Oracle Fusion Middleware JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) E12046-05 |
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org.ecmascript.object.Object | +--oracle.adf.view.js.base.AdfObject | +--oracle.adf.view.js.component.AdfUIComponent
public class AdfUIComponent extends AdfObject
Field Summary |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
private Object |
private static Object |
private static Object |
public static Object |
public static Object |
public static Object |
Fields inherited from oracle.adf.view.js.base.AdfObject |
constructor, superclass |
Fields inherited from org.ecmascript.object.Object |
prototype |
Constructor Summary |
public |
Method Summary |
public Object |
protected Object |
public Object |
private Object |
public Object |
public Object |
protected Object |
private static Object |
public static Object |
private static Object |
protected Object |
private Object |
private Object |
private Object |
private static Object |
public AdfUIComponent |
static Object |
public AdfUIComponent |
static AdfUIComponent |
private static Object |
public Object |
public String |
public String |
public String |
protected Object |
public Object |
private Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public String |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
protected static Object |
protected Object |
protected Object |
protected Object |
private static Object |
private Object |
protected static Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
static Object |
public Object |
private static Object |
public Boolean |
public Object |
public static Object |
public Object |
protected Object |
private static Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
protected static Object |
public Object |
public Object |
public Object |
static Object |
Object |
public Object |
protected Object |
private static Object |
protected static Object |
private Object |
public Object |
private static Object |
public Number |
Methods inherited from oracle.adf.view.js.base.AdfObject |
adopt, createCallback, createInitializedObject, createSubclass, ensureClassInitialization, equals, getClass, GetLazyArrayProperty, GetLazyMapProperty, getTypeName, toString |
Field Detail |
private static Object _ACCESSOR_CACHE
private static Object _ACCESSOR_NAME_CACHE
private static Object _ADD_LISTENER_CACHE
private static Object _ADD_LISTENER_NAME_CACHE
private static Object _BEHAVIORS_KEY
private static Object _CLASS_PROPERTY_KEYS
private Object _clientId
private static Object _COMPONENT_FACTORY
private static Object _CONSTANT_CACHE
private static Object _DEFAULT_VALUE_UNDEFINED
private static Object _FLAG_PERSISTENCE
private static Object _MUTATOR_CACHE
private static Object _MUTATOR_NAME_CACHE
private Object _props
private static Object _REMOVE_LISTENER_CACHE
private static Object _REMOVE_LISTENER_NAME_CACHE
public static Object STATE_COMPLETE
public static Object STATE_LOADING
public static Object USAGE_PRIVATE_CHILD
Constructor Detail |
public AdfUIComponent(Object componentType)
componentType |
Method Detail |
public Object addEventListener(Object eventType,
Object listener,
Object instance)
listener.eventType |
listener |
instance |
protected Object AddNotify()
public Object broadcast(Object event)
event |
private Object _bubbleEvent(Object event)
event |
public Object clearChanges()
public Object clone()
protected Object ComparePropertyValues(Object propName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
propName |
oldValue |
newValue |
private static Object _createAccessorName(Object propertyName)
propertyName |
public static Object createComponent(Object componentType)
componentType |
private static Object _createMutatorName(Object propertyName,
Object constantName)
propertyName |
constantName |
protected Object DeliverDerivedPropertyEvents(Object propName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
propName |
oldValue |
newValue |
private Object _deliverEvent(Object event)
event |
private Object _deliverEventToListener(AdfBaseEvent event,
Object instance,
Function listener)
event |
instance |
- |
Default value = null
listener |
private Object _deliverEventToListeners(AdfBaseEvent event,
Object listeners)
event |
listeners |
private static Object _findAbsoluteComponent(Object searchScopedId)
searchScopedId |
public AdfUIComponent findComponent(String expr,
Boolean skipDeprecation)
expr |
