Defining General Element Information

This chapter provides overviews of elements, categorization of elements, data retrieval elements, calculation elements, and organizational elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Elements

There are many types of elements in Absence Management; each has a unique purpose. Elements can be grouped into different categories, depending on how each one is used. An element can be used to retrieve data, calculate a formula, or organize the framework for a system. Some elements stand on their own, while others, called supporting elements, are building blocks for other elements.

Before defining elements, you perform some basic, one time setup tasks—such as, defining element types and entry types—to help classify your elements so that they make the most sense for your organization.

Although each element type is unique, all element types share a common set of attributes that are defined and stored the same way. Once you’ve defined an element name, you can add information (such as rules) to the element through its component.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Categorization of Elements

Elements can fall into different categories, depending on how they’re used. This table categorizes elements by function:

Data Retrieval Elements

Calculation Elements

Organizational Elements

System Elements


Element Groups




Writable Arrays


Process Lists




Rate Codes

Rounding Rules


Historical Rules




Proration Rules









Absence Entitlements



Absence Takes






Generation Control


Elements can also be categorized by element type: primary element, supporting element, or other type. A primary element can stand alone. A supporting element is used to create other, more complex elements. Other elements are used to define things like eligibility criteria, accumulators, and certain types of rules.

This table categorizes elements by element type:

Primary Elements

Supporting Elements

Other Elements


System Elements

Rounding Rules



Proration Rules

Absence Entitlements



Absence Takes

Rate Codes

Element Group






Process List



Generation Control



Historical Rules





Writable Arrays


Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Data Retrieval Elements

PeopleSoft delivers some data retrieval elements; you can define others. This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSystem Elements

System elements are delivered and maintained by PeopleSoft. You never have to change system elements or do anything special to define them. You cannot add system elements; however, you can rename them.

There are two types of system elements:

See Also

Working with System Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicArrays

An array is a link between a field and an element. An array retrieves data that’s stored in the database tables that Absence Management does not provide in system elements. You can use arrays to retrieve complex data that’s stored in any table outside Absence Management. For example, you can create an array to retrieve birthday data for a payee’s dependents from the DEPENDENT_BENEF table in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources.

Arrays are temporary tables that the COBOL programs use to store data during processing. Once processing is complete, the programs write the data from the temporary arrays to the output tables.

Using an array is a two-step process:

  1. Retrieve data from the database.

  2. Use that data for further processing.

When defining an array, you must provide enough information to the system so that it can perform both steps.

See Also

Defining Array Elements

Arrays Used in Batch Processing (Technical)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWritable Arrays

A writable array writes the values of user-defined elements into a row in a table. Writable arrays are in many ways the opposite of standard arrays.

You can use writable arrays to populate your own result tables. You use PeopleSoft Application Designer to create the result table, and then you use the writable array pages in Absence Management to define the element that populates the table during batch processing.

See Also

Defining Array Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBrackets

Use brackets to look up and retrieve values in a lookup table based on other values.

For example, say that your organization provides absence entitlements based on seniority. You build a bracket that lets you look up the correct entitlement amount based on a payee’s years of service.

Note. It’s important that you define all the building blocks that are associated with your lookup rules before you define your bracket.

See Also

Defining Bracket Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRate Codes

You use rate codes to resolve multiple components of data. Rate codes retrieve multiple components of data from Human Resources and bring that data into Absence Management.

HR rate codes (Human Resources rate codes) are not automatically resolved in Absence Management. To use the rate code, you set up an absence element in Absence Management and use the rate code element within the definition of that element.

Note. When you define a rate code element in Absence Management, you associate it with a predefined HR rate code. The Absence Management rate code element is automatically created only if the HR rate codes are defined when Absence Management is installed.

See Also

Defining Rate Code Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicHistorical Rules

You use historical rule elements to set up rules that retrieve data from prior periods. You can use historical rules in formulas.

A historical rule can be attached to any element that’s stored in the Absence Management Accumulator results table, or the Absence Management Element results table.

See Also

Defining Historical Rule Elements

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Calculation Elements

You use calculation elements to calculate such elements as formulas, takes, and entitlements.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVariables

You use a variable element to define and store a value such as a character, date, or number. For example, assume that on January 1, you have three formulas and two elements that use a factor of 20 in their calculations, and that this factor is scheduled to change on April 1 to a factor of 25. Without a variable element, you would have to make five effective-dated changes. However, if you define this factor as a variable element, you make just one effective-dated change to the variable itself. You can then use the new factor of 25 anywhere that the variable is used.

