Integration Guide

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Integrating Oracle Access Manager as an Authentication Provider

This section contains the procedures to integrate Oracle Access Manager as an authentication provider with Oracle Entitlements Server.


Configuring the Administration Server

The following procedure configures Oracle Entitlements Server to use Oracle Access Manager as an authentication provider.

  1. Build the provider JAR using the WebLogic MBeanMaker.
  2. See Using the WebLogic MBeanMaker to Generate the MBean Type at

  3. Copy the oamAuthnProvider.jar to ales32-admin/lib/providers/ales.
  4. Restart the Administration Server.
  5. Login to the ASI console at https://hostname:sslport/asi/.
  6. Open the Administration Console/Security Configuration/Service Control Managers/SCM Name/App Name/Authentication folder located in the left frame.
  7. Click Configure a New OAMAuthenticator or Configure a new OAMIdentity Asserter to create the respective server definitions.


Configuring the Security Service Module

The following procedure configures an Oracle Entitlements Server Security Service Module to use Oracle Access Manager as an authentication provider.

  1. Upgrade the provider using the following command .
  2. ales32-ssm/xxx-ssm/instances/ssm-instance-name/bin/
    dir-contains-provider-jar-to-be-processed -destDir dest-dir

  3. Stop the instance of the Security Service Module.
  4. Copy oamAuthnProvider_Update.jar to the ales32-ssm/xxx-ssm/lib/providers/ales directory.
  5. Add the following Java property: “”.
  6. -Djava.library.path=OAM-SDK-Home/oblix/lib

  7. Add the JAR to the class path.
  8. OAM-SDK-Home/oblix/lib/jobaccess.jar

  9. Start the instance of the Security Service Module.

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