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Running the Java SSM in Java Development Environments

The section describes how to run the Java SSM in WebSphere RAD and Eclipse development environments. This includes instructions for setting up sample applications that are provided when the Java SSM is installed.


WebSphere RAD Environments

This section demonstrates how to run the Java SSM in WebSphere RAD using the sample application provided in BEA_HOME\ales32-ssm\java-ssm\examples\JavaAPIExample. These steps were performed using WebSphere RAD 6.0.0 with the pre-installed IBM JDK.

  1. Follow the README in BEA_HOME\ales32-ssm\java-ssm\examples\JavaAPIExample to setup the sample policies for this example.
  2. Start WebSphere RAD in a new workspace and create a new Java project.
  3. Right-click the project and select Import to import the Java file from the BEA_HOME\ales32-ssm\java-ssm\examples\JavaAPIExample\src directory into the new project.
  4. Add all of the ALES libraries used by the BEA_HOME\ales32-ssm\java-ssm\examples\JavaAPIExample\config\run.bat file to the Java Build Path in the Project Properties. To do this:
    1. Right-click the project and select Properties.
    2. Click Java Build Path.
    3. On the Libraries tab, click Add External JARs and add the jar files located in the following directories:
    4. BEA_HOME\ales32-ssm\java-ssm\lib (except for pdsoap1.jar)

    5. Click OK and allow the project to build. All errors should be resolved.
  5. To setup the arguments for the main() method, right-click the Java file and select Run. Then select Run with the green arrow icon.
  6. In the Run dialog, select Java Application. Then click New. and supply a well-defined name for the configuration.
  7. Click Search to find the Java class with the main method. In this example it would be
  8. On the Arguments tab, paste in the command line options used by run.bat (in the BEA_HOME\ales32-ssm\java-ssm\examples\JavaAPIExample) into the VM arguments field.
  9. Example of the settings used:

    -Dwles.scm.port=7013 -Dwles.arme.port=8100 -Dwles.config.signer=<HOSTNAME> -Dlog4j.configuration="file:C:/bea/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/instance/jssm/config/" -Dlog4j.ignoreTCL=true -Dwles.ssl.passwordFile="C:/bea/ales32-shared/keys/password.xml" -Dwles.ssl.passwordKeyFile="C:/bea/ales32-shared/keys/password.key" -Dwles.ssl.identityKeyStore="C:/bea/ales32-shared/keys/identity.jceks" -Dwles.ssl.identityKeyAlias=wles-ssm -Dwles.ssl.identityKeyPasswordAlias=wles-ssm -Dwles.ssl.trustedCAKeyStore="C:/bea/ales32-shared/keys/trust.jks" -Dwles.ssl.trustedPeerKeyStore="C:/bea/ales32-shared/keys/peer.jks""C:/bea/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/instance/jssm/work/jar_temp" -Darme.configuration="C:/bea/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/instance/jssm/config/" -Dales.blm.home="C:/bea/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/instance/jssm" -Dkodo.Log=log4j -Dwles.scm.useSSL=true -Dwles.providers.dir=C:/bea/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/lib/providers

  10. While in the Arguments tab, clear the Use default working directory checkbox.
  11. Select the File System and browse to the build directory of the JavaAPIExample.
  12. For example, BEA_HOME\ales32-ssm\java-ssm\examples\JavaAPIExample\build\config.

  13. On the Classpath tab, select the User Entries node on the Classpaths tree. Then click the Advanced button and select Add External Folder and add the following external folders:
  14. BEA_HOME

  15. Click Apply and then Run.
  16. NOTE: If an exception like the following appears... Error initializing the SCM SSL context. at

    ...then do the following to switch to a standard JDK installation:

    1. Select Window->Preferences->Java -> Installed JREs.
    2. Select add and add a JVM (Sun or BEA JRockit).
    3. Select OK and check the newly added JVM.
  17. Enter in the arguments to see the example correctly authorizing a subject on a resource.


To troubleshoot any problems, enable verbose debugging on the Java-SSM and examine the log for the authorization events. To do this:

  1. Open in the SSM instance’s config directory in an editor and uncomment the following lines:
  2. = DEBUG

  3. Clear out the log files in the SSM instance’s log directory.
  4. Re-run the Java SSM example and examine system_console.log in the instance’s log directory for authorization events, such as:
  5. 2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG - evaluateRuleArray(): Evaluate policy: 4405:grant(//priv/buy,//app/policy/jssm/store/book,//role/borrower)
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG - boolEvaluate() entered for rule with condition: true
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG - constraint evaluation result is: true
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG - append return attributes.
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG - boolEvaluate(): Evaluation result size is 0.
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG - evaluateRuleArray(): Evaluate result: true
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG - evaluateGrantPolicy result: true
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG - authEvalWorker: evalute with roles return GRANT
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG com.wles.util.DebugStore - queryAccess: DebugStore:

    ========== Policy Evaluation Info ==========
    RequestResource is: //app/policy/jssm/store/book
    Name: //user/asi/system/
    Groups: //sgrp/asi/allusers/
    Resource Present: true
    Roles Granted: //role/borrower //role/EntitlementsAdmin
    Role Mapping Policies:
    1. Result: true; Policy Type: grant
    Role: //role/borrower
    Resource: //app/policy/jssm/store
    Subject: //user/asi/system/
    Constraints: canbuy="yes"
    Evaluated Attributes and Functions:
    sys_user(dynamic) = system
    canbuy(dynamic) = yes

    2. Result: true; Policy Type: grant
    Role: //role/EntitlementsAdmin
    Resource: //app/policy
    Subject: //user/asi/system/
    Constraints: NONE

    ATZ Policies:
    1. Result: true; Policy Type: grant
    Privilege: //priv/buy
    Resource: //app/policy/jssm/store/book
    Subject: //role/borrower
    Constraints: NONE

    ========== Policy Evaluation Info ==========
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG - unlock policy lock for read
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,343 [main] DEBUG - result is GRANT
    2008-04-14 15:03:28,359 [main] DEBUG - Subject Subject:
    Principal: system
    privilege buy resource //app/policy/jssm/store/book result PERMIT



In Eclipse, create a Java Project from using the sample found in the following directory:


  1. Create a Java Project and create project from existing source:
  2. Set the CLASSPATH in Java Project based on set-env.bat of SSM instance. Copy the following external jar files into Java Build Path of Eclipse project:
  3. %INSTALL_HOME%\lib\api.jar

  4. Add the BEA_HOME and BEA_HOME\ales32-ssm\java-ssm\<instance>\config directories into the Eclipse classpath.
  5. Note: If Eclipse reports, "Cannot not nest the directory inside library <BEA-HOME> ", copy license.bea into the instances config directory.
  6. Set the following run configurations in the project:
    • Working directory — BEA_HOME\ales30-ssm\java-ssm\example\JavaAPIExample\build\config
    • VM arguments based on %JAVA-OPTIONS% of set-env.bat.


Note the following error conditions and resolution:

AXIS SOAP compatibility issue:
'java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: RPC'
The issue is caused by AIXS SOAP stack compatibility between different AIXS version. Remove pdsoap1.jar from class path.

License Check:
'Got exception in reading the license file'.
Make sure license.bea file is in class path.

XML Parsing:
'java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.ArraySerializerFactory.
create(java.lang.Class, javax.xml.namespace.QName)'
Only the jar files set in set-env.bat should be included in the project. Remove all other jar files. Files like the following are not needed and should be removed:

— com.bea.core.xml.beaxmlbeans_2.2.0.0.jar
— javax.xml.stream_1.0.0.0.jar
— xml-apis.jar

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