BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic SIP Server 3.1 API Reference

Class RfApplication

  extended bycom.bea.wcp.diameter.Application
      extended bycom.bea.wcp.diameter.ClientApplication
          extended bycom.bea.wcp.diameter.charging.RfApplication

public class RfApplication
extends ClientApplication

Diameter application which extends the accounting client session base class and implements the 3GPP Rf client protocol. This application can be used for both event and session-based offline charging.

Copyright © 2006 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Field Summary
static ApplicationId ID
          Rf application identifier
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new RfApplication.
Method Summary
 ACR createEventACR()
          Creates a new ACR EVENT requests for event-based offline charging.
 RfSession createSession()
          Creates a new RfSession for session-based offline charging.
 ApplicationId getId()
          Returns the ApplicationId for the application.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.wcp.diameter.ClientApplication
Methods inherited from class com.bea.wcp.diameter.Application
createRequest, createSessionId, getDestinationHost, getDestinationRealm, getName, getNode, getOriginHost, getOriginRealm, getParameter, getParameter, log, log, rcvAnswer, rcvMessage, rcvRequest, setDestinationHost, setDestinationRealm
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final ApplicationId ID
Rf application identifier

Constructor Detail


public RfApplication()
Creates a new RfApplication.

Method Detail


public ACR createEventACR()
Creates a new ACR EVENT requests for event-based offline charging. The session will be automatically terminated once the corresponding answer (ACA) has been received from the CDF.

the new ACR EVENT request


public RfSession createSession()
Creates a new RfSession for session-based offline charging. The resulting session can be used to send ACR START, INTERIM, and STOP requests, as well as receive answers to those requests.

the new RfSession


public ApplicationId getId()
Description copied from class: Application
Returns the ApplicationId for the application.

Specified by:
getId in class Application
the application's ApplicationId

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2007 BEA Systems Inc.