Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation Plans

This chapter provides an overview of the accounting features for stock-based compensation plans and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Accounting Features for Stock-Based Compensation

This section provides overviews of the system-supported standards for reporting equity-based compensation and the setup steps for complying with FAS 123.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSupported Accounting Standards

Under FAS 123, companies that offer equity-based compensation plans must report the fair value of plan-related compensation in their financial disclosure statements. Stock Administration provides the tools and reports that you need to comply with these requirements.

The system supports two standards for reporting the value of equity-based compensation:

PeopleSoft Enterprise Stock Administration uses the widely-accepted Black-Scholes option pricing model to calculate the fair value of stock options and stock purchases granted within the system. Black-Scholes uses six inputs in its valuation calculation. Four of these inputs are stored in the system or can be estimated by running reports that gather and calculate historical data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetup Steps for FAS 123 Compliance

To prepare Stock Administration to perform stock option and stock purchase valuations:

  1. Select the accounting standard (FAS 123 or APB 25) by which your company discloses the equity compensation on its financial statements

  2. Select a valuation plan type (stock purchase plans only).

  3. Create option groups (stock options only).

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting a Financial Accounting Standard

This section discusses how to select your company's accounting standard for reporting equity compensation on financial statements.

When you make the selection, also enter the disclosure date. If you select FAS 123, identify the year in which you adopted the standard.

Note. FAS 123 regulations state that if your company adheres to APB 25 and then adopts FAS 123, you cannot revert to APB 25 at a later time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Select a Financial Accounting Standard

Page Name

Object Name



Stock Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Stock Rules, Stock Table

Select a financial accounting standard (FAS 123 or APB 25) for reporting equity compensation.

See Also

Setting Up Stock Rules

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting FAS 123 Values for Stock Purchase Plans

This section lists the pages that you use to select FAS 123 values for stock purchase plans.

A valuation plan type determines how the share value is calculated for a stock purchase plan offering. Each stock purchase plan can be associated with one valuation plan type. Valuation plan types range from Plan Type A to Plan Type I, and their definitions can be found in FASB statement 123.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Select FAS 123 Values for a Stock Purchase Plan

Page Name

Object Name



Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Purchase


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, Purchase

Select the valuation plan type that is appropriate to a specific stock purchase plan.

Stock Purchase Plan Rules - General


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Purchase Plans, Stock Purchase Plan Rules, General

Select the FAS 123 Compensatory Plan check box if the plan is considered compensatory according to FAS 123.

See Also

Defining Stock Purchase Plan Rules

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Option Groups

To create option groups, use the Option Group Security (ST_GROUP_FIELD_SEC) component.

This section provides an overview of option group setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOption Group Setup

An option group is a group of active grants that are to be valued similarly, for example, grants with the same expected life or grants issued to members who have like exercise patterns, such as executives.

You create option groups by defining the set of criteria the system uses to select the grants to be valued. You can base your selection criteria on data contained in the following records: PERSON, PERS_DATA_EFFDT, PER_ORG_ASGN, JOB, ST_INSIDER_TBL, ST_GRANT, ST_GRANT_VEST, ST_GRANT_EXER.

Because some of these records contain sensitive data, such as compensation rates and birth dates, you can prevent users within specific permission lists from including certain records and fields in their selection criteria.

To define option groups:

  1. Define security for option groups.

    Identify the records and fields that are available to users when creating and viewing option groups. This step is typically performed during system implementation.

  2. Define the selection criteria for including options in the same group for valuation purposes.

  3. Preview the list of options that currently meet the defined selection criteria.

    Previewing the list of options that currently meet your specifications helps to ensure that you have defined the correct selection criteria. The system automatically applies the selection criteria again, when you launch the Valuation process.

  4. Save the selection criteria.

Note. Once you create a group ID, you cannot delete it online.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Option Groups

Page Name

Object Name



Option Group Security


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Option Plans, Option Group Security

Define security for option groups.

Define Option Group - Selection Criteria


Stock, Valuation, Define Option Group, Selection Criteria

Define the selection criteria for option groups.

Define Option Group - Potential Group Population


Stock, Valuation, Define Option Group, Potential Group Population

View the options that meet the selection criteria defined on the Define Option Group - Selection Criteria page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Option Group Security

Access the Option Group Security page for a given row security permission list.

