BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic SIP Server 3.1 API Reference

Interface ProfileListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ProfileListener
extends java.util.EventListener

This interface is used to notify the application that changes of some kind have occurred to subscriptions that were made using ProfileService.subscribe(javax.servlet.sip.SipApplicationSession, String, or one of the sibling methods.
Note that as described in ProfileSubscription, a subscription is in one of three states: PENDING, ACTIVE, or INACTIVE.
The application is most likely interested in the update() notifications. Such updates are received only in the ACTIVE state.

Copyright © 2006 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 void activation(ProfileSubscription ps)
          Called when a profile subscription moves from PENDING to ACTIVE state.
 void expiry(ProfileSubscription ps)
          Called when a subscription moves from ACTIVE to INACTIVE state.
 void failure(ProfileSubscription ps, ProfileException e)
          Called when an active subscription is terminated due to an error.
 void modification(ProfileSubscription ps)
          Called when the terms of an active subscription are modified.
 void rejection(ProfileSubscription ps, ProfileException e)
          Called when a profileSubscription moves from PENDING to INACTIVE state.
 void update(ProfileSubscription ps, org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
          Invoked when a change happens to a Document to which a subscription has been made.

Method Detail


public void activation(ProfileSubscription ps)
Called when a profile subscription moves from PENDING to ACTIVE state.

ps - the profile subscription


public void expiry(ProfileSubscription ps)
Called when a subscription moves from ACTIVE to INACTIVE state. The typical reason for doing so is that the subscription was for a finite duration, and has expired.

ps - the profile subscription


public void failure(ProfileSubscription ps,
                    ProfileException e)
Called when an active subscription is terminated due to an error. The state was ACTIVE, but is now INACTIVE.

ps - the profile subscription.


public void modification(ProfileSubscription ps)
Called when the terms of an active subscription are modified. Typically this indicates that a request to extend the subscription was successful. Note this does not indicate an update to the document.

ps - the profile subscription


public void rejection(ProfileSubscription ps,
                      ProfileException e)
Called when a profileSubscription moves from PENDING to INACTIVE state. Typically, the subscription was rejected by the controlling server.

ps - the profile subscription
e - the exception that prevented the operation from succeeding


public void update(ProfileSubscription ps,
                   org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
Invoked when a change happens to a Document to which a subscription has been made.
The subscription was and remains in ACTIVE state.

ps - the profile subscription
doc - the document

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2007 BEA Systems Inc.