AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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About Grid Search

Grid search consists of shared files (for example, C:\cluster) and search nodes. When you start up the Search Service, it looks at the cluster.nodes file in the shared files location to determine the host, port, and partition of each node in the cluster. It monitors and communicates the availability of the search nodes and distributes queries appropriately.

The Search Service also automatically repairs and reconciles search nodes that are out of sync with the cluster. At startup, nodes will check their local TID against the current cluster checkpoint and index queues. If the current node is out-of-date with respect to the rest of the cluster, it must recover to a sufficiently current transaction level (at or past the lowest cluster node TID) before servicing requests for the cluster. Depending upon how far behind the local TID is, this operation may require retrieval of the last-known-good checkpoint data in addition to replaying queued index requests.

Although the Search Service performs many actions automatically to keep your cluster running properly, there are some maintenance and management tasks you perform manually to ensure quality search in your portal.

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