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Oracle® Retail Warehouse Management System Implementation Guide
Release 14.1
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8 RWMS Integration

This chapter illustrates the integration between various Oracle Retail products and databases that RWMS interacts with as well as the overall dataflow among the products. The accompanying explanations are written from a system-to-system perspective, illustrating the movement of data.

RWMS Deployment

RWMS uses the Unix Server, Oracle 11g Database, and WebLogic Server. Figure 8-1 shows how the client is connected to the entire network. This also enables RWMS with Radio Frequency, through the Hand Held device.


For LAN/WAN, you can be remotely located from the server and connect using a WAN.

Figure 8-1 RWMS Deployment

Deploying RWMS

Integration with RIB

This section provides a functional overview of how RWMS integrates with other systems like the Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS), Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM), and Oracle Retail Integration Bus (RIB).

RWMS communicates with the rest of the application suite through RIB. This makes RWMS fully integrated with the Oracle suite of applications. RIB uses a publish and subscribe architecture which allows applications to produce messages and accept messages.

The application that is sending information to other applications publishes the message through RIB, and other applications in the suite can subscribe to it, to receive that message.

Data Integration Flow

Figure 8-2 Data Integration Flow

Data Integration Flow

Functional Description of RIB Objects

The following table describes the functional role that messages play with regard to RWMS functionality. The table illustrates the RWMS publishing and subscription messages to and from RIB. For additional information, see the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Operations Guide and other RIB documentation.

Table 8-1 Functional Descriptions of RIB Messages

Functional area Subscription/
Integration to Products Description


ASN Inbound

Publication ASNIn_pub


These messages are used by RWMS to communicate the ASNs created within RWMS to RMS.

Advanced Shipping Notice (Out)

Publication ASNOut_pub


These messages are responsible for communicating shipment information for the product shipped between DCs. This information includes contents of each shipped container at the item level.

Pending Returns

Publication PendRtrn_pub

External, RMS

RWMS communicates the processed Customer Returns Information to external Order Management System (OMS). The OMS may then in turn publish this information to the host system. This message contains RMA_nbr, cust_order_nbr, item_id, unit_qty, reason_code, action_code of the merchandise that have been processed for return in the warehouse.

Inventory Adjustments

Publication InvAdjust_pub


RWMS and Store systems publish inventory adjustment data in messages to RIB. The data in the messages include disposition codes for quantities of items for one location.

Return To Vendor 

Publication RTV_pub


RTV information is published by the external system and placed on RIB. RMS subscribes to the RTV information and places the information onto RMS tables depending on the validity of the records enclosed within the message.


Publication Receiving_pub


Receiving consists of appointment and receipt messages that are published to RIB for RMS.

Stock Order Status

Publication SOStatus_pub


A stock order status message contains line items, or detail, of a ship order. Each line item has an associated stock order status. RMS subscribes to stock order status to keep transfer and allocation records up to date.


Publication ShipInfo_pub 

In Brazil environment, the NF print request message is sent through this message which contains container details.

Returned container receipt

Publication PendRtrnCtnRcpt_pub

RMS, External

RWMS communicates the returned container details when it is received in the warehouse through this message.


ASN Inbound

Subscription ASNIn_sub


These messages contain inbound shipment notifications from both vendors (PO shipments) and warehouses (transfer and allocation shipments). In Brazil localized environment, for deliveries coming from other DCs or Stores, there are still ASNs in the system. ORFM sends a secondary ASN with schedule information for these deliveries through the normal ASN interface. They are also marked as MODIFY messages.

Delivery Slot

Subscription rib-rwms.DlvySlt_sub


This message is communicated by RMS and consists of the delivery slot information, which is needed by transfers and other shipment transactions.

Differentiators (Groups)  

Subscription DiffGrp_sub


These messages are used to communicate differentiator IDs from RMS to RWMS.

Differentiators (Detail)

Subscription Diffs_sub

Differentiators allow users to further distinguish items. RMS publishes these differentiators as messages to RIB, RWMS subscribes to these messages to create and modify the differentiators in warehouses.

Work Order (Outbound)

Subscription rib-rwms.WOIn_sub


Outbound Work Order data is published only upon approval of the associated transfer. As such, all work order activity, transformation and packing data are contained in the same message.

RMS and RWMS Work Orders are not integrated from a functional standpoint. RWMS Work Orders work from WIP Code(s) and RMS Work Orders do not.

Work Order (Inbound)

Subscription rib-rwms.WOOut_sub


RMS publishes work order messages. A work order provides direction to RWMS about work that needs to be completed on items contained in a recent purchase order. RMS publishes new work order messages soon after it publishes the purchase order message.

RMS and RWMS Work Orders are not integrated from a functional standpoint. RWMS Work Orders work from WIP Code(s) and RMS Work Orders do not.


Subscription rib-rwms.Vendor_sub


RMS publishes vendor (supplier) and vendor address messages to RIB. Vendor address types for returns, orders, and invoices are published.

RWMS subscribes to and consumes vendor information.

User Defined Attributes (UDAs)

Subscription rib-rwms.UDAs_sub


RMS publishes messages about user-defined attributes (UDAs) to RIB. UDAs provide a method for defining attributes and associating the attributes with specific items. UDAs are useful for informational and reporting purposes.


Subscription rib-rwms.Item_sub


These are messages communicated by RMS that contain all approved items records, including header information, item/supplier, and item/supp/country details, and item/ticket information. The item/supplier/manufacturer and the Item/Supplier/Dimension information also gets published to RWMS by this message family as part of this release.

Stock Order (Allocations and Transfers)

Subscription rib-rwms.StockOrder_sub


RMS publishes transfer and allocation messages. Both of these are transformed by TAFRs to stock order messages, which are subscribed to by RWMS for fulfillment. The messages are routed to the correct warehouse based on facility type and location.


Subscription rib-rwms.Locations_sub


RWMS subscribes to Location Messages after they have been processed and converted by a TAFR. Location messages are known as Ship Dest in RWMS, and are used to create and maintain Ship Destination records. These records are used to indicate to the warehouse where to ship merchandise and what method/carrier to use.

RWMS subscribes E type (External Finisher) as a valid destination.

A location with dest_type as VIRTUAL is created when stock_holding_ind='N',store_type='C'.

