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Oracle® Retail Predictive Application Server Administration Guide for the Classic Client
Release 14.1
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10 Informational Utilities

Many RPAS utilities can be used for finding information about many of the different components of a domain or domain data. The following utilities are solely for retrieving information and not for making any changes to a domain or data in a domain.

Retrieving Domain Information Using domaininfo

The domaininfo utility is used to provide miscellaneous details about a domain, such as the type of domain (simple, master, subdomain, or local), and the upgrade and version history of the domain.

domaininfo Usage

domaininfo -d pathToDomain [Command]
domaininfo -expectedversion


Domain path (-d) is required for all the options except -expectedversion.

Table 10-1 provides descriptions of the arguments used by the domaininfo utility.

Table 10-1 Arguments Used by the domaininfo Utility

Argument Description


Indicates the path to the domain. Required for all options except -expectedversion.


Displays the RPAS version of the specified domain.


Displays the expected RPAS version of the domain that the utility expects to find.


Displays the type of the domain. Possible values are Simple, Global, and Sub.

A Simple domain is a traditional, non-partitioned (non-global) domain.

A Global domain is the central or master domain of a global domain environment.

A Subdomain is one local domain in a global domain environment that can contain one or more partitions.


Displays the application associated with domain.


Displays the version history of the domain, specifically when the domain was upgraded to new versions of RPAS (patches or releases).


Displays a list of all the local domains in a global domain environment and indicates which positions at the partition level are in each local domain. This argument is only valid when run on a global domain.


Lists the master domain path and partition dimensions for subdomains.


States if the domain is integrated with an RPAS Data Mart. If the domain is integrated, it also prints out the domain identifier for the domain and the path to the RDM repository.


Displays the domain version, expected domain version, domain type, associated application, history, subdomains, and master domain information (where applicable).


Displays the file size information for the domain.


Displays the number of strings of all given lengths that occur in the domain. The output returns a list by string length, for example:

    0    758
    1     21
    2     8
    3     69


Displays how many occurrences of each unique string exist in the domain. The output returns a list of each unique string, for example:

    785 ''
     1 '#copied <> #pasted'
     2 '%'
     1 '%1 <= passwd <= %2'
     2 '%1 Window'


Displays array btree density.


Displays how many arrays in the domain are formatted for each schema. The output returns a list like the following:

    Count of Array Schemas for Domain &rsquor;domain'
    Array schema 10: 371
    Unknown schema: 


Displays the version of this utility.

-subdomain dim,pos

Indicates to which local domain the specified position belongs. The position can be at or below the partition level.


Displays all array paths to dimRegistry.


When listing subdomains, indicates if paths are relative. Only relevant in combination with -listsubdomains or -all.


Removes the header information from the output, therefore returning only the requested information.

Checking the Validity of a Domain Using checkDomain

This utility is used to check the validity of an existing domain. Its primary purpose is to verify that a master domain matches its respective local domains and report all discrepancies to the administrator.

checkDomain Usage

checkDomain -d pathToDomain -type expectedType {-q}

Table 10-2 provides descriptions of the arguments used by the checkDomain utility.

Table 10-2 Arguments Used by the checkDomain Utility

Argument Description

-d pathToDomain

Path to the domain that needs to be validated.

-type expectedType

Expected type of domain: simple, master, or subdomain.


Quiet mode. Do not display progress messages.

When checkDomain is run on a simple domain the following two items get validated:

  • The domain directory exists

  • It is of type simple

If checkDomain is run on a global domain, it verifies the following:

  • The global domain exists

  • The global domain is of type master

  • The global domain checks all of the subdomains for:

    • The subdomain directory exists and is of type sub

    • If the master domain and the subdomain have a repos directory

    • The measures, rules, rule groups, templates, and functions are the same in the global and subdomain

If it is run on a subdomain, it checks all of the items listed above for the global domain, but the validation is only performed between the global domain and the specified subdomain.

Determining RPAS Server Version Using rpasversion

Use the rpasversion utility to determine which version of the RPAS Server is running in a particular location.

rpasversion Usage

rpasversion -l pathToLibrary

Listing Contents of a Database Using listDb

Use listDb to list the basic information of all arrays contained in the databases provided.

listDb Usage

listDb pathToDb*
listDb -row -db pathToDb*
listDb -row -pageUsage -db pathToDb*
listDb -row -standardOptions -db pathToDb*
listDb -standardOptions -db pathToDb*
listDb -version

Table 10-3 provides descriptions of the arguments used by the listDb utility.