You can limit access to the following eight records, depending on your row security permission list: PERSON, PERS_DATA_EFFDT, PER_ORG_ASGN, JOB, ST_INSIDER_TBL, ST_GRANT, ST_GRANT_VEST, ST_GRANT_EXER.

Refresh Record Security

When you click this button, the system retrieves the records and fields that you have authority to access (as determined by the row security permission list assigned to you). It also clears any access instructions that were previously defined for the row security permission list that is identified on this page.

The refresh feature is appropriate when you have added fields to the selected records and now want to grant users access to the new fields when they create groups. For example, if you add fields to the JOB table, then click this button, the system retrieves all fields in the JOB table including the ones that you added.

Warning! If you refresh record security after you grant access to certain records and fields, all access is cleared for you to redefine.

Allow Full Access

Click to enable users that are associated with the row security permission list to access all eight records when creating and viewing groups. The system automatically selects all fields for all of the records that you have authority to access, according to the row security permission list that is assigned to you.

Remove All Access

Click to prevent all users that are associated with the row security permission list from using any of the eight records and related fields as selection criteria when creating groups. Users are also prevented from viewing groups whose membership is based on these records. The system clears all check boxes for all eight records.

Record (Table) Name

The name of the record that are you are viewing appears in this field. Records are displayed alphabetically by name.

Allow Record Access

To enable users to access all fields in the record that is currently displayed, click this button. The system automatically selects the Accessible check box to the right of each field name.

Remove Record Access

To prevent users from accessing all fields in the record that is currently displayed, click this button. The system automatically clears the Accessible check box to the right of each field name.

Record Field Accessibility

Field Name

This field displays the name of the field within the selected record.


Select this check box to enable users to include the field within the selection criteria that they specify when creating groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Selection Criteria for Option Groups

Access the Define Option Group - Selection Criteria page using a unique group ID.

Select Parameters

Use this group box to define the selection criteria for adding options to the group. The system uses the criteria that you enter to generate the WHERE clause of a SQL select statement. The WHERE clause can contain up to 254 characters.

Group Left Parenthesis

Select a bracket type. The system processes the statement in brackets before it processes the rest of the SQL WHERE clause. You can select a single open bracket ( or up to five open brackets (((((.

Record (Table) Name

Select a record name. Only records with access given in the Option Group Security page are available. This is the record from which you can choose fields.

Field Name

Select a field name. Only fields with access given in the Option Group Security page are available. This field can now be defined with any valid value as part of your selection criteria.


If you select Job in the Record field and one of the fields listed below in the Field Name field, select the SetID with which the field is associated. In all other cases, the SetID field is unavailable for entry.







Group Operator

If you want to perform a mathematical operation, select the appropriate symbol. Valid entries are: <, <=, <>, =, >, >=, and LIKE. If you select LIKE, you can type in a partial value in the Value field. For example, the letter S.

Group Criteria Value

Select a value for the field.

If you selected LIKE as the operator, do not enter quotation marks or the % sign in the Value field.

This field is case sensitive. Enter the value exactly as it is defined in the database.

If entering a date, be sure to enter the proper date format for your environment. For example, to select January 1, 2000 as the date, enter 00-JAN-01 if using Oracle; enter 2000-01-01 if using SQL Server or DB2/UNIX.

Group Right Parenthesis

Select the closing bracket type.

If you want to add another parameter to your selection criteria (the WHERE clause), select AND or OR.

SQL Object

The system displays the WHERE clause in this field when you click the Create SQL button.

Create SQL

Click to add the options that fit your criteria to the option group. This button also updates the MetaSQL in the SQL Object field.

View SQL

Click to view the SQL code generated by the WHERE clause.

Prompts with Dependencies

In some cases, the Group Criteria Value field on the Selection Criteria page does not provide a list of valid values to choose from. This is because the field name you selected, by itself, does not give the system enough information to retrieve the appropriate set of values. That is, the values for the selected field are dependent on the values for one or more other fields.

The following table lists the fields whose values are dependent on other fields. While you can type a value for any of these fields in the Group Criteria Value field, the system may not return the results you expect, if the value you enter is not unique.


Field Name







































Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Options that Meet Your Selection Criteria

Access the Define Option Group - Potential Group Population page.

Click to jump to parent topicCollecting Data for the Valuation Process

To collect data for the valuation process, use the Estimate Table (ST_ESTIMATE) and Valuation (ST_VALUATION) components.