Purchase Order

Subscription rib-rwms.Order_sub


These messages contain approved, direct to store purchase orders.

PO Schedule

Subscription rib-rwms. POSchedule_sub


These messages contain schedule nbr; PO, item, quantity and ASN details.The details are subscribed and insert into RWMS schedule and schedule_detail tables.

Seed Data

Subscription rib-rwms


RWMS consumes the product classification code that has been published in the seed data from RMS.

Pending Returns



This message which is downloaded from external order management system contains RMA nbr, cust_order_nbr,item_id,unit_qty of the merchandise being returned to the warehouse.


Subscription rib-rwms ItemLoc_sub


This message contains the returnable_ind for the items in the warehouse.

RWMS RIB Components

Each section includes information concerning the architecture of the integration method and the data that is being passed back and forth.

Integration using RIB

RWMS can integrate with other Oracle Retail products (such as RMS and SIM) through RIB. RIB utilizes publish and subscribe (pub/sub) messaging paradigm with some guarantee of delivery for a message. In a pub/sub messaging system, an adapter publishes a message to the integration bus that is then forwarded to one or more subscribers. The publishing adapter does not know, nor care, how many subscribers are waiting for the message, what types of adapters the subscribers are, what the subscribers current states are (running/down), or where the subscribers are located. Delivering the message to all subscribing adapters is the responsibility of the integration bus.See the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Operations Guide and other RIB-related documentation for additional information.

RWMS Message Subscription Process

The RIB architecture utilizes a uniform structure. The following is a description of the methods used by the subscription process:

  • The RWMS adapter recognizes that a message with the specific name with a prefix of RDMSUB (for example, RDMSUB_LOC for Location subscription) exists on RIB.

  • The adapter calls the public PL/SQL procedure to 'consume' the message. The public consume procedure is named:


    This procedure accepts an Oracle Object containing the message information along with the message type (for example, Locationcre/Locationmod/Locationdel). It calls sub_xxxx.process_message to process the message and based on the information received back, it returns a status_code and error_message. When a message is successfully consumed the status_code returns an S and the error_message is null. The status code might return with an error code if the message processing failed and the error_message contains the error text.

  • The consume procedure calls process_message to perform the subscription process:


    This procedure is the engine of the message processing. It performs all the validation, additional processing, and data changes (Inserts, Updates, and Deletes) by calling other private functions and procedures.


    Detailed information is provided in the corresponding component section of the specific subscription.

RWMS Message Publication Process

The RIB architecture utilizes a uniform structure. The following is a description of the methods used by the Publish process:

  • The RWMS receives a publish request from RIB. Publisher messages all have a prefix of RDMMFM (for example, RDMMFM_RECEIVING for publishing appointments/receipts). These are the Message Family Managers (MFM).

  • The MFM calls the public PL/SQL procedure to create the message to publish. The public procedure is named:


    This procedure accepts inputs such as facility_type/dc_dest_id/pub_seq. It returns an Oracle Object containing the message information along with the message type (for example, AppointCre for creating appointments). It also returns an error_message if the publication of the message failed. When the message is published successfully, the error_message is null. In several messages, messages are aggregated for bulk processing. This may be based on valid business criteria or simply based on 'max details to publish' as defined in the rib_settings table.


    Detailed information is provided in the corresponding component section of the specific subscription.

    RWMS is also the subscriber to messages published by third party systems.

Subscription Components

The following types of subscriptions are available:

Vendor Subscription

Vendor messages are used by RWMS to create and maintain Vendor and Vendor Address information. Vendor messages are published by a host system.

Vendor Information is used by RWMS in the inbound processing of Purchase Orders, Items, Receiving, Returns, and RTV.

This family of messages is considered to be Foundation Data. Foundation Data is used as the basis for building other data models and is routed to every RWMS installation in the enterprise.

Vendor Message Structure

The Vendor family of messages can create, modify, and delete Vendor records as well as create, modify, and delete Vendor Addresses. All of the message types are composed of the following sections:

  • Message header - This is data about the Vendor, including the Number and the Name, as well as the auditing and sampling requirements for received product.

  • Address record - Address Type (for example, Billing, Shipping), Primary Indicator, and basic address information.

Vendor Message Components

The following is a description of the Vendor message components:

  • Name of the Consume method: RDMSUB_VENDOR

  • Name of the Process Message method: SUB_VENDOR


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Vendor messages belong to the Vendor message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object.

Table 8-2 Vendor Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Vendor Create (VDR_ALL)

Header and Address


Vendor Modify (VDR_MOD)

Header only


Vendor Delete (VDR_DEL)

Header only


Vendor Address Create (VDRD_ADD)

Address only


Vendor Address Modify (VDRD_MOD)

Address only


Vendor Address Delete (VDRD_DEL)

Address only


Primary Vendor Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold Vendor data:




    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Location Subscription

Location messages, known as Ship Destination to RWMS, are used by RWMS to create and maintain Ship Destination records.

Ship Destination information is used by the warehouse to know where to ship merchandise and what methods/carriers to use.

This family of messages is considered to be Foundation Data. Foundation Data indicates that the data is used as the basis for building other data models and is routed to every RWMS installation in the enterprise.

Location Message Structure

The Location or Ship Dest family of messages can create, modify and delete Ship Dest records. Ship Dest messages includes a Destination Identifier, address information, Carrier Information, Currency Codes, Country Codes, Store Type, and Stock Holding Indicator.

Location Message Components

The following is a description of the Location message components:

  • Name of the Consume method: RDMSUB_LOC

  • Name of the Process Message method: SUB_LOC


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Location messages belong to the Location message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object.

Table 8-3 Location Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Location Create (LOCATIONCRE)

Header only


Location Modify (LOCATIONMOD)

Header only


Location Delete (LOCATIONDEL)

Header only


Primary Location Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold Location data:



    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Item Subscription

The Item messages are used by RWMS to create and maintain Item and Item supporting information. Item messages are published by a host system.

Items represent the actual merchandise that is received and shipped from the warehouse. The Item messages provide detail information about the merchandise including the Vendor, dimensions, and user-defined attributes.

This family of messages is considered to be Foundation Data. Foundation Data indicates that the data is used as the basis for building other data models and is routed to every RWMS installation in the enterprise.

