Class Action

  extended by com.bea.campaign.action.Action
All Implemented Interfaces
Direct Known Subclasses:
AddAdToPlaceholderAction, AddUserDiscountAction, EndStateAction, MailAction

public abstract class Action
extends Object
implements Serializable

Base class for a campaign/scenario action.

An Action defines the behavior that will result from a rule firing in a Scenario. Actions should have the following objects set on after init() is called, but before run() is called:

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Event getEvent()
          Get the event that initially triggered this action.
 Number getRandom()
          Get the random that was used in the scenario rules.
 Request getRequest()
          Get the request this Action is executing in.
 Scenario getScenario()
          Get the scenario that created this Action.
 ScenarioContainer getScenarioContainer()
          Get the that this action was created under.
 String getScenarioContainerName()
          Get the name of the ScenarioContainer
 String getScenarioId()
          Get the id of the scenario that created this Action
 String getScenarioName()
          Get the name of the scenario that created this Action
 ServiceLocator getServiceLocator()
          Get the ServiceLocator given to this action
 Session getSession()
          Get the session this Action is executing in.
 Timestamp getTimestamp()
          Get the timestamp of the event that caused this action.
 ProfileWrapper getUser()
          Get the user this Action is executing for.
 String getUserId()
          Get the userId associated with the event that triggered this Action
abstract  void init(Map params)
          Initialize the action with an arbitrary set of parameters.
 Object locateService(String name)
          Use this Action's ServiceLocator to lookup a service
abstract  void run()
          Run the behavior defined in the implementation of this Action.
 void setEvent(Event evt)
          Set the event that initially triggered this action This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.
 void setRandom(Number n)
          Set the random number that was used in the scenario rules.
 void setRequest(Request aRequest)
          Set the request this Action is executing in This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.
 void setScenario(Scenario s)
          Set the scenario that created this Action This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.
 void setScenarioContainer(ScenarioContainer s)
          Set the ScenarioContainer that this action was created under This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.
 void setServiceLocator(ServiceLocator s)
          Set a ServiceLocator for this Action to use.
 void setSession(Session aSession)
          Set the session this Action is executing in This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.
 void setTimestamp(Timestamp s)
          Set the timestamp of the event that caused this action This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.
 void setUser(ProfileWrapper aUser)
          Set the user this Action is executing for This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Action()
Method Detail


public abstract void run()
                  throws ActionException
Run the behavior defined in the implementation of this Action.

ActionException - will be thrown if an error occurs


public abstract void init(Map params)
                   throws IllegalArgumentException
Initialize the action with an arbitrary set of parameters. It is up to the provider of the Action implementation to define what these parameters are, and to do any sort of necessary error checking on them.

params - A map of name/value pairs
IllegalArgumentException - if any required params are missing


public void setServiceLocator(ServiceLocator s)
Set a ServiceLocator for this Action to use. This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.

s - the ServiceLocator


public ServiceLocator getServiceLocator()
Get the ServiceLocator given to this action

this Action's ServiceLocator


public Object locateService(String name)
Use this Action's ServiceLocator to lookup a service

name - the name of the service
the located service, or null if it could not be found


public void setEvent(Event evt)
Set the event that initially triggered this action This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.


public Event getEvent()
Get the event that initially triggered this action.


public void setUser(ProfileWrapper aUser)
Set the user this Action is executing for This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.


public ProfileWrapper getUser()
Get the user this Action is executing for.


public String getUserId()
Get the userId associated with the event that triggered this Action


public void setRequest(Request aRequest)
Set the request this Action is executing in This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.


public Request getRequest()
Get the request this Action is executing in.


public void setSession(Session aSession)
Set the session this Action is executing in This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.


public Session getSession()
Get the session this Action is executing in.


public void setScenario(Scenario s)
Set the scenario that created this Action This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.


public Scenario getScenario()
Get the scenario that created this Action.


public String getScenarioName()
Get the name of the scenario that created this Action


public String getScenarioId()
Get the id of the scenario that created this Action


public void setScenarioContainer(ScenarioContainer s)
Set the ScenarioContainer that this action was created under This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.


public ScenarioContainer getScenarioContainer()
Get the that this action was created under.


public String getScenarioContainerName()
Get the name of the ScenarioContainer


public void setTimestamp(Timestamp s)
Set the timestamp of the event that caused this action This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.


public Timestamp getTimestamp()
Get the timestamp of the event that caused this action.


public void setRandom(Number n)
Set the random number that was used in the scenario rules. This will be called by the ScenarioService prior to running the Action.


public Number getRandom()
Get the random that was used in the scenario rules.

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