Using Candidate Gateway

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicRegistering Online and Signing In

This section provides an overview of online registration, prerequisites, and lists the pages used to register online and sign in.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Online Registration

External applicants must register online to perform many recruiting-related tasks. Internal applicants have access to all recruiting tasks and do not need to register. To register online, external applicants must create a user name and password. External applicants only need to register for an account once. They can use their user name and password to sign in to their account regardless of which site they use to access their account.

External applicants can change the password for their account by using the My Profile - Change Password page.

Before registering online, external applicants can:

After registering online, external applicants can:

See Updating Profile Information.

Obtaining Sign In Help

If applicants forget their user name or password, they can access the Login Help page. On the Login Help page, applicants can:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before applicants can apply online, set up the company's sites.

See Setting Up Sites.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Register Online and Sign In

Page Name

Object Name





Careers, Careers

View the latest job postings, search for jobs, and sign in to an account. This is the page that appears to external applicants before signing in.



Click the Register Now links on the Careers page.

Register online. To register, applicants enter a user name and password, confirm the password, and click Register.



  • Click Save Jobs or Apply Now on the Careers page.

  • Click Save Search, Save Jobs, or Apply Now on the Job Search page.

  • Click Save Job or Apply Now on the Job Description page.

Sign in to an existing account.

Login Help


  • Click the Login Help link on the Careers page.

  • Click the Login Help link on the Login page.

Change your password or find your user name for a current account.

Click to jump to parent topicSearching for Job Openings

This section provides an overview of job searches, lists prerequisites, and lists the pages used to search for job openings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Job Searches

Applicants can perform:

Applicants can sort the search results by posting date, posting title, job opening number, job family, or location.

The system compares the search criteria to different types of job data, as described in this table:

Criterion Entered

Job Data Used for Comparison


Posting title and job description.

Recruiting location

Job opening.

Job family

The job family that is associated with job code.

Note. (USF) For U.S. federal government jobs, the system searches GVT_PATOCB_CD.

Full-time versus part-time

Job opening.

Regular versus temporary

Job opening.

Desired pay

Default salary range that is associated with the job code.

Job opening ID

Job opening.

Posting date

Job opening.

Applicants can view job postings that meet the following conditions:

Saving Search Criteria

Applicants can save their search criteria as a saved search or as a job agent. When applicants save search criteria as a job agent, the system checks for job openings that meet the saved search criteria each time you run the Job Agent Application Engine process (HRS_JOB_AGNT). If there are job openings that match the job agent search criteria, the system sends an email to the applicant that notifies them of the job openings. The email contains a link to the page in the Careers (HRS_CE) component where applicants can review the job agent search results. If the applicant applied online, the system also posts a notification in the Notifications group box on the Welcome page. Applicants can click the subject link for the notification to view the job agent search results. If the applicant has multiple job search agents, the system posts a separate notification for each job search agent in the Notifications group box.

Applicants can have an unlimited number of saved searches. The system limits the number of job agents an applicant can save based on the value that you enter in the Maximum Job Agents field on the Recruiting Installation - Installation Options page.

Applicants can view and run their saved searches and job agents from the My Saved Searches page without having to reenter their search criteria. To run their saved searches and job agents from the Job Search page, applicants select a saved search or job agent from the Use Saved Search field and click Search. Applicants can delete and edit their saved searches and job agents on the My Saved Searches page.

To save search criteria, applicants:

  1. Click the Save Search button on the Job Search page.

    The Save Search page appears.

  2. Enter a name for the saved search in the Name your search field.

  3. (Optional) Select the Use As Job Agent check box to save the search criteria as a job agent.

  4. (Optional) Enter the email address, to which the job agent notifications will be sent, in the Send Job Agent notification to field.

  5. Click Save.

See Also

Using the Job Search Agent

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before applicants can search for jobs, you must:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Search for Job Openings

Page Name

Object Name





  • Careers, Careers

  • Click the Logout link on the Welcome page.

View the latest job postings, search for jobs, and sign in to an account. This is the page that appears to external applicants before signing in.



  • Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Careers, Welcome

  • Careers, Careers

    Enter a user name and password on the Careers page and click Login.