Item Message Structure

The Item family of messages can create, modify, and delete Item Master and related sub Item table records. The Item messages consist of the following areas: Item, Supplier Information, Attributes, Differentiators, Bill of Materials, and UPC. A brief description of each node is provided below.

  • Item - This is data about the Item itself including Vendor, Description, basic dimensions, and weight. Also included in the Item node is the Item Differentiator information which provides a cross reference between the Item and the Differentiator/Differentiator Group tables.

  • Item Supplier - The list of suppliers for list item including the primary supplier indicator.

  • Item Supplier Country - The list of countries for each supplier, including the primary country indicator. Additional information includes Inner Pack Size and TI/HI.

  • Item Supplier Country Dimensions - The list of dimensions by object type (EACH, CARTON) by country.

  • Item Attributes - The cross reference information between the Item and Attributes/Attribute Types.

  • Bill of Materials - Information to relate the Master Item to the Component Items when creating pack items.

  • Item UPC - Information to relate the Item to a UPC code.

Item Message Components

The following is a description of the Item message components:

  • Name of the Consume method: RDMSUB_ITEMS

  • Name of the Process Message method: SUB_ITEMS


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Item messages belong to the Item message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object.

Table 8-4 Item Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Item Create (ITEMCRE)

Header and all details


Item Modify (ITEMHDRMOD)

Header only


Item Delete (ITEMDEL)

Header only



BOM detail only



BOM detail only



BOM detail only



UPC detail only



UPC detail only



UPC detail only


UDA List of Values Create (ITEMUDALOVCRE)

UDA List of Values detail only


UDA List of Values Modify (ITEMUDALOVMOD)

UDA List of Values detail only


UDA List of Values Delete (ITEMUDALOVDEL)

UDA List of Values detail only


Item Supplier Create (ITEMSUPCRE)

Item Supplier detail only


Item Supplier Modify (ITEMSUPMOD)

Item Supplier detail only


Item Supplier Delete (ITEMSUPDEL)

Item Supplier detail only


Item Supplier Country Create (ITEMSUPCTYCRE)

Item Supplier Country Detail only


Item Supplier Country Modify (ITEMSUPCTYMOD)

Item Supplier Country Detail only


Item Supplier Country Delete (ITEMSUPCTYDEL)

Item Supplier Country Detail only


Item Supplier Country Dimension Create (ITEMISCDIMCRE)

Item Supplier Country Dimension detail only


Item Supplier Country Dimension Modify (ITEMISCDIMMOD)

Item Supplier Country Dimension detail only


Item Supplier Country Dimension Delete (ITEMISCDIMDEL)

Item Supplier Country Dimension detail only


Primary Item Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold Item data:









    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

UDA Subscription

UDA Information, known in RWMS as Attributes and Attribute Types, is used to allow the user to define additional attributes for an Item. For example, for a cotton T-shirt, an Attribute of COTTON, meaning Cotton Short Sleeve T-Shirt, can be created and related to an Item through the Item Attribute table (see the ITEM subscription documentation for more information concerning the Item Attribute message).

This family of messages is considered to be Foundation Data. Foundation Data indicates that the data is used as the basis for building other data models and is routed to every RWMS installation in the enterprise.

UDA Message Structure

The UDA family of messages consists of two message types: UDA (Attribute Types) and UDA Values (Attributes). Both messages are single node structures.

  • UDA Type - This message includes the UDA Identifier and Description.

  • UDA Value Type - This message includes the UDA Value Identifier and Description and the UDA Identifier.

UDA Message Components

The following is a description of the UDA message components:

  • Name of the Consume method: RDMSUB_UDAS.

  • Name of the Process Message method: SUB_UDAS.


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All UDA messages belong to the UDA message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object.

Table 8-5 UDA Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type


Header only



Header only



Header only


UDA Detail Create (UDAVALCRE)

Detail only


UDA Detail Modify (UDAVALMOD)

Detail only


UDA Detail Delete (UDAVALDEL)

Detail only


Primary UDA Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold UDA data:




    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Differentiator Subscription

Differentiators and Differentiator Groups are created and then associated to Items through the Item Differentiator table. (See the ITEM subscription documentation for more information concerning the Item Differentiator message.) This information allows the user further characterize and group Items.

This family of messages is considered to be Foundation Data. Foundation Data indicates that the data is used as the basis for building other data models and is routed to every RWMS installation in the enterprise.

Differentiator Message Structure

The Differentiator family of messages consists of three message types: Differentiators, Differentiator Groups, and Differentiator Group Details. All of these messages are single node structures.

  • Differentiator Type - This message includes a Differentiator Identifier, Description, and Type.

  • Differentiator Group Type - This message includes a Differentiator Group Identifier, Group Description, and Type.

  • Differentiator Group Details Type - This message includes the Differentiator Identifier, Differentiator Group Identifier, and Description.

Differentiator Message Components

The following is a description of the Differentiator message components:

  • Name of the Consume methods: RDMSUB_DIFFS, RDMSUB_DIFFGRP

  • Name of the Process Message methods: SUB_DIFFS, SUB_DIFFGRP


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Differentiator messages belong to the Differentiator message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-6 Differentiator Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Differentiator Create (DIFFCRE)

Header only


Differentiator Modify (DIFFMOD)

Header only


Differentiator Delete (DIFFDEL)

Header only


Differentiator Group Create (DIFFGRPCRE)

Header only


Differentiator Group Modify (DIFFGRPMOD)

Header only


Differentiator Group Delete (DIFFGRPDEL)

Header only


Differentiator Group Detail Create (DIFFGRPDTLCRE)

Detail only


Differentiator Group Detail Modify (DIFFGRPDTLMOD)

Detail only


Differentiator Group Detail Delete (DIFFGRPDTLDEL)

Detail only


Primary Differentiator Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that holds Differentiator data:





    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Purchase Order Subscription

Purchase Order (PO) messages are used by RWMS to create and maintain PO and PO Detail information. Purchase Order messages are published by a host system.

Purchase Order messages authorize a warehouse to be able receive merchandise from a Vendor. These messages provide information to the warehouse about the amount of each item that can be received into the warehouse as well as acceptable date ranges for delivery.

