Administering U.S. Savings Bond Purchases

This chapter provides an overview of U.S. savings bond processing and implementation considerations, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding U.S. Savings Bond Processing

Many organizations offer their employees the opportunity to purchase U.S. savings bonds through payroll deductions. Global Payroll for United States delivers the Savings Bond table complete with all Series EE and Series I savings bonds that payees can purchase through system payroll deductions.

With Global Payroll for United States, you can:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicU.S. Savings Bond Deduction Assignment and Processing Overview

To assign and process bond deductions:

  1. Assign applicable bonds to a payee on the Savings Bond Assignment page, specifying the following:

  2. Then, when you run the payroll calculation process, the system processes each of a payee's bond assignments, and calculates the deduction amount.

  3. After the payroll process is finalized, you run the Bond Purchase Calculation Application Engine process (GPUS_BNDCALC). This process:

  4. After running the Bond Purchase Calculation process, you run the Savings Bond Purchase PSJob process (GPUS_BND). This process:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImplementation Considerations

This section discusses:


If period segmentation exists, the system applies the deduction for savings bonds to the first segment using the generation control element GP APPLY 1ST SEG.


The bond deduction is defined with the Retro Recalculation Option set to Do Not Recalculate.

Remaining Balances

At the conclusion of a bond assignment period (end date specified on the Savings Bond Assignment page) any unused funds will remain in the delivered Bond accumulator. These funds can be:

See Also

Defining Segmentation

Defining Retroactive Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Elements

Global Payroll for United States delivers and maintains the following bond elements:

Note. In this table, DD stands for deduction, and AC stands for accumulator.

Element Type

Element Name

Used By

Where Used



Payroll Process

This element is used to deduct a specified amount during the payroll process.



This variable is a user field on the bond deduction and a user key on the bond accumulators.

It is one of two variables that makes each bond unique (see also BND VR NUM).





Savings Bond Assignment USA page.

You define the value of the bond ID when you assign bond deductions to payees on the Savings Bond Assignment USA page.



This variable is a user field on the bond deduction and a user key on the bond accumulators.

It is one of two variables that makes each bond unique (see also BND VR ID).





Savings Bond Assignment USA page.

You define the value of the bond number when you assign bond deductions to payees on the Savings Bond Assignment USA page.



This variable stores the goal amount for each bond deduction.


Savings Bond Assignment USA page.

You define the goal amount when you assign bond deductions to payees on the Savings Bond Assignment USA page.





This variable is used to store the bond balance.



Payroll Process

The system uses this array to retrieve bond numbers and bond IDs.



Bond Purchase Process

The system uses this array to retrieve bond purchase amounts.




The system uses this array to retrieve savings bond balances.




This formula performs the goal limit function, as well as the termination processing instructions.




This formula updates the BOND BALANCE accumulator with the bond balance retrieved via the BND AR BOND BAL array.



Payroll Process

The system uses this formula to execute the BND AR BOND BAL array if the employee being processed has bonds.




This accumulator contains the amount deducted to date for each bond deduction. This accumulator keeps a running total for the deduction and compares it to the Goal Amount (BND VR GOAL).

Members include:

BOND/Adds to




Members include:

BOND/Adds to




Contains the year to date (YTD) amount for each bond.

Generation Control



This generation control is used to control when the BOND deduction is processed.

Note. PeopleSoft delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for the United States. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.0 PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered U.S. Savings Bonds

To view delivered U.S. savings bonds, use the Savings Bond USA (GPUS_BND_TBL) component.

This section discusses how to view information for the U.S. bonds that are available for purchase.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View U.S. Savings Bonds

Page Name

Object Name



Savings Bond


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Allowances/Other Benefits, Savings Bond USA, Savings Bond USA

View bond deduction criteria for U.S. savings bonds. PeopleSoft delivers the U.S. Savings Bond table complete with all savings bond types that employees can purchase through a payroll deduction. The system uses this table to edit employee bond specifications and to process bonds when it finalizes a payroll.

Note. PeopleSoft delivers all information for Series EE and Series I U.S. Bonds. You do not have to enter information on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Bond Information

Access the Savings Bond page.

