Administrator Guide

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Configuring Advanced Properties and Logging

This appendix describes how to modify the default configuration for portal components, and configure AquaLogic Interaction Logging Spy. It includes the following sections:


Configuring Portal Components

The default settings enable your portal to function fully. This section provides the following topics that describe how to customize the installation default portal settings:

Using the Portal Utility

If host names or IP addresses change after your initial deployment, you can use the Portal Settings utility to modify portal URLs.

To modify portal URLs:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. In the Select Utility drop-down list, click Portal Settings.
  3. Modify portal URLs as needed.
  4. Click Finish.

Modifying Portal Configuration Files

If your configuration requirements change after initial deployment, you can modify the configuration in files located in the PT_HOME/settings directory. PT_HOME is the AquaLogic User Interaction installation directory, for example, C:\bea\alui or /opt/bea/alui.

The following topics in this section describe the configuration files:


This section describes the following elements of the portalconfig.xml file:


The URL mapping determines the portal base URL according to the requested URL from the request object. The portal base URL is the base URL for every single link and redirection. For example, if your portal base URL were:, then the link to the default My Page would be:

You can add as many entries as you want to the mapping. Mapping URLs should start with http:// or https:// and end with the HTTP entry point name (unless it's the default value, "*").

For more information on URL Mapping, visit the BEA AquaLogic User Interaction Development Center (


Add entries for personal settings that should be cached on the http session of each user. Personal settings that are not included in this list will be retrieved from the portal every time they are requested. Settings that are on this list are obtained from the portal on login and are cached for the duration of the user's http session.

Note: AccessStyle, Locale, and TimeZone should always be cached by the server.

Users can customize these settings by clicking My Account in the portal interface. For instructions and a detailed description of any page in the portal, click Help.

The following settings are cached by default:


SecurityMode: This setting determines which pages will use SSL encryption. You must install a digital certificate and enable SSL on your Web server before changing the default value of 0.

Note: Changing the security mode affects the URL Mapping. For more information, see Configuring Advanced Properties and Logging.
Table A-1 Security Modes
Security Mode
The portal does not check the security of incoming requests.
In mode 0, ApplicationURL0 and SecureApplicationURL0 may be equal to "*". In this case, the Application Base URL will be the base URL from the Request object.
Selected pages that involve sensitive information such as passwords use SSL, while other pages are sent unencrypted for better performance.
Only pages of Activity Spaces listed in SecureActivitySpaces.xml (which is located in the same folder as portalconfig.xml) are sent through HTTPS.
The portal verifies that links and redirections to Secure Activity Spaces uses HTTPS. If a secure Activity Space were requested through a non-secure URL, the portal would redirect the same request to HTTPS.
If XPRequest.GetRequestURL() is equal to URLFromRequest0, ApplicationURL0 and SecureApplicationURL0 might both be the Application Base URL, depending on the security of the Activity Space.
You must install a digital certificate and enable SSL on your Web server.
Every page uses SSL.The portal verifies that every single incoming request uses HTTPS. If it does not, the portal will redirect this request to HTTPS. This setting is best for very secure applications where performance is not a major concern.
If the URL from the Request object is equal to URLFromRequest0, SecureApplicationURL0 will be the Application Base URL.
URLFromRequest0 has to be equal to "*". This is the default entry. It will be used if no mapping entry matched the URL from the Request object.
You must install a digital certificate and enable SSL on your Web server.
Select this mode if you are using an SSL Accelerator. Because the portal is behind an SSL Accelerator, the security of the incoming requests is not verified. The portal trusts every request from the SSL Accelerator. All the links and redirections are in HTTPS.
If URL from the Request object is equal to URLFromRequest0, SecureApplicationURL0 will be the Application Base URL.
URLFromRequest0 has to be equal to "*". This is the default entry. It will be used if no mapping entry matched the URL from the Request object.
You must install a digital certificate and enable SSL on your Web server.
Content Crawlers

IsInvitationURLSecure: Sets the security of the invitation URL.

Use a secure URL only if you disable http.

Table A-6 Invitation Security Modes
Invitation Security Mode
Unsecure. The URL uses http://. You can use an unsecure invitation URL with any security mode, so long as you do not disable http or have http URLs redirect to https.
Secure. The URL uses https://. If the SecurityMode setting in your portalconfig.xml file does not allow http, you must select this mode.


You can edit serverconfig.xml to modify the following connection and path information for portal components.

Table A-7 Elements of serverconfig.xml
  • <ServerName> specifies the name of the portal host computer on which logs are collected.
  • <LocalMachineOnly>, when set to true, specifies log collection for only the local host, not the network of portal hosts.
  • <Common> contains elements to configure connection information for the portal database, such as database type, database name, host name, database user and password, as well as login timeout and pool connection settings.
  • <JMXView> indicates whether or not the JMX-based management is enabled.
  • <JMXRemoteService> configures the port on which the RMI registry listens.
  • <DefaultProxy> configures http proxy settings for the portal.
  • <HttpContentCache> configures the cache size.
Content Crawlers
Contains default settings for content crawler transactions.
Contains default settings for gateway transactions.
Contains default settings for search transactions.

