Setting Up Commitment Accounting Processing Control Tables

This chapter provides an overview of the commitment accounting setup and describes how to:

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before setting up Commitment Account processing control tables, you must:

See Also

Maintaining Departments

Setting Up and Working with ChartFields and ChartField Combinations

Creating Positions

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Fringe Groups

To define fringe groups, use the Fringe Group Table component (HP_FRINGE_GROUP).

Group fringe expenses (employer paid benefits and taxes) together into fringe groups. When you specify a fringe group on the Department Budget Earnings page (DEPT_BUDGET_ERN), the system will distribute the earnings, but not the fringe costs associated with the group, to the funding source you assigned to that particular earnings code.

This section discusses how to set up fringe groups to manage benefits and taxes fringe expenses.

See Also

Establishing Department Budgets for Employee Earnings

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Object Name



Fringe Group Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Fringe Costs, Fringe Group Table

Assign different types of benefits and taxes to fringe groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Fringe Groups

Access the Fringe Group Table.


Plan Type

Select one or more benefit plan types to associate with this fringe group.

US Taxes and Canadian Taxes

Tax Class

Select one or more US or Canadian tax class to associate with this fringe group.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Mapping Templates

To set up mapping templates, use the Deduction Account Template component (HP_DED_ACC_TMPL) and the Earnings Account Template component (HP_ERN_ACC_TMPL).

Set up one mapping template each for earnings and deductions. Use the mapping templates to define which fields can be used to create account code mappings for either earnings or deductions costs.

In this section we discuss how to:

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Earnings Account Template


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Fringe Costs, Earnings Account Template

Define which fields can be used to set up earnings account code mappings.

Deductions Account Template


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Fringe Costs, Deduction Account Template

Define which fields can be used to set up deduction account code mappings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Earnings Mapping Templates

Access the Earnings Account Template page.

The instructions for setting up an earnings account template and a deductions account template are the same and both pages contain the same fields (although the Field Name list is different for each template). Follow the instructions below to set up either an earnings or a deductions account template.

To set up an earnings or deduction account template:

  1. In the Account Default group box, select the Account and its SetID to be used as a default in earnings mapping.

    When the system is unable to map to an account using the criteria you enter on the Earnings Account Mapping Table (HP_ERN_ACCT) or the Deductions Account Mapping Table (HP_DED_ACCT), it will use the account you select here.

  2. For each of the field names, indicate if the field name is required for account mapping.

    The system displays the required fields on the Earnings Account Mapping Table or Deductions Account Mapping Table and you must enter a search value for the required fields when you set up earnings or deductions account mappings.

  3. If a field value is not required for account mapping, but may need to be used in some instances, select Used? Indicate the priority (starting with 1) in which the field should be used.

    The system will search using the required fields first and use the other fields only if required to narrow the search, and then in the order of priority.

Note. Remember that you only create one earnings and deductions mapping template. You need to meet all your earnings and deductions account mapping requirements with the fields you select here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Deductions Mapping Templates

To set up a deductions mapping template:

  1. Access the Deductions Account Template page.

  2. Set up a deductions mapping template for a selected account using the instructions in Setting up Earnings Mapping Templates.

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Accounts

To map accounts, use the Deduction Acct Mapping Table component (HP_DED_ACCT), Earnings Account Mapping Table (HP_ERN_ACCT), and the Map Tax Accounts CAN component (HP_CTX_ACCT) or Map Tax Accounts USA component (HP_TAX_ACCT).

This section provides an overview of account mapping and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Account Mapping

Combination codes, also known as account codes, are made up of a combination of ChartFields. When you specify a combination code as a funding source, the system funds the earnings, deductions, or tax cost from the ChartFields grouped under that combination code.

Account mapping enables you to direct the system to an account other than the one associated with the selected combination code to fund expenses that meet your mapping criteria. For example, you might want all the earnings in a department budget to be funded by the combination code and its associated account, except for those earnings from a particular job code that are part time, which you funded by a different account. To do this, you set up an earnings account mapping identifying the job code and part time status and tie it to the account you want the system to use instead.

When the Actuals Distribution process (PSPPFUND) distributes earnings, it will distribute part-time earnings from the selected job code to the account you mapped to, instead of the account associated with the combination code.

To create earnings and deductions account mappings, map field values to accounts. The Earnings Account Mapping Table page and the Deductions Account Mapping Table page display the fields you selected on the Earnings Account Template and Deductions Account Template pages. Select values for those fields. When the Actuals Distribution process processes earnings or deductions transactions that have those field values it will distribute the earnings or deductions to the account that you map to on the mapping tables.