The Purchase Order messages are specific to a particular warehouse instance and therefore contain routing information so that the bus can guarantee successful delivery of the message to the appropriate DC.

Purchase Order Message Structure

The Purchase Order family of messages can create, modify, and delete Purchase Order records, as well as create, modify, and delete Purchase Order details. All of the message types are composed of the following sections:

Purchase Order Message Components

The following is a description of the Purchase Order message components:

  • Name of the Consume methods: RDMSUB_ORDER

  • Name of the Process Message methods: SUB_PO


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All PO messages belong to the PO message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-7 PO Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Purchase Order Create (POPhysCre)

Header and Detail


Purchase Order Modify (POPhysMod)

Header only


Purchase Order Delete (POPhysDel)

Header only


Purchase Order Detail Create (PODtlPhysCre)

Header and Detail


Purchase Order Detail Modify (PODtlPhysMod)

Header and Detail


Purchase Order Detail Delete (PODtlPhysDel)

Detail only


Primary Purchase Order Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold PO data:

  • PO



    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Inbound Work Order Subscription


RMS and RWMS Work Orders are not integrated from a functional standpoint. RWMS Work Orders work from WIP Code(s) and RMS Work Orders do not.

Inbound Work Order messages are used by RWMS to create and maintain work order information. Inbound Work Order messages are published by a host system.

Inbound Work Order messages represent a request for the warehouse to perform work on the merchandise before it is shipped to the stores or customers.

The Inbound Work Order messages are specific to a particular warehouse instance and therefore contain routing information so that the bus can guarantee successful delivery of the message to the appropriate DC.

Inbound Work Order Message Structure

The Inbound Work Order family of messages can create, modify, and delete Inbound Work Order records. The message includes the following information: Item, WIP Code, Sequence, and Instructions.

Inbound Work Order Message Components

The following is a description of the Inbound Work Order message components:

  • Name of the Consume methods: RDMSUB_WOIN

  • Name of the Process Message methods: SUB_WOIN


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Inbound Work Order messages belong to the Inbound Work Order message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-8 Inbound Work Order Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Inbound Work Order Create (INBDWOCre)

Header only


Inbound Work Order Modify (INBDWOMod)

Header only


Inbound Work Order Delete (INBDWODel)

Header only


Primary Inbound Work Order Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold Inbound Work Order data:



    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Inbound ASN Subscription

Inbound Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) messages are used by RWMS to create and maintain Advanced Shipment Information within the system. Inbound ASN messages are published by an outside Vendor or by another warehouse or SIM through the publication and transformation on an Outbound ASN.

Inbound ASN messages represent an ASN of incoming merchandise. These messages provide information to the warehouse about the amount of each item that is coming to the DC.

The Inbound ASN messages are specific to a particular warehouse instance and therefore contain routing information so that the bus can guarantee successful delivery of the message to the appropriate DC.

Inbound ASN Message Structure

The Inbound ASN messages come in two styles depending on the type. PO Type ASNs provide information about the Items being shipped to the warehouse. Carton (C) and Tare (T) ASNs also provide item and carton information. The two structures share common nodes, detailed below:

  • Message header - ASN Number, Type, Carrier.

  • POrecord - Purchase Order information.

  • Carton - Container Identifier, dimensions (for Carton and Tare type ASNs).

  • Items - Details about all items in the Container.

Inbound ASN Message Components

The following is a description of the BOL message components:

  • Name of the Consume methods: RDMSUB_ASNIN

  • Name of the Process Message methods: SUB_ASN


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All ASN messages belong to the ASN message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-9 ASN Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

ASN Inbound PO Create (ASNINPOCre)

Header and Detail


ASN Inbound PO Modify (ASNINPOMod)

Header and Detail


ASN Inbound PO Delete (ASNINPODel)

Header only


ASN Inbound Container Create (ASNINCTNCre)

Header and Detail


ASN Inbound Container Modify (ASNINCTNCre)

Header and Detail


ASN Inbound Container Delete (ASNINCTNCre)

Header only


Primary Inbound ASN Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold ASN data:

  • ASN




  • PO



Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Stock Order Subscription

Stock Order messages are used by RWMS to create and maintain stock order, stock allocation, and component ticketing information. Stock Order messages are published by a host system.

Stock Order messages represent a request for merchandise to be sent to another location. These messages provide information to the warehouse about the amount of each item that needs to processed and shipped to the provided destination. They also provide billing and shipping address information Consumer Direct orders.

The Stock Order messages are specific to a particular warehouse instance and therefore contain routing information so that the bus can guarantee successful delivery of the message to the appropriate DC.

Stock Order Message Structure

The Stock Order family of messages can create, modify, and delete Stock Order records, as well as create, modify, and delete Stock Orders details, Stock Allocation, and Component Ticketing. All of the message types are composed of the following sections:

  • Message header - This is data about the Stock Order including billing and shipping information, picking dates, and cartonization information.

  • Allocation record - Requested Items, Destinations, and quantities.

  • Component ticketing record - Master and Component Item relationships.

Stock Order Message Components

The following is a description of the Stock Order message components:

  • Name of the Consume methods: RDMSUB_SO

  • Name of the Process Message methods: SUB_SO


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Stock Order messages belong to the Stock Order message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-10 Stock Order Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Stock Order Create (SOCRE)

Header and Detail


Stock Order Modify (SOMOD)

Header only


Stock Order Delete (SODEL)

Header only


Stock Allocation Create (SODCRE)

Header and Detail


Stock Allocation Modify (SODMOD)

Header and Detail


Stock Allocation Delete (SODDEL)

Detail only


Primary Stock Order Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold Stock Order data:






    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Outbound Work Order Subscription


RMS and RWMS Work Orders are not integrated from a functional standpoint. RWMS Work Orders work from WIP Code(s) and RMS Work Orders do not.

Outbound Work Order messages are used by RWMS to create and maintain work order information. Outbound Work Order messages are published by a host system.

Outbound Work Order messages represent a request to the warehouse to perform work on the merchandise before it is shipped to the stores or customers.

The Outbound Work Order messages are specific to a particular warehouse instance and therefore contain routing information so that the bus can guarantee successful delivery of the message to the appropriate DC.