Variables are the only items that are used with arrays. When you create an array, you retrieve the values into variables.

See Also

Defining Variable Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDates

Using the date element, you can calculate a date by starting with an existing date and adding to or subtracting from it to come up with a new date. For example, to determine the date for a payee’s five years of service, start with the payee’s hire date and add five years to it.

You can also parse parts of a date. For example, if you want only the year of a date to be returned, use a date element to parse out the years, months, or days of the date.

See Also

Defining Date Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDuration

Use a duration element to calculate the period of time between two dates. A duration is the result of subtracting one date from another. You define duration in years, months, or days.

For example, to determine a payee’s age, calculate the duration between the payee's birth date and the calendar period end date.

See Also

Defining Duration Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFormulas

Use formulas to create your own unique elements. You can define sophisticated rules, mathematical formulas, and iterative calculations as formula elements.

For example, you can define a formula to calculate an employee’s vacation entitlement.

See Also

Defining Formula Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRounding Rules

Use rounding rules to round other elements such as formulas or absence elements that resolve to a numerical value. A rounding rule resolves to 1, if rounding is successful, or 0, if rounding is not successful.

For example, let’s say that you define a rounding rule that truncates resolved values to two decimal places. During a calculation, you get a resolved value of 2.833333. The rounding rule truncates the value to 2.83.

You specify whether you want to round based on such factors as the number of digits or decimals, or round to an incremental value. You also select the type of rounding: Nearest, Round Up, Round Down, or Round Up if Greater Than or Equal To, Else Down.

See Also

Defining Rounding Rule Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCounts

Counts are a way to calculate and summarize something on a daily basis. For example, you might track the number of hours that a payee worked. A count element provides a day-by-day check of the hours worked and keeps adding to the work hours for a defined period of time.

Once you define the calculation rules for a count, you can associate it with a proration rule. When segmentation occurs, the count elements used in the proration rule determine the numerator and denominator to use for prorating amounts.

See Also

Defining Count Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProration Rules

You can use a proration rule to prorate a value when segmentation occurs. A proration rule generally works in conjunction with segmentation.

A proration rule defines a numerator and a denominator to apply to an amount during segmentation. A proration rule defines the from and to dates for a count.

As an example, for a calculation period of June 1–30, with one segment from June 1 to June 10, you define the numerator as the time of the segmentation (June 1 to June 10) and the denominator as the time of the entire calculation period (June 1 to June 30). Therefore, you set up your formula as 10/30, and the proration rule resolves to .333 (10/30).

See Also

Defining Proration Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAbsence Entitlements

You use absence entitlement elements to track absences such as vacations or leaves of absence. There are two types of absence entitlements:

See Also

Understanding Absence Management

Defining Absence Entitlement Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAbsence Takes

You use an absence-take element to define the conditions that must be met for an absence to be paid. An absence take involves defining rules for minimum and maximum absence takes. You set up absence takes to accumulate in hours, days, or other units.

For example, if your organization gives payees 12 days of vacation each year, and a payee goes on vacation for five days, the absence take for the payee is five days.

Once you’ve defined your absence take rules on the Absence Take pages, you can track absences by entering them on the Absence Event Entry page.

See Also

Understanding Absence Management

Defining Absence Take Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccumulators

You use accumulator elements to store and track balances. You can store an accumulator for a designated period of time. For example, you can store absence entitlement balance data for one year. The system can create accumulators automatically (automatically generated accumulators) or you can create them manually (additional accumulators).

You can add or subtract elements with accumulator members and define begin and end dates.

There are two types of accumulators:

You can also define the level at which you want to track a balance. For example, you can track a balance by payee record number, payee ID, department, or organization. You set up the tracking levels that work best for your organization.

See Also

Setting Up Accumulators

Automatically Generated Accumulators

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGeneration Control

You use a generation control element to determine whether an element should be resolved. To define a generation control element, you must specify the criteria that have to be met before the element is processed, based on such factors as HR Status, Action, Frequency, Segment Status, and Formula.

See Also

Defining Generation Control Elements

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Organizational Elements

You use organizational elements to define the structure and framework for the system, such as the processing framework (process lists and sections) and organizational structure (element groups).

In the overall-processing framework, the calendar ties the element group (on the payee side) to the section and ties the process list to the process.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicElement and Eligibility Groups

Use element groups to create groupings of elements to associate with eligibility groups. You associate eligibility groups with pay groups and list sets.

