Interface Repository

All Superinterfaces
IExtensible, Serializable

public interface Repository
extends Serializable, IExtensible

Represents a content repository and facilitates connecting to it.

Method Summary
 Ticket connect(Credentials credentials)
          Returns a ticket if the user can be authenticated.
 Ticket connect(String username, String password)
          Returns a ticket if the user can be authenticated.
 Map<String,String> getDescription()
          Retrieve a map of repository description data.
 String getName()
          Gets the name of this Repository.
 Properties getProperties()
          Gets the configuration properties for this repository.
 Set<ICapabilityDefinition> getRepositoryDefinedCapabilities()
          Retrieve any capability definitions defined by the underlying repository.
 void setName(String name)
          Sets the name of this Repository.
 void setProperties(Properties properties)
          Sets the configuration properties for this repository.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.content.spi.flexspi.IExtensible
getAllInterfaces, getCapabilitySupport, getInterface

Method Detail


Ticket connect(Credentials credentials)
               throws AuthenticationException,
Returns a ticket if the user can be authenticated. The credentials is from a user that was already authenticated in the WebLogic server.

Before connect() is called, setName() and setProperties() will be called to configure the Repository object.

credentials - - the credentials of the user connecting to the Repository.
AuthenticationException - if the authentication fails.
RepositoryException - if a non-authentication error occurs.


Ticket connect(String username,
               String password)
               throws AuthenticationException,
Returns a ticket if the user can be authenticated.

Before connect() is called, setName() and setProperties() will be called to configure the Repository object.

username - - the username to authenticate.
password - - the password for the user.
AuthenticationException - if the authentication fails.
RepositoryException - if a non-authentication error occurs.


String getName()
Gets the name of this Repository.


void setName(String name)
Sets the name of this Repository. This will always be set before connect is called.


Properties getProperties()
Gets the configuration properties for this repository.

Properties, the repository configuration properties.


void setProperties(Properties properties)
Sets the configuration properties for this repository. The config properties will always be set before connect is called.

properties - - the repository configuration properties.


Set<ICapabilityDefinition> getRepositoryDefinedCapabilities()
Retrieve any capability definitions defined by the underlying repository. This is a way for repositories to expose custom capabilities to client code.

The repository defined capabilities.


Map<String,String> getDescription()
Retrieve a map of repository description data. The results are represented as a map of string keys and string values. The keys may be a combination of well-known keys specified in the SPIDescriptionKeys class and keys provided by the repository author.

The repository description data.

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