Outbound Work Order Message Structure

The Outbound Work Order family of messages can create, modify, and delete Outbound Work Order records. The message includes the following information: distribution, destination, item, WIP sequence number, WIP code, personalization, instructions, order line number, and the auto complete flag.

Outbound Work Order Message Components

The following is a description of the Outbound Work Order message components:

  • Name of the Consume methods: RDMSUB_WOOUT

  • Name of the Process Message methods: SUB_WOOUT


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Outbound Work Order messages belong to the Outbound Work Order message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-11 Outbound Work Order Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Outbound Work Order Create (OUTBDWOCre)

Header and Detail


Outbound Work Order Modify (OUTBDWOMod)

Header and Detail


Outbound Work Order Delete (OUTBDWODel)

Header only


Primary Outbound Work Order Tables

The following descriptions are for the primary tables in RWMS that hold Outbound Work Order data:



    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Pending Returns Subscription

Pending Return subscription messages are used by RWMS to create and maintain Electronic Returns information. Pending Returns messages are published by an external OMS system (Order Management System).

These represent a notification to the warehouse of merchandise that is being returned to the warehouse. These messages provide information to the warehouse about the quantity of each item that is being returned and also the reason for their return.

RWMS subscribes to these messages through the API in the package- PendingReturnsServiceProviderI.pkg.

Pending Returns Message Structure

The Pending Returns family of messages can:

  • create, modify Pending Returns records.

  • Create, modify, and delete Pending Returns details.

  • Create, modify Return reason codes. The reason codes are deleted when their corresponding pending return detail record is deleted.

Pending Return Header

This is the data about the RMA Number, Customer Order Number, Expected Receipt Date.

Pending Return Detail

The Line Item no, Item_id and quantity.

Return Reason Codes

This holds the reason_codes against which the line item is being returned.

Pending Returns Message Components

The following is a description of the Pending Returns message components:

  • Name of the RWMS API that can be called by the external system: PendingReturnsServiceProviderI.pkg

  • Name of the Process Message methods: SUB_PENDRETURN


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Pending Return messages belong to the Pending Returns message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-12 Pending Return Messages Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Pending Returns Create (CRE)

Header, Detail, Reason_codes


Pending Returns Modify (MOD)

Header, Detail or Reason_code


Pending Returns Detail Delete (DEL)

Detail only


Primary Pending Returns Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold Pending Returns data:





    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

PO Schedule Subscription

PO Schedule messages are used by RWMS to create and maintain Schedule information. Schedule messages are published by ORFM.

PO Schedule messages represent a notification to the warehouse of merchandise that NF has been created from ORFM. These messages provide information to the warehouse about the PO, ASN and Item details.

The PO Schedule messages are specific to a particular warehouse instance and therefore contain routing information so that the bus can guarantee successful delivery of the message to the appropriate DC.

PO Schedule Message Structure

The PO Schedule family of messages can create.PO Schedule records as well as create PO Schedule details. All of the message types are composed of the following sections:

  • Message header - This is data about the Schedule Number, Physical WH

  • Detail record - The requisition nbr, requisition type, item and consolidated_quantity

PO Schedule Message Components

The following is a description of the PO Schedule message components:

  • Name of the Consume methods: RDMSUB_PO_SCHD

  • Name of the Process Message methods: SUB_PO_SCHD


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

All PO Schedule messages belong to the POSchedule message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-13 PO Schedule Messages Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

PO Schedule Create (k_PO_SCHD_CRE)

Header and Detail


PO Schedule

Header and Detail


PO Schedule Detail

Detail only


Primary Schedule Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold Schedule data:




Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Seed Data Subscription

RWMS subscribes to the product classification codes (combinability codes) from the seed data that is published from RMS

Seed Data Message Structure

The seed data family of messages can create codes,update their description code description and also delete the codes if they have not been associated to an item.RWMS consumes the codes which have code type as 'PCLA'. It has the following structure:

  • Message header - This is the data about the code_type ,code, code description

Seed Data Message Components

The following is a description of the SKU Optimization message components:

  • Name of the Consume methods: RDMSUB_SEEDDATA

  • Name of the Process Message methods: SUB_SEED_DATA


For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-14 Seed Data Messages Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type










Primary Tables

The following descriptions are for the primary tables in RWMS that hold Product Classification data:



    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

ItemLoc Subscription

Item Loc messages are used by RWMS to set the returnable_ind flag on item_master.It is published from RMS. RWMS consumes only the returnable_ind in the RIB_ItemLocPhys_REC record of the message

Item Loc Message Structure

The message type is composed of the following sections:

  • Message header - Contains the item_id

  • Detail record - contains the location, returnable_ind values that are consumed by RWMS. RWMS consumes these values when the location in the message is the DC dest_id

ItemLoc Message Components

The following is a description of the message components:

  • Name of the Consume methods: RDMSUB_ITEMLOC

  • Name of the Process Message methods: SUB_ITEM_LOC


    For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

The message belongs to the ItemLoc message family. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-15 ItemLoc Messages Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type


Header and Detail



Header and Detail


Primary Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold third part ship container data:



    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Third Party Shipment Subscription

RWMS subscribes to the shipment information from external system for containers shipped through them. This information is then updated in RWMS tables. This is done through the RWMS API in the package ShippingManifestSelectionServi.pkg. Information regarding manifest and close/shipped containers is received in RWMS.

Message Structure

Separate messages are present for container (M)anifest and Manifest Close information. They have the following structure:

  • Container Manifest message(RIB_ManifestTrackDesc_REC): This contains information about the containers that are Manifested.It contains shipment_id,container_id,carrier_code,carrier_service_code,carrier_tracking_number.

  • Manifest close message header(RIB_ManifestCloseVo_REC) : This contains information of the closed/shipped manifest. It contains carrier_code, carrier_service_code, ship_date.

Message Components

The following is a description of the message components:

  • Name of the Consume methods: ShippingManifestSelectionServi.manifestInfo, ShippingManifestSelectionServi.closeManifest

  • Name of the Process Message methods: sub_mms_Manifest_Status ,sub_mms_Manifest_close


    For a general description of the Consume and Process Message methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message subscription process section of this document.

Message Summary

The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object.

Table 8-16 Messages Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type







Primary Tables

The following are the primary tables in RWMS that hold third part ship container data:





    Detailed descriptions of these tables are in the Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System Data Model document.

