Administering Course Sessions

This chapter provides an overview of course sessions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Course Sessions

This section lists common elements and discusses cut sessions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Business Unit

Select the unit to which a cost should be applied when you update budgets, using the Compute Student Costs and Update Planned and Real Costs processes.


Select a department to associate with the selected business unit.

TrngReq# (training request number)

The system displays this number on some course evaluation pages.

(FRA) Financing Department

Select the department that finances the training session.

(FRA) Financed Cost

Enter the amount if some or all of the cost is financed by an external fund.

(FRA) Financing Fund

Select the fund that is financing the cost. Define funds in the Vendor table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCut Sessions

Course sessions can be divided into cut sessions. Each cut session has its own start date, end date, location, and instructor. Use cut sessions for course sessions that:

See Also

Defining Training Courses and Programs

Click to jump to parent topicPlanning and Setting Up Course Sessions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Plan and Set Up Course Sessions

Page Name

Object Name



Course Session Planner


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Course Session Planner, Course Session Planner

Plan new course sessions and check availability of training rooms and instructors.

Crse Session Planner Facility (course session planner facility)


Click Room Number on the Course Session Planner page.

View room booking details. All displayed data comes from the Course Session table.

Course Session Planner Instr. (course session planner instructor)


Click Instructor name on the Course Session Planner page.

View instructor schedules.

Course Session Profile


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Course Sessions, Course Session Profile

Set up general information about the course session, including start and end dates, session length, number of students who can enroll in the session, and session language if the course is multilingual.

Course Sessions - Location, Instructor


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Course Sessions, Location, Instructor

Set up the location of the course session and the course instructor. If you are dividing the session into cut sessions, set up the start and end dates, location, and instructor for each cut session.

Before using this page, set up training facilities on the Training Facility table. If you use external companies to manage course sessions, add them to the Vendor table. Add instructors to the Instructor table.

Training Facility Address


Click Training Facility Address on the Course Sessions - Location, Instructor page.

View and update the address and contact details of the course session or cut session.

Select free Training Room


Click Select free Training Room on the Course Sessions - Location, Instructor page.

Select a training room for the course session or cut session.

Select Free Instructor


Click Select free Instructor on the Course Sessions - Location, Instructor page.

Select an instructor for the course session or cut session.

Course Sessions - Equipment


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Course Sessions, Equipment

Specify the equipment and materials that are required for the course session. You set up equipment codes on the Equipment and Materials Table page.

Training Facility Equipment


Click Training Facility Equipment on the Course Sessions - Equipment page.

View the equipment and materials available at the training facility.

Course Sessions - Expense


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Course Sessions, Expense

Define miscellaneous expenses that are associated with a course session. Set up the Tuition Expense Type Table page before using this page.

Course Session Summary


Enterprise Learning, Result Tracking, Review Session Summary, Course Session Summary

View details of a course session, including the start and end dates, session location, and list of students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPlanning New Course Sessions

Access the Course Session Planner page.

Start/End Dates

When you enter dates in these fields, the system updates the instructor grid with the qualified instructors who are booked during the specified period. If you have specified a facility, the system updates the facility grid with existing bookings.

You can make this period as long as you want and then adjust the dates as you narrow the search for available instructors and training rooms. The system doesn’t check instructor or facility availability until you select a start date. Before setting up the course session, you must complete both dates, because they become the course session start and end dates when you click Course Session Setup.

Start/End Times

The system displays these fields when you enter the end date. Enter the start and end times for the course session.

Course Session Setup

Click to set up the course session. The Instructor and Facility fields aren’t mandatory, so you can set up a course session with just one of them completed.

If you don’t select an end date, or if the instructor or training room that you selected is booked, you can't click the link.

When you click Course Session Setup, the system transfers you to the Course Session component and copies the data from the Course Session Planner page. When you save the Course Session component, the system returns to the Course Session Planner page.


Select a facility from the list. When you move out of the field, the system checks the Course Session Table for existing bookings and displays in the Training Room Booked Time group box the dates and times when training rooms at the facility are booked during the specified period. Click the Room Number link in that group box to check the Crse Session Planner Facility page for booking details. If the Training Room Booked Time group box is blank, the facility is available during the specified period.

Room Code

The system makes this field available for entry when you complete the Facility field. Select a room code from the list. When you leave the field, the system checks existing room bookings and updates the Training Room Booked Time group box to show the bookings for the selected room. If this group box is blank, there are no bookings for that room.


