Discrepancy Resolution window. The system and informed tax are displayed in the Discrepancy Resolution window.

    The system tax includes:

    • Base Value – The basis for calculation of the tax

    • Modified Base Value – Contains the taxable basis changed by external tax engine for tax calculation. This happens when a tax rule modifies the taxable basis, mostly in the form of a lower taxable basis. It reflects the taxable basis the tax rate is actually applied on by external tax engine

    • Value – The total value

    The informed tax includes

    • Base Value – Informed calculated basis for the tax

    • Modified Base Value – The changed basis, which flows from the external tax engine. This value is applicable for only certain items that are eligible for a tax rule, which modifies the basis on which the tax rate is calculated.

    • Value – The informed total value for the tax

    Figure 3-31 Tax Discrepancy Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-31 .
  3. In this Discrepancy Resolution window, click Item Details. The Item Tax Details is displayed in the Discrepancy Resolution window.

    Figure 3-32 Item Tax Details Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-32 .

    Table 3-17 Item Tax Details Fields and Description

    Fields Description

    Tax Code

    The tax code returned by the external tax engine

    System Taxable Base Value

    The total basis on which the tax is calculated

    System Tax Value

    The total tax value returned calculated by the tax engine

    Informed Taxable Base Value on NF

    The total taxable basis apportioned to the line level by the application

    Informed Tax Value on NF

    The total taxable value apportioned to the line level by the application

    Item Tax Details Section


    The merchandise number

    Order No

    The purchase order number

    Base Value

    System Tax – The basis used while calculating the tax

    Apportioned Tax on NF – The apportioned tax basis value calculated for the fiscal line using the header tax basis values

    Modified Base Value

    System Tax – Modified Base Value is applicable to items that are eligible to a tax rule that modifies the taxable basis

    Apportioned Tax on NF – Modified apportioned tax basis value calculated for the fiscal line using the modified header tax basis values.


    System Tax – The tax rate at the item level

    Apportioned Tax on NF – The apportioned tax rate calculated at the fiscal line level


    System Tax – The system tax value of the individual item

    Apportioned Tax on NF – The apportioned tax value calculated for the fiscal line using the header tax value


    System Tax – The unit tax amount calculated

    Apportioned Tax on NF – The apportioned unit tax amount

    Resolution By

    The resolution can be either as per the System or as per the Nota Fiscal


    The reason for the resolution action (optional)

  4. In the Resolution By field, click the list, and select from resolve by either System or Nota Fiscal. Click Resolve Disc.


    Depending on the system options set, ORFM decides the action to be taken for discrepancy resolution.

    For example, in case the system option is set to System, the Nota Fiscal option is disabled. The list for resolution is disabled and default method of resolution is set as 'System'.

  5. The message – "Selected Resolution Action will be applied to all the discrepant records. Are you sure you want to continue?" is displayed. Click Yes. You are returned to the Discrepancy Resolution window. Click Close.


    If more than one component of the tax is in discrepant state, then the Discrepancy Resolution window displays the details of all the tax components. Follow the procedure listed in steps three to five to resolve the tax discrepancy.

    In the Discrepancy Resolution window, notice that the check box for Tax is not selected, and the Resolve Tax button is disabled as highlighted in Figure 3-33. The Status of the Nota Fiscal is changed to Validated.

    Figure 3-33 Discrepancy Resolution Window

    Surrounding text describes Figure 3-33 .
  6. Click Close in the Discrepancy Resolution window. You are returned to the Fiscal Documents window. The status of the NF is changed to Validated.

  7. Click OK in the Fiscal Documents window. The Fiscal Docs Find window appears. The status of the NF is displayed as Validated.

  8. Click Close in the Fiscal Docs Find window. The Receiving/Issue Schedule window appears. From the Options menu, select Sub. for Recv.

  9. After the items are received, the status of the nota fiscal changes to Received, if there are any overages/damages and under-receiving. Else, the status of NF changes to Approved.

  10. After the NF is approved, a correction document or complementary NF for tax is generated, based on what you have selected while resolving the discrepancies.

Complementary NF

In the following scenarios, the supplier may issue an additional (complementary) NF in addition to the regular NF:

  • Triangulation Purchase (additional NF from Delivery Supplier)

  • Non-merchandise cost charged by a different supplier that is, partner (non-merchandise NF)

  • NF for Cost Correction

  • NF for Tax Correction

The complementary NF may impact the total amount payable and also the landed cost (and hence the WAC) of the item.

The utilization attributes is set up to one of the below values to differentiate the type of Complementary NF:

  • Triangulation

  • Non-Merchandise cost

  • Cost/Tax Correction

For more information on the set up, see Fiscal Utilization Attributes Window.