Publish Components

The following types of publishing components are available:

Inbound ASN Publish

RWMS is responsible for communicating Inbound ASN Information to the Host System. Inbound ASN is defined as ASN Information originating in the RWMS System. Inbound ASNs can be Container or PO Type ASNs. PO Type ASNs detail item information is received at a unit level, not container level information. Container Type Inbound ASNs detail item information is received at a container level. Container information includes Container ID, Destinations, Distro Number, Unit Quantity, PO, and Item.

Inbound ASN messages are communicated to the Host once it is appointed. The entire hierarchical message is sent. To modify an ASN, the ASN must not be associated to an Appointment. Once modified, the entire hierarchical message is resent.

Inbound ASN Tables

The RWMS tables are populated when a record is recreated in the RWMS screens. These are the tables that stage the ASN records to be published:





Inbound ASN Message Components

The following is a description of the Inbound ASN message components:


For a general description of the GetNxt and message builder methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message publication process section of this document.

  • Name of the GetNxt methods: RDMMFM_ASNIN.getnxt

  • Name of the message builder procedure: PUB_INBOUND_ASN

Message Summary

All Inbound ASN messages belong to the Inbound ASN message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-17 Inbound ASN Messages Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Advance Shipping Notice Create (ASNInCre)

Header and Detail


Advance Shipping Notice Delete (ASNInDel)

Header only


State Diagram

Figure 8-3 Inbound ASN Messages State Diagram

Description of Activities

Table 8-18 Create Inbound ASN Messages

Item Action


Must be an ASN appointment and a valid ASN.

Activity Detail

Assign the ASN to an Appointment.


When Inbound ASN Messages are created, the Inbound ASN Create data is inserted into the ASN_Upload table. The Inbound ASN Create message is a hierarchical message containing a full snapshot of the Inbound ASN Message at the time the ASN was appointed.

Table 8-19 Delete Inbound ASN Messages

Item Action


Must be an ASN appointment and a valid ASN.

Activity Detail

Remove the ASN from the Appointment.


When Inbound ASN Delete Messages are created, the Inbound ASN Delete data is inserted into the ASN_Upload table. The Inbound ASN Create message is a hierarchical message containing a full snapshot of the Inbound ASN Message at the time the ASN was appointed.



Appointments/Receipts Publish

RWMS is responsible for communicating Appointment Information to the Host System. Appointment information consists of the Appointment Number, PO Information, Item Details, Scheduled Units, and as well as ASN Information when related to an ASN.

Appointment messages are transmitted to the Host once the Appointment is scheduled. Once scheduled, Appointment messages are communicated at the addition, modification, or deletion of a detail, a modification of the header information such as arrival time, or at Open, Close, and Deletion of the appointment.

RWMS is responsible for communicating Receipt Information to the Host System.

Receipt information is at the container level. It is uploaded to the host when the container is received (container level) or when the appointment is closed (appointment level) depending on an RWMS system parameter. Receipt Info Upload includes appointment information, item number, ASN number if applicable, quantity, purchase order number, disposition changes, and type of receipt.

Receipt types include:

  • Initial Receipt

  • Adjustment to an already uploaded receipt

Both types of receipts contain the same information listed above.

Receipt/Appointment Tables

The RWMS tables are populated when a record is created in RWMS. These are the tables that stage the Receipts and Appointments:





Receipt/Appointment Message Components

The following is a description of the Receipt/Appointment message components:

  • Name of the GetNxt methods: RDMMFM_RECEIVING.getnxt

  • Name of the message builder procedures: PUB_RECEIPT and PUB_APPOINTMENT


For a general description of the GetNxt and message builder methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message publication process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Receipt and Appointment messages belong to the Receipt message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-20 Receipt Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Appointment Create (AppointCre)

Header and Detail


Appointment Modify (AppointMod)

Header only


Appointment Delete (AppointDel)

Header only


Appointment Detail Create (AppointDtlCre)

Header and Detail


Appointment Detail Modify (AppointDtlMod)

Header and Detail


Appointment Detail Delete (AppointDtlDel)

Header and Detail


State Diagram

Figure 8-4 Appointments State Diagram

Description of Activities

Appointment Create

Item Action
Prerequisites A valid door and trailer must exist to create an appointment.
Activity Detail None.
Messages When Appointment Create Messages are created, the Appointment Create data is inserted into the Appt_Header_To_Upload/Appt_Detail_To_Upload table. The Appointment Create message is a hierarchical message containing a full snapshot of the Appointment Message at the time the first appointment detail record is added.

Appointment Modify

Item Action
Prerequisites Appointment must exist.
Activity Detail Change the Door, Appointment Time Stamp.
Messages When Appointment Modify Messages are created, the Appointment Modify data is inserted into the Appt_Header_To_Upload table. The Appointment Modify message is a flat message containing a full snapshot of the Appointment Modify Message at the time the appointment status is changed.

Appointment Delete

Item Action
Prerequisites Appointment must exist and be in the appropriate status.
Activity Detail Cascade deletes to any associated detail tables.
Messages When Appointment Delete Messages are created, the Appointment Delete data is inserted into the Appt_Header_To_Upload table. The Appointment Delete message is a flat message containing the Appointment Number that was deleted.

Appointment Detail Create

Item Action
Prerequisites Valid appointment header and a valid PO and Item. If related to an ASN, the ASN must be valid.
Activity Detail None.
Messages When Appointment Detail Create Messages are created, the Appointment Detail Create data is inserted into the Appt_Header_To_Upload/Appt_Detail_To_Upload table. The Appointment Detail Create message is a flat message containing a full snapshot of the Appointment Detail Create Message at the time the appointment detail is created.

Appointment Detail Modify

Item Action
Prerequisites Appointment detail record must exist in the appropriate status.
Activity Detail Appropriate checks made to maintain data integrity.
Messages When Appointment Detail Modify Messages are created, the Appointment Detail Modify data is inserted into the Appt_Header_To_Upload/Appt_Detail_To_Upload table. The Appointment Detail Modify message is a flat message containing a full snapshot of the Appointment Detail Modify Message at the time the appointment detail was modified changed.