Select an instructor from the list. When you leave the field, the system checks the instructor’s availability and lists in the Instructor Booked Time group box the dates and times that the instructor is unavailable during the specified period. Click the instructor’s name in that group box to view the Course Session Planner Instr. page, where you can view the reason that the instructor is unavailable. The system also checks the instructor’s training schedule and absence history. If the Instructor Booked Time group box is blank, the instructor is available for the specified period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Instructor Schedules

Access the Course Session Planner Instr. page.

The data on this page comes from the instructor’s absence history if the instructor has a planned absence, or from the Course Session table if the instructor is scheduled to teach.


If the instructor is scheduled to teach, the system displays the name of the course. Otherwise, the system displays the reason for the instructor’s absence.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up General Session Information

Access the Course Session Profile page.

To set up course sessions, you must have created the course in the Course table, given it an Active status, and selected the Session Administration check box.

Session Number

If you add a new session and leave this blank, a sequential session number is generated.

You can reuse session numbers from completed or canceled sessions.

Session Status

Select a status:

Active: Select this default status when you create a new course session. You can enroll students only in active sessions.

Canceled: Select if the session has been canceled.

Complete: Select if the course session has been completed. This updates data for each enrollee.

Start/End Dates and Start/End Times

When you change the start or end date, the system updates the student training records for students who are on waiting lists or enrolled in course sessions.

Note. (FRA) The system uses the session start date to determine the fiscal year in which costs are charged. If the session dates cover two fiscal years (that is, the start date is before December 31 and the end date is after January 1). Then, the costs may not occur properly and chargeable costs may not be reported correctly on the 2483 report. In this case, it is better to create two separate sessions.


Select if you change session information, such as dates or times, so that you know that you’ve made changes to the original information.

When you select this check box and save the page, the system changes the letter code in the student training record to RSC (reschedule). You can create a form letter to notify students of rescheduled sessions.

Session Administration

When selected, this session appears in the search results for the Enroll Individually component (COURSE_ENROLLMENT1) if it meets the search criteria. You must select this check box to enroll learners in this session by using the Enroll Individually component.

The system selects this check box by default, but you can clear it.

Duration and Duration Unit

Automatically populated from the Course table. You can change these values.

Min Students/Session and Max Students/Session (minimum students per session and maximum students per session)

Automatically populated from the Course table. If you’re enrolling students in this session using the Course Auto Enrollment page, enter a number in the Max Students/Session field—otherwise the system can’t enroll any students in the course. If you select a training facility code on the Course Session Table - Location, Instructor page, the system validates the number that you enter in the Max Students/Session field against the room’s maximum capacity.

Session Language

This field is available if the course is designated as multilingual on the Course Table - Course Profile page.

Vendor ID

Select a vendor ID if you're outsourcing any part of a session to a vendor. Vendor IDs are stored in the Vendor table.

See Also

Closing Completed or Canceled Sessions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Session Locations and Instructors

Access the Course Sessions - Location, Instructor page.

Training Location

This scroll area contains details about all course session locations. You can select a training facility from the Training Facility table or specify a vendor if the course is at an external site.

Start/End Dates and Start/End Times

Displays the course session dates and times. If the course session is divided into cut sessions, insert a row for each session, adjust the dates for each row, and adjust the times, if they vary.

Duration and Duration Unit

Automatically populated from the Course Session Table - Course Session Profile page. If the course session is divided into cut sessions, adjust for each cut session. Make sure that the duration of all cut sessions equals that of the course session.


If the session is at a facility that you set up in the Training Facility table, select the appropriate facility. When you leave this field, the system completes the facility name fields; you can’t change them. If the training facility isn’t set up in the Training Facility table, leave this field blank.

Vendor ID

If a vendor is managing the course session, select a vendor ID. When you leave this field, the system enters the vendor name.

Select free Training Room

Click this link to access the Select Free Training Room page. The system displays rooms that are available during the specified period. If the Facility field is blank, this link is unavailable.

After you select a room on the Select Free Training Room page, the room code, room name, building, floor number, and maximum number of students appear on the Course Sessions - Location, Instructor page. (The building and floor number are optional fields on the Training Facility Table - Training Rooms page and only appear if applicable.)

