AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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About Search Cluster Topology

Your search cluster is made up of one or more partitions, each of which is made up of one or more nodes. As your search collection becomes larger, the collection can be partitioned into smaller pieces to facilitate more efficient access to the data. As the Search Service becomes more heavily utilized, replicas of the existing partitions, in the form of additional nodes, can be used to distribute the load. Additional nodes also provide fault-tolerance; if a node becomes unavailable, queries are automatically issued against the remaining nodes.

Note: If a partition becomes unavailable, the cluster will continue to provide results; however, the results will be incomplete (and thus indicated in the query response).
You manage the partitions and nodes in your search cluster on the Topology Manager page of the Search Cluster Manager. You can perform the following actions with the Topology Manager:
  • Add or delete a node.
  • Repartition the cluster (add or delete partitions).
    Adding a partition to the cluster requires redistributing of potentially hundreds of thousands of documents.
  • Assign a node to a different partition.

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