You define element groups based on your organizational needs. For example, if your organization has a simple absence management system, you might group all entitlement elements into one element group and all take elements into another element group and use the two element group names to specify all entitlements and takes.

See Also

Defining Element Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSections

Sections are groups of elements that you add to a process list. Sections tell the system what elements to resolve when processing an absence run and the sequence for resolving them. The order of sections is important because it determines the order in which your elements and calculations are processed.

There are five types of sections:

See Also

Setting Up Sections

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcess Lists

You use process lists to control the order in which sections are processed during an absence run.

You can create a general or specific process list, based on your organization’s needs.

See Also

Functions of Process Lists

Understanding Process List Setup

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Element Types

This section provides an overview of element types and codes and discusses how to define element types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Element Types and Codes

PeopleSoft delivers the data for the Element Types page, which is used in batch processing to resolve the valid element types with the utility program. This table lists the two-character codes and corresponding element types that PeopleSoft delivers:

Element Type Code

Element Type


Auto Assigned




Absence Entitlement




Absence Take












Element Group


Error Message






Generation Control


Manage Historical Data Rule


Proration Rule




Rate Code


Rounding Rule




System Element




Writable Array

You can modify the utility program, but it is recommended that you do not. Instead, create a new element type and utility program to resolve the new element type. Add the new element type and associated programs on the Elements Type page.

Note. If you know an element name, but you don’t know what type of element it is, you can find this information on the Element Name inquiry page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, View Element Names). There is no security on the inquiry page, so users can view all elements on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Element Types

Page Name

Object Name



Element Types


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, System Settings, Element Types, Element Types

Define element types, such as arrays, brackets, and earnings. You can also define the program ID that’s used to resolve each element.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Element Types

Access the Element Types page.

Element Type

Displays the element type value that you selected in the entry dialog box.

Resolution Information

No Resolution

Select if you don’t want the element resolved. In this case, the element that is associated with the element type is just a point of reference. For example, a pay group is a collection of elements and never resolves to a value. This option is used in batch processing. The PIN manager checks the element type to determine whether any resolution is needed.

Resolved by Utility Module

Select if you want the element that is associated with the element type to be resolved by a utility program that is delivered by PeopleSoft or created by you.

Program ID

Select the utility program that is used to resolve each element. Program ID data is delivered by PeopleSoft.

When a batch that is running encounters an array element, the process first looks to see which program should be called to resolve the element. This field provides a link for batch processing between an element type and the utility program that is to be used to resolve that element type.

Note. If you selected No Resolution in the Resolution Information group box, this field is unavailable for entry.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Entry Types

This section provides an overview of entry types and discusses how to define entry types and element groupings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Entry Types

Elements can use other elements. Sometimes there are restrictions on the types of elements that you can use in certain places. To restrict the entry types that are entered into an element definition, you use the Entry Types page.

Entry types can be elements, but they don’t have to be. For example, an entry type can be an element name, an amount, or a date. You use entry types to determine what you’re going to enter initially. The information from the Entry Types page is stored for every element.

For example, let’s say that you have an entitlement (ENTITLEMENT1) with a calculation rule that is defined as ENTITLEMENT1 = Amount. Because it’s defined as an amount, entry types for ENTITLEMENT1 can include numeric variables, numeric formulas, and numeric values, but you cannot enter a date in the amount field.

You use the Entry Types page mainly to associate a corresponding prompt view to use if the entry type is selected online. For each entry type that’s defined, you associate a prompt view with it. For some entry types, you also associate additional, special prompts to be used for security and override areas (related to the Override fields on the Element Name page). Entry type prompts are closely related to entry types. Use an entry type prompt to indicate the entry types for a field in the application. The entry type prompts are then used and attached through Absence Management so that only those entry types are available. Based on the entry type that you selected, you go to the prompt views that are indicated for that entry type to get a list of elements to select from.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Entry Types

Page Name

Object Name



Entry Types


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, System Settings, Entry Types, Entry Types

Enter entry types and define unique groupings of elements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Entry Types and Element Groupings

Access the Entry Types page.

Value Type

Select the type of field that appears on a page when an entry construct is used. Values are: Character, Date, Element Name, Integer, Not Applicable, and Numeric. If you select Element Name, you can enter information into the Prompt Views for Element Security and Overrides group box. For all other values, this group box is unavailable for entry.

Prompt View Name

Displays the value that appears in the Valid Entry Type field on the Entry Type Prompts page. Instead of hard-coding the values in the view text, the system controls the prompt by defining the values on the Entry Types page.

