Installation and Upgrade Guide

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Installation Prerequisites

Before you run the AquaLogic Interaction installer, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the most up-to-date documentation from
  2. Read the release notes for additional information on compatibility issues, known problems, and workarounds that might affect how you proceed with your deployment. Release notes are located at the top-level directory of the product package.
  3. Plan your portal deployment. For more information, consult the Deployment Guide for BEA AquaLogic User Interaction. For installation in a production environment, determining the number of machines and how to distribute the components of AquaLogic Interaction across the machines can be complicated. We recommend that you consult BEA Business Interaction Division Services or your BEA integration partner.
  4. Provision host machines and configure software dependencies for your deployment. For details on software requirements, see Software Requirements. For details on hardware requirements, see Deployment Guide for BEA AquaLogic User Interaction.
  5. Organize the information needed for the installation process by completing the Installation Worksheet for AquaLogic Interaction.
  6. Create a user and group to own the AquaLogic Interaction software. For details, see User and Group Requirements.
  7. (Windows only) Configure the portal host machine to run using 3 GB of virtual memory. For details, see Virtual Memory Requirements for .NET Portals.


Software Requirements

The following tables summarize the operating system and software requirements for AquaLogic Interaction.

Software Requirements on Unix

Note: For the most current platform support information, see the Interoperability Matrix in the Product Center at For details on hardware requirements and scaling, see the Deployment Guide for BEA AquaLogic User Interaction.
Caution: IPv6 is not supported. You should verify that IPv6 is not enabled prior to installing AquaLogic Interaction.
Table 2-1 Software Requirements on Unix
AquaLogic Interaction Host Machine
  • AIX 5.3, on POWER3, POWER4, POWER5
  • HP-UX 11i v2, on Itanium
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Update 3, on x86
  • Solaris 8, 9, and 10, on SPARC
  • SUSE Enterprise Linux 9, on x86
Solaris 8 requires these patches:
  • 108434-21 (32-Bit Shared library patch for C++)
  • 108435-21 (64-Bit Shared library patch for C++)
Solaris 9 requires these patches:
  • 111711-15 (32-bit Shared library patch for C++)
  • 111712-15 (64-Bit Shared library patch for C++)
Database Server Host Machine
  • Oracle 9i ( and above) in default or Oracle RAC configuration
  • Oracle 10g ( and above) and 10g R2 ( and above) in default or Oracle RAC configuration

Note: When deploying AquaLogic Interaction on HP-UX, only Oracle 10g R2 ( and above) is supported.

Web Application Server
  • IBM WebSphere 6.0.1 with IBM (32-bit) SDK 1.4.2 SR6, IBM WebSphere 6.1 with IBM (32bit) SDK 5.0 SR2
  • BEA WebLogic 9.2 with HP-UX JDK 5.0.03 with Java HotSpotTM Server VM (32-bit), BEA WebLogic 9.2 MP1 with HP-UX JDK 5.0.04 (32-bit) with Java HotSpotTM Server VM
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Apache Tomcat 5.0.28 with Sun SDK 1.4.2_11
  • BEA WebLogic 8.1 SP5 with BEA JRockit 1.4.2_11; BEA WebLogic 9.1, 9.2 with BEA JRockit 5.0 (R26.0.0) JDK (32-bit); BEA WebLogic 9.2 MP1 with BEA JRockit 5.0 (R26.4.0 + CR302700) JDK (32-bit), BEA WebLogic 10 with BEA JRockit 5.0 (R26.4.0 + CR302700) JDK (32-bit) and all later 5.0 releases of JRockit
  • Apache Tomcat 5.0.28 with Sun SDK 1.4.2_11
  • BEA WebLogic 8.1 SP5 with BEA JRockit 1.4.2_11; BEA WebLogic 9.1, 9.2 with Sun Java 2 JDK 5.0 (32-bit) with the Java HotSpotTM Client and Server VMs, version 1.5.0_06; BEA WebLogic 9.2 MP1 with Sun Java 2 JDK 5.0 (32-bit) with the Java HotSpotTM Client and Server VMs, version 1.5.0_06, BEA WebLogic 10 with Sun Java 2 JDK 5.0 (32-bit) with Java HotSpotTM Client and Server VMs, version 1.5.0_06
  • IBM WebSphere 6.1 with IBM (32bit) SDK 5.0 SR2
SUSE Enterprise Linux
  • Apache Tomcat 5.0.28 with Sun SDK 1.4.2_11
  • BEA WebLogic 8.1 SP5 with BEA JRockit 1.4.2_11; BEA WebLogic 9.1, 9.2 with BEA JRockit 5.0 (R26.0.0-189_CR269406) JDK (32-bit); BEA WebLogic 9.2 MP1 with BEA JRockit 5.0 (R26.4.0 + CR302700) JDK (32-bit), BEA WebLogic 10 with BEA JRockit 5.0 (R26.4.0 + CR302700) JDK (32-bit) and all later 5.0 releases of JRockit