Search for jobs, access career tools, view received notifications, and view the latest job postings. This is the page that appears to external applicants after signing in. Internal applicants do not need to sign in to access this page.

Job Search


Click the Advanced Search link in the Basic Job Search group box on the Welcome page.

Search for jobs, review search results, and save jobs. The search criteria fields that appear on this page (basic or advanced) depend on the method the applicant uses to access the page. The Search Results group box doesn't appear until applicants search for jobs.

Save Search


Click the Save Search button on the Job Search page.

Save search criteria and job agents.

My Saved Searches


  • Click the My Saved Searches link on the Welcome, Job Search, My Saved Jobs, and My Career Tools pages.

  • Click the Save Changes button on the Edit Saved Search page.

View, edit, delete, and run saved searches and job agents.

Edit Saved Search


Click the Edit link for a saved search on the My Saved Searches page.

Edit a saved search.

Click to jump to parent topicEmailing Job Openings to Friends

This section provides an overview of how to email job openings to friends and lists the pages used to email job openings to friends.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Email Job Openings to Friends

When applicants find a job opening that might interest someone they know, they can email the job opening to that person. To send a job opening to a friend via email, applicants:

  1. Access the Send Email page.

  2. Enter the email addresses, of the froends to whom they want to send the job opening, in the To field.

  3. Enter the applicant's name in the Your Name field.

  4. Click Send.

  5. The system sends the email notification (HRS_CE_EML_FRND) to all persons that applicants enter in the To field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Email Job Openings to Friends

Page Name

Object Name





  • Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Careers, Welcome

  • Careers, Careers

View the latest job postings, search for jobs, and sign in to an account. This is the page that appears to external applicants before signing in.



Click the Signin button on the Careers page.

Search for jobs, access career tools, view received notifications, and view the latest job postings. This is the page that appears to external applicants after signing in. Internal applicants do not need to sign in to access this page.

Job Description


Click a job posting title link on the Careers, Welcome, Job Search, My Saved Jobs, or Interview Details pages.

View the description of a job opening. Enter job opening descriptions on the Posting Information page when you create a job opening or on the Job Opening - Posting Information page when you update a job opening in PeopleSoft Enterprise Talent Acquisition Manager.

Send Email


Click the Email to Friend button on the Job Description page.

Email jobs to friends.

Click to jump to parent topicSaving Job Openings

This section provides an overview of saved job openings and lists the pages used to save job openings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Saved Job Openings

Applicants can select and save job openings that they are interested in and apply to these jobs at a later date. Applicants can save jobs on several pages in the Careers component and can view their saved jobs on the My Saved Jobs page.

There is no limit to the number of jobs that an applicant can save. The system does not automatically remove closed, cancelled, or on hold jobs from an applicant's saved jobs. However, the system does display the job opening status on the My Saved Jobs page. Applicants must manually delete saved job openings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Save Job Openings

Page Name

Object Name





  • Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Careers, Welcome

  • Careers, Careers

    Enter a user name and password on the Careers page and click Login.

Search for jobs, access career tools, view received notifications, and view the latest job postings. This is the page that appears to external applicants after signing in. Internal applicants do not need to sign in to access this page.

My Saved Jobs


  • Click the My Saved Jobs link on the Welcome, Job Search, My Saved Searches, and My Career Tools pages.

  • Select one or more jobs on the Welcome or Job Search page and click Save Jobs.

  • Click the Save Job button on the Job Description page.

View and delete saved jobs and apply to saved jobs.

Click to jump to parent topicApplying for Job Openings

This section provides an overview of the job application process, lists prerequisites, and lists the pages used to apply for job openings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Job Application Process

Applicants can apply for the same job more than once. If they do, a warning message appears to let them know that they have already applied for the job and asks if they want to apply again. When an applicant applies for a job opening online, the pages that the applicant sees and the information that they must complete depend on the resume template that the system selects.

To apply for a job, applicants:

  1. Select the check box next to one or more jobs on the Welcome, Job Search, or My Saved Jobs page and click Apply Now.

    External applicants must access the Careers page first and sign in. To sign in, external applicants must register online. Internal applicants do not need to register or sign in.