Prompt Views for Element Security and Overrides

Calendar, Payee, Pay Entity, Positive Input, Pay Group, Via Element, and Element Definition

These fields are related to the Override Levels check boxes on the Element Name page. You can enter overrides at various levels and control additional security in prompt views. For example, if you are on the Pay Entity page, the system looks for the Pay Entity prompt view first (instead of the prompt view name). All eight prompt views (including the prompt view name and the seven prompt views in this group box) have the same purpose, but are coded differently. The prompt views in this group box also look at the security check boxes on the Element Name page.

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting Entry Types and Displaying Record.Field Combinations

This section provides an overview of prompt views and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Prompt Views

Prompt views are associated with an entry type to determine the list of valid values available in a field. Usually, before you select an actual element, you are prompted to select the entry type itself. This entry type is used to define what type of element is going to be used or whether a character, numeric, date, and so on is to be used. Based on the entry type that you select, you can prompt correctly on the next field.

For example, when you select a calculation rule on the Earning - Calculation page, the corresponding entry type fields appear on the page. If the calculation rule is Amount, you see two fields next to the Amount label: the first is the entry type and the second is the actual selection. The Entry Type field might display values of Numeric, Accumulator, Bracket, Deduction, Earning, Formula, Payee Level, Rate Code, and Variable, all of which are entry types. For example, if you select Variable, when you press the tab key to move out of the field and you prompt against the second field, only the variables appear as valid values. (If you had selected Bracket, only brackets would appear as valid values.)

For the example of an earning definition, if the calculation rule is Amount, an entry prompt ID, GP_ENT_AMT_VW, is defined. For this entry prompt ID, you have indicated (by selecting the Valid Entry Type check boxes) that the following entry types are valid: Numeric, Accumulator, Bracket, Deduction, Earning, Formula, Payee Level, Rate Code, and Variable. These are the valid entry types that appear when you prompt on the Earning - Calculation page for the Amount Entry Type field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Select Entry Types and Display Record.Field Combinations

Page Name

Object Name



Entry Type Prompts


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, System Settings, Entry Type Prompts

Define which entry types are valid for a specific prompt view. View a list of all entry types for an entry prompt ID.

Complete the Entry Types page prior to using this page.

Record.Fields using Prompt ID


Click the Record. Fields Using Prompt ID link on the Entry Type Prompts page.

Displays the record.field combinations for the entry prompt ID. This page references the Entry Type Prompts page, providing an easy way to view the database fields that use this prompt. To change an entry type, check this page first to see which record.field combinations will be affected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Entry Types for Prompt Views

Access the Entry Type Prompts page.

You use the Entry Type Prompts page to define which entry types are valid for a specific prompt view. You select which Entry Types are valid and entered wherever this entry prompt ID is used.

Calendar, Payee, Pay Entity, Positive Input, Pay Group, Via Element, and Element Definition are related to the Override Levels check boxes on the Element Name page. You enter overrides at various levels to control additional security within prompt views. For example, if you are on the Pay Entity page, the system looks for the Pay Entity prompt view first instead of the prompt view name. So, all eight prompt views (including Prompt View Name and the seven prompt views found in the Prompt Views for Element Security/Override group box) have the same purpose, but they are coded a little differently. The prompt views in the Prompt Views for Element Security/Override group box also look at the security check boxes on the Element Name page. You select entry types for the entry prompt ID that you want to look at on the Entry Type Prompts page. You use entry type prompt IDs to create and maintain valid entry type prompt views. Entry types are not hard-coded in the prompt views.

Common Page Information

Record.Fields Using Prompt ID

Click to access the Record.Fields Using Prompt ID page.

Entry Type

Displays information from the Entry Types page. You can select entry type for each entry prompt ID. For example, let’s say that you have an entitlement element (ENTITLEMENT1). Valid entry types for the element can include Numeric and Accumulator. Select the check box associated with any of the valid entry types. If the Valid Entry Type check box is selected, the entry type appears as a valid value on the prompt. Based on the entry type that you select, the system returns to the corresponding entry type definition in the Prompt View Name field on the Entry Types page.

Calendar/Via Element Tab

Select the Calendar/Via Element tab.

This tab pertains to calendar and via element overrides.

The prompt view name and the prompt views that appear on the Calendar/Via Element, Pay Entity/Pay Group, Positive Input/Payee, and Element Definition tabs are related displays, based on information that you entered on the Entry Types page (for each defined entry type). When you use these online, you are first prompted to select an entry type, and then (based on the entry type that you selected) you enter the second field.

