Managing the Promotion Probation Period

This chapter provides an overview of promotion probation period setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Promotion Probation Period Setup

Promotion probation period functionality uses the following setup data:

To create a promotion probation period for an individual employee, select the Trainee check box on the Career - Classification page.

See Also

Setting Up FPS Installation Parameters

Defining Civil Service Positions

Setting Up Salary Grades

Entering Career Classification Information

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning a Promotion Probation Period

You assign a promotion probation period to an employee only when you are setting up a grade promotion that implies a corps change.

To set up a grade promotion that implies a corps change:

  1. Access the Career - Overall Data page in the Increment Step/Promotion FPS component and insert a new row. Use Grade Promotion as the action.

    Note. Although Grade Promotion is the most common action in this situation, you can use any action you choose after Career Data Authorized is checked and Grade/Step is selected on the FPS Action page of the Actions component (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration).

  2. Access the Career-Classification page in the Increment Step/Promotion FPS component.

  3. Select the Trainee check box to indicate that the employee is beginning a probation period.

    This check box appears only for employees who are not trainees.

  4. Set the probation period to In Progress.

See Also

Processing Grade Promotions

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Promotion Probation Period End Dates

This section discusses how to calculate promotion probation period end dates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Calculate Promotion Probation Period End Dates

Page Name

Object Name



Promotion PPd End Date Calcul (promotion probation period end date calculation)


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Calculate End of Probation Pd, Promotion PPd End Date Calcul

Calculate the promotion probation period end dates.

Current PPd Schedule (current probation period schedule)


Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Identify Promotable Empls FPS, Current Probation Schedule Rpt, Current PPd Schedule

Generate the Probation Period in Progress Schedule report (FPA405), which lists employees who have a promotion probation period during a selected period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Promotion Probation Period End Dates

Access the Promotion PPd End Date Calcul (promotion probation period end date calculation) page.

To calculate the probation period end date for all trainees, leave the ID (employee ID) and Empl Rcd# (employee record number) fields blank.

The Promotion PPd end date calcul (promotion probation period end date calculation) SQR process (FPA305) determines the exact probation period end date, accounting for civil service position breaks and part-time positions.

This process:

Click to jump to parent topicValidating or Denying Promotions

At the end of the promotion probation period, you must validate or deny the promotion. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can validate or deny a promotion, you must have run the End Date Calculation process (FPA305) that calculates the promotion probation period end date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicValidating a Promotion

To validate a promotion:

  1. Access the Career - Classification page.

  2. Scroll to the row with the last action that is recorded in the employee record.

  3. Select Validated.

  4. (Required) Enter the appointment in corps date.

See Also

Entering Career Classification Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDenying a Promotion

To deny a promotion:

  1. Access the Delete Career Data FPS - Career - Classification page.

  2. Scroll to the row with the last recorded action in the employee record.

  3. In the Probation Period group box, select Rejected.

  4. Save the row.

    The move is deleted in the record. Data is stored in the Delete Moves table.

  5. To delete other rows that are associated with the same promotion probation period, repeat these instructions.

See Also

Deleting Career Data