Purchase Amount

The cost of the bond at origination. The system uses this value to determine if the funds in a payee's bond deduction accumulator is equal to or greater than this amount prior to purchasing the bond.

Currency Code

The purchase amount and redemption value currency.

Redemption Value

The redemption value of the bond at maturation.

This field is for information only, and is not used in bond processing.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Savings Bond Deductions

This section discusses how to set up payee deductions for bond purchases.

See Also

Configuring Element Overrides

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Assign Savings Bond Deductions

Page Name

Object Name



Savings Bond Assignment USA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Assign Earnings and Deductions, Savings Bond Assignment USA, Savings Bond Assignment USA

Enter a payee's instructions for U.S. Savings Bond deductions and purchases.

Note. When bond information is saved on this page, a component interface automatically populates the Element Assignment by Payee and Payee Assignment by Element components with the bond data and supporting element values (Bond Number and Bond ID). Use this page and not the Element Assignment by Payee or Payee Assignment by Element components to changes and update bond assignments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Bond Deductions

Access the Savings Bond Assignment USA page.

You can assign multiple bond deductions to a payee in a single period. The combination of bond number and savings bond ID is what makes each bond assignment unique.

Bond Number

Associate a unique number with each bond assignment.

Savings Bond ID

Enter the type of bond the payee wants to purchase. Global Payroll for United States delivers bond IDs and related information, which you can view using the Savings Bond page.

See Viewing Delivered U.S. Savings Bonds.

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the start date and the end date for payroll deductions. Leave the end date field blank in order for the deduction to continue indefinitely.

Process Order

Use this field to control the order in which bonds are processed when there are multiple bond assignments. The lower the number in this field, the higher the priority.

Note. The numbers in this field should be unique.

Bond Amount

Enter the amount that the payee wants deducted in each pay period for the specified bond. An accumulator keeps a record of the amount deducted, and when the balance of funds reaches the bond purchase amount, the bond is purchased. Unused funds remain in the accumulator to be used for future purchases.

Goal Amount

To stop deductions from being taken for bond purchases after the sum of deductions for a particular bond assignment reaches a certain amount, enter that amount here. The system will deduct up to, but not in excess of, this amount.

Currency Code

Enter the currency of the bond assignment.

Bond Owner

Specify a bond owner type.


Select the dependent’s ID if the payee is buying the bond for a dependent or beneficiary. This person must be on the payee’s dependent/beneficiary list.


Select if the payee is the registered owner of the savings bond.

Other Registrant

Specify a beneficiary or co-owner registrant type for the bond.


Select if there are two owners of the bond. Additional fields become available for entering the co-owner information.


Select if there is a beneficiary for the bond. Additional fields become available for entering the beneficiary information.


Select if the bond owner is the only name on the savings bond.

Delivery Address

Same Address as Employee

Select to have the bond certificate mailed to the employee’s address. Clear to enter an alternative address through the Edit Address link.

Address Type

If the Bond Owner Type field is set to Employee, and the Same Address as Employee check box is selected, you can select an address from the list of available employee address types.

Other Overrides

Use the fields in this group box to override values associated with the Bond deduction element on the Deduction Name page.

See Also

Overriding Component Values, Generation Control, Frequency, Arrears, and Variables for a Payee

Defining Element Names

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Bond Purchase Calculation Process

This section discusses how to calculate bond purchases.

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Page Name

Object Name



Bond Purchase Calculation USA


Global Payroll & Absence Management, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Bond Purchase Calculation USA

Run the Bond Purchase Calculation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Bond Purchases

Access the Bond Purchase Calculation USA page.

Calendar Group ID

Select the calendar group for which you are running the process.

Note. Only finalized calendar groups are available to select.

The Bond Purchase Calculation process (GPUS_BNDCALC) updates the bond activity log with bond deductions that the system processed for the selected calendar group. In addition, it determines whether the deductions for a given payee are sufficient to fund the bonds assigned to that payee.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing the Bond Activity Log

This section discusses how to view the information in the Savings Bond Activity Log USA component (GPUS_BND_LOG).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View the Bond Activity Log

Page Name

Object Name



Savings Bond Activity Log USA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Review Absence/Payroll Info, Savings Bond Activity Log USA, Savings Bond Activity Log USA

Review a history of bond purchase details for a payee, including bond purchase status, bond balances, amount collected and dispersed, and owner and registrant information.