    See Registering Online and Signing In.

  2. (IRL) The Apply Now - Community Background Information page appears if you selected the Use Community Background option on the Country Specific page for the resume template that is associated with the job opening.

    Applicants must select an option in the Select Community field and click Continue. Applicants are prompted to enter community background information each time they apply for a Northern Ireland job opening. If they have already entered community background information for a another job opening to which they applied, the system displays the value that they selected in the Select Community field. Applicants can select a new value if necessary.

  3. The Apply Now - Choose Resume page appears.

    The options that appear on this page depend on the sections that you assign to this page on the resume template. Applicants select a resume option and click Continue.

    If you use a resume extractor, the system extracts data from the resume and populates data in fields on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

    See Uploading and Viewing Resumes.

    If an applicant is applying to more than one job, the system merges the multiple resume templates together so that all possible sections are included in the new resume template and no sections are duplicated.

    See Setting Up Resume Templates.

  4. The My Profile page appears only for external applicants who have not entered a first and last name on the My Profile page.

    At a minimum, external applicants must enter a first and last name and click Save, but they can also enter additional profile information.

  5. The Apply Now - Complete Application page appears.

    The format of this page depends on the resume template that the system uses. A link appears at the top of the Apply Now - Complete Application page for each page following pages one and two in the resume template. Sections on each page of the resume template appear as group boxes. Applicants can click the Previous and Next links to navigate between the pages or click the page links to go directly to a page.

    If you select the Enforce Linear Application check box on the Template Sections page, only the first page link is active. When the user clicks Next, the second page link becomes active, and so on.

    For internal applicants, the system uses existing employee information to populate data in fields on the Apply Now - Complete Application page. Internal applicants can review and update this information as needed.

    If you use a resume extractor, external applicants can review the populated information and make changes as necessary.

  6. Click Submit on the Apply Now - Complete Application page to submit the job application.

  7. The Submit Online Application page appears.

    The Submit Online Application page displays an organization's employment terms. Organizations can add data privacy statements to the Terms & Agreements section or to the Careers page by using the text catalog. Applicants must agree to these terms and agreements to submit the application. Use the text catalog to change the default text that appears.

  8. (USA) If the company that you specify on the job opening to which the applicant is applying is in the United States, and the applicant is an external applicant, the Self Identification Details group box appears on the Submit Online Application page.

    Applicants can specify gender and ethnicity information or decline to provide the information. The information is used for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reporting purposes. This group box is not used for internal applicants, and it is an optional part of the application process. The information that the applicant supplies is not used in the application or recruitment process, and access to the data is restricted.

This diagram shows the online job application process:

Candidate Gateway online application process

Viewing Submitted Job Applications

After applicants submit an application, they cannot make changes to it. However, users can apply for the same job more than once if they need to change their information. Applicants can view all of their job applications in the My Applications group box on the My Career Tools page. Applicants click a job application to view the application.

Saving Drafts

Applicants can save drafts of their online applications and submit the applications at a later time. To save a draft, applicants click the Save button on the Apply Now - Complete Application page. The job application appears in the My Applications group box on the My Career Tools page with a status of Not Applied. Applicants click a job application to access the application, make changes if needed, and save as a draft or submit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before applicants can apply for jobs online, you must:

  1. Create resume templates.

  2. (Optional) Link resume templates to recruitment templates on the Recruitment Template Settings page.

    See Setting Up Recruitment Templates.

  3. Set up sites.

    See Setting Up Sites.

  4. (Optional) Set up resume extractors.

    See Understanding Resume Extractor Setup.

  5. Create job openings.

    See Creating Job Openings.

  6. Run the Verity Job Posting Index Build Application Engine process (HRS_JSCH_IDX) to build the job posting index.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Apply for Job Openings

Page Name

Object Name





  • Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Careers, Welcome

  • Careers, Careers

    Enter a user name and password on the Careers page and click Login.

Search for jobs, access career tools, view received notifications, and view the latest job postings. This is the page that appears to external applicants after signing in. Internal applicants do not need to sign in to access this page.