Appointment Detail Delete

Item Action
Prerequisites Appointment detail record must exist in the appropriate status.
Activity Detail None.
Messages When Appointment Detail Delete Messages are created, the Appointment Detail Delete data is inserted into the Appt_Header_To_Upload/Appt_Detail_To_Upload table. The Appointment Detail Delete message is a flat message containing a full snapshot of the Appointment Detail Delete Message at the time the appointment detail was created.

Create Receipt

Item Action
Prerequisites Valid appointment must exist.
Activity Detail Receipt of Container creates a Receipt to upload.
Messages When a receipt is created, the Receipt Create data is inserted into the Receipt_To_Upload table. The Receipt Create message is a flat message containing a full snapshot of the receipt at the time the receipt is created.

If you enter any overage/damage information, the data is inserted into overages_to_upload table.

Create Receipt Adjustment

Item Action
Prerequisites Container is received and the initial receipt upload is sent.
Activity Detail Each container is individually checked using RWMS. functionality.
Messages When a receipt adjustment is created, the Receipt Adjustment data is inserted into the Receipt_To_Upload table. The Receipt Adjustment message is a flat message containing a full snapshot of the receipt adjustment at the time the receipt adjustment is created.



Stock Order Status Publish

RWMS is responsible for communicating Stock Order status Information to the Host System. RWMS generates stock order status information upon detection of specific changes to a stock order.

These statuses include:

  • Successful Insert

  • Successful Delete

  • Store Reassign

  • Detail Selected

  • Detail Unselected

  • Pick Created

  • Pick Deleted

  • Return to Stock

  • Cartonization Complete

  • Cartonization Reversed

  • Expired Stock Order

  • No Inventory

Information includes distribution number, distribution type, item information, and quantities, and status.

Stock Order Status Tables

The RWMS tables are populated when a record is created in RWMS. This is the table that stages the Stock Order Status records to be published:


Stock Order Info Upload Message Components

The following is a description of the Stock Order Status message components:


For a general description of the GetNxt and message builder methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message publication process section of this document.

  • Name of the GetNxt methods: RDMMFM_SOSTATUS.getnxt

  • Name of the message builder procedures: PUB_STOCKORDER_STATUS

Message Summary

All Stock Order Status messages belong to the Stock Order Status message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-21 Stock Order Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Stock Order Create (SOStatusCre)

Header and Detail


State Diagram

Figure 8-5 Create Stock Order State Diagram

Surrounding text describes Figure 8-5 .

Create Stock Order Info Messages

Item Action
Prerequisites Valid distribution number.
Activity Detail Generate throughout the system per normal use of the system.
Messages When Stock Order Info Messages are created, the Stock Order Info Create data is inserted into the Stock_Order_Info_Upload table. The Stock Order Info Create message is a flat message containing a full snapshot of the Stock Order Info Messages at the time the inventory was affected.



Outbound ASN Publish

RWMS is responsible for communicating Outbound ASN Information to the Host System.

Outbound ASN Information consists of ASN Information, BOL Number, Manifest Information, including Trailer and Carrier, Container Information including Items, Unit Quantities, Container ID, Destination, and Distribution Information.

For physical Store shipments an outbound ASN is generated for a distinct Shipping Trailer/Destination.

Outbound ASN Tables

The RWMS tables are populated when a record is recreated in the RWMS screens. This is the table that stages the Outbound ASN records to be published:



Outbound ASN Message Components

The following is a description of the Outbound ASN message components:

  • Name of the GetNxt methods: RDMMFM_ASNOUT.getnxt

  • Name of the message builder procedures: PUB_OUTBOUND_ASN


For a general description of the GetNxt and message builder methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message publication process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Outbound ASN messages belong to the Outbound ASN message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-22 Outbound ASN Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Outbound ASN Create (ASNOutCre)

Header and Detail


State Diagram

Figure 8-6 Create Outbound ASN Messages State Diagram

Description of Activities

Create Outbound ASN Messages

Item Action
Prerequisites Trailer must be in a Shipped Status.
Activity Detail None.
Messages When Outbound ASN Messages are created, the Outbound ASN Create data is inserted into the BOL_To_Upload table. The Outbound ASN Create message is a hierarchical message containing a full snapshot of the Outbound ASN Message at the time the shipment was created.



Inventory Adjustments Publish

RWMS is responsible for communicating Inventory Adjustments Information to the Host System.

Inventory Adjustments can be categorized as true inventory adjustments or inventory disposition changes.

True inventory adjustments are adjusting the actual quantity of the inventory available. Inventory disposition is changing the status of the inventory (for example, from unavailable to sell, to available to sell). True inventory adjustments must always have a disposition change; however, the user may have an inventory disposition without a true inventory adjustment.

Inventory Disposition statuses include:

  • Receipt in Process (RIP)

  • Available to Sell (ATS)

  • Pending WIP on Inventory (WIP code is included)

  • Trouble (Trouble code is included)

  • Distributed

The user can define alternate statuses to be uploaded to the host through an RWMS defined editor.

Inventory Adjustments Tables

The RWMS tables are populated when a record is recreated in the RWMS screens. This is the table that stages the Inventory Adjustment records to be published:


Inventory Adjustment Message Components

The following is a description of the Inventory Adjustment message components:

  • Name of the GetNxt methods: RDMMFM_INVADJUST.getnxt.

  • Name of the message builder procedures: PUB_INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT.


For a general description of the GetNxt and message builder methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message publication process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Inventory Adjustment messages belong to the Inventory Adjustment message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-23 Inventory Adjustment Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Inventory Adjustment Create (InvAdjustCre)

Header and Detail


State Diagram

Figure 8-7 Create Inventory Adjustments State Diagram

Description of Activities

Create Inventory Adjustments

Item Action
Prerequisites None.
Activity Detail Inventory adjustments are created throughout the entire system as a result of normal processing.
Messages When an Inventory Adjustments is created, the Inventory Adjustments Create data is inserted into the Inv_Adjustment_To_Upload table. The Inventory Adjustments Create message is a flat message containing a full snapshot of the Inventory Adjustments at the time the Inventory Adjustments is created.



Inventory Balance Upload

When requested, RWMS uploads an image of the current inventory. The format of the inventory balance record is as follows:

Table 8-24 Format of Inventory Balance Record

Field Description Template Description

Location (DC)

X (10)

Destination ID of the DC.

