Working with EPM Foundation Utilities

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Error Messages

You can view error messages generated by the engines described in this chapter using the Engine Messages component. This component is described in the “Streamlining Processing with Jobstreams” chapter of this PeopleBook.

See Viewing Engine Messages.

Click to jump to parent topicAuditing PeopleSoft EPM Objects

This section provides an overview of the Audit utility and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Audit Utility

The PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management (PeopleSoft EPM) Audit utility is a common process used to identify setup errors in PeopleSoft EPM modules. For instance, you can use the Audit utility to proactively check the validity and existence of metadata objects in PeopleSoft Performance Management Warehouse application tables. The Audit utility verifies that your original metadata objects (tablemaps, datamaps, constraints, filters, trees, and so forth) are still intact. The Audit utility also provides audit functionality for row-level security group objects. To remove constraints, value objects, SQL object IDs, and counter objects from the row level group tables, you must fix the security group or the missing object manually.

The Audit utility process does not need to be set up in a jobstream and can be run at any time. The processing time depends on how many selections you make. This utility can affect database performance times. To ensure a successful engine run, PeopleSoft suggests that you run an audit, review results using the Process Monitor and Messages inquiry page, and fix any problems before running a jobstream. Any problems identified by the Audit utility may require assistance from a programmer or warehouse administrator.

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Audit EPM Objects


EPM Foundation, Foundation Metadata, Other Metadata Operations, Audit EPM Objects

Run the Audit utility to identify setup errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Audit Utility

Access the Audit EPM Objects page.

Click the Select All button to run all of the engine options available.

Click the Clear All button to clear all check boxes.

Performance Mgmt Warehouse (Performance Management Warehouse)

In this group box the audit options are: Metadata, KPI Manager, Allocation Manager Rule, Row Level Security, Data Manager Rule, and Technical Scenarios.


The metadata objects that are examined by the Audit utility include record metadata, tablemaps, datamaps, constraints, filters, expressions, data sets, engines, jobs, and jobstream rules.

If you select the Data Manager Rule check box, the Audit utility checks for inconsistencies between data manager rules and the metadata.

KPI Manager objects that are examined by the Audit include datamaps, data elements, dimensions, constraints, filters, calculation expressions, calculation cubes, and calculation IDs.

Financial Analytics

Here you can select to run the audit on Risk-Weighted Capital, Funds Transfer Pricing, or Support Modules.

Click the Run button to run this request.

After the audit has run, you can check the Process Monitor to verify the process ran smoothly. Use the Messages inquiry pages to review any errors found by the audit.

Note. You can run the Audit utility at any time. The processing time depends on how many selections you make and depending on your selections, the utility can affect database performance times.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Metadata Audit Log Error Messages

All messages can be found and viewed by navigating to PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Message Catalog. EPM messages are numbered 9000-9999.

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Impact Analysis

Impact Analysis enables you to determine the effects that a change to one PeopleSoft EPM object may have on the other objects related to it. For instance, depending on the type of change you make to a warehouse table, you may have to change the tablemaps and datamaps built on top of the table. Impact Analysis provides a list of the objects that are related to the object that you want to change so that you can determine the impact of the change.

This feature should not be confused with the data lineage feature associated with the Metadata Console. While the data lineage feature does enable you to perform impact analysis, it is more sophisticated and provides more details associated with the metadata.

See Understanding Impact Analysis.

This section discusses how to use Impact Analysis on PeopleSoft EPM objects.

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Impact Analysis


EPM Foundation, Foundation Metadata, Other Metadata Operations, Impact Analysis

Determine the relationships between data warehouse objects.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Impact Analysis

Access the Impact Analysis page.

Object Type

Select the type of object you want to review. The field below changes based on the object type you select. For example, if you select DataMap, the field label changes to DataMap.

Enter the name of the object.

Click the Related Objects button to populate the grid with all the objects related to the object you specified.

You can download the list of objects using the download button at the top of the grid. Using this list, you decide whether a change is feasible. You can also use the list to update team members when something changes.

Note. This is a display-only page that provides a list of all related objects.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Mass Validate

The Mass Validate metadata utility enables you to validate, but not compile, metadata objects. Mass Validate will certify all as of dates created for filters, constraints, and data sets for the specified run date. This utility helps ensure your metadata is valid at run time and increases your chance of a successful engine run.

This section discusses how to validate metadata objects.

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Mass Validate


EPM Foundation, Foundation Metadata, Other Metadata Operations, Mass Validate

Validate metadata objects.

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Access the Mass Validate page.

Click the Select All button to run all of the engine options available.

Click the Clear All button to clear all check boxes.


Select the setID you want to run validate on.

As Of Date

Specify as of date for this run.

Only Imported Metadata

Select this check box to limit Mass Validate to only those objects which have their SQL counter field set to zero. Use this to validate any metadata imported into the database using the Metadata Migration utility. This metadata will not have a SQL ID when first imported. Also use it to validate any new metadata that has not been compiled. First validate the metadata and then run Mass Compile to compile it.

You can either select all objects, or individually select the objects you want to validate in the Metadata Type, Performance Management Warehouse, KPI Manager, and Workforce Analytics group boxes.