- | A non-null search expression identifying the AdfUIComponent to be returned. Expressions are relative to this source component and must account for NamingContainers. Each colon beyond the first will pop out of a naming container. So "::" will either pop out of the current component if the current component is a naming container, or will pop out of the naming container of the current component if it is not a naming container. ":::" will search from the grandparent NamingContainer and up the comonent tree for each additional colon given. A single colon will search from the root. |
skipDeprecation |
- | Optional argument that defaults to false that if set to true relative searches will not attempt to use any deprecated syntaxes when attempting to find the component. |
- the matching component instance, or undefined
if no component matching that search expression existsAdfPage.findComponentByAbsoluteId(String)
static Object __findComponent(Object expr,
Object component,
Object skipDeprecation)
expr |
component |
skipDeprecation |
public AdfUIComponent findComponentByLocator(String locator)
locator |
- | an implementation-agnostic String identifier. Provided primarily for test automation users. For most components, locator will be same as absoluteId, except in the case of stamping components like table. |
- the matching component instance, or undefined
if no component matching that absolute locator existsAdfPage.findComponentByAbsoluteLocator(String)
static AdfUIComponent __findComponentByLocator(String locator,
Object component)
locator |
- | an implementation-agnostic String identifier. Provided primarily for test automation users. For most components, absoluteLocator will be same as absoluteId, except in the case of stamping components like table. |
component |
- the matching component instance, or undefined
if no component matching that absolute locator existsAdfPage.findComponentByAbsoluteLocator(String)
private static Object _findRelativeComponent(Object clientId,
Object isNamingContainer,
Object ncCount,
Object searchClientId,
Object separator,
Object expr,
Object skipDeprecation)
clientId |
isNamingContainer |
ncCount |
searchClientId |
separator |
expr |
skipDeprecation |
public Object focus()
public String getAbsoluteId()
or by prepending a ":", to AdfUIComponent.findComponent
on any AdfUIComponent instance. to find this component instance as long as the component instance isn't stamped.String
- The absolute scoped id for the componentfindComponent(String, Boolean)
public String getAbsoluteLocator()
. The absolute locator can be used to locate any component instance stamped or otherwise. The absoluteId returned by getAbsoluteId
can only be used to to find the component instance as long as it isn't stamped.String
- The absolute locator for the componentgetAbsoluteId()
public String getAccessibleName()
- The accessible name of the component or null
if none is available.protected Object GetChanges()
public Object getClientId()
Returns the client-specific ID for this component generated by the Server. The identifiers should not be persisted, as their contents are implementation-dependent and can change across releases.
For a stable id across releases, use a scoped id insteadGiven the clientId, this component instance can be retrieved on the client by calling AdfPage.findComponent()
on the client. On the server, this clientId can be passed to UIComponent.invokeOnComponent
to execute code in this component's context.
private Object _getClientListeners()
public Object getComponentType()
public Object getDescendantComponents(Array<AdfUIComponent> children)
There is no guarantee about the order of the children returned. If visiting the children in a known order is required please use AdfUIComponent.visitChildren.
All descendent children are returned, visible or not. If ignoring hidden children is required please use AdfUIComponent.visitChildren.
This method is faster than AdfUIComponent.visitChildren, if the limitations above are acceptable it is preferable to use this method.
children |
- | array to store child components in. Descendent components will be added to the end of the array. This param is optional, if not passed in an array will be created. |
- array of descendent componentspublic Object getDragSource()
public Object getDropTarget()
public String getInlineStyleProperty(String propName)
The supplied parameter (propName) value should conform to CSS format and should be in lower case. for example, the method call to get the background color would be getInlineStyleProperty('background-color')
. Note that 'backgroundColor' (DOM property) should not be passed as property name.
