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Spring Monitor: Application Context

Configuration Options     Related Tasks     Related Topics

This page shows statistics for an application context and the bean factory it contains. Statistics are shown for each scope in the bean factory. Not all applications will have beans in each scope.

Statistics are broken down by the method used to get the beans from the application context. Bean creation statistics are broken down by bean scope.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Refresh Count

The number of refreshes performed

MBean Attribute:

Average Refresh Time

This returns the average elapsed time in milliseconds required to perform a refresh

MBean Attribute:

Get Bean Count

The number of times getBean() was called

MBean Attribute:

Average Get Bean Time

This returns the average elapsed time in milliseconds required for getBean()

MBean Attribute:

Get Beans Of Type Count

The number of times getBeansOfType() was called

MBean Attribute:

Average Get Beans Of Type Time

This returns the average elapsed time in milliseconds required for getBeansOfType()

MBean Attribute:

Get Bean Names For Type Count

The number of times getBeanNamesForType() was called

MBean Attribute:

Average Get Bean Names For Type Time

This returns the average elapsed time in milliseconds required for getBeanNamesForType()

MBean Attribute:

Related Tasks

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