Setting Up Global Assignments

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Special Security Options for Global Assignments

Employees on global assignment have two Job Data records: a Home assignment and Host assignment. Because of the challenges of managing someone with two job data records that are separate, yet connected, PeopleSoft HCM security provides you with Home/Host security options that apply to the data permission security that you have already set up for your users.

Using Home/Host security options you can:

See Setting Up and Administering HRMS Security.

Example: Using Home/Host Security Options

Jan Smit is ordinarily based in New York but has been sent on assignment to Sydney, Australia. Jan’s organization uses the Business Unit field to secure person data. Her Home Job Data record is in the Eastern US business unit and her Host Job Data record is in the Australia Business Unit.

The following table illustrates who can access Jan’s data, depending on how Home/Host access has been set up:

Note. The system uses a number of fields from the Job Data pages to secure the data of people with jobs, but their data is secured using this data on a variety of pages throughout the system, not just the job pages.

Home/Host Access Type

Data Tied to Home Job Data

Data Tied to Host Job Data

No Home/Host Security Option

Eastern BU users*

Australia BU users**

Home can see Host

Eastern BU users

  • Australia BU users

  • Eastern BU users

Host can see Home

  • Eastern BU users

  • Australia BU users

Australia BU users


(Home can see Host and Host can see Home)

  • Eastern BU users

  • Australia BU users

  • Australia BU users

  • Eastern BU users

Note. Eastern BU users: People with access to the Eastern US business unit, such as Jan’s Home manager or the Eastern US HR Administrator.

Australia BU users: People with access to Australia business unit, such as Jan’s Host manager or the Australian HR Administrator.

Setting Up Home/Host Security Options

To enable home host security:

  1. Select the Include Home/Host Access? check box on the Security Install Settings page (SCRTY_INSTALL) and indicate which version of Home/Host security you want to use.

  2. On the Security Access Type page (SCRTY_TYPE2_TBL), select which version of Home/Host security to use.

    By enabling Home/Host security at the security access type level, you can use it with one security type but not another.

    For example, managers many have data permission using the Job Department Tree security access type and HR administrators have access using the Job Location access type. You could enable Home/Host Security for the Job Location access type to allow HR administrators to continue to administer employees on assignment, while not enabling it for managers so that they can continue to only see their current direct reports.

    Note. The options available depend on which option you selected on the Security Install Settings page.

See Implementing Data Permission Security.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Global Assignment Types

To set up global assignment types, use the Assignment Type Table (ASSGN_TYPE_TABLE) component.

This section discusses how to create new types of employee assignments.

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Page Name

Object Name



Assignment Type Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Assignment Type Table

Create new types of employee assignments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating New Types of Employee Assignments

Access the Assignment Type Table page.

(GER) Defining German Assignment Types

When entering assignment types for Germany, select from these options:




Assignment In-Country


Assignment Expat DBA taxfree


Assignment Expat DBA taxable


Assignment Expat ATE taxfree


Assignment Expat ATE taxable


Business Trip In-Country


Business Trip Out-of-Country


Assembly Assignment DBA taxable

Click to jump to parent topicClassifying Types of Company-Paid Travel

To set up types of company-paid travel, use the Travel Type Table (TRAVEL_TYPE_TABLE) component.

This section discusses how to classify types of company-paid travel.

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Page Name

Object Name



Travel Type Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Travel Type Table

Classify types of company-paid travel. Use the codes that you set up here to make travel arrangements for employees and their dependents in the Company Paid Travel page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClassifying Types of Company-Paid Travel

Access the Travel Type Table page.

Effective Date

Enter the date the travel type becomes effective.


Select a status for the travel type. Available options: Active or Inactive


Enter a descriptive label for the travel type you are defining.

Home Leave

Select to indicate that a worker is going on leave to his or her home (permanent) location.

If you select Home Leave, the system automatically disables the fields in the To section on the Company Paid Travel page when this travel type is used.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Deductions and Earnings for Assignment Compensation

To set up deductions and earning for assignment compensation, use the Earnings (EARNINGS_TABLE1), and Deductions (DEDUCTION_TABLE1) components.

This section provides an overview of assignment deductions and earnings and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Assignment Deductions and Earnings

Employees on global assignments often are entitled to supplemental earnings, such as cost-of-living adjustments and hardship premiums. You might also take additional deductions from the employee’s paycheck because of estimated taxes.

