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Servers: Monitoring: Threads
Column Display Related Tasks Related Topics
This page provides information on the thread activity for the current server.
The first table provides general information about the status of the thread pool. The second table provides information on individual threads.
Note: The user ID displayed for individual threads is the user ID executing the thread during the current stage of the request. This table may display different user IDs during the lifecycle of the thread.
When using Work Managers to prioritize thread execution, WebLogic Server uses a single thread pool, in which all types of work are executed. WebLogic Server prioritizes work based on rules you define, and run-time metrics, including the actual time it takes to execute a request and the rate at which requests are entering and leaving the pool.
The common thread pool changes its size automatically to maximize throughput. The queue monitors throughput over time and based on history, determines whether to adjust the thread count. For example, if historical throughput statistics indicate that a higher thread count increased throughput, WebLogic increases the thread count. Similarly, if statistics indicate that fewer threads did not reduce throughput, WebLogic decreases the thread count. This new strategy makes it easier for administrators to allocate processing resources and manage performance, avoiding the effort and complexity involved in configuring, monitoring, and tuning custom executes queues.
WebLogic Server provides another method for prioritizing and executing threads. This method is used for backward compatibility when using execute queues. In this method, different classes of work were executed in different queues, based on priority and ordering requirements, and to avoid deadlocks. In addition to the default execute queue, weblogic.kernel.default, there were pre-configured queues dedicated to internal administrative traffic, such as weblogic.admin.HTTP and weblogic.admin.RMI.
Column Display
You can show fewer or additional data points on this page by expanding Customize this table and modifying the Column Display list. Each data point displays in its own table column.
The following table lists all of the data points that you can display in columns on this page.
Name Description Active Execute Threads An array of the threads currently processing work in the active thread pool.
MBean Attribute:
Execute Thread Total Count The total number of threads in the pool.
MBean Attribute:
Execute Thread Idle Count The number of idle threads in the pool. This count does not include standby threads and stuck threads. The count indicates threads that are ready to pick up new work when it arrives
MBean Attribute:
Queue Length The number of pending requests in the priority queue. This is the total of internal system requests and user requests.
MBean Attribute:
Pending User Request Count The number of pending user requests in the priority queue. The priority queue contains requests from internal subsystems and users. This is just the count of all user requests.
MBean Attribute:
Completed Request Count The number of completed requests in the priority queue.
MBean Attribute:
Hogging Thread Count returns the threads that are being hogged by a request right now. These threads will either be declared as stuck after the configured timeout or will return to the pool before that. The self-tuning mechanism will backfill if necessary.
MBean Attribute:
Standby Thread Count Returns the number of threads in the standby pool. Threads that are not needed to handle the present work load are designated as standby and added to the standby pool. These threads are activated when more threads are needed.
MBean Attribute:
Throughput The mean number of requests completed per second
MBean Attribute:
Health MBean Attribute:
Shared Capacity For Work Managers Maximum amount of requests that can be accepted in the priority qeueue. Note that a request with higher priority will be accepted in place of a lower priority request already in the queue even after the threshold is reached. The lower priority request is kept waiting in the queue till all high priority requests are executed. Also note that further enqueues of the low priority requests are rejected right away.
MBean Attribute:
Min Threads Constraints Pending Number of requests that should be executed now to satisfy the min threads requirement
MBean Attribute:
Min Threads Constraints Completed Number of requests with min threads constraint picked up out of order for execution immediately since their min threads requirement was not met. This does not include the case where threads are idle during schedule.
MBean Attribute:
Suspended Indicates if the RequestManager is suspended. A suspended manager will not dequeue work and dispatch threads till it is resumed.
MBean Attribute:
Column Display
You can show fewer or additional data points on this page by expanding Customize this table and modifying the Column Display list. Each data point displays in its own table column.
The following table lists all of the data points that you can display in columns on this page.
Name Description Name The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.
MBean Attribute:
Total Requests The number of requests that have been processed by the queue.
MBean Attribute:
Current Request Returns a String representation of the request this thread is currently processing.
Transaction Returns the transaction that the execute thread is currently working on behalf of.
User Returns the name of the ExecuteThread.
Idle Returns true if the execute thread has no work assigned to it.
Stuck Returns true if the execute thread is being hogged by a request for much more than the normal execution time as observed by the scheduler automatically. If this thread is still busy after the stuck thread max time, then it is declared as stuck.
Hogger Returns true if the execute thread is not a part of the active thread pool.
Standby Returns the transaction that the execute thread is currently working on behalf of.
Work Manager Returns the application name only, without the version number, using the context class loader of the thread. The appropriate class loader is automatically set for each thread by the server. This method returns NULL for execute queues.
Application Returns the module name using the context class loader of the thread. The appropriate class loader is automatically set for each thread by the server. In certain scenarios where modules do not have their own class loaders, this method would return NULL. This method also returns NULL for execute queues.
Module Returns the application version using the context class loader of the thread. The appropriate class loader is automatically set for each thread by the server.
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