Complementary NF for Triangulation

While creating the purchase order, the user can mention a supplier (referred to as the main supplier) to whom the payment is made and another supplier (a distributor or facilitator) who actually delivers the stock on behalf of the main supplier (referred to as the delivery supplier). This mechanism is referred to as the triangulation purchase.

The main supplier and the delivery supplier may be located in different states. In such cases, the state level taxes like ICMS and ICMS-ST are calculated based on the location of the delivery supplier.

In triangulation purchases, the retailer receives two NFs for the same inventory. One from the main supplier, which primarily serves as an invoice for making the payment and another from the delivery supplier, which serves as a bill of lading document. This document is referred to as the complementary NF for triangulation. Since ICMS and ICMS-ST depend on the delivery supplier's location, they appear on the delivery supplier's NF.

Complementary NF Processing for Triangulation

To create a complementary NF for triangulation, do the following:


The retailer has to create a purchase order, and label it as triangulation.

Navigate: From the RMS Start Menu, select Fiscal Management, then select Contents Of Fiscal Management.

  1. In Contents Of Fiscal Management, select Login of Location. The Location Login window appears.

  2. In the Location Login window, select the store or warehouse of the main supplier. Click the Location LOV to obtain the list of stores or warehouses. Select the location and click OK.

  3. In Contents Of Fiscal Management, click Receiving/Issue. In Contents Of Receiving/Issue, click Edit. The Receiving/Issue Schedule window appears.

  4. In the Receiving/Issue Schedule window, click Add. A new NF is created in the Entry mode.

  5. Click Fiscal in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window. The Fiscal Docs Find window appears.

  6. Click Add in the Fiscal Docs Find window. The Fiscal Documents window appears. Enter the Utilization code for triangulation.

  7. Enter the other values in the Fiscal Documents window. The NF is created in the Worksheet status.

  8. Click OK. You are returned to the Fiscal Docs Find window. The Fiscal Docs Find window displays the NF that is created in the worksheet status.

  9. Create another NF using the same process as given above. This is the complementary NF, and it has to be in the same schedule as the main NF. It should have the same item details as the main NF.

  10. After creating another NF, return to the Fiscal Docs Find window, and select the first NF created for the main supplier.

  11. Click Complement on the Fiscal Document window. The Complement Fiscal Doc window appears.

    Figure 3-34 Complement Fiscal Doc Window

  12. In the Complement No column, select the complementary NF. Click Add to link this NF with the main NF.

  13. Click OK to return to the main NF. From the Options menu, select Validate. The status of NF changes to Validated, if there is no discrepancy between the two NFs. You are returned to the Receiving/Issue Schedule window.


    The data integrity validation has to display an error if either of the NF is not entered in the application.

  14. In the Receiving/Issue Schedule window, select the NF and submit it for receiving. From the Options menu, select Sub. for Recv.

Complementary NF for Non-Merchandise Cost

Complementary NF for non-merchandise cost is generated to account for the freight charges incurred during transportation of merchandise. The non-merchandise cost refers to Freight Cost, Insurance Cost, and Other Expenses. Non-merchandise cost is charged by a different supplier (or partner). In such cases, the supplier has to issue an additional NF or complementary NF in addition to the regular NF.

In Complementary NF for non-merchandise cost, NFs can have multiple main NFs or none. Once the main NFs are associated to the Complementary NF for non-merchandise cost NF, the cost components are apportioned to the items that are present in the main NF.

Complementary NF Processing for Non-Merchandise Cost

To do the NF Processing for non-merchandise cost, do the following:

Navigate: From the RMS Start Menu, select Fiscal Management, then select Login of Location. The Location Login window is displayed.

  1. Select the location from the Location LOV in the Location Login window.

  2. Click OK to exit the window.

  3. From the RMS Start Menu, select Receiving/Issue. In the Contents Of Receiving/Issue, click Edit. The Receiving/Issue Schedule window is displayed.

  4. Click Add in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window.

    A new schedule is created.


    You can link the Complementary NF for Non-Merchandise Cost to a schedule. The Complementary NF for Non-Merchandise Cost can remain without a schedule.

    Multiple main NFs can be attached to one Complementary NF for Non-Merchandise Cost. However, you cannot associate the Complementary NF to any main NFs.

  5. Select the new schedule and click Fiscal in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window. The Fiscal Docs Find window is displayed.

  6. In the Fiscal Docs Find window, click Add.

    The Fiscal Documents window is displayed.

  7. In the Fiscal Documents window, select Purchase Order as the Requisition Type from the list.

  8. In the Utilization field, set the Utilization field for both Comp NF for Merchandise and Non-Merchandise.

    After you enter the Utilization as Comp NF for Merchandise and Non-Merchandise, in the Header Details of the Fiscal Documents window, the Service and Merchandise Cost fields are disabled. Requisition Doc button is disabled.