For example, if you select an entry type of Variable for the Earnings Amount field, when you press tab to move out of that field and prompt on the next field, the system locates the prompt view name. The system uses that as the prompt for the next field; therefore, only variables appear.

The functionality of the prompts that are defined on these tabs is similar to the prompt view names. The difference is that the Override check boxes on the Element Name page (Pay Calendar, Pay Entity, Pay Group, Payee, Positive Input, Element Definition, and Via Element) are used to control where in the system you can override the element. You notice that on these tabs, you can define separate prompt views for each entry type. These views are defined just to take the Override check boxes on the Element Name page into consideration.

So, based on where you are in the system, you use either the prompt view name or the correct override prompt view name to prompt for valid values in the second field.

Pay Entity/Pay Group Tab

Select the Pay Entity/Pay Group tab.

This tab pertains to pay entity and pay group overrides.

Positive Input/Payee Tab

Select the Positive Input/Payee tab.

This tab pertains to positive input and payee overrides.

Element Definition Tab

Select the Element Definition tab.

This tab pertains to element definition overrides.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Industries and Categories

This section provides an overview of industries and categories and lists the pages used to define industries and categories.

See Also

Defining Element Names

Restricting User Access

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Industries and Categories

Industries and categories are ways to further classify elements. You create codes for the industries and categories that are applicable to your organization. For each code, you specify if it is applicable to all countries or a specific country.

You can view all industry and category codes through the Industry/Region Types and Category Types pages. Your security level, as defined on the User Rules Profile page, determines the countries for which you can add industries and categories.

You associate an industry and category with an element by selecting from prompt tables on the Element Name page. The country for which an element is defined determines the available industry and category codes.

Note. You cannot change or delete existing industry codes or categories because they are also entered in the GP_PIN table. Updating the Industry/Region Types or the Category Types page does not update the GP_PIN table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Industries and Categories

Page Name

Object Name



Industry/Region Types


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Industries/Regions, Industry/Region Types

Define industry and region codes that help classify elements and supporting elements.

Category Types


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Categories, Category Types

Define category codes that help classify elements and supporting elements.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Element Names

This section provides overviews of element names, PIN codes and PINs, and the process of selecting definition as of dates, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Element Names

Although each element type has a unique purpose, all element types share a common set of attributes that are defined and stored on the first page of each element component. The object name of this page is always GP_PIN and it appears as the first page for all element definitions. In this chapter, this page is called the Element Name page, although it is often labeled to identify the element type that is being created—for example, Earnings Name. Once you define an element name, you can enter additional information that is specific to the element type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PIN Codes and Element Name Numbers

When you create an element name, the system assigns the element a PIN code and a Element Name number. The PIN code and the element name must be unique. As you create new elements, the system checks to see whether this unique set of identifiers already exists. You can rename an element name, but the PIN code is a constant.

Element Name numbers:

See Also

Understanding the Absence Management Utilities

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Process of Selecting Definition As Of Dates

Elements can have many effective-dated rows. The definition as of date that you assign to an element on the Element Name page tells the system which effective-dated definition to retrieve for the element during processing.

You can select one of these dates: Calendar Period Begin Date, Calendar Period End Date, Payment Date, Process Begin Date, and Process End Date.

Note. You can override the process begin date and process end date for a payee and calendar group by using the Payee Calendar Groups page.

Example 1

Assume that an element has the following effective-dated rows (definitions) and values:

January 1, 1990 = 100

January 1, 2000 = 125

January 31, 2000 = 150

February 1, 2000 = 175

The January and February calendars have the following dates:

Calendar Date

January Calendar

February Calendar

Begin Date

January 1, 2000

February 1, 2000

End Date

January 31, 2000

February 28, 2000

When you process the January calendar, the system retrieves the definition of the element based on the element’s definition as of date:

Definition As Of Date

Effective-Dated Row Used


Calendar Begin Date

January 1, 2000


Calendar End Date

January 31, 2000


Example 2

Process Begin Date and Process End Date can be especially useful for issuing advance payments. They refer to the begin date and end date of the calendar period in which the element is actually processed.

For example, suppose that in January you want to issue an advance payment to a payee who will be on vacation in February. To make the advance payment, you process the February calendar in January; however, you want the system to use the definition of the element as of January—the actual processing period.