Transaction Date/Time


Date of run.

Item ID

X (25)

Item identifier.

Available Units

N (8) v N (4)

Units available for distribution.

Distributed Units

N (8) v N (4)

Units distributed includes:

Units distributed but not yet picked.

Units picked but not yet manifested.

Units manifested but not yet shipped.

Received Units

N (8) v N (4)

Units received but not put away.

Total Units

N (8) v N (4)

Sum of all units that physically exist: container status of: I, D, M, R, T, X.

Available Weight

N (8) v N (4)

Weight available for distribution of catch weight items.

Distributed Weight

N (8) v N (4)

Weight distributed includes:

Weight distributed but not yet picked.

Weight picked but not yet manifested.

Weight manifested but not yet shipped.

Values only for catch weight items.

Received Weight

N (8) v N (4)

Weight received but not putaway for catch weight items.

Total Weight

N (8) v N (4)

Sum of all weight that physically exists: container status of: I, D, M, R, T, X.

For catch weight items.

Pending Returns Publish

RWMS is responsible for communicating Customer Returns Information to the Host System.

RWMS provides the capability to process item level customer return information. Information to the host upon completion of the process includes: item information, unit quantity information, the RMA number when applicable, Customer order number when applicable, reason codes, action codes, and possibly replacement items and replacement quantities. The host may send no reason code or action code for the return, or there may be one or more reason and action codes sent from the host.

Pending Returns Tables

The RWMS tables are populated when a record is created in RWMS. This is the table that stages the Pending Returns records to be published:


Pending Returns Message Components

The following is a description of the Customer Returns message components:

  • Name of the GetNxt methods: RDMMFM_PENDRETURN.getnxt

  • Name of the message builder procedures: PUB_CUSTOMER_RETURNS, PUB_PENDRETURN_RECEIPT


For a general description of the GetNxt and message builder methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message publication process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Returns messages belong to the Pending Return message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object:

Table 8-25 Customer Return Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Customer Return Create (RTRNComplete)

Header and Details


State Diagram

Figure 8-8 Create Customer Returns State Diagram

Description of Activities

Table 8-26 Create Customer Returns

Item Action


Valid pending return data present in pending_returns and pending_returns_detail table.

Activity Detail

There is no activity details, once the message is processed there are no modifications.


When a Customer Return is created, the Customer Returns Create data is inserted into the Returns_Upload table. The Customer Returns Create message is a hierarchical message containing a full snapshot of the Customer Returns at the time the Customer Returns is created.



Table 8-27 Customer Return Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Pending Return Create (RTRNRCPTNNotify)

Header and Details


Table 8-28 Create Pending Returns

Item Action


No prerequisites.

Activity Detail

There is no activity details, once the message is processed there are no modifications.


When a Pending Return is created, data is inserted into the return_receipt_upload table. The Pending Returns Create message is a flat message containing a full snapshot.



Return to Vendor Publish

RWMS is responsible for communicating RTV Information to the Host System. RTV information is sent to the Host when the DC chooses to return merchandise to the Vendor. Information includes Return Authorization Numbers, Vendor Information including address, Item and Quantity Information, and Inventory Disposition Statuses.

RTV Tables

The RWMS tables are populated when a record is posted in RWMS. These are the tables that stage the Return to Vendor records to be published:


  • RTV

Return to Vendor Message Components

The following is a description of the Return to Vendor message components:

  • Name of the GetNxt methods: RDMMFM_RTV.getnxt

  • Name of the message builder procedures: PUB_RETURN_TO_VENDOR


For a general description of the GetNxt and message builder methods, refer to the preceding RWMS Message publication process section of this document.

Message Summary

All Return to Vendor messages belong to the Return to Vendor message family. The structure of the message depends on the message type to be performed. The following table lists each message, the structure, and the associated Rib_Object.

Table 8-29 Return to Vendor Message Family

Message Structure RIB_Object Type

Return To Vendor Create (RTVCre)

Header only


State Diagram

Figure 8-9 Create RTV Messages State Diagram

Surrounding text describes Figure 8-9 .

Create RTV Messages

Item Action
Prerequisites Container must be in the appropriate status.
Activity Detail All pending WIPs and Troubles are cleared prior to RTV.
Messages When RTV Messages are created, the RTV Create data is inserted into the Stock_Order_Info_Upload table. The RTV Create message is a flat message containing a full snapshot of the RTV Messages at the time the inventory was affected.



Acronyms and Terms used in RIB Components

The following section introduces the acronyms and terms used in RIB Components.


These acronyms are used throughout this section:

  • ASCII – American National Standard Code for Information Interchange

  • ASN – Advance Shipment Notice

  • DC – Distribution Center

  • PO – Purchase Order

  • SKU – Stock Keeping Unit


These terms are used throughout this section:

  • Appointment – A scheduled arrival of in-bound merchandise.

  • ASN – Advance Shipment Notice. A Host Download that provides either a list of containers and their contents, or a set of PO/Item/Destinations.

  • Container – A type of receptacle (such as a carton, pallet, tote, roll cage.) that contains items and/or other containers.

  • Destination – The ultimate source for containers. This covers out-bound destinations, including the DC itself and internal replenishment. This is also referred to as the shipping destination. For consumer direct order fulfillment, this field is used to specify the shipment method or parcel carrier service.

  • Download – Any data file coming into RWMS.

  • Field – An individual data element within a record.

  • File – The mechanism by which batch data is transferred. These are ASCII files.

  • Future Use – The field is not currently used in RWMS, but may be used in a future release.

  • Host – The controlling computer system. Often housed at corporate headquarters.

  • Item – A specified part number, SKU, and so on.

  • Optional – The field is used for information purposes and is not required.

  • Pre-distribution – Allocation of merchandise in advance of receipt to facilitate flow through or cross-dock upon arrival, bypassing storage, and going directly to break case picking area or shipping.

  • Purchase Order – The list of items and quantities authorized to receive from a specific vendor.

  • Record – A single line of data in a file.

  • RIB – Oracle Retail Integration Bus.

  • Upload – Any data file going out from RWMS to another system.

  • Vendor – A supplier of in-bound goods. Each PO is assigned to a vendor.