To create Canadian tax account mapping on the Tax Account Mapping Table page (HP_CTX_ACCT), map a tax class and account (and the account’s SetID) to a company and wage loss plan. When the Actuals Distribution process processes Canadian tax transactions that have the tax class value and the specified company and wage loss plan, it distributes the taxes to the account that you mapped to.

To create U.S. tax account mapping, map a tax class and account (and the account’s SetID) to a company on the Tax Account Mapping Table page (HP_TAX_ACCT). When the Actuals Distribution process processes U.S. tax transactions that have the tax class value and the specified company, it distributes the taxes to the account that you mapped to.

Note. The Actuals Distribution process will only use account mapping information when you have selected the account override on Dept Budget Defaults page (DEPT_BUDGET_DFLT) for that department.

See Also

Setting Up the Department Budget

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Earnings Account Mapping Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Fringe Costs, Earnings Account Mapping Table

Map earnings field values to accounts.

Deduction Acct Mapping Table (deduction account mapping table)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Fringe Costs, Deduction Acct Mapping Table

Map deductions field values to accounts.

Tax Account Mapping Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Fringe Costs, Map Tax Accounts CAN

Map wage loss plans, companies and tax classes to accounts.

Tax Account Mapping Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Fringe Costs, Map Tax Accounts USA

Map companies and tax classes to accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Earnings Accounts

Access the Earnings Account Mapping Table page.

To map earnings field values to accounts:

  1. Select the effective date and status of the earnings account mapping.

  2. Select values in each of the fields displayed in the grid to map them to the earnings account. The grid only displays the fields you selected on the Earnings Account Template page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Deduction Accounts

Access the Deduction Acct Mapping Table page.

To map field values to deduction accounts:

  1. Select the effective date and status of the deduction account mapping.

  2. Select values in each of the fields displayed in the grid to map them to the deduction account. The grid only displays the fields you selected on the Deductions Account Template page, with the exception of Plan Type, which is required for deduction account mappings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(CAN) Mapping Canadian Tax Accounts

Access the Tax Account Mapping Table page.

Canadian tax accounts are connected to companies and wage loss plans. Connect tax classes with accounts and map these rows to companies and wage loss plans.

To map companies and wage loss plans to tax classes and accounts:

  1. Select the effective date of the tax account mapping.

  2. Associate tax classes with accounts to map to this company and wage loss plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(USA) Mapping U.S. Tax Accounts

Access the Tax Account Mapping Table page.

U.S. tax accounts are connected to companies. Connect tax classes with accounts and map these rows to companies.

To map companies to tax classes and accounts:

  1. Select the effective date of the tax account mapping.

  2. Associate tax classes with accounts to map to this company.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Offset Groups

To define offset groups, use the Department Offset Groups component (DEPT_OFFSET).

This section provides an overview of offset groups and balancing transactions and describes how to set up offset groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Offset Groups

When encumbrance transactions are created in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources for PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger, the system enforces balancing by creating an offsetting entry for each entry written (that is, for each debit transaction written by the system, the system creates an offsetting credit transaction). Unlike PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials, where revenues offset expenses, PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS has only expenses. PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS uses the Department Offset Groups (DEPT_OFFSET_GRP) to create offsetting entries so that the transactions are balanced when they are sent to general ledger.

The accounts you select on the Department Offset Groups page must be valid in general ledger. For example, if your general ledger has been set up so that salary expenses are offset by a liability account, then that account should be the value appearing in the Account field associated with the payroll activity ERN, Payroll Earnings. If you did not load the GL Account Table with values from PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger, it is recommended that you set up this table with the help of someone from general ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Balancing Transactions

For each encumbrances/pre-encumbrances debit transaction written, the system writes an equal/offsetting credit entry. With the exception of the account ChartField (which is looked up on the Department Offset Groups component), the credit transaction contains the same ChartFields as the debit transactions and is balanced on all ChartFields except for the account ChartField.

If the Prorate Liability Indicator on the ChartField Transaction Table page (ACCT_CD_TABLE) is selected (which is the default), then all journals passed from PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS to the general ledger during actuals transactions are balanced by fund (and any other ChartField you might select with the exception of account), as long as no insufficient funds available errors are generated. In other words, the total debits charged toward a fund equal the credits charged toward that fund.

