AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Providing Access to Web Content Through a Login Form

If the web site accessed by this content source requires users to complete a form to access the site, you can specify the login form settings on the Login Form Settings page of the Content Source Editor.

  1. Open the Content Source Editor by creating a new web content source or editing an existing one.
  2. Click the Login Form Settings page.
  3. In the Login URL box, type the URL to the login form that needs to be completed.
  4. In the Post URL box, type the URL to which this login form posts data. To find the URL, search the form's source HTML for the <FORM> tag; the ACTION attribute contains the URL to which the form posts.
  5. Under Form Fields, specify the information needed to gain access to this site: To determine this information, you can either contact the person who wrote the form or search the form's source HTML for each <INPUT> tag.
    • To add information for an <INPUT> tag:
      1. Click Add.
      2. In the Name box, type the text after "name=" from the <INPUT> tag.

        For example, if the form includes "<INPUT type="password" name="Password" size="10">, type Password.

      3. In the Value box, type the text you would normally type in the form field.

        Using the example from the previous step, you would type the password needed to access the site.

    • To remove a name/value pair, select the name/value and click .

      To select or clear all of the name/value pair boxes, select or clear the box to the left of Name.

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