Enter earnings and deductions as they relate to home and host assignment data. For example, an employee might receive a cost-of-living adjustment that is paid for by the host location and a hardship premium that the home location absorbs. Enter these components in multiple currencies; the system automatically calculates the equivalent amounts in the home currency.

To identify recurring payments or isolated incidents of supplemental earnings or deductions, track compensation data by employee and payment instruction type. PeopleSoft includes two types of payment instructions: global compensation and one-time payments. These are sufficient for most compensation that relates to global assignments.

If the organization is not using PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America and you want to track assignment compensation, set up deduction, tax, and earnings information on the Earnings and Deductions components.

You can track assignment compensation on the Assignment Compensation component.

See Adding Deduction Codes and Classification Information.

Note. Use the Payroll for North America Earnings and Deductions tables (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll for North America) to set up earnings and deductions if you use Payroll for North America. The global assignments tables do not contain enough information to substitute for the payroll tables.

Make the tables in the Global Assignments menu display-only to ensure that all updates take place by using the pages in North American Payroll.

See Also

Defining Earnings Codes and Earnings Programs

Adding Deduction Codes and Classification Information

Tracking Assignment Compensation and Currency Fluctuation

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Page Name

Object Name



Deduction Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Deductions

Add deduction codes and classification information.

Deduction Table2


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Deduction Table2

Define tax treatments for assignment deductions.

Earnings Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Earnings

Add earnings codes for global assignments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Deduction Codes and Classification Information

Access the Deduction Table page.

For deduction codes for global assignments, enter a Plan Type of 00.

Warning! Enter information in these fields only: Effective Date, Description, and Short Description. Otherwise, the system assumes that the code that you define here is for payroll purposes when you enter the code on other assignment pages. You could also receive an error message if you don’t fill in all of the required fields that are on the other pages for the table that is in the Payroll for North America or Payroll Interface menus, depending on the payroll system that you use.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tax Treatments

Access the Deduction Table2 page.

Deduction Classification

Select a deduction type.

Canadian Sales Tax

Select the type that is required in Canada.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Earnings Codes

Access the Earnings Table page.

Warning! Enter information in these fields only: Effective Date, Description, and Short Description. Otherwise, the system assumes that the code that you define here is for payroll purposes when you enter the code on other assignment pages. You could also get an error message because you don’t fill in all of the required fields that are on the other pages for the table that is in the Payroll for North America or Payroll Interface menus, depending on the payroll system that you use.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Education Data for Assignment

To set up additional education data, use the Majors (MAJOR_TABLE), School/Program Table (INTL_SCHPGM_TABLE), and School/Program Contact Table (INTL_CONTACT_TABLE) components.

This section provides an overview of assignment education data and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Assignment Education Data

The organization may provide financial assistance to employees who are on global assignments, such as school tuition for children and language and orientation classes for adults. PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources helps determine any educational assistance to which employees are entitled and tracks multiple institutions.

If the organization offers education allowances for employees or dependents, set up information about the schools and programs that are available to the employees and their dependents.

Setting Up Majors

Use the Major Table page if you need to set up a new major for global assignments.

See Managing Profiles.

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Page Name

Object Name



School/Program Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Define Education Related Info, School/Program Table

Enter school and program information.

School/Program Contact Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Define Education Related Info, School/Program Contact Table

Track contacts for schools and programs.

Note. You must already have set up information for international schools and programs in the School/Program table.

Major Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Define Education Related Info, Majors

Include areas of study most commonly associated with school degrees or certificates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering School and Orientation Program Information

Access the School/Program Table page.

Sch/Pgm Typ (school or program type)

Select a school or program type. Options are: Language School, Private School, Public School, Other, and Local Customs.

Int/Ext (internal or external)

Select Internal to the organization or External.

See Also

Setting Up Local Country Functionality

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Contacts for Schools and Programs

Access the School/Program Contact Table page.

Contact # (contact number)

Enter the contact number of the school or program. For example, enter the headmistress of a school as the first contact, and the assistant headmistress as the second contact.

Contact Phone Numbers

Select the phone type and enter the phone number for the contact. Add new data rows to list more than one contact phone number for each contact.