This table shows which definition of the element the system retrieves, based on your choice of definition as of date:

Definition As Of Date

Effective-Dated Row Used


Process Begin Date

January 1, 2000


Process End Date

January 31, 2000


Calendar Begin Date

February 1, 2000


Calendar End Date

February 28, 2000


See Also

Entering Calendar Override Instructions for a Payee

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Element Names

Page Name

Object Name



Element Name


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Payroll Elements, Earnings

Name an element and define its basic parameters.

Custom Fields for Element <name>


Click the Custom Fields link on the Element Name page.

Add user-defined fields to an element definition.

Comments for Element <name>


Click the Comments link on the Element Name page.

Enter or review detailed comments for an element. The comments that you enter are for informational purposes only and do not affect absence processing.

Forecasting for Element <name>


Click the Forecasting link on the Element Name page. Available for absence take and absence entitlement elements only.

Select forecasting options for an element.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Element Names

Access the Element Name page.

Note. The preceding example is a generic representation of the page that you use to create all element types. After you create an element on the Element Name page, you continue the process of defining each element in its appropriate component, as described elsewhere in this PeopleBook.

Field Format

Defines the format for the resolved value. Available values are based on the element type and can include Date, Decimal, Character, Monetary, or Pointer (for calculating generic formulas for a variable).

For some element types you cannot change the displayed field format.

Note. The difference between Decimal and Monetary is that Monetary is currency-controlled and requires the entry of a currency code.

Definition As Of Date

Select the date on which the system is to retrieve the element definition during a process run. Options are:

Calendar Period Begin Date: The begin date of the calendar period to which the element is linked.

Calendar Period End Date: End date of the calendar period to which the element is linked.

Payment Date: Payment date of the calendar period to which the element is linked.

Process Begin Date: Begin date of the calendar period in which the element is processed.

Process End Date: End date of the calendar period in which the element is processed.

Selections are limited for some elements. For example, Calendar Period End Date is the only valid option for section and process list elements.

Retroactivity is also a consideration for this field. During recalculation, the system always respects this day and uses the appropriate date based on individual recalculation period calendars.

Element Nbr (element number)

The Element Name number.

Always Recalculate

Applies only to the period of time that is being resolved and is selected by default. If selected, the system recalculates the element every time that it encounters it in the calculation process. If this check box is clear, the system uses the previous resolved value of the element.

Clear the check box when:

  • You update an element through an element-like formula.

    Otherwise, each time that the system encounters the element, it initializes it according to the element’s definition.

  • You think that the old value will be different from the value that you’ll get if the system resolves this element again—for example, when a variable has been set up with a Via Element override on the Element Name page.

Select this check box if you think that the previous value is incorrect and needs to be updated—for example, in formulas that need to be applied within a loop, an array, or a count.

Note. If this check box is clear, and the Recalculate check box on the Section - Definition page is selected, the system resolves the element each time that it encounters it (when that section is processed). If the same element is encountered in a different section, where the check box is clear, the element is resolved only once.

When the PIN Manager encounters an element, it runs an eligibility check. If it determines that the element must be resolved, it looks at the recalculation logic. You can indicate an element’s recalculation at the process list level, the section level, and the element level. If you indicate recalculation at any of these levels, the element is recalculated.

For example, if the Always Recalculate check box is selected, the system recalculates the element. If the Always Recalculate check box is clear, the system looks at the table of resolved elements for a match between the same element and the same calculation dates. If there is a match, the system uses that value; otherwise, the system resolves the element.

See Understanding the Process of Selecting Definition As Of Dates.

Element Use

In this group box, you define several security-related options.


Identifies who controls and maintains the definition of the element. Values are:

Customer Maintained: Identifies the elements that you created. All fields are available for entry.

PS Delivered/Maintained: The element is delivered and maintained by PeopleSoft. To edit any fields, you can take control of the element by selecting the Customer Control Indicator check box. This changes the owner to PS Delivered/Customer Modified. If PeopleSoft later releases an updated version of the element, you can accept the updated definition or retain your changes. Either way, element ownership does not change.

If you change the name, description, override levels, class, industry, or category for an earning, deduction, or absence element, the system makes the same changes to all related components and auto generated accumulators and changes the owner for those items.

Important! Taking control of an element is irreversible.

PS Delivered/Not Maintained: The element is delivered, but not maintained by PeopleSoft (for example, sample data or statutory data). You can update any editable fields.

PS Delivered/Customer Modified: Indicates that you have taken control of a PeopleSoft-delivered or maintained element.

