Interface JoltOutputListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
JoltLabel, JoltLabel, JoltLabel, JoltList, JoltList, JoltList, JoltTextField, JoltTextField, JoltTextField

public interface JoltOutputListener
extends java.util.EventListener

This interface is implemented by listeners of JoltOutputEvents. These are typically GUI controls displaying output data of services or Tuxedo notifications/events from a session.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void serviceReturned(JoltOutputEvent evt)
          This method will be called by a JoltServiceBean after its callService() completes successfully or by a JoltSessionBean when a Tuxedo notfication/event subscribed to by a JoltUserEventBean has arrived.

Method Detail


public void serviceReturned(JoltOutputEvent evt)
This method will be called by a JoltServiceBean after its callService() completes successfully or by a JoltSessionBean when a Tuxedo notfication/event subscribed to by a JoltUserEventBean has arrived. The JoltServiceBean or JoltSessionBean sends the JoltOutputEvent to registered listeners that have implemented this interface. The implementation of this method typically uses data from within the event for display or control.

evt - the event object