This section provides overviews of the data that is required to run the Valuation process and the steps for collecting and entering valuation data, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicData Required for the Valuation Process

The Valuation process, which uses the Black-Scholes Option Pricing model, requires six variables. Two of the variables are already stored in the system, two you can derive from system-generated reports, and the remaining two you acquire from outside sources. The variables and their sources are as follows:



Grant fair market value (FMV)

Stock Administration

Grant price

Stock Administration

Expected life of the option

Derived from the Expected Life report

Expected volatility of the stock price

Derived from the Expected Volatility report

Expected dividend yield

Acquired outside the system

Risk-free interest rate

Acquired outside the system

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSteps for Collecting and Entering Valuation Data

To collect and enter report data for the Valuation process:

  1. Run the Expected Life Years Analysis report.

    This report helps you determine the expected life years for the Black-Scholes model. The expected remaining life of an option is the length of time before the optionee is expected to exercise the option in full. The report calculates the weighted average expected remaining life for the outstanding shares of the option. The system uses prior exercise information for a designated group of options plus other parameters that you enter to produce the Expected Life Years Analysis report.

  2. Run the Expected Volatility report.

    The Expected Volatility report helps you estimate the future volatility of a stock by calculating volatility based on historical stock prices entered through the Daily Prices page. It analyzes price movements over periods of months, weeks, days, or some other frequency that you choose and can serve as a benchmark from which you can project the expected stock volatility.

  3. Enter variables on the Estimate Table page.

    Use the Estimate Table page to create an Estimate ID and to record the expected volatility rates, risk-free interest rates, and expected dividend rates that you want the Black-Scholes Pricing Model to use when it values your stock options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Collect Data for the Valuation Process

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Object Name



Expected Life Years Analysis


Stock, Valuation, Expected Life Years Analysis

Run the Expected Life Years Analysis report.

Expected Volatility Report


Stock, Valuation, Expected Volatility Report

Run the Expected Volatility report.

Estimate Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Stock Rules, Estimate Table

Enter variables for valuing stock options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Expected Life Years Analysis Report

Access the Expected Life Years Analysis page.

Note. The Expected Life Years Analysis report does not include stock options that are cancelled or that allow exercise before vesting. Additionally, options included in the report must have at least one active exercise.

Valuation Method

The valuation method that you select determines how the system estimates the expected life of the grant. You can select one of two valuation methods:

Single Method measures and calculates the expected life from the grant date.

Multiple Method measures and calculates the expected life from each of its vesting dates.

Include Grants

Enter selection criteria in the Include Grants group box and click the Refresh Group button. The grants that meet your selection criteria appear in the Grant(s) to be Processed group box. You can add or remove individual grants from this list.

To be included in the report calculation, a grant must be active and have at least one active exercise record.

Percentage Exercised

If applicable, enter the minimum percentage of a grant that must be already exercised in order to be included in the report.

View SQL

Click this link if you want to see the WHERE clause of the SQL statement that represents your selection criteria.

See Also

Delivered Workflow for Stock Administration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Expected Volatility Report

Access the Expected Volatility Report page.

Frequency Type

The value that you select in this field determines the number of days the system uses to calculate the annualized volatility.

Valid values are Annual, Biweekly, Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Semimonthly, or Weekly.

For example, if you calculate volatility for the date range, 01/01/2001 to 12/31/2001, and select Weekly in this field, the system retrieves the fair market value of the stock (based on the FMV method selected for the stock during set up) for every seventh day of the period defined by the from date and the end date. It then determines the annualized volatility by averaging the 52 periods in a year.

If you select Daily, the system bases the annualized volatility on 250 trading days in a year.

Note. The FASB recommends using at least 20 to 30 periods to compute a statistically valid measure (preferably more for long-term options). Ideally, this measurement should be based on a historical period equal to the expected life of the options.

See Also

Delivered Workflow for Stock Administration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Variables for Valuing Stock Options

Access the Estimate Table page.

Enter a separate row of variables for each year up to the maximum expected life years of the options. For example, if the maximum expected life years for any option is 8.5, enter nine rows of data in the estimate table.

Important! Once an Estimate ID is used in a confirmed valuation, you cannot modify data in that estimate.

High Volatility, Mean Volatility, Low Volatility

Enter the high, mean and low volatility rates that you think are appropriate for the stock. Use the Expected Volatility report to help you determine these rates.