PS Delivered/Maintained/Secure: The element is delivered and maintained by PeopleSoft. You can edit the name, description, override levels, results, custom fields, and comments (and for system elements, Use as Chartfield and prompt view). Any changes that you make can be overwritten by future PeopleSoft updates.


Indicates the type of rule for the element. Values are:

Customary: Sample rules that are created by PeopleSoft. They are not statutory requirements, but are commonly followed rules. An example of when a customary rule is used is with tariffs. Customary rules are often used in a production environment.

Not Classified.

Sample Data: Rules that are created by PeopleSoft for sample data purposes. They are not used in a production environment.

Statutory: Rules that are created by PeopleSoft for calculating rules that are required by law.

System Data: Rules that are created by PeopleSoft. They are either system elements or system data that are delivered with the application—for example, common constants and dates.

The Class field works with the Owner field to determine the level of support and security.

Note. Not all statutory rules are set to PS Delivered/Maintained. For some statutory rules, the owner is set to PS Delivered/Not Maintained. Typically these rules are statutory, but might need to be modified for organization-specific information.

Used By

Select whether the element is used by All Countries or a Specific Country. This field is also used in User Rules Profile security to determine which elements a user can access.


If you selected Specific Country in the Used By field, the Country field appears. Select the country for which the security-related options apply.

Note. Element usage security is a way to limit the number of elements that you see on a prompt so that you see only the element information that’s useful to you. You can check element usage security with the Used By and Country fields.


To classify your element further, select an industry code or region code. You define industry codes on the Industry/Region Types page. If an element is created for a specific industry, select an industry code here. Typical industry codes include Banking, Insurance, and Metallurgy.


To classify your element further, select a category code. Category codes are defined on the Category Types page.

Customer Control Indicator

Appears only if you have authority to take control of the element according to the user profile rules. See the Owner field.

See Restricting User Access.

Override Levels

In this group box, you enable security-related override levels for the selected element. That is, you define when users can override the element’s value, or, in some cases, exclude the element from processing. For example, if you select Pay Calendar, you can use the Calendar - Excluded Elements page to tell the system not to process this element for any payee associated with a particular calendar. If you select Pay Calendar for a bracket, date, duration, formula, or variable element, you can use the Calendar - Overrides page to have the system use an override value for the element when the system processes a particular calendar.

Pay Entity, Pay Group, Payee, Calendar, Via Elements, Element Definition and Positive Input

Select each type of override that you want to enable. Options vary by element type.

See Setting Up Overrides.


In this group box, you specify when to store the resolved value of the element in the result tables. The options vary by element type.

Select these options with caution to avoid creating large tables that are difficult to manage. Consider storing only the values that you need for reporting and auditing purposes or for retroactivity or other situations where you need to refer to the prior value of an element.


Select to store the resolved value of the element in the result table during processing. For certain element types, you can specify the conditions under which the value is stored by selecting an option below the check box.

When Store is clear, the resolved value is never stored.


This option (the default) appears only for earning and deduction elements. Select it to store the calculated result of the element, even when the value is 0.

If Element Is Non-Zero

Appears only for earning and deduction elements. Select it to store the resolved value of the element when it is not 0.

If Element or Comp is Non-Zero (if element or component is nonzero)

Appears only for earning and deduction elements. Select the option if you want to store the resolved value of the element if it or one of its components (percent, base, rate, or unit) is nonzero.

With this option, the element or component values are always stored if the arrears balance, the amount being paid back, the amount not taken, the adjustment value, or the retroactive adjustment value is nonzero.

Store if Zero

Appears for all element types except earnings and deductions. You cannot select this check box without first selecting Store.

The Store if Zero check box is a way to further define what is sent to the results tables.

Select Store if Zero to store a resolved value even when the value is 0.

If you select Store but not Store if Zero, the element is written to the result tables only if the resolved value is not equal to zero, blank, or null. If you select both check boxes, the resolved value is written to the result tables, even if it is zero, blank, or null. If you select neither check box, the system never stores the resolved value.

Resolution Parameters

The fields in this group box apply only to earning and deduction elements.

See Naming an Earning Element.

Version Information

User Version

You can enter up to 14 alphanumeric characters in this field to identify changes you make to the element definition. When you save the definition, the system adds a prefix of INT_ to indicate that this is a user-defined value. You can use the Absence Management utilities to stamp and package elements by version.

The value that you enter here appears in the Version field of the pages that you update.