Training Facility Address

Click to access the Training Facility Address page, which displays the address of the selected facility or vendor. If the Facility and Vendor ID fields are blank, the Training Facility Address page is blank.



If the instructor is from a vendor, select the vendor ID. When you leave this field, the system displays the vendor name.

Select free Instructor

Click this link to access the Select Free Instructor page. The system displays qualified instructors who are available during the specified period. After you select an instructor, the instructor ID and name appear on the Course Sessions - Location, Instructor page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Session Address and Contact Details

Access the Training Facility Address page.

The system completes fields on this page from the Training Facility table or the Vendor table, depending on the selections on the Course Session Table - Location, Instructor page.

Contact Name

Enter the name of a contact at the training facility.

If you selected a facility on the Course Session Table - Location, Instructor page, the system displays the contact name from the Training Facility Table - Contacts and Equipment page. You can update the name.


Enter the telephone number of the person named in Contact Name. If the person has a business phone number specified, the system completes the Phone field automatically. You can update the number.


If you selected a training facility or a vendor on the Course Session Table - Location, Instructor page, the system completes the Country and address fields, making them unavailable for entry.

If the Country field is blank, select from the list of valid values. When you leave the field, the system dynamically generates that country’s proper address format, as specified on the Country Table, Address Format page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChoosing Training Rooms

Access the Select Free Training Room page.

The system displays the rooms that meet these criteria:

Room Code

Select a check box to book the associated training room for the course session or cut session.

Room Nbr (room number)

System displayed. You set up training rooms in the Training Facility Table page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChoosing Instructors

Access the Select Free Instructor page.

The system includes displays instructors who are:


Select a check box to book the associated instructor for the course session or cut session.


System displayed. You set up instructors on the Instructor Table - Instructor Profile page.

See Also

Managing Profiles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Required Equipment and Materials

Access the Course Sessions - Equipment page.

Training Room Equipment

This scroll area displays details of the training facility that you selected on the Course Session Table page. If you divided the course session into cut sessions, check the details of the training facility for each cut session.

Training Facility Equipment

Click to display the shared equipment that is available at the training facility. If you haven’t specified a facility, this link is unavailable.

Fixed Equipment/Materials

If you selected a training facility code on the Course Session Table - Location, Instructor page, the system displays the fixed equipment available in the selected training room. Facility equipment is defined on the Training Facility Table - Training Rooms page.

Session Equipment/Materials

Use this scroll area to specify the equipment and materials required for the course session. The list is initially populated by the Course Cost - Vendor, Facility, and Equipment page.

Equipment/Materials Code (equipment code)

You set up equipment or material codes on the Equipment and Materials Table page.

If you selected a training facility on the Course Session Table - Location, Instructor page, you don’t need to include the fixed equipment shown in the Fixed Equipment/Materials scroll area.

Note. To find out whether the equipment required for the course session is available at the training facility, generate the Equipment Checklist report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Available Equipment and Materials

Access the Training Facility Equipment page.

This group box lists the equipment that is available at the training facility. It includes only equipment that is shared among training rooms, not the fixed equipment associated with individual training rooms. Define training facility equipment on the Training Facility Table - Contacts and Equipment page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Miscellaneous Session Expenses

Access the Course Sessions - Expense page.

Use this scroll area to list the types of expenses that are associated with this course session. The list is initially populated by fields from the Course Cost - Instructor, Expense page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Session Details

Access the Course Session Summary page.

If the course session hasn’t ended, the system shows who is enrolled or waitlisted. If the course session has ended, the system shows which students completed the course and what their grades were.

All data that the system displays on the Course Session Summary page comes from the Course Session table.


Displays the session status:

Active: The default status when you add a new session.

Canceled: The session has been canceled.

Complete: The course session has completed.


If a student has successfully completed the course, the system displays the student’s grade. Enter grades on the Student Training - Course Student Enrollment page.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Course Session Costs

Different sessions of the same course might have different costs, if a course is taught in multiple geographical areas or facilities, for example. If you defined general course costs in the Course Cost table, you can modify them at the session level.

This section discusses how to:

Note. Establish costs for training facilities only if you use training budgets.

Note. The annuity factor must be set before entering costs.

See Also

Understanding Training Cost Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Course Session Costs

Page Name

Object Name



Course Session Costs - Vendor


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Course Session Costs

Enter vendor costs for a course session. Vendor costs are set up in the Course Session table.

