Installation and Upgrade Guide

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This appendix provides information on troubleshooting the installation and configuration process.


Troubleshooting Common Installation and Configuration Problems

The following table describes common installation and configuration problems and provides solutions to them.

Table B-1 Common Installation and Configuration Problems and Solutions
Problem Description and Details
Cause and Solution
  • Problem: Errors occur when users try to log in to the portal after upgrading AquaLogic Interaction.
Cause: You did not re-install the Interaction component of AquaLogic Interaction Analytics on the portal server after upgrading AquaLogic Interaction.
Solution: Re-install the Interaction component of AquaLogic Interaction Analytics on the portal server after upgrading AquaLogic Interaction.
If upgrading AquaLogic Interaction requires upgrading Analytics, perform the Analytics upgrade after upgrading AquaLogic Interaction.
  • Problem: Rebuilding the search index fails while upgrading Search.
  • If you are running Logging Spy during the upgrade, Logging Spy displays an error message that doc2text has failed or cannot be invoked.

    If you are not running Logging Spy during upgrade, either the Search Update Agent or crawler job log displays an error message.

Cause: After installing AquaLogic Interaction 6.1, the path which has Oracle's own OEM of the OutsideIn libraries clash with AquaLogic Interaction's 6.1 libraries.
Solution: On Windows servers, the AquaLogic Interaction portal or Administrative Portal Server should not be installed on the same server as an Oracle database; this is because both AquaLogic Interaction and Oracle install OutsideIn libraries and reference them via the PATH environment variable. The AquaLogic Interaction portal requires its version of the OutsideIn libraries. If Oracle has been installed first, its reference to its OutsideIn libraries will be listed first which would cause the AquaLogic Interaction portal to fail.
If the AquaLogic Interaction Portal or Administrative Portal Server must be installed on the same Windows server as an Oracle database, you must move AquaLogic Interaction’s reference to its OutsideIn libraries in front of Oracle’s in the PATH environment variable. In order to do this, edit the PATH environment variable and move AquaLogic Interaction’s reference to the its OutsideIn libraries, %OUTSIDEIN_PATH%, to the front of the PATH environment variable. Note that performing this action may disable some features of Oracle that depend on its version of the OutsideIn libraries.

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