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Oracle® Retail Predictive Application Server Administration Guide for the Classic Client
Release 14.1
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11 Internationalization

Internationalization is the process of creating software that can be translated more easily. Changes to the code are not specific to any particular market. This section describes configuration settings and features of the software that ensure that the base application can handle multiple languages.

Oracle Retail applications have been internationalized to support multiple languages.


Translation is the process of interpreting and adapting text from one language into another. Although the code itself is not translated, components of the application that are translated include the following:

  • Graphical user interface (GUI)

  • Error messages

The following components are not translated:

  • Documentation (online help, release notes, installation guide, user guide, operations guide)

  • Batch programs and messages

  • Log files

  • Configuration tools

  • Reports

  • Demonstration data

  • Training materials

The user interface has been translated into the following languages:


In Table 11-1, the language identifier is used for position labels. For more information, see "Position Label Translation". The Windows Language ID is in the foundation.ini file. For more information, see "Translation Administration".

Table 11-1 Supported Languages with Language Identifiers

Language Language Identifier Windows Language ID

Chinese (Simplified)



Chinese (Traditional)




































Portuguese (Brazilian)















Translation Administration


For information on the translation of position labels, see Position Label Translation.

Every product, location, and calendar position can be presented in multiple languages, as can messages presented through the client. However, before translated strings can be viewed in the client, the following processes must be followed to set up the environment to support multiple languages.

  1. Build the domains with the Multi-Language setting enabled in the Configuration Tool properties.

  2. By default, the language of the RPAS Client is determined by the language of the client-side operating system. You can override this behavior by setting the Language entry in the Options section of the foundation.ini file:


    LANGID represents a value in the Windows Language ID column of Table 11-1.

    Or, you can set the following option:


    LANG.dll represents a value in the Language Identifier column of Table 11-1.

    If the RPAS Client cannot find the library for the language you specify, it defaults to English.

  3. Locate the foundation.ini file. It is found in one of the following places. When RPAS searches for the file, it searches in the following order:

    1. The user's Application Data folder:

      • For Microsoft Windows XP:

        C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Oracle Predictive Solutions

      • For Microsoft Windows 7:

        C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Oracle Predictive Solutions

    2. The same folder as the currently loaded foundation.exe file.

    3. The current working folder, which can be one of the following:

      • The debugger's setting, if started by debugger

      • The same folder as the foundation.exe file, if started manually

      • ./winnt/system32, if started from automation

    4. C:\Windows

      If the file is not found, it is created in the Application Data folder described in Step a.

  4. Place the solution and RPAS .ovr files for the language selected into the 'input' directory of your domain. The .ovr files are found in RPAS_HOME/translations. The input directory should also contain the lngs.dat file that will be loaded prior to loading the .ovr files. If not packaged with the language .ovr files, the current lngs.dat file will be in the "input/processed" folder of the domain. Move it back to the input folder and remove the timestamp extension. Then reload the hierarchy using loadHier -d /path -load lngs. Make sure that the language you are loading exists in the lngs.dat file before loading it. Load each .ovr file within the input directory by using the loadmeasure utility (for example, loadmeasure -d /path -measure r_msglabel).


    • The files are removed from your input folder when they are loaded. Therefore, any file that is left in this directory still needs to be loaded.

    • For Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified or Traditional, and Russian, you must reboot your machine in each of these languages to properly see text if you changed the Windows regional options to one of these languages, as described in the next step.

    • The translated .ovr files are released in UTF-8 encoding. Any changes to these files must be made with a UTF-8 capable editor and saved without BOM (Byte Order Mark).

      The .ovr files consist of three data columns, as shown below.

      Gub_mean_     SPANISH     Media máxima

      The data is populated on a specific column and has definite width. When making any change to this data, you must ensure that the new data abides by the predefined width and position for that data for the file.

  5. Set the default language to match.

    • On Windows XP, in Regional Options, set the Standards and formats list to the desired language. Set Location to the appropriate country. Click the Advanced tab and set Language for non-Unicode programs to the appropriate language.

    • On Windows 7, access the Control Panel and click Clock, Language, and Region, then click Region and Language. In the Region and Language dialog box, set the Format field to the desired language. Click the Location tab and set the Current Location field to the desired location. Click the Administrative tab and click Change System Locale button to set the desired language.

Translation Administration Workbook

The Translation Administration workbook contains worksheets for translating text used in measure labels, workbook template names, template group names, user group labels, and general areas (for instance, wizard instructions, and error messages).


RPAS and solution-specific messages to the user should not be modified. If changes are made to these messages they may be overwritten when patching occurs.

Hierarchy Labels Worksheet

The Hierarchy Labels worksheet allows the user to view and edit the translations of hierarchy labels. Translations are supported for each of the system's allowable alternative languages.

Dimension Labels Worksheet

The Dimension Labels worksheet allows the user to view and edit the translations of dimension labels. Translations are supported for each of the system's allowable alternative languages.

Workbook Template Group Labels Worksheet

The Template Group Translations worksheet allows the user to view and edit the translations of template group names. Translations are supported for each of the system's allowable alternative languages. Translations in this worksheet affect the labels on the tabs that appear in the File - New dialog (for example (in English), Administration, Analysis, and Predict).

Workbook Template Labels Worksheet

The Template Translation worksheet allows the user to view and edit the translations of workbook template names. Translations are supported for each of the system's allowable alternative languages.

Measure Labels Worksheet

The Measure Translations worksheet allows the user to view and edit the translations of measure labels. Translations are supported for each of the system's allowable alternative languages.

Measure Descriptions Worksheet

The Measure Descriptions worksheet allows the user to view and edit the translations of measure descriptions. Translations are supported for each of the system's allowable alternative languages.

User Group Labels Worksheet

The User Group Translations worksheet allows the user to view and edit the translations of user group labels. Translations are supported for each of the system's allowable alternative languages. The list of user groups includes the Administration, Default, and Internal user groups, plus any other user group names set up by the system administrator. For products in the Oracle Retail Predictive Planning Suite, the list of user groups also includes the various planning roles.

Message Labels Worksheet

The Message Labels worksheet allows the user to view and edit the translations of messages displayed to users in the RPAS Client. Translations are supported for each of the system's allowable alternative languages.

RGRP Labels Worksheet

The RGRP Labels worksheet allows the user to view and edit the translations of rule group labels displayed to users in the RPAS Client. Translations are supported for each of the system's allowable alternative languages.