Table 10-3 Arguments Used by the listDb Utility

Argument Description

-db pathToDb

Specifies the database to list the contents.


Lists array information in a row format.


Shows btree page usage. Requires -row switch to be active.


Lists only standard options.

Printing Data from Arrays Using printArray

Use printArray to print the contents of an array.

printArray Usage

printArray -array db.array -specs {-maxpos num}
printArray -array db.array {-cell "dim1:pos1,dim2:pos2,..."
{-format "formatString"}
printArray -array db.array -slice "dim1:pos1,dim2:pos2,..."{-format "formatString"} {-cellsperrow num} {-noposnames}
printArray -array db.array -allpopulatedcells {-format "formatString"}{-cellsperrow num} {-noposnames}

Table 10-4 provides descriptions of the arguments used by the printArray utility.

Table 10-4 Arguments Used by the printArray Utility

Argument Description

-array db.array

Specifies the array to print.

Specifies the full path to the database containing the array.

Required for all commands except -version.

db is a full or relative path to a database. Do not specify the .ary suffix. If no other commands are included, the array defaults to -allpopulatedcells with cells per row 1. The
-allpopulatedcells command is still available, but now functions as a useful default action. The -noposnames,
-cellsperrow, and -format parameters may still be specified when relying on the implicit -allpopulatedcells behavior.


Prints the specifications of the array and positions along each dimension.


Outputs only the popcount of the specified array. Useful to shell script writers to get the popcount value into a shell script variable. For example, export POPCOUNT=`printArray -array hmaint.dim_year -popcount`


Prints a specific cell value from the array. Must not contain spaces. Must identify a single of 1-D slice. Specify using the format "dim1:pos1,dim2:pos2,…"

-cellplain CELLSPEC

Outputs a specific cell value with no space padding.

Useful for scripts when capturing cell values into shell variables. Must not contain spaces. Must identify a single of 1-D slice. Specify using the format "dim1:pos1,dim2:pos2,…"


Prints a one-dimensional slice from the array. Must not contain spaces. Must identify a single of 1-D slice. Specify using the format "dim1:pos1,dim2:pos2,…"


Print all populated cells including the navalue of the array.

-format "fmtstr"

If -format is specified, any cells with numeric values are interpreted as dates.

fmtstr (formatString) determines how dates are interpreted and can include:

  • %Y: 4 digit year

  • %m: month number (01 to 12)

  • %d: numeric day of month (01 to 31)

  • %H: 24 hour clock (00 to 23)

  • %M: minute (00 to 59)

  • %S: seconds (00 to 61)

  • %s: milliseconds

-cellsperrow num

For multi-cell output commands (-slice and --allpopulatedcells), indicates how many cells should be printed on each line.


Suppresses the output of position names; only cell values are shown.

Printing Data from Measures Using printmeasure

Use the printMeasure utility to print measure information. The printmeasure utility cannot be used to print the data of a shared measure. If printmeasure is called with a shared measure as an argument, it will exit with an error messages stating that the measure is shared.

printmeasure Usage

printmeasure -d domainPath {-wb wbName} {-m measure} [COMMAND]

Table 10-5 provides descriptions of the arguments used by the printmeasure utility.

Table 10-5 Arguments Used by the printmeasure Utility

Argument Description

-d pathToDomain

Specifies the domain that contains the measure to print. Requires the -m parameter.

-m measure

Specifies the measure to print.

-wb workbookName

Specifies the workbook associated with the measure to print.

If -wb is not used, the domain measure information is printed. Requires the -m parameter.


Returns a list of all registered measures in the domain. This argument does not require -d domainPath.


In a global domain, returns a list of all measures registered at or above the partition dimension.


Returns the list of measure properties. Requires the -m parameter. If the measure in question is shared through an RPAS Data Mart, the fact and fact group of the shared measure will also be returned.


Returns the base intersection of the measure.


Prints a one-dimensional slice from the array. Must not contain spaces. Must identify a single of 1-D slice. Specify using the format "dim1:pos1,dim2:pos2,…" Cannot be used for a shared measure in the RDM.


Prints a specific cell value from the array. Must not contain spaces. Must identify a single of 1-D slice. Specify using the format "dim1:pos1,dim2:pos2,…" Cannot be used for a shared measure in the RDM.


Print all populated cells including the navalue of the array. Cannot be used for a shared measure in the RDM.