Interest Rate

For U.S. employers, the risk-free interest rate must be the rate currently available for zero-coupon U.S. government issues with a remaining term equal to the expected life of the options.

Interest Rate Type

Identify whether the interest rate represents a Compounded or Simple rate.

Dividend Rate

Enter the expected dividend rate for the year.

Note. To value a group of restricted stock options or options that can be exercised before they are vested, create an Estimate ID and enter zeros for all of the estimated values. Enter zero for the expected life years when you launch the valuation process.

See Also

Stock Administration Reports

Click to jump to parent topicCreating a Valuation ID

This section provides an overview of valuation IDs and discusses how to create a valuation ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicValuation IDs

A valuation ID links together:

When you run the Valuation process for stock options or stock purchases, you select the valuation ID that you want the system to use.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create the Valuation ID

Page Name

Object Name



Valuation Table


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Stock, Stock Rules, Valuation Table

Create a valuation ID and link it to a stock’s valuation method, estimated variables for the Valuation process, and volatility type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating the Valuation ID

Access the Valuation Table page.

You can modify any entries on this page until you confirm the valuation.

Click to jump to parent topicValuing Stock Options

This section provides an overview of the procedure for running the Process Grant Valuation process (STFS003) and discusses how to:

Note. The system must have a valuation for all grants issued after the Original Fair Value date that is noted on the Stock Table page. Any grants that do not have a valuation record, are reported on the Valuation Audit report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcedure for Running the Process Grant Valuation Process

The Process Grant Valuation process executes the Black-Scholes Pricing model for the grants that you select. You can run the process in preview or confirmation mode.

To run the process:

  1. Access the Process Grant Valuation page.

  2. Specify the stock ID, valuation ID, and expected life years for the grants to be valued.

  3. Indicate whether you want to preview or confirm a valuation.

  4. Select the grants to include in the process.

  5. Run the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Value Stock Options

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Object Name



Process Grant Valuation


Stock, Valuation, Process Grant Valuation

Run the Process Grant Valuation (Black Scholes) process.

Maintain Grants - Valuation


Stock, Grants, Maintain Grants, Valuation

View grant valuation information including the shares valued, the grant FMV, and expected life years for a selected employee and grant.

Grant Valuation


Click the Value Per Share amount displayed on the Maintain Grants - Valuation page.

For grants valued with the multiple valuation method, display detailed information for each valuation period.

Reverse Grant Valuation


Stock, Valuation, Reverse Grant Valuation

Deletes specific grant valuations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Process Grant Valuation Process

Access the Process Grant Valuation page.

Expected Life Years

Enter the expected remaining life that you deem appropriate for the group of options you’re valuing. (You can use the Expected Life Year Analysis report to help determine this number.)

The figure you enter determines which set of variables the system retrieves from the Estimate Table for use in the Black-Scholes Model. The system rounds up if you enter a number with a decimal that equals or exceeds .50. For example, 3.5 and 3.6 are rounded up to 4.

If the Valuation ID represents the multiple valuation method, the Valuation process automatically adds the number you enter in this field to the length of each vesting period.

The expected life must extend beyond the first vesting date but cannot extend beyond the last expiration date. For example, assume today is 07/01/2001, the first vesting date is 07/01/2003, and the last expiration date is 07/01/2011. In this case, the expected life years can be between 2 and 10.

Valuation Run Type

Preview Valuation Report and Create Valuation Records

You can preview the valuation for a group of grants before you create it. Previewing prints the Valuation Detail report without saving the valuation records to the database. This report details the valuation calculation results for each grant processed. You can preview a valuation, change the values on the Valuation Table and run the preview process again.

When you create a valuation record for each grant processed, the system also prints the Valuation Detail report. Once you create a Valuation ID for a given run, you cannot modify it unless you first reverse all valuation records for that Valuation ID.

Include Grants

Enter selection criteria in the Include Grants group box and click the Refresh Group button. The grants that meet your selection criteria appear in the Grant(s) to be Processed group box. You can add or remove individual grants from this list.

Specify the Stock ID, Valuation ID, and expected life years for the grants you want to value and whether you want to preview or confirm a valuation.

Select the grants to include in the process and launch the valuation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Grant Valuations

Access the Maintain Grants - Valuation page.

