Oracle® Marketing Segmentation Guide > Installing and Administering Segmentation and List Generation >

Administering Configuration Keys for Marketing Segmentation

Settings for the segmentation and list generation functions of the Oracle BI Presentation Services are contained in a configuration file named instanceconfig.xml. The configuration keys in this file control path names for the Marketing File System, logging levels, and other properties, as shown in the following table:

Table 4. Configuration File Location
BI Components

Oracle BI Presentation Services



For example, the configuration file for the Oracle BI Presentation Services might be located in:


Table 5 shows some of the configuration keys that apply to Marketing Segmentation. For a complete explanation of configuration keys and how to edit the instanceconfig.xml file, see Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

NOTE:  Do not add elements to the instanceconfig.xml file unless you are overriding the stated default values. Override only those settings that are necessary for configuring the system to meet the needs of your organization.

Table 5. Marketing Parameter Default Settings
Configuration Key
Default Value



Performs a cleanup of the cache every 60 minutes. Here is an example with complete path:









Replaces control characters in the column data with spaces. If this parameter is set to true, control characters in the column data whose ASCII value is less than 32, such as the carriage return and the line feed characters, are replaced by spaces before writing out to any list files. Here is an example for the standard marketing parameter DataValidation with complete path:








Enables or disables the hyperlink to the profile dashboard from counts in the Segment Designer and Segment Tree Designer. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



Character set encoding of the List Format files generated. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



Sets a limit to the Content Server file size, in mega bytes. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



File system path used by Siebel Marketing to store output list files but can also be used my Oracle Sales Cloud users. This path must be accessible to the BI Presentation Services, must have write permissions for the user under which BI Presentation Services is started, and must end with a backslash. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.

The marketing transactional application must use the same location as the marketing File System. In the following situations, BI Presentation Services must have access to the path specified in the FileSystem parameter:

  • In an environment in which Siebel Enterprise Server and BI Presentation Services are running on the same platform (homogenous), this path matches the marketing File System server parameter.
  • In an environment in which Siebel Enterprise Server and BI Presentation Services are not running on the same platform (heterogeneous), the Siebel File System must be made visible to BI Presentation Services by running a third-party application (such as Samba) where the Siebel File System resides and by exporting this path such as in the following example:

    /export/home/Siebel/filesystem (BI Presentation Services running on UNIX)



Amount of debugging information saved for each job.

0 : No Details
1 : SQL Execution Manager
2 : SQL Execution Manager Ordering
3 : Cache Management Details
4 : Internal SqlNodes structures
5 : Internal RqtNodes structures
6 : Object XMLs

The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



Maximum number of jobs in the job history log. After the maximum is reached, the oldest 25% of jobs are expired and removed. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



Duration between successive checks on the status of a Marketing job run from the User Interface. The jobs include Segment Counts, Segment Tree Counts, Saved Result Set Creation (in the Segments user interface or the Segment Trees user interface) and Purge and List Format Preview/List Generation. The wait-refresh cycles keep the browser from timing out while waiting for the jobs to complete. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



Maximum time that a database cache entry can exist before it is expired and removed. Here is an example with complete path:










Maximum number of database cache entries. The path <ServerInstance> <Cache> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



File system path where preview and output list files are written. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



Number of default records shown in the List Format Designer when a user selects Generate Preview. This parameter can be overridden by users in the Preview user interface by entering a different preview size in the Preview Parameters dialog box. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



If set to true, a search of the marketing cache entry is performed using the user display name only. Cache search entries happens only by comparing the username. A cache entry is not created for campaign loads for the same user. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



Specifies the number of seconds that the socket waits for the Content Server to respond while transferring records. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.


The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) from where to access the Content Server. The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



Controls writing of the Byte Order Mark (BOM) characters at the beginning of list files. Typically, applications see BOM characters to identify the encoding of the data.

  • When set to true, BOM characters are inserted at the start of the list file, identifying the character encoding used in the file.
  • When set to false, the BOM characters are not written.
  • If you set the character set encoding to ANSI then no BOM is written.

The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.



Applicable only when files are being written out in the Delimited format and when a Text Qualifier is specified.

  • When the default value is true, the column headers are wrapped using the text qualifiers specified in the List Format Options tab.
  • When the default value is false, column headers are not wrapped.

The standard marketing path <ServerInstance> <Marketing> applies to this parameter.

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