Release Notes

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Resolved Problems in WebLogic SIP Server 3.1

The following table summarizes the issues that were resolved in WebLogic SIP Server 3.1.

Table 2-1 Problems Resolved in Version 3.1
Change Request Number
When a SIP request was sent via application code, WebLogic SIP Server immediately started the transaction timer even though the actual message was queued for sending only after the application’s service method ended. If the application code (or the system load) caused a delay in exiting the service method, retransmissions for the request could appear in a shorter amount of time than the configured SIP timers would indicate. (In extreme cases, the application request and its retransmission would appear on the wire at nearly the same time.)
To address this problem, the code was modified to buffer the timer scheduling along with the request. This ensures more accurate timer behavior.
In previous versions, setCharacterEncoding() did not throw an UnsupportedEncodingException. Existing Servlet code that called this method and used a catch claus for UnsupportedEncodingException had to be modified before recompiling for deployment to WebLogic SIP Server. This problem was addressed with a code fix.
If you ran WebLogic SIP Server on a Windows platform with the JRockit JVM, you had to disable JRockit native IO in order to use SSL. If you did not disable native IO, an exception was generated similar to: couldn't initialize IOPort: The parameter is incorrect.
This problem was addressed with a code fix.
While proxying an ACK message, if a TooManyHopsException was thrown WebLogic SIP Server would attempt to send a response to the ACK. This caused the exception:
<Oct 17, 2006 1:50:18 PM PDT> <Error> <WLSS.Session> <BEA-331412> <Failed to 
respond 483 to too many hops request.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot createResponse for ACK
The code was modified to drop the ACK after logging a message in this circumstance. The ACK can them be re-sent by the UAC when it receives a retransmission request.
WebLogic SIP Server allowed you to deploy SIP applications with deployment descriptors that did not conform to their respective schemas. This could lead to exceptions or other unexpected behavior at runtime. The code was modified to reject application deployments when deployment descriptors do not conform to the schema.
WebLogic SIP Server would log “unknown header” messages for the WLSS-Default-Handler header, even though this header is created and used by the server code itself. The header was registered and no longer generates error messages.
When proxying a request over TCP, if an IOException was raised, WebLogic SIP Server logged the exception but did not send a final response upstream. Because of this, a UAC would not know whether an invite request was proxied successfully. The code was modified to detect transport errors while proxying, and create and send a 503 error response upstream in response to such errors.
If a Servlet used the load-on-startup deployment descriptor element to initialize the Servlet on startup (rather than on first request), and the init method created a new call state, WebLogic SIP Server would throw the following exception if any partition in the data tier was not yet online:
Unexpected exception com.bea.wcp.sip.engine.server.SetupException: [WLSS.Engine:330027]Failed to initialize "proxy" servlet class test.ProxyServlet
java.lang.IllegalStateException: PartitionClient offline
The code was modified to delay initialization a Servlet if all of the following conditions are met:
  • The Servlet uses load-on-startup
  • The Servlet overrides the SipServlet.init method
  • The Servlet is not deployed on the Administration Server
  • A configured partition is not yet online.
Note that the initialization delay is not applied to Administration Server deployments, because doing so could prevent replica servers from loading. Never deploy any applications to the Administration Server in a production system.
WebLogic SIP Server used a fixed overload duration of 30 seconds. This could cause poor performance and continual overload situations with periodic spikes in wlss.transport work manager queue. The code was modified to set the initial overload duration to a much shorter 512 milliseconds, and then dynamically increase the duration if necessary in response to recurring overload conditions.
On Windows platforms, if you installed the WebLogic SIP Server product nested inside of other folders, the Administration Console extension could not load due to the length of the path being too long. To work around the problem, the following environment variable could be set before starting the Administration Server:
set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dweblogic.j2ee.application.tmpDir=d:/TEMP
This option is now automatically included in the server startup script,
WebLogic SIP Server allowed SIP requests to access the retiring version of a deployed SIP application. This behavior was inconsistent with the base WebLogic Server application upgrade functionality, which disallows HTTP requests to a retiring application. For example, if you retired a converged SIP application, HTTP requests to the application would be rejected while SIP requests were permitted. The code was modified to be consistent with WebLogic Server behavior; the server now disallows SIP requests to a retiring application.
Earlier WebLogic SIP Server versions ignored the encoding set through the SipServletMessage.setCharacterEncoding() method, and only honored the encoding if set using contentType argument of the setContent() method. This problem was addressed with a code fix.
The server did not register SIP container runtime MBeans with the compatibility MBean server. This would lead to exceptions such as:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to lookup type 'SipServletSnmpTrapRuntime'
The code was modified to address this problem.
When using WebLogic SIP Server with geographically-redundant installations, each write to a secondary site would log an error message similar to:
<Dec 13, 2006 12:48:08 PM PST> <Error> <Security> <BEA-090513> <ServerIdentity failed validation, downgrading to anonymous.>
This problem was addressed with a code fix.
WebLogic SIP Server provided no way to configure the timeout duration for SCTP connections. The code was modified to honor a custom channel property, SctpConnectTimeoutMillis, to configure the property. See Configuring Custom Timeout, MTU, and Other Properties in Configuring Network Resources.
WebLogic SIP Server could omit the tag parameter in the To header for PRACK messages. The code was modified to ensure that PRACK messages always include the To tag.
WebLogic SIP Server exhibited poor scalability performance on Sun Sparc Enterprise T2000 servers when using the Sun JVM. These performance problems are addressed in Release 13 of the Sun JVM.
WebLogic SIP Server would throw a NullPointerException if an application used SipServletSnmpTrapRuntimeMBean to generate an SNMP trap outside of a doxxx method. The code was modified to allow trap generation outside of a doxxx method. Note, however, that traps generate outside of a doxxx method use the string “Non Sip-Servlet Scope Application” instead of a Servlet name.
The Diameter implementation used incorrect values (3 and 4) for the CHECK_BALANCE and PRICE_ENQUIRY values of the Requested-Action AVP. The code was modified to use the correct values of 2 and 3, respectively, as described in RFC4006.
The Diameter implementation did not allow for a Diameter application to receive and process ASR requests. This meant that Diameter applications could not add AVPs to the termination CCR or be notified when a session was finished. The code was modified so that if a SessionListener is registered, the Diameter implementation passes ASR requests to the application listener for handling. In this case, it is the responsibility of the application to generate CCRs as well as send ASAs.
When only the Ro application was configured, the Diameter CER was missing the Supported-Vendor-Id AVP. The code was modified to allow configuration of Supported-Vendor-Id values in the diameter.xml, in one or more supported-vendor-id elements.
WebLogic SIP Server exhibited poor scalability performance on Sun Sparc Enterprise T2000 servers when using the JRockit JVM. These performance problems are addressed with a patch to JRockit R27.3.1.

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