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Welcome to Oracle JRockit®

The Oracle JRockit family of products provides you with the optimal Java development and runtime experience. The Oracle JRockit family includes Oracle JRockit Mission Control, a tool set developed to monitor, manage, profile, and troubleshoot your Java applications, and Oracle JRockit Real Time, which provides lightweight front-office infrastructure for low latency, event-driven applications. These JRockit products, as well as many other Oracle products, include the Oracle JRockit JDK, which provides tools, utilities, and a complete runtime environment for developing and running applications using the Java programming language. The Oracle JRockit JDK includes the Oracle JRockit Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is developed uniquely for server-side applications and optimized for Intel architectures, ensuring reliability, scalability, and manageability for Java applications.

This page was last updated in November, 2009.

Important Information About this Oracle JRockit JDK Release

Understanding the Oracle JRockit JDK

Profiling and Performance Tuning

Oracle JRockit Tools

Oracle JRockit JVM Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Oracle JRockit JVM Command-Line Reference

Developing Java Applications

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