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OracleVirtual Directory Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use Chain


Uses of Chain in com.octetstring.vde.backend


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.backend with parameters of type Chain
abstract  Int8 Adapter.add(Credentials creds, Entry entry, Chain chain)
 boolean Adapter.bind(DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Credentials creds, Chain chain)
abstract  Int8 Adapter.delete(Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, Chain chain)
abstract  EntrySet Adapter.get(Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Chain chain)
abstract  void Adapter.modify(Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries, Chain chain)
abstract  Int8 Adapter.rename(Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldname, DirectoryString newname, DirectoryString newsuffix, boolean removeoldrdn, Chain chain)


Uses of Chain in com.octetstring.vde.chain


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.chain with parameters of type Chain
 void Plugin.add(Chain chain, Credentials creds, Entry entry, Int8 result)
          Moves Through the "add" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.add(Chain chain, Credentials creds, Entry entry, Int8 result)
 boolean Plugin.available(Chain chain, DirectoryString base)
          Determines if a plugin is available for the current chain
 boolean BasePlugin.available(Chain chain, DirectoryString base)
 void Plugin.bind(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Bool result)
          Moves through the "bind" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.bind(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Bool result)
 void Plugin.delete(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString object, Int8 results)
          Moves through the "delete" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.delete(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, Int8 results)
 void Plugin.get(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesonly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.get(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
 void Plugin.modify(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Moves through the "modify" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.modify(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
 void Plugin.postSearchComplete(Chain chain, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
          Run after all entries are returned
 void BasePlugin.postSearchComplete(Chain chain, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
 void Plugin.postSearchEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
          Run on each entry after a "get" is performed
 void BasePlugin.postSearchEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
 void Plugin.rename(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, Bool removeOldRdn, Int8 results)
          Moves through the "rename" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.rename(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, Bool removeOldRdn, Int8 results)


Uses of Chain in com.octetstring.vde.join


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.join with parameters of type Chain
 Filter Joiner.createJoinFilter(Chain chain, Credentials creds, Entry entry)
          Creates a join search filter based on the entry provided.
 DirectoryString Joiner.getBindTarget(Chain chain, Credentials creds, Entry entry)
          This method returns the target binddn based on the Entry provided.
 ChainEntrySet Joiner.getJoinCandidatesByFilter(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Filter filter)
          This method returns all the possible DNs (as Entry's) found in the target adapter for a particular search filter.
 ChainEntrySet Joiner.getJoinCandidatesBySearch(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter)
          This method returns all the possible DNs (as Entry's) found in the target adapter for a particular search filter and base/scope specification.
 Entry Joiner.joinByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> srchattrs)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target Entry in a joined adapter for a get operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapAddTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an add operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapDeleteTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an delete operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapModifyTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an modify operation.
 java.util.List<DirectoryString> Joiner.mapModifyTargetDNsByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attribs)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an modify operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapRenameTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for a rename operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapRenameTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, Entry oldentry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a * joined adapter for a rename operation.
 Entry Joiner.preAddOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and maps for insertion into joined adapter.
 Entry Joiner.preDeleteOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and performs any secondary manipulations.
 java.util.Vector<EntryChange> Joiner.preModifyOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          This method takes an inbound entry and change request and performs all necessary manipulations in the context of the joined adapter.
 Entry Joiner.preRenameOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and performs any secondary manipulations.


Uses of Chain in com.octetstring.vde.util


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.util with parameters of type Chain
 void PluginUtil.setRDNGet(Chain chain, DirectoryString currentName, DirectoryString old, DirectoryString name, Credentials creds)
          Changes the attribute of the RDN for the given dn
 void PluginUtil.setRDNModify(Chain chain, DirectoryString currentName, DirectoryString old, DirectoryString name, Credentials creds)
          Changes the attribute of the RDN for the given dn on an inbound MODIFY operation
 void PluginUtil.setRDNRename(Chain chain, DirectoryString currentName, DirectoryString old, DirectoryString name, Credentials creds, DirectoryString newEntryName)
          Changes the attribute of the RDN for the given dn on an inbound RENAME operation


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OracleVirtual Directory Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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