Technical Product Description

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Supported Platforms

The following sections provide important information about Oracle support for Oracle Communications Converged Application Server:


Supported Configurations

Oracle Communications Converged Application Server is supported for production use on the operating system, hardware, and JVM combinations described shown in Table 6-1.

Note: Production deployment is supported only for Linux and UNIX platforms. Windows platforms are supported only for development purposes.
Table 6-1 Supported Configurations
Operating System
Hardware Architectures
SPARC 32-bit and 64-bit
Sun and JRockit
x86-32, x86-64
Sun and JRockit
x86-32, x86-64
Sun and JRockit
x86-32, x86-64
Sun and JRockit
Intel Itanium (IA-64)

To view additional support information about a particular configuration, select the links above. Oracle Communications Converged Application Server has similar requirements to Oracle WebLogic Server 10g Release 3. The following items are required in addition to the basic WebLogic Server requirements:


Supported SIP Clients

Oracle Communications Converged Application Server and the included sample applications support the following SIP softphones:

The documentation provides instructions for using the free X-Lite softphone.


Supported Load Balancers

Oracle Communications Converged Application Server has been tested to run with:

See the Oracle Technology Network for information about support for other load balancer solutions.


Supported Databases

Oracle Communications Converged Application Server has been tested to run with the following databases for storing long-lived session data and for replicating call state information across regional sites (geographic persistence):

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