Click Run to run the Mass Validate process.

You can review any errors generated by the Mass Validate process by creating an engine error log.

See Also

Creating Error Log Reports for the Performance Ledger

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Mass Compile

The Mass Compile metadata utility enables you to either compile individual metadata objects, or all metadata objects.

As discussed in the “Setting Up and Working with Metadata” chapter of this PeopleBook, if you change a table, you must recompile record metadata for that table. For instance, if you add a non-key column to a table, you must recompile the record metadata. If you add a key column, you must recompile both the record metadata and any tablemaps, datamaps, constraints, or other metadata objects associated with it. The advantage of Mass Compile is that you can opt to compile all metadata objects at once. In addition, if you have imported metadata into the database and validated it, you can compile it using Mass Compile.

Note. Mass Compile will not compile allocation manager rules that are period-based or have the multiple business unit option selected. These rules will be skipped and must be compiled from the Allocation Manager Rules component.

This section discusses how to compile metadata objects using Mass Compile.

See Also

Defining Allocation Manager Rules

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Object Name



Compile Metadata Changes


EPM Foundation, Foundation Metadata, Other Metadata Operations, Compile Metadata Changes

Compile metadata objects by running Mass Compile. To view errors, see select the Process Monitor or Report Manager link.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCompiling Metadata Objects using Mass Compile

Access the Compile Metadata Changes page.

Click the Select All button to select all the metadata types listed.

Click the Clear All button to clear all check boxes.


Select the setID to limit the compile to the specified input setID.

Only Imported Metadata

Select this check box to limit the Mass Compile utility to only those objects with zero SQL counter that have been imported into the database and need compiling. You should validate this metadata beforehand using the Mass Validate process.


Enter the directory location where you would like the output log to be placed.

You can either select all objects, or individually select the objects you want to validate in the Metadata Type, Performance Management Warehouse, Activity-Based Management, Scorecard, and Workforce Analytics group boxes.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With Tree Utilities

This section provides an overview of tree utilities and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tree Utilities

There are two types of tree utilities provided with EPM Foundation, Tree Compare and Super Tree.

Tree Compare Utility

The Tree Compare utility enables you to compare effective dates for trees. The results page shows nodes that have been added, deleted, or moved from one parent to another. You may also view the detail objects that have changed. To perform a tree compare, complete the Tree Compare setup page, run the Tree Compare job in a jobstream, and then inquire on the Tree Compare output using the Tree Compare inquiry page.

Super Tree Utility

The Super Tree utility enables you to combine multiple effective dates of a tree into one. This super tree contains all tree changes for a certain period of time enabling you to analyze effective-dated trees more easily.

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Object Name



Tree Compare


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Tree Metadata, Setup Tree Compare, Tree Compare

Set up and run Tree Compare by selecting trees to be compared for a business unit and scenario.

Tree Compare inquire page


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Tree Metadata, Setup Tree Compare, Review Tree Compare, Tree Compare

Inquire on the results of a tree compare.

Super Tree


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Tree Metadata, Update Super Tree, Super Tree

Merge multiple trees into one tree.

Super Tree inquire page


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Tree Metadata, Review Super Tree, Super Tree

Review results of the Super Tree process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up Tree Compare and Running the Tree Compare Job

Access the Tree Compare page.

Tree Name

Select the tree you want to compare. A description displays.

Compare Tree

Select this check box to compare the tree. If this check box is not selected, Tree Compare does not include this tree.

You can now run the Tree Compare.

To run the Tree Compare job, include the job PF_TREECOMP job in a jobstream.

Once the job has run, review the results on the Tree Compare inquire page.

See Also

Streamlining Processing with Jobstreams

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Tree Compare Results

Access the Tree Compare inquire page.

Use this page to view nodes and details (leaves) of trees that have been deleted, added, or moved from one parent to another. You may also view all metadata filters affected by the deleted nodes and details.


You can change any filter by clicking on the link for that filter. The system transfers you to the Filter page on which you can modify the filter to reflect tree changes.

Note. If you determine that the tree nodes are being used in ledger to resource mappings, run the ABM Model Validation job to find the impact on the mapping rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Running Super Tree

Access the Super Tree page.


SetID for the tree you want to merge.

Tree Name

Name of the tree to be merged to create a super tree.

Dominant Effective Date

Trees may have the same name and different effective dates. The Super Tree is created using the dominant effective date you enter in this field.


The timespan determines the begin and end date of the period for which the merge is performed. Trees with effective dates that are between the begin and end dates are included in the super tree.

Super Tree Name

You must select a valid tree name for the super tree.

Warning! If a tree that is part of the super tree has a dead node, the dead node must be removed manually. Otherwise the super tree will not build properly. Dead nodes are created when a leaf or node is deleted. You may add a deleted node or leaf elsewhere on the tree.

Note. Any nodes or details deleted before the dominant effective date and any nodes or details added after the dominant effective date will not be included in the super tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Super Tree Results

Access the Super Tree inquire page.

Get Nodes

Click this link to populate the page with the nodes of the super tree.

Get Details

Click to view the related object IDs.