AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Rebuilding the Search Collection

Your search index might get out of sync with your database if, during the course of a crawl, the Search Service became unavailable or a network failure prevented an indexing operation from completing. Another possibility is that a Search Service with empty indices was swapped into an existing portal with pre-existing documents and folders.

To rebuild the search collection you must have the following rights:
  • Access Administration activity right
  • Access Search Results Manager activity right
The Search Service Manager lets you specify when and how often the Search Update Agent repairs your search index. Rather than synchronizing particular objects, the repair synchronizes all objects in the database with the search index. Searchable objects in the database are compared with IDs in the search index. If an object ID in the database is not in the search index, the Search Update Agent attempts to re-index the object; if an ID in the search index is not in the database, the Search Update Agent removes the object from the search index.

Run the Search Update Agent for purposes of background maintenance or complete repopulation of the search index.

  1. Configure the Search Service to repair itself.
    1. Click Administration.
    2. From the Select Utility drop-down list, choose Search Service Manager.
    3. Under Search Repair Settings, change Next Repair Date to a time in the past.
    4. Click Administration again.
  2. Wait one minute for the setting to update.
  3. Run one of the Search Update jobs in verbose mode.
    1. Open the Intrinsic Operations folder.
    2. Open one of the Search Update jobs. The Job Editor opens.
    3. Change the Logging Level to Verbose and click Finish.
      Note: Make note of the logging mode before you change it, so that you can change it back after the repair is complete.
    4. Select the job you just edited and click Run Once. By running the job this way, you avoid having to go back into the job and revert to the previous schedule settings.
  4. Ensure that the job is running in repair mode.
    1. Open the job you just created; it should be called something like Search Update 1 — Run Once. The Job Editor opens.
    2. Click the Job History page.
    3. Click the job name. The job log opens.
    4. Ensure that the job is running in repair mode. The second line of the job log should be similar to this:
      Mar 1, 2008 9:10:02 AM- PTIndexer.ctor : Indexing will extract at most 1000000 encoded bytes of text from each document.
      About half-way down the first page of the log you should see a message that should be similar to this:
      Mar 1, 2008 9:10:02 AM- Search Update Agent is repairing the directories...
  5. Reinstall the Search Service and select Overwrite the existing search index. For details on installing the Search Service, refer to the Installation Guide for AquaLogic Interaction.

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