Administrator Guide

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Opening SharePoint Console Documents

The portal allows the clickthrough behavior for SharePoint documents to be either directly to the document itself or to the properties page of the document.

The default clickthrough behavior of SharePoint content sources is to open the SharePoint item's properties page. The properties page gives the end user more information and functions than opening the document directly. The SharePoint properties page gives access to the following options:

The drawback to clicking through to this page is that it requires an extra click by the end user to view the document.

The benefit to opening the document directly on clickthrough from the SharePoint Search or MRU portlet is that documents are displayed immediately. The drawback is that it is more difficult to determine where the document is located (which folder in which site) or perform the actions available from the properties page.

A compromise could be to set the SharePoint content source to open to the properties page and set SharePoint Search portlets to open documents directly. This allows users to access SharePoint items from the Knowledge Directory or general search and still get the necessary SharePoint object information. Users who access the document from the SharePoint Search portlet open the document directly and can access the properties by clicking the details icon on the portlet results.

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