Note. When you use the multiple valuation method to value grants, the values on this page reflect the weighted averages for the grant.

Valuation Reason

When a grant valuation is first confirmed, the valuation reason is set to Initial Valuation.

Reprice appears in this field if this grant has been revalued after repricing.

Value Per Share

This field displays the fair value per share and appears as a hyperlink if the multiple valuation method was used. Click the link to open the Grant Valuation page, where you can see detailed information for each valuation period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRevaluing Repriced Options

You can revalue grants after the initial valuation; but only if the revaluation is due to repricing, that is, the original grant has been cancelled and reissued. (A reprice grant number must appear for the new grant on the Maintain Grants - Miscellaneous page.)

You must use the same valuation method (single or multiple) to value the repriced grants; however you do not need to use the same Valuation ID.

To revalue the options, run the Process Grant Valuation process for the new grants. The system automatically revalues the cancelled grant, if the new grant is linked to the cancelled grant via the reprice grant number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing a Stock Valuation

Access the Reverse Grant Valuation page.

To unconfirm valuations for grants that have been previously valued:

  1. Specify the Stock ID.

  2. Select the grants for which you want to reverse the valuation process by entering selection criteria in the Include Grant Valuations group box.

  3. Click the Refresh Group button.

    The grants that meet your selection criteria appear in the Grant(s) to be Processed group box. You can add or remove individual grants from this list.

  4. Click Run.

Click to jump to parent topicValuing Stock Purchases

This section provides an overview of the procedures for the stock purchase valuation process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicValuation Procedure for Stock Purchases

For stock purchases, the system estimates the fair value of the entire offering based on the fair market value of the stock on the offering begin date or the first grant date.

To value stock purchases:

  1. Produce the Estimate Contributions report.

    The Estimate Contributions report calculates the actual contributions for a stock offering.

    For each employee associated with the stock plan and offering ID you select, the report lists the grant date, purchase date, and total actual contributions for confirmed stock purchases. It also reports the total and average contribution for all employees.

    This information helps you estimate future contributions for the stock offering, which you must enter before launching the Valuation process.

  2. Run the valuation process to calculate the fair value per share.

    After you estimate contributions for a stock offering, you create an offering ID and launch the online process to value the offering. The system uses the Black-Scholes Model to calculate the value per share for each valuation period. Valuation periods are determined by the valuation method:

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Object Name



Estimate Contributions Report


Stock, Valuation, Estimate Contributions Report

Produce the Estimate Contributions report to help you estimate future contributions for the valuation process.

Offering Valuation


Stock, Valuation, Create Offering Valuation, Offering Valuation

Run the valuation process.

FAS 123 Purchase Expense


Stock, Valuation, FAS 123 Purchase Expense

Creates the FAS 123 Purchase Expense report, which calculates the fair value expense using estimated or actual contribution data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProducing the Estimate Contributions Report

Access the Estimate Contributions Report page.

Change Percent

If you complete this field, the system first calculates the actual contributions for the stock offering and then increases or decreases the result by the percentage you specify.

For example, if you think that contributions for a future offering will be 10% higher than the current contributions, enter 10. You can enter a positive or negative number in this field.

See Also

Stock Administration Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating the Valuation of a Stock Offering

Access the Offering Valuation page.

To run the Valuation process for a stock offering:

  1. Select the Valuation ID.

  2. Enter the estimated contribution for each purchase period.

    The Contribution Worksheet group box lists, for each grant date with an offering, the purchase periods to be processed. At the beginning of an offering, enter the total estimated contributions for each purchase period that is associated with the grant. You can use the Estimate Contributions report to help determine the figures that you enter. The Actual Contributions field displays any actual contributions that have been made for each grant date/purchase period combination that is confirmed.

  3. Click the Create Valuation button to begin the process.

    The Valuation Periods group box displays the results of the Valuation process.

Click to jump to parent topicIdentifying Missing Valuation Records

This section provides an overview of missing valuation records and lists the page that you use to identify missing records.

See Also

Stock Administration Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMissing Valuation Records

After you run the valuation process for stock options or stock purchases, generate a Valuation Audit report to identify any missing valuation records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Identify Missing Valuation Reports

Page Name

Object Name



Valuation Audit Report


Stock, Valuation, Valuation Audit Report

Generates the Valuation Audit report that identifies stock options and stock purchases that are dated after the FAS 123 Disclosure date that do not contain a valuation record.