Apply Now - Community Background Information


Select the check box for one or more job openings on the Welcome, Job Search, or My Saved Jobs page and click Apply Now.

(IRL) Enter community background information. This page appears only if you select the Use Community Background option on the Country Specific page when you set up the associated resume template.

Apply Now - Choose Resume


  • Select the check box for one or more job openings on the Welcome, Job Search, or My Saved Jobs page and click Apply Now.

  • Select an option in the Select Community field on the Apply Now - Community Background Information page and click Continue.

Choose a resume option. The options that appear on this page vary depending on the resume template that the system selects.

Apply Now - Enter Resume Text


Select Copy and Paste Resume Text on the Apply Now - Choose Resume page and click Continue.

Enter resume details. The options on this page vary depending on the resume option that the applicant selects on the Apply Now - Choose Resume page. If the applicant selects Upload a new resume, they must provide a title for the resume and select the language in which the resume is written. If the applicant selects Copy and paste resume text, they must enter a title for the resume, select the language in which the resume is written, and paste the resume text into the appropriate field.

My Profile


  • Click Continue on the Apply Now - Choose Resume page.

  • Click Save on the My Profile page.

  • Click Continue on the Apply Now - Enter Resume Text page.

  • Click the application in the My Applications group box on the My Career Tools page.

Complete an online application. The pages and sections that appear on this page vary depending on the resume template that the system selects.

Complete Application - Preferences


Click the Save button on the My Profile page.

Enter job preference information.

Complete Application - Education and Work Experience


Click the Education and Work Experience link on the Complete Application - Preferences page.

Enter accomplishments and competencies.

Add Employment History


Click Add Work Experience on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter work experience information.

Add Primary and Secondary Education


Click Add Primary and Secondary Education History on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter primary and secondary education information.

Add Post-Secondary Education


Click Add Post-Secondary Education History on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter post-secondary education information.

Add Job Training


Click Add Job Training on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter job training information.

Add License or Certificates


Click Add Licenses and Certificates on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter license and certificate information.

Add Language


Click Add Languages on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter language information.

Add Membership Information


Click Add Memberships on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter membership information.

Add Honors and Awards


Click Add Honors and Awards on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter honor and award information.

Add Priority Placement


Click Add Priority Placement on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter priority placement information.

Add Reference


  • Click Add Reference on the Applicant References page.

  • Click Add Reference on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter information for a reference.

Submit Online Application


Click Submit on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Agree or disagree to a company's application and data privacy statement.

(USA) Enter gender and ethnicity information in the Self Identification Details group box. This group box appears only for external applicant that apply for job openings in the United States.

My Applications


Click Submit on the Submit Online Application page.

Confirm that the application is completed and submitted correctly. View all submitted applications and statuses of each.

My Career Tools


  • Click the My Careers Tools link on the Welcome, Job Search, My Saved Jobs, and My Saved Searches pages.

  • Click the Applications, Cover Letters and Attachments, and Saved Resumes links in the My Careers Tools group box on the Welcome page.

View submitted applications, resumes, and attachments.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Profile Information

This section provides an overview of profile information and lists the pages used to update profile information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Profile Information

External applicants use the My Profile page to enter their preferred contact method, name, address, email, and phone information. External applicants can update this information as often as needed. When external applicants update their profile information on the My Profile page, the system also updates the applicant's contact information in Talent Acquisition Manager pages. The system requires that external applicants enter a first and last name on the My Profile page before they can apply for jobs.

For internal applicants, the system populates the My Profile page with information from PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources. Internal applicants can only view their profile information; they cannot make updates.

The My Profile page is the second page in a resume template and is a required page. You cannot edit the sections that appear on the page or the order in which the page appears in the resume template. However, you can edit the page title by using the text catalog. When external applicants apply for jobs online, the My Profile page appears as the second page in the job application process if the applicant has not entered a first and last name on the My Profile page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Update Profile Information

Page Name

Object Name





  • Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Careers, Welcome

  • Careers, Careers

    Enter a user name and password on the Careers page and click Login.

Search for jobs, access career tools, view received notifications, and view the latest job postings. This is the page that appears to external applicants after signing in. Internal applicants do not need to sign in to access this page.