Software Requirements on Windows

Table 2-2 Software Requirements on Windows
AquaLogic Interaction Host Machine
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 or R2, SP2, on x86

Note: If you are running AquaLogic Interaction on .NET, you must configure the portal host machine to run using 3 GB of virtual memory. For details, see Virtual Memory Requirements for .NET Portals.

Database Server Host Machine
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3a or SP4, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (with SQL Server 2000 compatibility level), Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 (with SQL Server 2000 compatibility level)
  • Oracle 9i ( and above) in default or Oracle RAC configuration
  • Oracle 10g ( and above) and 10g R2 ( and above) in default or Oracle RAC configuration
Web Application Server
  • Apache Tomcat 5.0.28 with Sun SDK 1.4.2_11
  • BEA WebLogic 8.1 SP5 with BEA JRockit 1.4.2_11; BEA WebLogic 9.1, 9.2 with Sun Java 2 JDK 5.0 (32-bit) with Java HotSpotTM Client VM, version 1.5.0_06; BEA WebLogic 9.2 MP1 with Sun Java 2 JDK 5.0 (32-bit) with Java HotSpotTM Client VM, version 1.5.0_06, BEA WebLogic 10 with Sun Java 2 JDK 5.0 (32-bit) with Java HotSpotTM Client and Server VMs, version 1.5.0_06
  • Microsoft IIS 6.0 with .NET Framework 1.1 SP1

Browser Requirements

The following lists describe the browser requirements for AquaLogic Interaction.


User and Group Requirements

Unix User and Group Requirements

We recommend that you create a user and group that will own the portal installation. The following table lists recommended values for a user, a group, and AquaLogic User Interaction directories.

Pre-install Setting
Standard Value
ALI Group Name
Local group with a fixed ID
ALI User
Local group with a fixed ID
Owned by ALI user and group

The same values for these users, groups, and directories should be used across all machines hosting portal components. Local users and groups with fixed IDs are recommended. Secure deployments should avoid NIS users for machine security. Using the same local user and group for all AquaLogic User Interaction services allows an administrator to lock down host machines and audit activity.

For convenience,, a script to create users, groups and directories, is provided in the Product Center.

The Pre-Install Script:

The script creates a user, a group and directories with permissions appropriate for BEA AquaLogic User Interaction. The script is interactive, asking you a series of questions about the values to be configured.

For a one-machine install using the standard values, the script can be used as-is. The following values can be specified dynamically as the script runs:

Default Value

If the user or group you designate to the script to use already exists, the script does not attempt to create them.

To run the script, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the script.
  2. Log in as root to become superuser.
  3. Make a temporary directory for the files and allow all users to access these files by typing:
  4. # mkdir /tmp/plumtree
    # chmod 777 /tmp/plumtree
  5. Copy the preinstall file by typing:
  6. # cd /tmp/plumtree
    # cp /<install_root>/scripts/ .
  7. Run the script by typing:
  8. # ./

    Be sure to carefully review any output from the script.

  9. Change the password of the newly created user by typing:
  10. # passwd ali
  11. Enter the login password.
  12. Log out as superuser.

Windows User Requirements

To install portal components, you must log in to the host machines as the local administrator.


Virtual Memory Requirements for .NET Portals

If you are running your portal on .NET, you must configure the AquaLogic Interaction host machine to run using 3 GB of virtual memory. To do so:

  1. Open the boot.ini file, which is located in the C directory.
  2. The boot.ini file is hidden and read-only; for this reason, you must configure Windows to make hidden files visible. You must also enable write privileges on the boot.ini file.

  3. In the boot.ini file, add a /3GB flag to the end of the [multi] line, which specifies the partition to boot. For example:
  4. multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Windows Server 2003, Standard" /3GB /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptOut 
  5. Reboot the portal host machine.
Note: You must add the /3GB flag to the boot.ini file correctly; editing this file incorrectly might negatively affect the stability of your portal machine. For this reason, we strongly advise that you refer to appropriate documentation at when performing this procedure. If you experience technical difficulties, contact Microsoft support.

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