Click to jump to parent topicExpensing Stock Options

This section provides overviews of expense option types, estimating forfeitures, and repricing awards and discusses how to run the FAS 123 Option Expense report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOption Expense Types

In compliance with FAS 123R, Stock Administration allows you to use four combinations of accounting distribution and valuation methods to expense options:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstimating Forfeitures

Under FAS 123R, stock option grant expenses must initially be calculated using a forfeiture estimation and the expense recorded must later be reconciled based on actual forfeiture outcomes. When a grant vests, the total of expenses taken over time must be equal to the grant's value. Similarly, if an employee terminates or otherwise forfeits an unvested grant, the total of expenses taken over time must be equal to zero. In every expense period, the expense to date for some grants will be based on a forfeiture estimate, while the expense-to-date for others will not because they reflect vesting and forfeiture events in the period.

The Estimated Annual Forfeiture Rate is used to estimate the annual percentage of currently unvested, granted shares that are expected to be forfeited prior to vesting. The rate can be changed from period to period based on experience and events in order to maintain estimation accuracy. The system assumes that the full estimated forfeiture percentage applies at the beginning of the life of a grant and then decreases towards zero as the grant's vest date approaches in order to accurately calculate the estimated rate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExpensing Repriced Awards

Under FAS 123R, expenses for repriced shares are calculated using a fixed amount of additional expense.

The incremental cost for repriced awards is the excess, if any, of the fair value of the modified (new) award over the fair value of the original (cancelled) award immediately before its terms are modified. When re-valuing the original award at the cancellation date, the term is based on the remaining original term.


To illustrate how repricing expenses are calculated under FAS 123R for both the original and replacement options, use the example of Worldwide Enterprises Corporation, which grants options having a fair market value of $1,500,000 on January 1, 2007. The options are scheduled to 100% vest on December 31, 2009. Worldwide Enterprises’ stock price subsequently declines and by December 31, 2007, the options are underwater. On that date, Worldwide Enterprises reprices the options by canceling them and granting replacement options priced at the current market value of the stock.

The repricing expense for Worldwide Enterprises under FAS 123R are determined as of the date the replacement options are granted and, except for forfeitures, are not adjusted further. Since the repricing occurs one-third of the way through the service period, assume that the company has already recorded $500,000 in expenses to date for the underwater options. Worldwide Enterprises must continue to record the remaining $1,000,000 expense for the underwater options. In addition, the company must determine the incremental expense for the replacement options.

The incremental expense is the difference between the fair market value of the replacement options and the underwater options at the time they are cancelled. In this example, assume that the fair market value of the replacement options is $600,000, and that of the cancelled underwater options is $200,000. The incremental expense is $400,000 ($600,000 - $200,000). Worldwide Enterprises records a total expense of $1,900,000 (the original option expense of $1,500,000 plus the $400,000 incremental expense for the replacement options). Since the company has already recorded $500,000 of the original expense before the repricing, it records an expense of $1,400,000 over the service period of the replacement options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the FAS 123 Option Expense Report

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Object Name



FAS 123 Option Expense


Stock, Valuation, FAS 123 Option Expense

Run the FAS 123 Option Expense report (STFS007) to calculate option expenses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning FAS 123 Expense Reports

Access the FAS 123 Option Expense page.

Start Date

Enter the beginning date for the expense period for which the report is to be run. The date will determine which grants are included in the report. The system does not include in the report grants that are fully vested before the start date.

End Date

Enter the ending date for the expense period for which the report is to be run. The date will determine which grants are included in the report. The system does not include in the report grants with a grant date later than the end date.

Expense Type

Select the expense type: Actual Expense, Actual Expense/Proforma Expense, or Proforma Expense.

Suppress Details

Select this check box to limit the fields displayed in the report.

Valuation Method

Select the method used to calculate the value of shares within a grant:

  • Single Method: Uses one valuation for all shares within a grant.

  • Multiple Method: Uses different valuations for each valuation period.

Accounting Distribution

Select the distribution method used to calculate attribution expenses:

  • Straight-Line: The entire grant is expensed in a straight-line fashion.

  • Ratable: Each vesting tranche is expensed in a straight-line fashion, which accelerates expenses.

Estimated Annual Forfeiture Rate

The estimated percentage of shares per year that will likely not vest over the life of the grant.