Administration Server Installation Guide

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Appendix F: Manual Database Setup Steps



Before running the installation program, you must create a policy database and administrative user. If you choose not to accomplish this using the DBConfig tool, you may do so manually. This appendix describes the manual steps in the following sections:



  1. Login to the Oracle database server as a database administrator by entering:
  2. sqlplus dba/password@ASERVER


    dba — username to access the database
    password — database administrator password
    ASERVER — name of the Oracle service (as defined in tnsnames.ora).

  3. To create the policy database, enter the following commands at the SQL> prompt:
  4. SQL>connect sys as sysdba
    SQL>create tablespace DATA datafile ‘C:/Oracle/oradata/ASI/data.dbf’
    size 10M autoextend on next 1M MAXSIZE 250M;
  5. To create a ASI role, enter:
  6. SQL> create role asi_role;
    grant create session to asi_role;
    SQL> grant create table to
    SQL> grant create sequence
    to asi_role;
    SQL> grant create trigger to asi_role;

    where asi_role is the new role.

    This automatically uses the default tablespaces generated when Oracle was installed, but you can specify and use any tablespaces.

  7. To create the ALES administrative user, enter:
  8. SQL> create user username identified by password
    SQL> default tablespace DATA quota unlimited on DATA;


    username — username of the new ALES administrative user
    password — password to assign to the new user account
    unlimited — size of the tablespace (shown here as set to unlimited).

  9. To grant the ASI role with the necessary privileges to the ALES administrative user, enter:
  10. conn sys as sysdba;
    grant asi_role to username;

    In this case, you grant SELECT permission to the new administrative user. The Oracle database server does not allow you to grant the permission to the asi_role. This dynamic view is used to check whether one of the tables is currently being accessed. Therefore, the SELECT permission is required.

  11. Exit SQLplus.

After performing these steps, the Administration Server may be installed as described in Installation.



To install the Administration Server with Sybase, you must first create the policy database and a ALES administrative user account.

Note: It is strongly recommended that you not use the dbo of the policy database as the policy owner. This requires additional database configuration beyond the scope of this guide.

Please refer to Creating Sybase Database Devices if you have not already created the required database devices asi_data_dev and asi_log_dev as shown in this section.

To set up a policy database and the ALES administrative user, perform these steps:

  1. Log in as the System Administrator.
  2. At the command prompt, enter: isql -Usa -S server_name
  3. where server_name is the database server name.

  4. Enter the following commands:
  5. 1>use master
    1>create database database_name on asi_data_dev = 250
    log on asi_log_dev = 250


    database_name — name of the new database
    asi_data_dev — data device name
    asi_log_dev — log device name

    Note: You may use a larger minimum database size if needed.

  6. To set the database options, type the following commands at the isql command prompt:
  7. 1>use master
    sspolicy, "select into/bulkcopy", true
    sspolicy, "abort tran on log full", true
    sspolicy, "trunc log on chkpt", true
    sspolicy, "trunc. log on chkpt.", true
    Note: For development databases, set the trunc log on chkpt option to false if periodic dump transactions are not required. For production databases, set this option to true to back up and truncate the database and transaction logs.
  8. To create the ASI Database Login ID, enter the following at the isql command prompt:
  9. 1>use master
    1>sp_addlogin asi, password, database_name, null, "asi login"


    password — ALES administrative user password, at least six alphanumeric characters or other characters allowed by Sybase

    database_name — name of the Oracle Entitlements Server database. If an asi login already exists, use the sp_modifylogin command to set its default database to database_name.

  10. To create the ALES administrative user, enter the following at the isql command prompt:
  11. 1>use sspolicy
    1>sp_adduser asi
  12. To grant permissions to the ALES administrative user, enter the following at the isql command prompt:
  13. 1>use sspolicy
    1>grant all to asi

After performing these steps, the Administration Server may be installed as described in Installation.


Microsoft SQL Server

To install the Administration Server with Microsoft SQL Server, first create the policy database and a ALES administrative user account. This section describes how to do this.

Note: Microsoft SQL Server JDBC drivers are not shipped with OES. OES uses the MSSQL 2005 JDBC driver for connectivity to both MSSQL 2000 and MSSQL 2005. You can find this driver on the Microsoft download site.

Perform the following steps:

  1. From the Window’s Start menu, select Programs>Microsoft SQL Server>Enterprise Manager.
  2. On the File menu, select Action>New Database. Then enter the new database name and a collation name that creates the database in case-sensitive mode.
  3. Figure 5-1 shows that a database named asiadmin has been created.

    Figure 5-1 Adding a Microsoft SQL Database

    Adding a Microsoft SQL Database

  4. In the Enterprise Manager left pane, right-click Logins and select New Login. This opens the the Login Properties dialog box.
  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the new ALES administrative user. Then select the SQL Server Authentication radio button and enter the desired password. Finally, select the new database from the Database dropdown field.
  6. Figure 5-2 Login Properties Dialog Box

    Login Properties Dialog Box

  7. On the Database Access tab, select the Permit checkbox for the new database/user. Then select the db_owner checkbox in the lower box and click OK.
  8. Figure 5-3 Database Access Dialog Box

Database Access Dialog Box

  1. Under the Database folder in the Enterprise Security Manager’s left pane, right-click the new database and select Properties from the context menu.
  2. On the Permissions tab, make sure the user has the proper permissions on (Create Table, Create View, and Create Default).

After performing these steps, the Administration Server may be installed as described in Installation.


PointBase 5.1

To install Administration Server with PointBase 5.1, first create the policy database and a OES user account. This section describes how to do this.

To create the database and Administration Server user, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the PointBase database using the startPointbase.cmd/sh script located in Weblogic_Home/common/eval/pointbase/tools.
  2. Start the PointBase Console using the startPoinyBaseConsole.cmd/sh script located in Weblogic_Home/common/eval/pointbase/tools.
  3. In the Connect to Database dialog box, do the following:
    1. Modify the JDBC URL as follows:
    2. jdbc:pointbase:server://<server>/<database_name>

    3. Enter the desired Administration Server username and password.
    4. Select the Create new database radio button and click OK.
    5. Figure 5-4 Confirming the PointBase Configuration Settings

Confirming the PointBase Configuration Settings

Make sure the database is up when installing the Administration Server, because the installer connects to the database and installs ALES-related tables.

After performing these steps, the Administration Server may be installed as described in Installation.


DB2 Universal DB Enterprise Server 9.1

To install Administration Server with DB 2, first create the policy database and a ALES administrative user account. This section describes how to do this.

To create the database and ALES administrative user, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the DB2 Control Centre to create a database or run the following SQL command:


    • Specify the path information appropriate to your environment.
      the PAGESIZE must be 16384 or greater.
  3. Increase the database configuration parameter (applheapsz) to allow a larger application heap (from 256 to 512). The step also can be done by DB2 Control Centre.
  4. Create a new user for the database. This user must be based on a system account. On Windows, for example, the Windows user is selected when creating the new database user.
  5. Note: The password of the system account must satisfy DB2 requirements (such as a combination of numbers and letters) or creation of the DB user will fail.

After performing these steps, the Administration Server may be installed as described in Installation.

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