Displays the version of the element. The prefix P_ identifies versions released by PeopleSoft. The prefix C_ identifies versions created by customers.

The system clears the version from this page when any of the following conditions occur:

  • You save the page after making changes.

    (The version is cleared only on the page that you make corrections to.)

  • You enter a value in the User Version field and save the page.

    (The version is cleared only on the page to which you make corrections.)

  • You run the Stamping process for the element.

    In this case, the element is stamped with the new version.

Additional Elements

Custom Fields

Click this link to access the Element Name - Custom Fields page.


Click this link to access the Element Name - Comments page.


This link appears for absence take and absence entitlement elements only. Click this link to access the Element Name - Forecasting page.

See Also

Stamping and Packaging Elements by Version

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding User-Defined Fields to Element Definitions

Access the Element Name - Custom Fields page.

Use the fields on this page in any way that you want. For example, you can use the fields to classify elements or to indicate a sorting order for reports. The data that you enter is stored by system elements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering and Viewing Element Comments

Access the Comments page.

For each system-computed system element that is delivered by PeopleSoft, you can view detailed comments including a general description, when the system element is available, and where it is used. This is useful information when you want to learn about what a specific system element does.

For elements that you define, you can use the Comments page to view or enter your own notes or details about an element.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Forecasting Options

Access the Element Name - Forecasting page.

Forecasting Used

Select to enable the absence forecasting or balance inquiry feature for this element. This field also enables forecasting configuration under the take definition element as well as under Absence Management forecasting rules. It does not enable forecasting in Absence self service applications nor in Timesheets.

See Defining Forecasting Rules for Self Service Absence Requests.

Forecasting Required

This field appears for absence take elements only. Select to have the system generate a warning if a user tries to save absence entries on the Absence Event Entry page without first running the Forecasting process.

Note. This field only applies to the Absence Event Entry page. To set up forecasting required for absence self service and Time and Labor Timesheets use the Forecasting page.

See Defining Forecasting Rules for Self Service Absence Requests.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Component Element Information

This section discusses how to update component element information.

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Page Name

Object Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Supporting Elements, Components, Components

Update information about component elements (such as rate, unit, base, and percent) that are generated when an earning, deduction, or absence entitlement element is created.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Component Element Information

Access the Components page.

On this page, only the Description field, the Via Elements check box, the Custom Fields link, and the Comments link are available for entry or selection.

All other fields are updated when the parent element value changes. (A parent element is an earning element, a deduction element, or an absence entitlement element.) These fields display the values that were entered for the parent element when it was created.

Override Levels

Via Elements

Select to indicate the override level for the component, if there is one.

See Also

Adding User-Defined Fields to Element Definitions

Understanding Overrides

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Suffixes

This section provides an overview of suffixes and discusses how to define suffixes for absence entitlements:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Suffixes

Absence Management uses suffixes to identify the components and auto-generated accumulators created for earning, deduction, and absence elements. For example, when you define an earning, deduction, or absence element, you must specify the components that make up the element, such as base, rate, unit, and percentage. The system names these components and auto-generated accumulators by appending a suffix to the element’s name. For example, suppose that you define an earning element named EARN1 with this calculation rule: EARN1 = Rate × Unit The system automatically creates two additional elements for the components in the calculation rule:

In this example, the suffixes used to name the components of the element are _RATE and _UNIT.

PeopleSoft delivers suffixes, but you can also create your own suffixes. Suffixes are defined by country, so you can define element components in your native language.

The system determines the suffix names to use, based on the country that is identified in the Used By/Country fields on the Element Name page. If an element is defined as All Countries in the Used By/Country fields, the system determines the correct suffix by identifying the entry on the Suffix page that has the Default Country check box selected.

Note. When you create an element, the system creates only the suffixes and components that are needed. For example, if you create an earning element and define it as EARNINGS1 = Unit x Rate, the system creates suffixes only for the unit and the rate.

Note. You can only add, modify, and delete suffixes on the Element Suffixes (GP_SUFFIX) component that apply to elements defined for your own country or All countries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Suffixes

Page Name

Object Name



Absence Entitlements


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, System Settings, Element Suffixes, Absence Entitlements

Define suffixes for absence elements in the base language that you’ve selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Suffixes for Absence Entitlements

Access the Absence Entitlements page.

Component Suffixes and Accumulator Suffixes

Unit Paid and Unit Adjustment

Define the suffixes to be appended to the components and accumulators that the system generates for absence entitlement elements.

See Also

Defining Rules for Auto Generated Accumulators