Course Session Costs - Facility, Instructor


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Course Session Costs, Facility, Instructor

Set up session costs that are associated with the facility and instructor. If you divided the course session into cut sessions, enter costs for each cut session.

Course Session Costs - Equipment


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Course Session Costs, Equipment

Record costs that are associated with course equipment.

Course Session Costs - Expense


Enterprise Learning, Define Course/Cost Details, Course Session Costs, Expense

Record costs associated with session expenses. You can enter costs only for the expense types that you specified on the Course Session Table - Expense page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Vendor Costs for a Course Session

Access the Course Session Costs - Vendor page.

If the vendor manages all training requirements—such as facilities, equipment, and instructors—for a single cost, you need only enter that amount here, without providing information on the other pages in this component.

Per Unit Cost

Enter for the vendor that is associated with this course session. Select a currency if it is not the default currency. If you didn't specify a vendor for this course session, this field isn’t available.

Specify the default currency for business units for a budget period on the Budget Period table. Budgets are automatically converted to the default base currency that you established on the Training Base Currency table (TRN_BASE_CURRENCY).

Cost Unit

Select the unit that is associated with the amount in the Per Unit Cost field; for example:

Hour: To track hourly charges.

Day: If the vendor bills by the day.


Click the Refresh button to display the default values from the Vendor Setup page.

Note. If you don’t enter business unit and department information on this page, the system looks at the employee’s record for this course session on the Course Session Enrollment page (COURSE_ENROLLMENT) when it processes student costs.

(FRA) France

You define additional course session cost financing information for 2483 report requirements.


Select if the vendor administering the course session is government-certified.


Select to make the training course a chargeable item for the 2483 report. When selected, related costs that you entered are reported in the 2483 report. This is used to meet French legal reporting requirements. The default value derives from the chargeable flag set in the Course Profile page and by the Compute Student Cost process.


Select to include the vendor cost in the 2483 report. Clear the check box to track the cost but not have it included in the 2483 report.

Date Entered

Enter the date that the agreement between the vendor and the government body was recorded in the system.

Agreement Date

Enter the start date for the agreement between the vendor and the government body.


Select the government body that the vendor has an agreement with.

Agreement Number

The Agreement number is the number assigned between the two parties.

See Also

Calculating and Maintaining Student Costs

(FRA) Producing the French Training Report 2483

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Session Costs That Are Associated with the Facility and Instructor

Access the Course Session Costs - Facility, Instructor page.


This data comes from the Course Session table. If you didn’t specify a training facility, the fields are unavailable. If you divided the course session into cut sessions, enter facility costs for each cut session.


If the session is at a vendor site, this field is unavailable.

Per Unit Cost

Enter for the facility where the session is held. You can update the cost currency.

Specify the default currency for business units for a budget period on the Budget Period table. Budgets are automatically converted to the default base currency that you establish on the Training Base Currency table (TRN_BASE_CURRENCY).

Cost Unit

Select the unit in which the facility’s per unit cost amount is measured. For example, if you’re tracking hourly charges, select Hour.

Refresh button:

Click the Refresh button to display the default values from the Facility Setup table.

Note. If you don’t enter business unit and department information here, the system looks at the employee’s record for this course session on the Course Session Enrollment page (COURSE_ENROLLMENT) when it computes the costs for budget processing.


Instructor data is populated from the Course Session Table - Location, Instructor page. Instructor costs are populated from the Instructor Table - Instructor Profile page. If instructors aren’t specified, the fields are unavailable.

If you divided the course session into cut sessions, enter instructor costs for each cut session.


Displays information from the Course Session table.

If the instructor is internal, the cost is defaulted from the costs defined on the Trainees Salary Costs page.

If the instructor is external, the cost is defaulted from the Instructor Setup table located on the Setup HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Instructors page.

Note. Paid Hours is the cost unit for an internal instructor. This cost unit is useful when computing chargeable costs. You can compute the chargeable cost this way: Per Unit Costs = Employee Salary * Session Duration / Paid Hours. The system derives the Paid Hours value from the Trainees Salary Costs page.

When the instructor is full-time, defined on the Instructor Setup page, then the system informs the user that the full—time instructor should not be reported at the session level but at the company level (on the Trn 2483 Parameters Setup page).


If the instructor works for a vendor, the system displays the vendor ID, and the field is unavailable. If the instructor isn’t from a vendor, the field is blank.