propName |
- | The name of the css property to set |
- Returns the value corresponding to the CSS propertyAdfUIPeer.getInlineStyleProperty(Object, String)
public Object getParent()
public Object getPeer()
public Object getProperty(Object propName)
propName |
public Object getPropertyKeys()
public Object getPropertyValue(Object propName)
propName |
public Object getReadyState()
The UIComponent is still loading state or contentAdfUIComponent.STATE_COMPLETE
The UIComponent is fully loadedObject
protected static Object GetSubclassPropertyKeys()
protected Object HandleBubbledEvent(Object event)
event |
protected Object HandleEvent(Object event)
event |
protected Object Init(Object componentType,
Object clientId,
Object properties,
Object usageFlags)
componentType |
clientId |
properties |
usageFlags |
private static Object _initAccessors(Object ourClass,
Object propertyNames,
Object constantSuffix,
Object accessorPrefix,
Object mutatorPrefix)
ourClass |
propertyNames |
constantSuffix |
accessorPrefix |
mutatorPrefix |
private Object _initBehaviors(Object behaviors)
behaviors |
protected static Object InitClass()
AdfUIComponent subclasses that need to implement subclass-specific class initialization should write a static InitSubclass method. If present, this method will be called after the default class initialization with the subclass' constructor as the this
public Object initializeProperty(String propName,
Object newValue)
propName |
- | The name of the property to set |
newValue |
- | The value to set the property to |
public Object isDescendant(Object possibleAncestor)
possibleAncestor |
public Object isEventRoot()
static Object __isNamingContainer(Object constructor)
constructor |
public Object isShowing()
private static Object _matchAbsoluteIdCallback(Object component)
component |
public Boolean processPushData(Object payload,
Number changeCount)
payload |
- | Peer-specific payload for the component |
changeCount |
- | Monotonically increasing Change count for this change |
- Returns true
if the component should continue to receive active data events.public Object queueEvent(Object event)
event |
public static Object registerComponent(Object componentType,
Object componentClass)
.componentType |
componentClass |
public Object removeEventListener(Object eventType,
Object listener,
Object instance)
listener.eventType |
listener |
instance |
protected Object RemoveNotify()
private static Object _removePersistedFlag(Object propertyName)
propertyName |
- propertyName with persistence flag removed if it containspublic Object resizeNotify(Object oldWidth,
Object oldHeight,
Object newWidth,
Object newHeight)
oldWidth |
oldHeight |
newWidth |
newHeight |
public Object satisfiesUsage(Object usage)
usage |
- null true
if the component satisfies the specified usageUSAGE_PRIVATE_CHILD
public Object scrollIntoView(Boolean focus,
String subTargetId)
focus |
- | indicates if the component should be only scrolled into view or focus as well
Default value = false
subTargetId |
- | optional component dependent DOM sub-id that needs to be scrolled/focused into view
Default value = null
protected static Object SetDisconnectedProperty(Object componentClass,
Object propName)
componentClass |
propName |
public Object setDragSource(Object dragSource)
dragSource |
public Object setDropTarget(Object dropTarget)
dropTarget |
public Object setInlineStyleProperty(String propName,
String propValue)
The supplied parameter (propName) value should conform to CSS format and should be in lower case. for example, the method call to set the background color to blue would be setInlineStyleProperty('background-color','blue')
. Note that 'backgroundColor' (DOM property) should not be passed as property name.
The property value set via setInlineStyleProperty
will not be synchronized with the server-side property.
propName |
- | The name of the css property to set |
propValue |
- | The value for this css property |
AdfUIPeer.setInlineStyleProperty(Object, String, String)
static Object __setNamingContainer(Object constructor,
Object isNC)
constructor |
isNC |
Object __setParent(Object newParent)
newParent |
public Object setProperty(String propName,
Object newValue,
Object persist,
Number propagate)
Changing the value of a property supported by the component will normmaly result in the new property value being synchronized with the server automatically. However, certain properties are never synchronized with the server for security reasons. Attempting to set one of these property will result in an Error being thrown.
propName |
- | The name of the property to set |
newValue |
- | The new value for this property |
persist |
propagate |
- | Determines whether the property change should be sent to the server Possible values are:
- The old value of this propertyError
if an attempt is made to set a secured property.AdfPropertyChangeEvent
protected Object SetPropertyImpl(Object propName,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue)
propName |
oldValue |
newValue |
private static Object _setPropertyInfo(Function componentClass,
String propName,
String metadataProp,
Object metadataValue)
componentClass |
- | Component class to change type on |
propName |
- | a valid property name for this class |
metadataProp |
- | a valid metadata property name |
metadataValue |
- | new value for this metadata |
protected static Object SetPropertyType(Function componentClass,
String propName,
String typeName)
componentClass |
- | Component class to change type on |
propName |
- | a valid property name for this class |
typeName |
- | a valid type name |
private Object _setSource(Object source)
source |
public Object toDebugString()
private static Object _trimAbsoluteScopedId(Object absoluteScopedId,
Object trimCount)
absoluteScopedId |
trimCount |
public Number visitChildren(Function callback,
Object context,
Boolean ignoreHidden)
Please note that you do take a performance hit for using ignoreHidden.
callback |
- | a function that will be called on each child |
context |
- | an object that will be set as "this" when the callback is invoked; can be null if no context is required. |
ignoreHidden |
- | if true, hidden DOM nodes will be skipped |
- null
Oracle Fusion Middleware JavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) E12046-05 |
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