My Career Tools


  • Click the My Careers Tools link on the Welcome, Job Search, My Saved Jobs, and My Saved Searches pages.

  • Click the Applications, Cover Letters and Attachments, and Saved Resumes links in the My Careers Tools group box on the Welcome page.

View submitted applications, resumes, and attachments.

My Profile


  • Click the My Profile link in the My Career Tools group box on the Welcome page.

  • Click the Edit Profile link on the My Career Tools page. (external applicants only)

  • Click the Edit Profile link on the Apply Now - Complete Application page. (external applicants only)

  • Click the Continue button on the Apply Now - Choose Resume page. (external applicants only)

External applicants can view and update their preferred contact method, name, address, email, and phone information. Internal applicants can view their name, address, email, and phone information.

My Profile - Change Password


Click the Change Password link on the My Profile page.

External applicants can change their password. To change the password, enter the new password, enter the new password again to confirm, and click Save. The Change Password link only appears on the My Profile page for external applicants.

Click to jump to parent topicUploading and Viewing Resumes

This section provides an overview of resumes and lists the pages used to upload and view resumes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resumes

When applicants apply for jobs online, applicants can upload a new resume, copy and paste resume text, or select one of their uploaded resumes to use in the job application process, if you include these options in the resume template.

To upload a new resume, applicants select the Upload a new resume option and click Continue on the Apply Now - Choose Resume page. Applicants then browse for and select the resume that they want to upload. The Apply Now - Enter Resume Text page appears. Applicants enter a name for the resume in the Resume Title field, select the language in which the resume is written in the Language field, and click Continue.

To copy and paste resume text, applicants select the Copy and paste resume text option and click Continue on the Apply Now - Choose Resume page. The Apply Now - Enter Resume Text page appears. Applicants enter a name for the resume in the Title field, select the language in which the resume is written in the Language field, and paste their resume text in the Resume field.

To use an existing resume, applicants select the Use an existing resume option on the Apply Now - Choose Resume page. When they select this option, a Select Resume field appears that enables applicants to select the resume that they want to use. Applicants select a resume and click Continue. The Use an existing resume option appears on the page only if the applicant has already uploaded a resume.

Applicants can view all of their uploaded resumes in the Resumes grid on the My Career Tools page. After an applicant uploads a resume, they cannot make changes to it.

Resume Extraction Process

If you integrate with a resume extractor vendor, the system extracts data from the applicant's uploaded resume and populates fields on the Apply Now - Complete Application page automatically. This feature is available for new external applicants to save them time when entering information.

Here is how resume extraction works:

  1. Applicants attach their resume files or paste resume text into a field.

  2. The resume extractor extracts recognized applicant information from the resumes and populates fields on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

  3. When the extraction is complete, the system displays the Apply Now - Complete Application page to the applicant.

  4. Applicants verify the information, update fields, and provide additional information, as required.

If contact information already exists for the applicant, the system doesn't override the contact information with information that is extracted from the resume. However, the system will update contact information if no contact information exists. For example, if an applicant does not have an email address, but the extraction process finds one, the system will update the email address information. The system will override all other applicant data—for example, work history, competencies, and accomplishments—with the data that is extracted from the resume. Applicants can view the information on the Apply Now - Complete Application page and make changes or add new information as needed.

See Also

Understanding the Resume Extraction Process

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Upload and View Resumes

Page Name

Object Name





  • Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Careers, Welcome

  • Careers, Careers

    Enter a user name and password on the Careers page and click Login.

Search for jobs, access career tools, view received notifications, and view the latest job postings. This is the page that appears to external applicants after signing in. Internal applicants do not need to sign in to access this page.

Apply Now - Choose Resume


Select the check box for one or more job openings on the Welcome, Job Search, or My Saved Jobs page and click Apply Now.

Select a resume option. The options that appear on this page vary depending on the resume template that the system selects.

Apply Now - Enter Resume Text


  • Select Upload a New Resume on the Apply Now - Choose Resume page, click Continue, browse for, select, and upload a resume.