Per Unit Cost

Enter the cost for the instructor associated with this session. In the next field, the default currency appears. You can select a different currency.

Cost Unit

Select the unit in which the instructor’s per unit cost amount is measured. For example, if the instructor is paid a daily rate, select Daily.

Refresh button

Click the Refresh button to display the default values from the Course Session Costs—Facility, Instructor page.


This value is populated from the Course Session table. Update this field if the instructor costs don’t match the session duration. For example, if the session duration is 2.5 days but the instructor charges for 3 days, update this field to 3 days. Updating this field doesn’t change the data in the Course Session table.

System Maintained

When this option is selected it pertains only to internal instructors and the Per Unit Cost field is deactivated. In this case, the Compute Student Costs process gets salary costs defined on the Trainees Salary Cost page. When System Maintained is deactivated, you can specify the cost on this page and the Compute Student Costs process use this page to compute the instructor chargeable cost.

(FRA) Chargeable

Select to make the training course a system chargeable item for the 2483 report. When selected, related costs are entered into the 2483 report. This is used to meet French legal reporting requirements. The default value of the chargeable flag set in the Course Setup page and by the Compute Student Costs process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Costs That Are Associated with Required Equipment

Access the Course Session Costs - Equipment page.

The system gets equipment and materials data from the Course Session table. To update or modify information, use the Course Session Table - Equipment page.

If you didn’t specify equipment or materials for this course session, the fields are unavailable.

Per Unit Cost

Enter an amount for the item specified by the equipment code. Select a cost currency to change the default for this cost.

Specify the default currency for business units for a budget period on the Budget Period table. Budgets are automatically converted to the default base currency that you establish on the Training Base Currency table (TRN_BASE_CURRENCY).

Qty (quantity)

Initially populated by the Course Session table. If you enter a new quantity and save the changes, the system updates the data in the Course Session table.

Note. If you don’t enter business unit and department information here, the system looks at the employee’s record for this course session on the Course Session Enrollment page (COURSE_ENROLLMENT) when it computes the costs for budget processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Costs That Are Associated with Course Session Expenses

Access the Course Session Costs - Expense page.

Before entering cost information for course session expenses, associate the expenses with a course session on the Course Session Table - Expense page. If you didn’t specify expenses for this session, the Per Unit Cost and currency fields are unavailable.

Per Unit Cost

Enter a per unit cost for each expense type that is associated with this course session. The default currency is displayed; you can select a different currency.

Specify the default currency for business units for a budget period on the Budget Period table. Budgets are automatically converted to the default base currency that you establish on the Training Base Currency table (TRN_BASE_CURRENCY).

Cost Unit

Select the unit in which the per unit cost amount is measured. For example, if you’re tracking hourly charges for parking, select Hour; if you reimburse a flat rate for parking, choose Flat Cost.

Business Unit

If you’re entering information for more than one expense, you can specify that each one be billed to a different business unit and department.

Note. If you don’t enter business unit and department information here, the system looks at the employee’s record for this course session on the Course Session Enrollment page (COURSE_ENROLLMENT) when it computes the costs for budget processing.

Click to jump to parent topicClosing Completed or Canceled Sessions

Once a course session has taken place—or when you cancel a session—you need to indicate that the session is closed.

To close or cancel a course session:

  1. Select the course session from the Course Session table.

    Access the Course Session Table - Course Session Profile page and select the session from the list of active sessions.

  2. Change the session status to Complete, if the session has finished, or Canceled, to cancel it.

Once you’ve set the Session Status field to Complete or Canceled, you can no longer use the course session during enrollment and rescheduling.

If any students are on a waiting list for a canceled or completed session, put the students back on the waiting list so that you can enroll them in other sessions.

If you have students with a status of Session Waitlist, use the Course Wait List page to add them to the waiting list.

See Also

Generating Student Form Letters

Planning and Setting Up Course Sessions

Click to jump to parent topicRecording Student Feedback

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Record Student Feedback

Page Name

Object Name



Course Session Evaluations


Enterprise Learning, Result Tracking, Evaluate Course Session, Course Session Evaluations

Record student feedback on course sessions so that you know what areas need improvement.

Individual Training Evaluation - Course Information


Enterprise Learning, Result Tracking, Individual Training Evaluation, Course Information

Enter general information about the course, including the start and end date of the course session and the course hours. Indicate each employee's completion status, grade, and overall rating of the course.

