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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
Class DialogService

  extended by

public abstract class DialogService
extends java.lang.Object

Largely a mirror for the Trinidad DialogService, this class also contains additional DialogService functionality that is only exposed by the rich client framework.

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
abstract  javax.faces.component.UIComponent getCurrentLaunchSource()
          Returns the value last set by setCurrentLaunchSource(javax.faces.component.UIComponent).
abstract  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getInitialDialogParameters()
          Returns a Map of objects that should be entered into page flow scope.
abstract  org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.ReturnEvent getReturnEvent(javax.faces.component.UIComponent source)
          Creates a ReturnEvent for a component.
abstract  boolean isDialogInNewWindow()
          Returns true if the dialog that is currently being launched will be displayed in a new window.
abstract  void launchDialog(javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot dialogRoot, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> dialogParameters, javax.faces.component.UIComponent source, boolean useWindow, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> windowProperties)
          Launches a dialog without pushing a process scope.
abstract  javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot peekView()
          Returns the UIViewRoot that is topmost on the stack, of pushed view, without popping it.
abstract  void popView(boolean navigateToPopped)
          Pop a UIViewRoot from a stack.
abstract  void pushView(javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot viewRoot)
          Push a UIViewRoot onto a stack in preparation for navigating to a subflow.
abstract  void queueLaunchEvent(javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot dialogRoot)
          Queues a LaunchEvent that will result in a dialog being started, using current launch source as the source for launching the dialogRoot parameter.
abstract  void queueNewWindowLaunchEvent(java.lang.String viewId)
          Begins the process of launching a dialog in a new window by queuing a LaunchEvent.
abstract  void queueReturnEvent(java.lang.Object returnValue, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> returnParams)
          Queues a ReturnEvent, using current launch source as the source for launching the dialogRoot parameter.
abstract  boolean returnFromDialog(java.lang.Object returnValue, java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> returnParameters)
          Returns from a dialog without popping a process scope.
abstract  void setCurrentLaunchSource(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
          A component that is delivering an ActionEvent to the default ActionListener should call this method to allow a NavigationHandler to properly launch a dialog, and should reset the value to null afterwards.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public DialogService()

Method Detail


public abstract void pushView(javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot viewRoot)
Push a UIViewRoot onto a stack in preparation for navigating to a subflow.


public abstract void popView(boolean navigateToPopped)
Pop a UIViewRoot from a stack. If navigateToPopped is true, this method may result in calls to FacesContext.renderResponse() or even FacesContext.responseComplete().
navigateToPopped - If true, navigate to the view popped of the stack with FacesContext.setViewRoot(). If false, simply drop the view.


public abstract javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot peekView()
Returns the UIViewRoot that is topmost on the stack, of pushed view, without popping it.


public abstract org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.ReturnEvent getReturnEvent(javax.faces.component.UIComponent source)
Creates a ReturnEvent for a component. This method will generally be called from a Renderer's or UIComponent's decode() method if there is any possibility that it launched a dialog on a prior request. There is no requirement that the component directly supports ReturnListener; decode() can simply use the return value and discard the event.

This method will return null in the case where no dialog had been launched with this component as the source. If it returns a non-null event, the component or renderer should not process the request any further in decode(), but simply process the ReturnEvent, either by using its return value or queueing it for delivery.

source - the component that may have launched a dialog
a ReturnEvent containing the return value from the dialog.


public abstract javax.faces.component.UIComponent getCurrentLaunchSource()
Returns the value last set by setCurrentLaunchSource(javax.faces.component.UIComponent).


public abstract void setCurrentLaunchSource(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
A component that is delivering an ActionEvent to the default ActionListener should call this method to allow a NavigationHandler to properly launch a dialog, and should reset the value to null afterwards.


public abstract void launchDialog(javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot dialogRoot,
                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> dialogParameters,
                                  javax.faces.component.UIComponent source,
                                  boolean useWindow,
                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> windowProperties)
Launches a dialog without pushing a process scope. This method should only be used by controller framework code; all others should use AdfFacesContext.launchDialog(). The process scope must be pushed before calling this method.


public abstract boolean returnFromDialog(java.lang.Object returnValue,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> returnParameters)
Returns from a dialog without popping a process scope. This method should only be used by controller framework code; all others should use AdfFacesContext.returnFromDialog(). The process scope must be popped after calling this method.
true if pages accessing that dialog are necessarily permanently inaccessible. For example, a dialog displayed in a popup window is inacessible once the window has closed, but a dialog displayed within the same window might be reached by the back button.


public abstract void queueLaunchEvent(javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot dialogRoot)
Queues a LaunchEvent that will result in a dialog being started, using current launch source as the source for launching the dialogRoot parameter. The process scope must be pushed before calling this method. If getCurrentLaunchSource() returns null, a basic dialog will be started without using a window or passing any additional parameters. Developers should not call FacesContext.setViewRoot() when using this method.


public abstract void queueReturnEvent(java.lang.Object returnValue,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> returnParams)
Queues a ReturnEvent, using current launch source as the source for launching the dialogRoot parameter. This method should be used by a NavigationHandler that can identify a return value from a dialog without actually launching the dialog.


public abstract boolean isDialogInNewWindow()
Returns true if the dialog that is currently being launched will be displayed in a new window. This may be affected either by agent metadata or component properties.
true if the dialog will be in a new window, false if not


public abstract void queueNewWindowLaunchEvent(java.lang.String viewId)
Begins the process of launching a dialog in a new window by queuing a LaunchEvent. This method may only be called if isDialogInNewWindow() returned true. Developers should not typically not call this method; the caller of this method is responsible for ensuring that when the dialog is shown, a new page flow scope is created, getInitialDialogParameters() is called, and the Map returned from getInitialDialogParameters() is added to the new page flow scope.


public abstract java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getInitialDialogParameters()
Returns a Map of objects that should be entered into page flow scope. Any code that invokes queueNewWindowLaunchEvent() must ensure that getInitialDialogParameters() is called when that viewId is eventually shown, and all values returned are moved into the page flow scope.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

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