Programming Security For Java Applications

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Java Security Service Module APIs

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Java Security Service Module APIs

The package contains all the developed interfaces, classes, and exceptions that are supported by the Java SSM.

This section lists and describes the key interfaces and classes that you use to develop Java SSM applications. For a complete listing and description of the interfaces, classes, and exceptions included in the package, see Javadocs for Java API.

The key interfaces and classes are described in the following topics:

AuthenticationService API

The authentication service provides functions to an application related to establishing, verifying, and transferring a person or process identity. Thus, the authentication service provides two main functions: authentication and identity assertion.

The type of authentication supported is determined by the providers configured for the Java SSM through the Administration Application. Each provider requires the Java application to respond to a callback specific to the type of authentication used by the Java application. The application is responsible for collecting the necessary credentials through user interaction.

The type of assertion token supported is also determined by what providers are configured in the Java SSM runtime through the Administration Application. Each provider may implement one or more identity assertion token types.

An additional feature related to identity assertion is the ability for an identity assertion provider to provide a challenge first, which the Java SSM application then has to process in an implementation dependant way before redeeming that token for an identity. Not all assertion providers support this challenge capability so knowledge of the configured provider is required when using this feature.

The AuthenticationService API is intended to provide a minimum level of limitation on the Java SSM application concerning the use of features embodied by the authentication providers. Certain elements of this API are implemented according to the standard established by the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS). The use of the standard JAAS CallbackHandler interface and of the standard JAAS callbacks themselves provides a common and familiar means for application developers to authenticate users.

Elements of the identity assertion functions in this API rely on an assertion token name and an object reference. It is the responsibility of the authentication provider to choose suitably unique token names to represent the various types of tokens that it supports. It is possible, however, to have several authentication providers that support tokens described by the same token name. However, if these providers are configured within the same SSM configuration for authentication, the results are undetermined, so it is not recommended that this be done. The object reference associated with an identity assertion token name is merely a way to pass a relevant object to the appropriate provider.

Note: A built-in identity asserter is included as part of the java api. This mechanism provides an easy way to convert between identity formats.
Note: This asserter takes a token name of WLS.Subject and a token object that is the WebLogic Server form of identity ( and authenticates and validates the subject. If an identity assertion provider is plugged in to handle the assertion type of WLS.Subject, then the provider is used. If no identity assertion provider is plugged in to handle this type, the built-in identity asserter is used.

For more information on the AuthenticationService API and the methods it supports, see Javadocs for Java API.

AuthorizationService API

The authorization service is a service that allows an application to determine if a specific identity is permitted to access a specific resource. This decision may then enforced in the application directly at the policy enforcement point.

This service revolves primarily around variations of the isAccessAllowed() method. At a minimum, this method collects information about the identity of the accessor, or requestor, the resource the accessor is attempting to accessed, and the action the accessor is attempting to perform on that resource. The longer form of this method supports passing in an AppContext object that makes available name/value pairs that security providers may use in their security evaluation.

The isAccessAllowed() method always requires that a valid, authenticated identity be present when requesting an access decision. For more information about using this method, see the Javadocs for Java API for the com.bea.AuthorizationService.isAccessAllowed() method.

Note: isAccessAllowed_Debug() is a variant of isAccessAllowed()that includes information about polices used for arriving at the result.

The AuthorizationService API also provides the isAuthenticationRequired() method. This method provides a mechanism that an application can use to test to see whether the Java SSM requires authentication to access any specific resource.

AuditingService API

The auditing service allows an application to log events based on activity related to enterprise security. The Java SSM runtime uses these mechanisms to log appropriate data when events occur.

The AuditingService API is based on an event model. When something of note occurs, an application can derive a new class from the AuditRecord class or use the AuditRecord directly as it is a named object.

The Auditing Service is based on a single method, recordEvent(). This method accepts an object of the type AuditRecord, which encapsulates the logged information, and then passes it to the Java SSM runtime. Based on its configuration, the SSM runtime routes the event to the proper auditing providers so that it can be recorded.

For more information on the AuditingService API and the methods it supports, see Javadocs for Java API.

RoleService API

The role service allows an application to extract role information about specific identities and resources within the context of the application. These roles can then be used for customizing an interface or other purposes.

Note: Do not use roles themselves as authorization, because many policies allowing or disallowing access to a resource may be written against a role. Use the Authorization Service to determine actual rights.

The Role Service evaluates an interaction of an identity with a resource within an application context and returns a list of role names associated with the configuration of that identity. These roles can change with every resource or be static for the identity across all resources. The roles assigned to an identity are determined by the policy written within the policy domain.

The RoleService requires that the application pass in a valid identity, a valid resource, and a valid action. The application context is optional and may be set to null if no context is passed in.

The RoleService API has one key method that supports its primary function, getRoles(). This method gets the roles for an AuthenticIdentity in reference to a RuntimeResource, RuntimeAction, and an optional AppContext. Table 5-1 describes the getRoles() method parameters.

Table 5-1 getRoles Method Parameters
AuthenticIdentity ident
Identifies the user with which the roles are associated.
RuntimeResource resource
Represents the Java SSM runtime resource for which the roles are present.
RuntimeAction action
Represents the Java SSM runtime action for which the roles are relevant.
AppContext context
Specifies an object with an AppContext interface that contains the name/value pairs that represent this application's current context.

The getRoles() method returns a vector of IdentityRole objects that lists the roles associated for this identity. If the identity provided is invalid or not properly authenticated, this method throws an exception.

Note: getRoles_Debug()is variant of getRoles() that also includes information about polices used for arriving at the result.

For more information on the RoleService API and the methods it supports, see Javadocs for Java API.

CredentialMappingService API

The credential mapping service allows an application to fetch credentials of certain types that are associated with a specific identity for a specific resource. These credentials can then be used on behalf of that identity to provide some privileged function, such as logging into a database or sending e-mail.

The CredentialMappingService API has one key method that supports its primary function, getCredentials(). This method gets a set of credentials relevant to a specific resource and action for an AuthenticIdentity. Table 5-2 describes the getCredentials() method parameters.

Table 5-2 getCredentials Method Parameters
AuthenticIdentity byident
Identifies the AuthenticIdentity of the user requesting this credential set.
AuthenticIdentity forident
Identifies the AuthenticIdentity of the user for whom the credentials are being fetched
RuntimeResource resource
Represents the Java SSM runtime resource relevant to this credential mapping.
RuntimeAction action
Represents the Java SSM runtime action relevant to this credential mapping.
java.lang.String[] credtypes
Specifies an array of Strings containing the credential types requested.

The getCredentials() method returns a vector of credentials relevant for the types requested as follows:

Note: Additional credential formats can also be returned. The caller is responsible for detecting and casting the credential formats to the appropriate Java class.

The user identities passed in using the getCredentials() method can contain any names, valid or invalid. If credentials are present matching that name (case sensitive), then they are returned. Any names requested, but not available, are ignored. This presents the possibility of an empty vector being returned with no exception thrown.

The getCredentials() method accepts an identity for the user for whom credentials are requested and an identity for the user querying for the credentials. Thus, the getCredentials() method must have two authenticated identities. If either of the identities is not valid or not properly authenticated, an exception is thrown. Additionally, the security policy must permit the user requesting the credentials to fetch the credentials of the other identity, or to fetch the credentials for themselves if they one and the same identity.

For more information on the CredentialMappingService API and the methods it supports, see Javadocs for Java API.



The following Java SDK APIs can be used with the Oracle Entitlements Server API:

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