Expense transactions for earnings, employer deductions, and employer-paid taxes are created based on funding information (namely, the combination code) as established on the Department Budget component (DEPT_BUDGET_CN or DEPT_BUDGET) or as overridden at the Job Earnings Distribution or Paysheet level. Assuming that the Prorate Liability Indicator on the ChartField Transaction Table page is selected, all combination codes associated with earnings expenses, liability amounts for employee-paid deductions, employee-paid taxes, and employee net pay are allocated to the combination codes used for earnings in the same ratio as earnings are allocated. Only the account ChartField is replaced with the value on the corresponding Department Offset Group entry.

Similarly, the liability amounts for employer-paid taxes and employer-paid deductions are allocated against the combination codes used for tax and deduction expenses and in the same proportion as the expenses (the account ChartField is replaced with the value on the corresponding Department Offset Group entry).

Because Earnings = Net Pay + EE Deductions + EE Taxes, ER Deduction Expense = ER Deduction Liability, and ER Tax Expense = ER Tax Liability, the net result of this process is that the journals should balance on all ChartFields except for the account ChartField.

Clearing a combination code's Prorate Liability Indicator may impact this balancing at the ChartField level because it prevents employee deduction, employee tax, or net pay liability from being allocated against that combination code. In other words, the employee liability is only allocated across the combination codes where the Prorate Liability Indicator is selected (in proportion with those earnings amounts).

See Also

Option 4: Using the Department Budget Table Component

Creating Positions

Working with Paysheets

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Department Offset Groups


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Department Offset Groups

Establish offset groups to use as part of your department budgets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Offset Groups

Access the Department Offset Groups page.

Payroll Activity

Select a valid payroll activity. You can associate more than one activity with a Department Offset Group. Add a new row to add more activities.


Enter a valid account code. The code you select is the funding source for all plan types in the selected Payroll Activity, unless otherwise specified.

Plan Type

When you select a Payroll Activity of DED (deduction), the system displays the Plan Type field. Select a deduction plan type. You can associate more than one plan type with a payroll activity. Add a new row to add more plan types.

Deduction Code

When you select a Payroll Activity of DED (deduction), the system displays the Deduction Code field. Select a deduction code. The list of available options depends on the Plan Type you specified.

Ded Class (deduction class)

When you select a Payroll Activity of DED (deduction), the system displays the Ded Class field. Select a deduction class, such as Before Tax or Taxable.


When you select a Payroll Activity of DED (deduction), the system displays the deduction plan type Account field. Select a deduction plan type account to be used instead of the account specified for the Payroll Activity.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Benefits Groups

To define budget benefits groups, use the Budget Benefits Groups component (BDGT_BENEF_GRP).

This section describes how to define budget benefits groups.

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Budget Benefit Groups


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Budget Benefit Groups

Assign one or more benefit plan types to a budget benefit group.

Budget Benefit Groups are a way to help you organize your encumbrance definitions on the Encumbrance Definition page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Benefit Plan Types to Budget Benefit Groups

Access the Budget Benefit Groups page.

Plan Type

Select one or more benefits plan types.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Position Pools

To define position pools, use the Position Pool Table component (POOL_TBL).

Use the Position Pool Table page (POOL_TBL) to set up valid position pool IDs. Position pools enable you to establish groups of positions for budgeting purposes. You can then attach budget information and encumbrance calculation rules to specific position pools. Once you’ve set up position pool IDs, attach positions to position pools using the Position Pool ID field on the Position Data − Specific Information page (POSITION_DATA5). For example, if you want to budget for your implementation-related positions together, create an implementation team position pool ID on the Position Pool Table. Then attach this ID to each implementation-related position on the Position Data-Specific Information page.

Note. Position pools can't span departments. Each position in a position pool must be in the same department.

See Also

Entering Position-Specific Information

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Object Name



Position Pool Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Budget Information, Position Pool Table

Set up position pool IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Position Pool IDs

Access the Position Pool Table page.

Position Pool ID

Identifies a position pool. Assign positions to a position pool on the Position Data component (POSITION_DATA) and then set up budgets for position pools using the Commitment Accounting business process.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding or Maintaining Commitment Accounting-Related Message Definitions

To add or maintain commitment accounting-related message definitions, use the Encumbrance Message Table component (ENC_MESSAGE_TBL).

You can create errors messages for commitment accounting processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Add or Maintain Commitment Accounting Business Process Messages

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Object Name



Encumbrance Message Table (encumbrance message table)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Commitment Accounting, Encumbrance Information, Encumbrance Message Table

Add or maintain error or warning messages that relate to commitment accounting processing.