    The Additional Costs fields that include Freight, Insurance, and Other Expenses are enabled. In the Line Item Detail section, the fields in the Detail Info tab and Detail Taxes tab are disabled.

  9. Enter the expenses incurred for freight and insurance in their respective fields. If other expenses are present, enter the details in the Other Expenses field.

    The Totals in the Header Details section is also enabled.

  10. Click Complement to associate this NF with the main NF.

  11. In the Fiscal Documents window, from the Options menu, click Validate.

    During the validation process, the total cost is validated. After the validation, status automatically changes to Approved.

Complementary NF for Cost/Tax Correction

Complementary NF for Cost/Tax is generated by the Supplier when there is additional costs to be paid by the Retailer because of some discrepancies in the original NF generated for the Purchase Order.

There can be multiple complementary NFs for cost and tax correction that correspond to one main NF. But one complementary NF cannot correspond to more than one main NF. In case of cost and tax discrepancy in one main NF, the supplier may send one complementary NF for cost correction and one complementary NF for each tax code correction; or the Supplier may send single complementary NF for the correction of cost and all the taxes.

The complementary NF for cost and tax will result in updating the cost in RMS.

Complementary NF Processing for Cost/Tax Correction

To do the NF Processing for cost/tax correction do the following:

Navigate: From the RMS Start Menu, select Fiscal Management, then select Login of Location. The Location Login window is displayed.

  1. Select the location from the Location LOV in the Location Login window. Click OK to exit the window.

  2. From the RMS Start Menu, select Receiving/Issue. In the Contents Of Receiving/Issue, click Edit.

    The Receiving/Issue Schedule window is displayed.

  3. Click Add in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window.

    A new schedule is created.


    You can associate only one main NF to a Complementary NF for Cost/Tax Correction.

  4. Select the new schedule and click Fiscal in the Receiving/Issue Schedule window. The Fiscal Docs Find window is displayed.

  5. In the Fiscal Docs Find window, click Add. The Fiscal Documents window is displayed.

  6. In the Fiscal Documents window, select Purchase Order as the Requisition Type from the list.

  7. In the Utilization field, set the Utilization to Comp NF for Cost/Tax Correction.

    After you enter the Utilization as Comp NF for Cost/Tax Correction, in the Header Details of the Fiscal Documents window, the Service and Merchandise Cost fields are disabled. Requisition Doc button is disabled.

    The Additional Costs fields that include Freight, Insurance, and Other Expenses are enabled. In the Line Item Detail section, the fields in the Detail Info tab and Detail Taxes tab are disabled.

  8. Enter the expenses incurred for freight and insurance in their respective fields. If other expenses are present, enter the details in the Other Expenses field.

    The Totals in the Header Details section is also enabled.

  9. Click Complement to associate this NF with the main NF.

  10. In the Fiscal Documents window, from the Options menu, click Validate.

    During the validation process, the total cost is validated. After the validation, status automatically changes to Approved.

Deal Income Posting

ORFM takes care of posting all finance related documents (NFs) for merchandise inventory/goods movement and finance invoicing. For Deal Income, though there is no inventory/goods movement, financial documents are generated to post the deal income to finance. You need to define the default utilization in ORFM system options for deal NF. The Deal NF Utilization should be of requisition type PO.

Deal NFs are auto-generated and are not editable through ORFM User Interface. You can view the NF and print it if needed.

Deal Types

RMS supports the following three types of deals:

  • Off-Invoice

  • Fixed (Merchandise and Non-merchandise)

  • Complex

RMS generates the following two types of fixed deal:

  • Fixed deal with Merchandise and location information associated

  • Fixed deal non-merchandise with no location and merchandise information associated

RMS deal batches generate the deal income on fixed deals in RMS staging tables, based on the income calculation and invoicing frequency.

For non-merchandise fixed deals, ORFM will always generate NF details at the Set Of Books (SOB) level.

A Complex Deal is created and approved in RMS with a Deal Income calculation frequency and an invoicing frequency. Once the Deal Income calculation frequency is met, RMS calculates the Deal Income through deal batches and stores them in Deal Income related tables. Once the invoicing frequency period for the deal is reached, RMS deal batches make this information available in the RMS staging tables to be processed by ORFM.

For a deal income processing that happens in RMS, a deal NF (approved status) is generated in ORFM after running the 'fmdealinc' batch.

For more information on Deal Income Batch Processing, see Oracle Retail Fiscal Management/RMS Brazil Localization Implementation Guide.