  • Select Copy and Paste Resume Text on the Apply Now - Choose Resume page and click Continue.

Enter resume details. The options on this page vary depending on the resume option that the applicant selects on the Apply Now - Choose Resume page. If the applicant selects Upload a new resume, they must provide a title for the resume and select the language in which the resume is written. If the applicant selects Copy and paste resume text, they must enter a title for the resume, select the language in which the resume is written, and paste the resume text into the appropriate field.

My Career Tools


  • Click the My Careers Tools link on the Welcome, Job Search, My Saved Jobs, and My Saved Searches pages.

  • Click the Applications, Cover Letters and Attachments, and Saved Resumes links in the My Careers Tools group box on the Welcome page.

View submitted applications, resumes, and attachments.



Click a link in the Resume Title column in the Resumes grid on the My Career Tools page.

View an uploaded resume.

Click to jump to parent topicSubmitting Attachments

This section provides an overview of attachments, lists a prerequisite, and lists the pages used to submit attachments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Attachments

Applicants sometimes need to submit additional documents such as:

Applicants can submit attachments by using the My Attachments and Cover Letters - Add Attachments page. To submit an attachment, applicants select an attachment type, enter an attachment purpose, click Add Attachment to browse for and upload the attachment, and then click Save & Return to save the attachment and return to the My Career Tools page.

Applicants can view all submitted attachments in the Cover Letters and Attachments grid on the My Career Tools page. Applicants can click an attachment file name to view the attachment. The system opens the attachment in a separate browser window. Applicants cannot edit the attachment in the browser window. Applicants can delete attachments on the My Career Tools page and edit the attachment type and purpose on the My Attachments and Cover Letters - Add Attachments page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you can submit attachments, you must define attachment types on the Attachment Type Setup page in Talent Acquisition Manager.

See Setting Up Applications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Submit Attachments

Page Name

Object Name





  • Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Careers, Welcome

  • Careers, Careers

    Enter a user name and password on the Careers page and click Login.

Search for jobs, access career tools, view received notifications, and view the latest job postings. This is the page that appears to external applicants after signing in. Internal applicants do not need to sign in to access this page.

My Career Tools


  • Click the My Careers Tools link on the Welcome, Job Search, My Saved Jobs, and My Saved Searches pages.

  • Click the Applications, Cover Letters and Attachments, and Saved Resumes links in the My Careers Tools group box on the Welcome page.

View submitted applications, resumes, and attachments.

My Attachments and Cover Letters - Add Attachments


  • Click the Add Attachment link on the My Career Tools page.

  • Click the Edit Attachment link on the My Career Tools page.

Submit attachments.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering References

This section provides an overview of references and lists the pages used to enter references.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding References

Recruiters and hiring managers can click the Request References button on the Add New Applicant - Verification or Manage Applicant - Applicant Data: Verification pages in Talent Acquisition Manager to send an email notification (HRS_UPDATE_REFERENCES) to applicants (provided there is an email address for the applicant in the system) that notifies them to update their references. The email notification contains a link to the Welcome page. The system also posts a notification in the Notifications group box on the Welcome page. Applicants click the Please add your references link in the Notifications group box on the Welcome page to access the Applicant References page, where they can submit references.

If an applicant has not applied online, the email notification includes an auto-generated user name and password that enables the applicant to sign in and submit their references.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter References

Page Name

Object Name





  • Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Careers, Welcome

  • Careers, Careers

    Enter a user name and password on the Careers page and click Login.

Search for jobs, access career tools, view received notifications, and view the latest job postings. This is the page that appears to external applicants after signing in. Internal applicants do not need to sign in to access this page.

Applicant References


Click the Please add your references link in the Notifications group box on the Welcome page.

Add references.

Add New Application - Add Reference


  • Click Add Reference on the Applicant References page.

  • Click Add Reference on the Apply Now - Complete Application page.

Enter information for a reference.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Interview Schedules and Evaluations

This section provides an overview of the different methods for viewing interview schedules and lists the pages used to view interview schedules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Interview Schedules

Interview schedules can be viewed three ways:

Viewing Scheduled Interview Appointments

Applicants use the Interview Details page to view their scheduled interview for a specific job opening. The interview schedule includes the date and time, the name of each interviewer, and location of the interview.