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Access the Savings Bond Activity Log USA page.

The Savings Bond Activity Log USA page displays bond activity for a payee. The log shows how much money has been deducted toward bond purchases, and how much of that money has been applied to the purchase of the assigned bonds. The system updates the data in the log when you run either the Bond Purchase Calculation process and the Savings Bond Purchase process.

Savings Bond ID

Displays the type of bond assigned to the payee.

Bond Number

Displays the unique number associated with each bond assigned to the payee.

Bond Balance

Displays the dollar amount deducted during the payroll process, but not yet applied to a bond purchase.

From Date and To Date

Enter the date range for which you want to display the payee's bond activity.

Note. The To Date field is required. The system populates this field with the system date by default.

Create Activity Log

Click to display an activity log for the selected date range.

Purchase Details Tab

This tab displays a line item for each transaction.


Indicates that the system has processed the associated transaction. The system selects this check box for Deduction transactions when you run the Bond Purchase Calculation process. The system selects this check box for Purchase transactions when you run the Savings Bond Purchase process.


Indicates the type of transaction.

Deduction: Indicates that the system deducted the associated dollar amount during the payroll process. The Bond Purchase Calculation process updates the bond activity log with bond deductions that the system processed during the payroll process.

Purchase: Indicates the application of deducted funds toward the purchase of the associated savings bond. The Bond Purchase Calculation process determines whether the monetary amount of the deductions is sufficient to fund the bonds assigned to the payee. If it is, the process updates the activity log with a Purchase transaction. The system creates the transaction with the Processed check box cleared, indicating that the actual purchase of the bond has not yet occurred. The actual purchase is processed when you run the Savings Bond Purchase process.

Amount Collected

Displays the dollar amount of each deduction.

Purchase Amount

Displays the dollar amount of each bond purchase.

Number of Bonds

Displays the number of bonds purchased.

Payment Date

Displays the payment date for which the system processed each deduction and purchase.

Period Details Tab

This tab lists pay period information including the calendar ID, the segment begin and end dates, and the pay group.

Owner Details Tab

This tab lists details about the bond owner and any associated beneficiary or co-owner.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Savings Bond Purchase Process

This section provides an overview of the Savings Bond Purchase process and discusses how to generate a magnetic media output file for the U.S. Treasury Office.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Savings Bond Purchase Process

The Savings Bond Purchase process identifies all payees with funded bonds (unprocessed purchase transactions) and processes the purchase of those bonds.

In addition, the process can be run with one of two bond output layouts:

If you select the Bond Purchase option and run the process, the system:

If you select the Federal Reserve option and run the process, the system:

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Page Name

Object Name



Savings Bond Report and Interface USA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Bonds Report and Interface USA, Savings Bond Report and Interface USA

Run the Savings Bond Purchase process to update purchase transactions, generate reports, and create flat files for internal and external use.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Savings Bond Purchase Process and Generating Reports

Access the Savings Bond Report and Interface USA page.


Select the language in which you want to publish the output file and report.

Bond Output Layout

Select a bond output layout. Values are:

Bond Purchase: Creates the Bond Purchase Report (GPUSBND1) and a standard flat file.

Federal Reserve: Creates the Bond Purchase Report (GPUSBND1) and a magnetic media output file in Federal Reserve System format.

Pay Entity

Enter a value to run the process for a specific pay entity. You can use this field when running the process for a specific calendar group or when running the process for a date range. This field is not required.

Calendar Group ID

Enter a calendar group ID to run the process for a specific calendar group. If you specify a value in the Pay Entity field, only calendars associated with that pay entity are available for you to select.

If you do not specify a date range in the Begin Date and End Date fields, the Calendar Group ID field is required. You can also use this field in combination with the Begin Date and End Date fields.

Begin Date and End Date

Specify a date range for the process. The system processes all unprocessed purchase transactions within the specified date range, filtered by any pay entity or calendar group information that you specify. If you do not enter a value in the Calendar Group ID field, the Begin Date and End Date fields are required.