Configuring the Automation Service

The default settings enable your Automation Service to function fully. If your configuration requirements change after initial deployment, you can modify the PT_HOME/settings/serverconfig.xml file to specify a new configuration for the Automation Service. The AutomationServers element contains the following settings.

Table A-8 Elements of Automationserver.xml
Configures the port number for the Automation Service.
Configures the number of jobs that can run at the same time.
Configures tuning values for the JVMs of individual jobs run by the Automation Service.


Fine-Tuning the Search Service Configuration

The installer sets most Search Service configuration parameters to useful defaults. In addition to the default configuration file, the PT_HOME/ptsearchserver/6.0/config directory includes template configuration files for Search Service deployments. The templates include settings appropriate for a number of operating systems and RAM configurations. RAM determines the recommended maximum number of documents in the search collection, and this collection size determines many of the settings in the template configuration files. Examine the contents of these files, choose the one appropriate for your deployment, and rename the template ignite.ini (the active configuration file).

Note: If the Search Service component resides on the same host computer as other portal components, consider using a template tuned for a smaller amount of memory to prevent system paging that adversely affects Search Service performance.

In some cases you might be able to further improve performance by modifying some of the values in the ignite.ini file. This section includes the following topics that describe the parameters in ignite.ini:

Default Search Service Parameters

The following parameters appear in ignite.ini by default:

Optional Search Service Parameters

Optionally, if advised by customer support, you can add the following values to the ignite.ini file:

When you modify cache settings, keep the following important values and relationships in mind:


Using the Config Tool to Modify Database and Portal Logging Settings

The Config Tool provides a graphical user interface to simplify making changes to the database settings, and to test the database connection. In addition, you can use this tool to enable logging messages from the portal server to be viewed remotely.

The changes you make using the Config Tool affect settings in the serverconfig.xml file.

To use the Config Tool:

  1. From a command prompt, enter ptconfig.exe (Windows) or (Unix).
  2. In the Config Tool window:
    • To change the database login and password settings, click the Database Settings tab, and enter the desired settings, along with the database host, port number, and database type.
    • To test the database connection, on the Database Settings tab, click Test DB Connection. A status message is displayed.
    • To enable remote viewing of portal logging messages, click the Logging Settings tab. Enter the server name, and under Local Machine Only, click False.
    • Note: This only enables remote logging for the portal server, not the automation or the API servers. To enable remote logging for those servers, modify the serverconfig.xml file:
      • To enable remote logging for the automation server, in the automation server logging section, set logging:local-only to false.
      • To enable remote logging for the API server, in the wsserver logging section, set
        logging:local-only to false.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Restart the portal for the configuration changes to take effect.


Configuring AquaLogic Interaction Logging Spy

Portal is installed with AquaLogic Interaction Logging Utilities, and by default is set to send log messages to those utilities. You can configure the portal to disable logging or to enable remote logging (to have the portal send log messages to a separate machine on a network). For information on how to configure portal logging, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide for AquaLogic Interaction Logging Utilities.

AquaLogic Interaction Logging Spy (formerly PTSpy) is the primary log message receiver in the AquaLogic Interaction Logging Utilities. AquaLogic Interaction Logging Spy provides a graphical user interface for displaying log messages as they stream in from the portal and other log message senders (such as AquaLogic Interaction Collaboration or AquaLogic Interaction Publisher).

Configuring AquaLogic Interaction Logging Spy to Display Portal Messages

To configure AquaLogic Interaction Logging Spy to display portal messages:

  1. Launch AquaLogic Interaction Logging Spy by navigating to
    Start | All Programs | BEA | ALI Logging Utilities | Logging Spy. For more information on using AquaLogic Interaction Logging Spy, see the Online Help provided with AquaLogic Interaction Logging Spy.
  2. Open the Filter Settings window by selecting View | Set Filters.
  3. To add a logging sender, right-click anywhere in the Filter Settings window. The context menu appears.
  4. Select Add Message Sender. The Add Message Sender dialog box appears.
  5. Type a server name or select it from the list of names and click OK.
  6. Server names exist in the <logging:server-name> nodes of the Logging sections in the portalconfig.xml file.

    When you add a server as a message sender, it appears in a tree structure in the Filter Settings window. Click the plus sign to expand the server and see a list of its message-sending components.

  7. In the Filter Settings window, expand each component under a server to see the selected logging levels for that component.
  8. The checkbox next to each component has three states:

    • Gray with a check mark - some, but not all, logging levels are selected
    • Clear with a check mark - all of the logging levels are selected
    • Clear - none of the logging levels are selected
    • You can toggle through these states by clicking the checkbox next to the component.

  9. You can perform the following additional actions in the Filter Settings window:
    • To remove a message-sending server and its components, right-click on the server name, and select Remove Message Sender.
    • To enable a selected logging level for all components of a server, right-click on the server name, and select Enable <LoggingLevel>, for example, Enable Performance.
    • To enable or disable logging levels for a single component, expand the component, and select or clear the checkbox next to the logging level.
    • To clear all logging levels for all components of a server, right-click on the server name, and select Clear All Filters. Then click OK when asked to confirm. This prevents those components from sending logging messages to this instance of Logging Spy.
    • To reset logging levels for all components of a server to the original four levels, right-click on the server name, and select Reset Filters. Then click OK when asked to confirm.
  10. Click OK when finished.

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