Running Deductions

This chapter provides an overview of deduction processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Deduction Processing

If you maintain deduction information using Payroll Interface and the Manage Base Benefits business process in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources, then you must run the Deduction Calculation and Deduction Confirmation processes before running the Export process.

The deduction processes use the information that you set up through the Manage Base Benefit business process to calculate and confirm per pay period deduction amounts. When the Export process is run, these amounts are exported, along with the other payroll data, to the third-party payroll system. The third-party payroll system performs the gross to net calculations.

Note. If you do not maintain deductions (that is, if the third-party payroll system manages all deduction information), then you do not need to run the Deduction Calculation or Deduction Confirmation processes.

See Running Exports and Imports.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Calculating Deductions

Use the Deduction Calculation COBOL SQL process (PSPDCRUN ) to calculate pay period deduction amounts. If an error occurs, correct the problem and then run the process again. You can run the Deduction Calculation process as many times as necessary to correct errors. After you have resolved all of the errors, you can run the Deduction Confirmation process.

Note. To determine whether errors occurred during the Deduction Calculation process, examine both the deduction run (Review Deductions component) and the deduction messages (Review Error Messages component). You cannot run the Deduction Confirmation process until all deduction calculation errors have been resolved.

To calculate deductions:

  1. Run the Deduction Calculation process to calculate deductions.

    See Calculating Deductions.

  2. Review the results of the deduction calculation run.

    See Reviewing Deductions.

Confirming Deductions

Use the Deduction Confirmation COBOL SQL process (PSPDCCNF) to signify that the pay period deduction amounts have been calculated and are error free; that is, you have run the Deduction Calculation process, checked the results, rerun the process if necessary, and verified that the results are accurate. When you run the Deduction Confirmation process, the system stores the results in the DED_CALC and DED_MESSAGE tables, and flags the pay calendar as confirmed (F flag). The deductions are now ready for the Export process.

Note. Again, to determine whether errors occurred during the Deduction Confirmation process, examine both the deduction run (Review Deductions component) and the deduction messages (Review Error Messages component).

To confirm deductions:

  1. Run the Deduction Confirmation process to confirm the calculated deductions.

    See Confirming or Unconfirming Deductions.

  2. Review the results of the deduction confirmation run.

    See Reviewing Deductions.

Reprocessing Deductions

Use the Deduction Unconfirm COBOL SQL process (PSPDCUNC) to unconfirm and reprocess deductions that have already been calculated and confirmed.

To process deductions, you run (and review) the Deduction Calculation and Deduction Confirmation processes. After the Deduction Confirmation process is run, no further changes can be made to deduction data for the pay period unless you reprocess the deductions.

To reprocess deductions:

  1. Update or make the necessary changes to the deduction data.

  2. Run the Deduction Unconfirm process to unconfirm the calculated deductions.

    See Confirming or Unconfirming Deductions.

  3. Run the Deduction Calculation process to recalculate deductions.

  4. Run the Deduction Confirmation process to reconfirm the calculated deductions.

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Deductions

To calculate deductions, use the Calculate Deductions (RUNCTL_DED_CALC) component.

This section discusses how to select the deduction calculation options.

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Deduction Calculation


Payroll Interface, Pay Period Deductions, Calculate Deductions, Deduction Calculation

Select the deduction calculation options and run the Deduction Calculation COBOL SQL process (PSPDCRUN) to calculate deductions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting the Deduction Calculation Options

Access the Deduction Calculation page.

Pay Run ID

Select a pay run ID. The pay run ID identifies the pay groups to be processed.

See Setting Up Payroll Schedules.

Select Deductions to Calculate


  • Only Calculate Where Needed when employee-level changes occur. The system calculates deductions for employees who:

    • Were not yet calculated this pay period.

    • Were calculated, but errors occurred during the calculation process.

    • Had benefit or job changes since the last deduction calculation for the pay period.

  • (Re)Calculate All Checks when benefit-table-level changes occur that will affect deduction calculation, such as benefit premium adjustments.

    Note. This option processes both benefit-table-level changes and employee-level changes.

Click to jump to parent topicConfirming or Unconfirming Deductions

To confirm or unconfirm deductions, use the Confirm Deductions (RUNCTL_DED_CONF) component.

This section discusses how to select the deduction confirmation options.

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Deduction Confirmation


Payroll Interface, Pay Period Deductions, Confirm Deductions, Deduction Confirmation

Select the deduction confirmation options. Run the Deduction Confirmation COBOL SQL process (PSPDCCNF) to confirm the calculated deductions. Run the Deduction Unconfirm COBOL SQL process (PSPDCUNC) to unconfirm the calculated deductions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting the Deduction Confirmation Options

Access the Deduction Confirmation page.

Pay Run ID

Select the pay run ID of the deduction calculation run that you want to confirm or unconfirm.

See Selecting the Deduction Calculation Options.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Deductions

To review deductions, use the Review Error Messages (DED_MESSAGE) and Review Deductions (DED_CALCULATIONS) components.

This section discusses how to:

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Error Messages


Payroll Interface, Pay Period Deductions, Review Error Messages, Error Messages

Review error messages after running a deduction process.

Calculated Deductions


Payroll Interface, Pay Period Deductions, Review Deductions, Calculated Deductions

Review deduction amounts after running a deduction process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Error Messages

Access the Error Messages page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Deduction Amounts

Access the Calculated Deductions page.

Review Deductions

To access the Calculated Deductions page, you must first make selections on the Review Deductions search page. The Payline Calculation Status field has several options.

Payline Calculation Status

Always select and review the information for the Calculation Error, Pay in Progress, and Updated by User options.

Note. Calculation errors (E) are automatically displayed, but the pay in progress (P) and updated by user (U) errors are not. If pay in progress or updated by user errors exist and are not corrected during the Deduction Calculation process, the Deduction Confirmation process will fail.

The Payline Calculation Status option is:

  • Set to Calculated if no errors occur during the Deduction Calculation run.

  • Set to Confirmed if no errors occur during the Deduction Confirmation run.

  • Reset to Calculated after the Deduction Unconfirm process is run.