Individual Training Evaluation - Evaluation Data


Enterprise Learning, Result Tracking, Individual Training Evaluation, Evaluation Data

Record an employee’s feedback about various areas of the course such as course materials, applicability of the course, and training facilities.

Individual Training Evaluation - Comments


Enterprise Learning, Result Tracking, Individual Training Evaluation, Comments

Enter employee comments about strong or weak aspects of the training. Enter employee recommendations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording General Student Feedback on Course Sessions

Access the Course Session Evaluations page.

If you entered a facility and instructor in the Course Session table, the system displays the information here.

Ratings Area

Rating Area

Select from Content, Facility, Instructors, Materials, or Presentation.

Average Rating

Displays the average rating for the area.

Total Count

Displays the number of evaluations received for the rating area. This is the sum of the Total Count fields in the Ratings scroll area.

Session Average

Displays the overall average rating for the session. This is the average of the Average Rating values for all rating areas.


Use this scroll area to enter student evaluations of the specified rating area. Add a row for each rating level. For example, if four students evaluate the Content area of the course session, with three students giving a rating of Excellent and one student giving a rating of Good, you add one row to record the number of Excellent ratings and one row for the Good ratings.

Rating Points

Displays the number of points associated with the rating you selected. The points associated with each rating are:

1: Excellent

2: Good

3: Fair

4: Poor

Total Count

Enter the number of students who gave each rating.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USF) Entering Individual Training Evaluations

Access the Individual Training Evaluation - Course Information page.

Federal users can enter detailed training evaluations for individual employees.

All Sessions Attended

Select Yes or No.


Enter an optional explanation of the responses to the preceding fields.

Actual Course Hours


Enter the number of hours in training that are normally spent at work.


Enter the number of hours spent in training or required for travel outside of duty hours.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Specific Employee Feedback

Access the Individual Training Evaluation - Evaluation Data page.

Organization of Subject Matter

Select Poorly organized, Adequate, or Well Organized.

Suitability of Instr Materials (suitability of instructor’s materials)

Select Poorly suited, Adequate, or Well Suited.

Level of Difficulty

Select Appropriate, Too Advanced, or Too Elementary.

Length of Course

Select Appropriate, Too Long, or Too Short.

Amt of Outside or Evening Work (amount of outside or evening work)

Select Appropriate, Insufficient, or Too Much.

Effectiveness of Instructors

Select Excellent, Good, or Poor.

Appl of Subject Matter to Work (applicability of subject matter to work)

Select Insignificant, Adequate, or Significant.


Select Excellent, Good, or Poor.

Recommendations to Colleagues

Select Highly Recommend or Not Recommend.

Meet Career Development Plans

Select No, Yes, or Not Applicable.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Course Session Reports

This section discusses how to generate reports of scheduled course sessions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Course Session Reports

Page Name

Object Name



Course Session Roster


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Course Session Roster, Course Session Roster

Lists the course name, session number, session start date, and all students who are enrolled in a course. This is a Crystal report.

Training Schedule


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Training Schedules, Training Schedule

Lists course sessions that are scheduled within a given period. This is a Crystal report.

Training Facility Schedule


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Training Facility Schedules, Training Facility Schedule

Lists course sessions scheduled at a training facility during a given period. Sessions are listed by course start date. This is a Crystal report.

Course Attendance Status


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Attendance Status, Course Attendance Status

Lists the attendance status of the students in a course. This is an SQR report.

Course Rating


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Course Rating

Details ratings for sessions of a course. This is a Crystal report.

Course Ratings Templates


Enterprise Learning, Course Reports, Course Rating Templates, Course Rating Templates

This evaluation template is completed by students enrolled in a course session. This is a Crystal report.

Course Statistics


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Statistics of EEs Enrolled, Course Statistics

Lists the employees who are enrolled in courses and lists course statistics by company, location, and department. This is an SQR report.

Training Instructor Schedule


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Training Instructor Schedules, Training Instructor Schedule

Lists the courses that an instructor is scheduled to teach during a given period. This is a Crystal report.

Equipment Checklist


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Equipment Checklist, Equipment Checklist

Lists required equipment for a course session. For each item, the report shows the quantity required, the number available in the training room and facility, and the total number that is booked at the facility for a given period. This is an SQR report.