When you schedule an interview by using the Manage Applicant - Interview Schedule page in Talent Acquisition Manager, you can select the Notify Applicant option to notify the applicant. The system sends an email notification (HRS_INTVWSCHED_APPL) to the applicant (provided there is an email address for the applicant in the system), and if the applicant applied online, the system also posts a notification in the Notifications group box on the Welcome page. Applicants click the notification link in the Notifications group box to access the Interview Details page, where they can view the interview schedule. The email also contains the interview schedule for the applicant.

See Also

Scheduling Interviews

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Interview Schedules and Evaluations

Page Name

Object Name





  • Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Careers, Welcome

  • Careers, Careers

    Enter a user name and password on the Careers page and click Login.

Search for jobs, access career tools, view received notifications, and view the latest job postings. This is the page that appears to external applicants after signing in. Internal applicants do not need to sign in to access this page.

Interview Details


Click an interview link in the Notifications group box on the Welcome page.

View the details for all scheduled interviews (start and end times, date, interviewer, location) for a specific job opening.

Interview Calendar


Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Interviewer's Calendar

View the current week’s interview schedule.

Note. Employees can view interview schedules only if an administrator has entered their names on the Interview Schedule page or if a manager or recruiter has entered their names on the Schedule Interview page.

Schedule Notes


Click the Notes link on the Interview Calendar page.

View comments entered by the person who scheduled an interview using the Interview Schedule page or the Schedule Interview page.

View Interview Team Schedule


Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Interviewer Team Schedule

View the schedule for the entire interview team.

Note. Employees can view interview schedules only if an administer has entered their names on the Interview Schedule page; if a manager or recruiter has entered their names on the Schedule Interview page; or if the employees are the originators, authorizers, or recruiters of the requisitions.

Interview Evaluations


Self Service, Recruiting Activities, Interview Evaluations

View interview evaluations.

Click to jump to parent topicReferring Friends

This section provides an overview of the referral friends and the pages used by referrals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Referral Process

The referral process consists of three features:

Employee Refers a Friend

Employees use the Welcome page to refer a friend. Applicants can be referred either with or without a job opening selected. Once the Refer Friend button is clicked, employees can submit the friend's resume and must enter basic contact information.

After submitting the contact information, the system create an applicant records with a status of Not Applied and sends an email to the friend containing a link to the asking them to update their information. The employee information is contained in the referral section of the application and the employee sees the referral in their self service referral information.

Note. If the employee makes the mistake of referring an external person to an internal job opening, the applicant will not be able to see the Job Opening since they cannot log on to the internal system. The system warns the employee on submission of an internal only job that the referral might not reach the person to which it is being sent, but no other action is taken.

Applicant Enters Employee as Referral Source

When an applicant completes an application and enters an employee's name as a reference, the system automatically sends a notification to the employee asking them to confirm the referral. The employee uses the Confirm Referral page to validate that they are a reference for the applicant.

Employee Checks Referral Status

When an employee as referred a friend, they can use the Review Referral Details page to see the status of the referral.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used in the Referral Process

Page Name

Object Name





Self-Service, Recruiting Activities, Career

Initiate various Candidate Gateway tasks.

Refer Friend - Choose Resume


Click the Refer Friend button on the Welcome page.

Choice whether to submit friend's resume.

Refer Friend - Enter Resume Text


Select Copy and paste resume text.

Click the Continue button on the Refer Friend - Choose Resume page.

Enter, download, or ignore resume.

Refer Friend - Contacts Details


  • Click the Continue button on the Refer Friend - Choose Resume page.

  • Click the Continue button on the Refer Friend - Enter Resume Text page.

Enter the friend's contact information.

My Referrals


Click the Save & Submit button on the Refer Friend - Contacts Details page.

Validate applicant's referral name.

Review Referral


  • Click the View Completed Referrals link on the My Referrals page.

  • Self-Service, Recruiting Activities, Check Referral Status

Select applicant.

Review Referral Details


Click the referred applicant name link on the Review Referral page.

View the detailed information of the referral.