Administrator Guide

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This appendix provides information on troubleshooting problems that occur in Analytics runtime. It includes the following topics:

Note: For details on troubleshooting the installation and configuration of Analytics, see Installation and Upgrade Guide for BEA AquaLogic Analytics.


Overview of Logs

The following table provides the descriptions and locations of logs that you can use to troubleshoot Analytics during runtime. Individual log files are generated for each day’s activity.

In the table below, install_dir is by default:


Troubleshooting Common Runtime Problems

Table A-2 Common Runtime Problems and Solutions
Problem Description and Details
Cause and Solution
  • Problem: No data is being generated in the report.
  • Details: Analytics reports are not being populated with data.
  • Cause 1: The Interaction Analytics component is not correctly configured to communicate with Analytics.
  • Solution 1: Enable communication between the portal and Analytics. In Configuration Manager, navigate to the Portal Service application, Analytics Communication component. Select the Enabled checkbox in the Enable Analytics Communication area. Online help is available in the Configuration Manager application.
  • Cause 2: The Interaction Analytics component has the incorrect server name for the host of BEA AL Analytics Collector service.
  • Solution 2: Reconfigure the host name for the BEA AL Analytics Collector service. In Configuration Manager, navigate to the Portal Service application, Analytics Communication component. Type the correct name for the host of the BEA AL Analytics Collector service into the Collector hostname box, in the Analytics Communication area. Online help is available in the Configuration Manager application.
  • Cause 3: You did not redeploy the portal.war or portal.ear file to your portal application server after installing the Interaction Analytics component.
  • Solution 3: Perform one of the following:
    • If you are running on Java, restart the application server. Then redeploy your portal.war or portal.ear file to your portal application server.
    • If you are running on IIS, restart the application server. For instructions, see your application server’s documentation.
  • Cause 4: You did not refresh the database views after archiving or restoring partitions.
  • Solution 4: After archiving or restoring partitions, you must refresh the database views by clicking Finish on the Partition Settings page in Analytics Administration.
  • Problem: Unacceptable portlet performance.
  • Details: Users are experiencing unacceptable performance or timeouts when using the Analytics portlets.
  • Cause 1: Too many Analytics portlets have been added to a single My Page.
  • Solution 1: Encourage users to include fewer Analytics portlets on a single My Page.
  • Cause 2: Reports with very large amounts of data are timing out.
  • Solution 2: You may be able to resolve this problem by changing the Gateway Timeout setting in the report’s web service to a higher value.
  • Problem: When using filtering options, reports do not query on all data.
  • Details: Reports only query on data that is associated to properties included in the filter.
  • Example: A company employs 10,000 employees. Only the 200 newest employees are assigned to Departments in their user profiles. The administrator runs a report and queries on a date range, and filters on the Department property, containing the “Human Resources” property value. The report only filters through the 200 newest employees, since only those employees are assigned to a Department. The report does not filter through the other 800 employees, since those employees are not assigned to a Department.
  • Solution: This behavior works as designed. If you want your filtered reports to query on all data, make sure that all data is associated to properties that are included in the filters. Using the example, if you want the report to filter through all 10,000 employees, then you must make sure that all 10,000 employees are assigned to a Department.
  • Problem: The text in Japanese reports does not appear correctly.
  • Details: The Y axis does not display Japanese characters.
  • Cause: The analytics.war file is not configured to display Japanese characters in the Y axis of Analytics reports.
  • Solution: Configure the file to include font settings that are appropriate to your locale and platform:
  1. Unpack the analytics.war file.
  2. Open the file for editing. You can find this file in the analyticsui.jar file.
  3. Add these locale entries:
  4. LocaleCode_font_OSName=LocalFont
  5. Save and repackage .war file.
The locale entries should include these values:
  • LocaleCode should include the appropriate two letter language code
  • OSName should include your operating system: Windows, Solaris, or Linux
  • LocalFont should include the name of the font that is appropriate to your locale and platform
Windows example:
ja_font_Windows=MS PGothic
  • Problem: Usage data for cached portlets does not appear in the Portlet Metrics - Usage report.
  • Details: Portlet usage events for gatewayed portlets are not recording cached portlet uses on the browser.
  • Cause: The http headers have not been set to return “no-cache”.
  • Solution: Set the http headers to return "no-cache". Visit this URL for the http header specification protocol:
  • Problem: Inaccurate data is being generated for reports.
  • Details: Report data does not seem to correspond with increased portal activity.
  • Cause: You did not schedule Analytics jobs to run more often to reflect increased portal activity.
  • Solution: Schedule the Analytics jobs to run as often as necessary to ensure that the data in Analytics reports remain as current as possible.

The following table describes common runtime problems and provides solutions to them.

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